GOP-igs want war, then let them fight the damn thing......

It is estimated that at least 100 US soldiers a month will be slaughtered once we place troops on the ground in the middle east. An estimated 1000 a month, thus far will and has qualified for some for of disability for the rest of his or her life. Meanwhile, we have the American stupid all rallying for war against terrorism at any cost while their corn fed blue eyed Mitt Rommney children all stay at home, getting their masters and running dad's companies....its up to the little guys and gals folks to keep them all safe.

All the war generals and big wigs, all products of electronic leadership via the advice to a president that is hesitant and cautious...because war is hell. And to those advising the president...NONE HAVE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN ANY DAMNED WAR PERIOD!!

The gain in all this???? Only God knows...the aftermath in all this, just look at what the Vietnam war rendered us. Bottom line, if the GOP is so thirsty to fight...than dust off the zillions dollar arsenals, their buying up and have at it!!
Also, ask them to pay higher taxes to pay for the war and see if they are still for it.

Obama should do the reverse of what bush did. He should go to war and at the same time instead of giving rich people tax breaks, cut taxes on poor people

Then you'll see Republicans understand you don't cut taxes while starting a war let alone 2.

booboo we don't have a draft

Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!

we are in a war-------right now. Here is a hint. Some people even have machine guns------right here in the USA
How many people do you know that died fighting Isis? When its 3 or more then you might know how people in real war feel.
It is estimated that at least 100 US soldiers a month will be slaughtered once we place troops on the ground in the middle east. An estimated 1000 a month, thus far will and has qualified for some for of disability for the rest of his or her life. Meanwhile, we have the American stupid all rallying for war against terrorism at any cost while their corn fed blue eyed Mitt Rommney children all stay at home, getting their masters and running dad's companies....its up to the little guys and gals folks to keep them all safe.

All the war generals and big wigs, all products of electronic leadership via the advice to a president that is hesitant and cautious...because war is hell. And to those advising the president...NONE HAVE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN ANY DAMNED WAR PERIOD!!

The gain in all this???? Only God knows...the aftermath in all this, just look at what the Vietnam war rendered us. Bottom line, if the GOP is so thirsty to fight...than dust off the zillions dollar arsenals, their buying up and have at it!!
Also, ask them to pay higher taxes to pay for the war and see if they are still for it.

Obama should do the reverse of what bush did. He should go to war and at the same time instead of giving rich people tax breaks, cut taxes on poor people

Then you'll see Republicans understand you don't cut taxes while starting a war let alone 2.

booboo we don't have a draft

Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!
All those that voted for Obama should have to go to Iraq and retake the ground lost under his watch......................You voted for the idiot, and the idiot allowed the damned place to be taken over...............

So go fix his fuck voted him in.

only once------I did not vote the second time--------how do we amortize that?
It is estimated that at least 100 US soldiers a month will be slaughtered once we place troops on the ground in the middle east. An estimated 1000 a month, thus far will and has qualified for some for of disability for the rest of his or her life. Meanwhile, we have the American stupid all rallying for war against terrorism at any cost while their corn fed blue eyed Mitt Rommney children all stay at home, getting their masters and running dad's companies....its up to the little guys and gals folks to keep them all safe.

All the war generals and big wigs, all products of electronic leadership via the advice to a president that is hesitant and cautious...because war is hell. And to those advising the president...NONE HAVE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN ANY DAMNED WAR PERIOD!!

The gain in all this???? Only God knows...the aftermath in all this, just look at what the Vietnam war rendered us. Bottom line, if the GOP is so thirsty to fight...than dust off the zillions dollar arsenals, their buying up and have at it!!
Also, ask them to pay higher taxes to pay for the war and see if they are still for it.

Obama should do the reverse of what bush did. He should go to war and at the same time instead of giving rich people tax breaks, cut taxes on poor people

Then you'll see Republicans understand you don't cut taxes while starting a war let alone 2.

booboo we don't have a draft

Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!
All those that voted for Obama should have to go to Iraq and retake the ground lost under his watch......................You voted for the idiot, and the idiot allowed the damned place to be taken over...............

So go fix his fuck voted him in.
And you bush war Republicans broke Iraq and didn't put Humpty back together
It is estimated that at least 100 US soldiers a month will be slaughtered once we place troops on the ground in the middle east. An estimated 1000 a month, thus far will and has qualified for some for of disability for the rest of his or her life. Meanwhile, we have the American stupid all rallying for war against terrorism at any cost while their corn fed blue eyed Mitt Rommney children all stay at home, getting their masters and running dad's companies....its up to the little guys and gals folks to keep them all safe.

All the war generals and big wigs, all products of electronic leadership via the advice to a president that is hesitant and cautious...because war is hell. And to those advising the president...NONE HAVE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN ANY DAMNED WAR PERIOD!!

The gain in all this???? Only God knows...the aftermath in all this, just look at what the Vietnam war rendered us. Bottom line, if the GOP is so thirsty to fight...than dust off the zillions dollar arsenals, their buying up and have at it!!
Also, ask them to pay higher taxes to pay for the war and see if they are still for it.

Obama should do the reverse of what bush did. He should go to war and at the same time instead of giving rich people tax breaks, cut taxes on poor people

Then you'll see Republicans understand you don't cut taxes while starting a war let alone 2.

booboo we don't have a draft

Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!
All those that voted for Obama should have to go to Iraq and retake the ground lost under his watch......................You voted for the idiot, and the idiot allowed the damned place to be taken over...............

So go fix his fuck voted him in.

only once------I did not vote the second time--------how do we amortize that?
cut yourself in half and that half goes.
It is estimated that at least 100 US soldiers a month will be slaughtered once we place troops on the ground in the middle east. An estimated 1000 a month, thus far will and has qualified for some for of disability for the rest of his or her life. Meanwhile, we have the American stupid all rallying for war against terrorism at any cost while their corn fed blue eyed Mitt Rommney children all stay at home, getting their masters and running dad's companies....its up to the little guys and gals folks to keep them all safe.

All the war generals and big wigs, all products of electronic leadership via the advice to a president that is hesitant and cautious...because war is hell. And to those advising the president...NONE HAVE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN ANY DAMNED WAR PERIOD!!

The gain in all this???? Only God knows...the aftermath in all this, just look at what the Vietnam war rendered us. Bottom line, if the GOP is so thirsty to fight...than dust off the zillions dollar arsenals, their buying up and have at it!!
Also, ask them to pay higher taxes to pay for the war and see if they are still for it.

Obama should do the reverse of what bush did. He should go to war and at the same time instead of giving rich people tax breaks, cut taxes on poor people

Then you'll see Republicans understand you don't cut taxes while starting a war let alone 2.

booboo we don't have a draft

Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!
All those that voted for Obama should have to go to Iraq and retake the ground lost under his watch......................You voted for the idiot, and the idiot allowed the damned place to be taken over...............

So go fix his fuck voted him in.
And you bush war Republicans broke Iraq and didn't put Humpty back together
You ignore the data posted...............The surge was working..............It had stopped a lot of the violence........Obama went cold turkey and allowed the place to implode.
Also, ask them to pay higher taxes to pay for the war and see if they are still for it.

Obama should do the reverse of what bush did. He should go to war and at the same time instead of giving rich people tax breaks, cut taxes on poor people

Then you'll see Republicans understand you don't cut taxes while starting a war let alone 2.

booboo we don't have a draft

Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!
All those that voted for Obama should have to go to Iraq and retake the ground lost under his watch......................You voted for the idiot, and the idiot allowed the damned place to be taken over...............

So go fix his fuck voted him in.
And you bush war Republicans broke Iraq and didn't put Humpty back together
You ignore the data posted...............The surge was working..............It had stopped a lot of the violence........Obama went cold turkey and allowed the place to implode.
Not that simple swartzkoft
"each generation should be made to bear the burden of its own wars, instead of carrying them on, at the expence of other generations"
-- James Madison, from 'Universal Peace' (February 2, 1792.)
It is estimated that at least 100 US soldiers a month will be slaughtered once we place troops on the ground in the middle east.

By who, and under what circumstances?

All the war generals and big wigs, all products of electronic leadership via the advice to a president that is hesitant and cautious...because war is hell. And to those advising the president...NONE HAVE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN ANY DAMNED WAR PERIOD!!

Why then did Obama appointed such generals and big wigs to their position, do you think?
When we are ready to give up all of our civil liberties out of paranoia and declare perpetual war, Orwell will be remembered as an oracle, and the terrorists will have won.

orwell wrote science fiction-----he did not evaluate the current world situation
Isaac Asimov-----IMHO -----had psychosexual issues. What do your
civil liberties have to do with the fact that there is a war going on-----now?

There has never been freedom during time of war. Perpetual war is the perpetual cessation of freedom. If you have to ask how our civil liberties have been abandoned since 9/11, then you ought to be paying attention.

I have been paying attention. I do not feel oppressed. Even as I struggled to get around in New York City-----since I worked at various place in the course of a week and even in the course of a day-------during the week following the bombing of the WORLD TRADE CENTER-----I did not feel OPPRESSED by the government---or the cops who forced me to take complicated DETOURS ------is somebody oppressing you? We are in a war-------when I see practice drills on going----I
do not feel oppressed -------we got problems------even TORNADOES happen in
the USA-------civil defense is vital. My mom was a young woman during world
war II. I heard about RATIONING------even of SHOES!!! So I asked my mom
------"how did it go-----did you feel deprived"? She answered ----"I did not feel
a difference-------I did not have a whole lot of shoes before the war either----there
were some positives----you could wear stocking with 'runs'-----and feel
PATRIOTIC" she did not starve either.

You don't mind being spied upon? Such a goodthinker! :rolleyes:

I don't, since I have nothing to hide. How about you?
I always find it funny when an ignorant lefty calls the right war hawks.
Ummm, have you ever considered history? You know it didn't start in 2000, right?
It is estimated that at least 100 US soldiers a month will be slaughtered once we place troops on the ground in the middle east. An estimated 1000 a month, thus far will and has qualified for some for of disability for the rest of his or her life. Meanwhile, we have the American stupid all rallying for war against terrorism at any cost while their corn fed blue eyed Mitt Rommney children all stay at home, getting their masters and running dad's companies....its up to the little guys and gals folks to keep them all safe.

All the war generals and big wigs, all products of electronic leadership via the advice to a president that is hesitant and cautious...because war is hell. And to those advising the president...NONE HAVE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN ANY DAMNED WAR PERIOD!!

The gain in all this???? Only God knows...the aftermath in all this, just look at what the Vietnam war rendered us. Bottom line, if the GOP is so thirsty to fight...than dust off the zillions dollar arsenals, their buying up and have at it!!
Also, ask them to pay higher taxes to pay for the war and see if they are still for it.

Obama should do the reverse of what bush did. He should go to war and at the same time instead of giving rich people tax breaks, cut taxes on poor people

Then you'll see Republicans understand you don't cut taxes while starting a war let alone 2.

booboo we don't have a draft

Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!
Put it up for a vote. Ted cruz sponsor this bill. Bill says registered Democrats pay higher taxes and registered Republicans send their kids to fight Isis.

How about dems pay for obamacare since republicans dont want it?
It is estimated that at least 100 US soldiers a month will be slaughtered once we place troops on the ground in the middle east. An estimated 1000 a month, thus far will and has qualified for some for of disability for the rest of his or her life. Meanwhile, we have the American stupid all rallying for war against terrorism at any cost while their corn fed blue eyed Mitt Rommney children all stay at home, getting their masters and running dad's companies....its up to the little guys and gals folks to keep them all safe.

All the war generals and big wigs, all products of electronic leadership via the advice to a president that is hesitant and cautious...because war is hell. And to those advising the president...NONE HAVE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN ANY DAMNED WAR PERIOD!!

The gain in all this???? Only God knows...the aftermath in all this, just look at what the Vietnam war rendered us. Bottom line, if the GOP is so thirsty to fight...than dust off the zillions dollar arsenals, their buying up and have at it!!
Also, ask them to pay higher taxes to pay for the war and see if they are still for it.

Obama should do the reverse of what bush did. He should go to war and at the same time instead of giving rich people tax breaks, cut taxes on poor people

Then you'll see Republicans understand you don't cut taxes while starting a war let alone 2.

booboo we don't have a draft

Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!
Put it up for a vote. Ted cruz sponsor this bill. Bill says registered Democrats pay higher taxes and registered Republicans send their kids to fight Isis.

How about dems pay for obamacare since republicans dont want it?

how about VOTE FOR ME, a lobster in every pot and ice cream in every freezer
It is estimated that at least 100 US soldiers a month will be slaughtered once we place troops on the ground in the middle east. An estimated 1000 a month, thus far will and has qualified for some for of disability for the rest of his or her life. Meanwhile, we have the American stupid all rallying for war against terrorism at any cost while their corn fed blue eyed Mitt Rommney children all stay at home, getting their masters and running dad's companies....its up to the little guys and gals folks to keep them all safe.

All the war generals and big wigs, all products of electronic leadership via the advice to a president that is hesitant and cautious...because war is hell. And to those advising the president...NONE HAVE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN ANY DAMNED WAR PERIOD!!

The gain in all this???? Only God knows...the aftermath in all this, just look at what the Vietnam war rendered us. Bottom line, if the GOP is so thirsty to fight...than dust off the zillions dollar arsenals, their buying up and have at it!!
Also, ask them to pay higher taxes to pay for the war and see if they are still for it.

Obama should do the reverse of what bush did. He should go to war and at the same time instead of giving rich people tax breaks, cut taxes on poor people

Then you'll see Republicans understand you don't cut taxes while starting a war let alone 2.

booboo we don't have a draft

Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!
Put it up for a vote. Ted cruz sponsor this bill. Bill says registered Democrats pay higher taxes and registered Republicans send their kids to fight Isis.

How about dems pay for obamacare since republicans dont want it?
Sure! Actually we'll set up single payer and you can keep your insurance. But if you lose your job you'll have to do COBRA, we won't. And your new insurance won't cover any pre existing conditions. And yours will cost 100x more than ours. And if you get sick and you don't have insurance we will let you die.
Also, ask them to pay higher taxes to pay for the war and see if they are still for it.

Obama should do the reverse of what bush did. He should go to war and at the same time instead of giving rich people tax breaks, cut taxes on poor people

Then you'll see Republicans understand you don't cut taxes while starting a war let alone 2.

booboo we don't have a draft

Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!
Put it up for a vote. Ted cruz sponsor this bill. Bill says registered Democrats pay higher taxes and registered Republicans send their kids to fight Isis.

How about dems pay for obamacare since republicans dont want it?

how about VOTE FOR ME, a lobster in every pot and ice cream in every freezer
No lobster in every pot but SOMETHING in every pot. Why? Because in our economy everyone is working. Your economy depends on high unemployment and a working class barely making ends meet.
Also, ask them to pay higher taxes to pay for the war and see if they are still for it.

Obama should do the reverse of what bush did. He should go to war and at the same time instead of giving rich people tax breaks, cut taxes on poor people

Then you'll see Republicans understand you don't cut taxes while starting a war let alone 2.

booboo we don't have a draft

Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!
Put it up for a vote. Ted cruz sponsor this bill. Bill says registered Democrats pay higher taxes and registered Republicans send their kids to fight Isis.

How about dems pay for obamacare since republicans dont want it?
Sure! Actually we'll set up single payer and you can keep your insurance. But if you lose your job you'll have to do COBRA, we won't. And your new insurance won't cover any pre existing conditions. And yours will cost 100x more than ours. And if you get sick and you don't have insurance we will let you die.

Works for me. But how are you going to pay for it?
booboo we don't have a draft

Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!
Put it up for a vote. Ted cruz sponsor this bill. Bill says registered Democrats pay higher taxes and registered Republicans send their kids to fight Isis.

How about dems pay for obamacare since republicans dont want it?
Sure! Actually we'll set up single payer and you can keep your insurance. But if you lose your job you'll have to do COBRA, we won't. And your new insurance won't cover any pre existing conditions. And yours will cost 100x more than ours. And if you get sick and you don't have insurance we will let you die.

Works for me. But how are you going to pay for it?
If you add a young healthy person to Social Security, they shouldn't have to pay very much to be covered. Especially if you only offer them catastrophic health insurance. That means if they break an arm, they pay out of pocket for it. They get a hernia, they pay out of pocket for it.

But if they get cancer, in a tragic car accident or aids, that is covered. Of course there would be out of pocket, deductables and co-pays too but at least the young person is covered. Should only cost $100 a month.
Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!
Put it up for a vote. Ted cruz sponsor this bill. Bill says registered Democrats pay higher taxes and registered Republicans send their kids to fight Isis.

How about dems pay for obamacare since republicans dont want it?
Sure! Actually we'll set up single payer and you can keep your insurance. But if you lose your job you'll have to do COBRA, we won't. And your new insurance won't cover any pre existing conditions. And yours will cost 100x more than ours. And if you get sick and you don't have insurance we will let you die.

Works for me. But how are you going to pay for it?
If you add a young healthy person to Social Security, they shouldn't have to pay very much to be covered. Especially if you only offer them catastrophic health insurance. That means if they break an arm, they pay out of pocket for it. They get a hernia, they pay out of pocket for it.

But if they get cancer, in a tragic car accident or aids, that is covered. Of course there would be out of pocket, deductables and co-pays too but at least the young person is covered. Should only cost $100 a month.

You're gonna have to provide some sources for this pie in the sky plan.
Oh...and a broken arm can run upwards of $20'000.00.... How exactly will the poor pay for this?
Every major conflict in the bloody 20th century started during a democrat administration. Woodie Wilson told Americans that he would never send their sons to fight in a foreign war and then he or his wife sent the Doughboys to save France from the Hun. Hitler came into power about the same time FDR was elected and about eight years later the US was surprised that the Nazis turned out to be bad guys. FDR pretended to be surprised when the U.S. lost 3,000 in the Pearl Harbor attack when he was desperate to get into the war. Harry Truman was busy trying to downsize the U.S. Military when North Korea invaded the South and he sent Troops on an executive order. Three years later we ended up where we started at the cost of 50,000 Americans thanks to Truman's inept handling of the conflict. LBJ got us into VietNam with a fake crisis and he set the rules so that we could win every battle and still loose the war. Bill Clinton bombed Europe while 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school in his back yard. Democrats voted for boots on the ground in Iraq and then they dabbled in treason when they undermined the mission.
booboo we don't have a draft

Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!
Put it up for a vote. Ted cruz sponsor this bill. Bill says registered Democrats pay higher taxes and registered Republicans send their kids to fight Isis.

How about dems pay for obamacare since republicans dont want it?

how about VOTE FOR ME, a lobster in every pot and ice cream in every freezer[/QUO
No lobster in every pot but SOMETHING in every pot. Why? Because in our economy everyone is working. Your economy depends on high unemployment and a working class barely making ends meet.

Black women constitute the highest unemployed in this country...not the men...cause half them bastards are in jail......and its mostly black women WITHOUT KIDS!!

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