GOP-igs want war, then let them fight the damn thing......

It is estimated that at least 100 US soldiers a month will be slaughtered once we place troops on the ground in the middle east. An estimated 1000 a month, thus far will and has qualified for some for of disability for the rest of his or her life. Meanwhile, we have the American stupid all rallying for war against terrorism at any cost while their corn fed blue eyed Mitt Rommney children all stay at home, getting their masters and running dad's companies....its up to the little guys and gals folks to keep them all safe.

All the war generals and big wigs, all products of electronic leadership via the advice to a president that is hesitant and cautious...because war is hell. And to those advising the president...NONE HAVE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN ANY DAMNED WAR PERIOD!!

The gain in all this???? Only God knows...the aftermath in all this, just look at what the Vietnam war rendered us. Bottom line, if the GOP is so thirsty to fight...than dust off the zillions dollar arsenals, their buying up and have at it!!

Vietnam, the democrats war, and then you go off on a tirade about the gop.
Little bit of unequal scholarship hear folks.

If you do your history, which I did, you will find that it was the conservatives that forced us into Vietnam, which is always the case. Your fears have always paralyzed this nation, remember the big commies scare? All GOP sanctioned and approved. Now its the Muslim scare.

Timeline of the Iraq War troop surge of 2007 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

U.S. troop levels in Iraq are at 132,000.[1]

  • January 5, 2007: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to Bush stating, “Surging forces is a strategy that you have already tried and that has already failed. Like many current and former military leaders, we believe that trying again would be a serious mistake.”
  • January 10, 2007: Bush officially announces the troop surge. “I’ve committed more than 20,000 additional American troops to Iraq.” Also in his speech, Bush defines the objective of the surge as "to create a united, democratic. federal Iraq...", and the means, "Our troops will have a well-defined mission: to help Iraqis clear and secure neighborhoods, to help them protect the local population, and to help ensure that the Iraqi forces left behind are capable of providing the security that Baghdad needs.”[2]
March, 2007
  • March 2, 2007: The Pentagon states that 7,000 more troops will be sent to Iraq. “President Bush’s planned escalation of U.S. forces in Iraq will require as many as 28,500 troops, Pentagon officials told a Senate committee Thursday.”[13]
  • March 20, 2007: U.S. Troop strength is 152,000[14]
  • March 27, 2007: McCain tells CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, “General Petraeus goes out there almost every day in an unarmed humvee. I think you oughta catch up. You are giving the old line of three months ago. I understand it. We certainly don’t get it through the filter of some of the media.” He later acknowledges, “There is no unarmored humvees. Obviously, that’s the case.”[15]
The rules of engagement change under the coward in chief and deaths skyrocket.
In 2007, 20,000 more troops went into the battle and the mission objectives changed..............Troops started staying in the hot zones and prevented the enemy from intimidating the local populous because our troops were right there with them.............

The left said the WAR WAS LOST...............that the Surge wouldn't work...........they were wrong...........

They withdrew too early and didn't leave a residual force with INTEL to allow the country from being over run. The DEMS OWN THIS...........................

Most of our casualties are from IED'S, especially since Iran started sending improved ones to the War..................Not in direct fighting with the enemy.

the middle east cost us the war, bush is the real culprit here.
It is estimated that at least 100 US soldiers a month will be slaughtered once we place troops on the ground in the middle east. An estimated 1000 a month, thus far will and has qualified for some for of disability for the rest of his or her life. Meanwhile, we have the American stupid all rallying for war against terrorism at any cost while their corn fed blue eyed Mitt Rommney children all stay at home, getting their masters and running dad's companies....its up to the little guys and gals folks to keep them all safe.

All the war generals and big wigs, all products of electronic leadership via the advice to a president that is hesitant and cautious...because war is hell. And to those advising the president...NONE HAVE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN ANY DAMNED WAR PERIOD!!

The gain in all this???? Only God knows...the aftermath in all this, just look at what the Vietnam war rendered us. Bottom line, if the GOP is so thirsty to fight...than dust off the zillions dollar arsenals, their buying up and have at it!!

Vietnam, the democrats war, and then you go off on a tirade about the gop.
Little bit of unequal scholarship hear folks.

If you do your history, which I did, you will find that it was the conservatives that forced us into Vietnam, which is always the case. Your fears have always paralyzed this nation, remember the big commies scare? All GOP sanctioned and approved. Now its the Muslim scare.
I served that history, dork.
When we are ready to give up all of our civil liberties out of paranoia and declare perpetual war, Orwell will be remembered as an oracle, and the terrorists will have won.

orwell wrote science fiction-----he did not evaluate the current world situation
Isaac Asimov-----IMHO -----had psychosexual issues. What do your
civil liberties have to do with the fact that there is a war going on-----now?

There has never been freedom during time of war. Perpetual war is the perpetual cessation of freedom. If you have to ask how our civil liberties have been abandoned since 9/11, then you ought to be paying attention.

I have been paying attention. I do not feel oppressed. Even as I struggled to get around in New York City-----since I worked at various place in the course of a week and even in the course of a day-------during the week following the bombing of the WORLD TRADE CENTER-----I did not feel OPPRESSED by the government---or the cops who forced me to take complicated DETOURS ------is somebody oppressing you? We are in a war-------when I see practice drills on going----I
do not feel oppressed -------we got problems------even TORNADOES happen in
the USA-------civil defense is vital. My mom was a young woman during world
war II. I heard about RATIONING------even of SHOES!!! So I asked my mom
------"how did it go-----did you feel deprived"? She answered ----"I did not feel
a difference-------I did not have a whole lot of shoes before the war either----there
were some positives----you could wear stocking with 'runs'-----and feel
PATRIOTIC" she did not starve either.

Timeline of the Iraq War troop surge of 2007 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

U.S. troop levels in Iraq are at 132,000.[1]

  • January 5, 2007: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to Bush stating, “Surging forces is a strategy that you have already tried and that has already failed. Like many current and former military leaders, we believe that trying again would be a serious mistake.”
  • January 10, 2007: Bush officially announces the troop surge. “I’ve committed more than 20,000 additional American troops to Iraq.” Also in his speech, Bush defines the objective of the surge as "to create a united, democratic. federal Iraq...", and the means, "Our troops will have a well-defined mission: to help Iraqis clear and secure neighborhoods, to help them protect the local population, and to help ensure that the Iraqi forces left behind are capable of providing the security that Baghdad needs.”[2]
March, 2007
  • March 2, 2007: The Pentagon states that 7,000 more troops will be sent to Iraq. “President Bush’s planned escalation of U.S. forces in Iraq will require as many as 28,500 troops, Pentagon officials told a Senate committee Thursday.”[13]
  • March 20, 2007: U.S. Troop strength is 152,000[14]
  • March 27, 2007: McCain tells CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, “General Petraeus goes out there almost every day in an unarmed humvee. I think you oughta catch up. You are giving the old line of three months ago. I understand it. We certainly don’t get it through the filter of some of the media.” He later acknowledges, “There is no unarmored humvees. Obviously, that’s the case.”[15]
The rules of engagement change under the coward in chief and deaths skyrocket.
In 2007, 20,000 more troops went into the battle and the mission objectives changed..............Troops started staying in the hot zones and prevented the enemy from intimidating the local populous because our troops were right there with them.............

The left said the WAR WAS LOST...............that the Surge wouldn't work...........they were wrong...........

They withdrew too early and didn't leave a residual force with INTEL to allow the country from being over run. The DEMS OWN THIS...........................

Most of our casualties are from IED'S, especially since Iran started sending improved ones to the War..................Not in direct fighting with the enemy.

the middle east cost us the war, bush is the real culprit here.
The War has been ongoing since the 6th Century............a Clash of cultures...........whether Muslim on Muslim, or Muslim against everyone else.............the real rift there is Shia versus Sunni........and the main cause of the civil Wars there.....and violence.............

We went to War because of Terrorism, Period..............No 9/11 and no War...........Bush's mistake was thinking that they would embrace Democracy...........Obama main malfunction is thinking that the Muslim Brotherhood would accept Democracy versus Sharia..............Religion rules the roost over there...............and primarily only DICTATORS can keep a lid on it. They don't do this by being nice.

Tis a game of thrones just as Bibbi said...........all avowed to taking over the whole region via their religion.
When we are ready to give up all of our civil liberties out of paranoia and declare perpetual war, Orwell will be remembered as an oracle, and the terrorists will have won.

orwell wrote science fiction-----he did not evaluate the current world situation
Isaac Asimov-----IMHO -----had psychosexual issues. What do your
civil liberties have to do with the fact that there is a war going on-----now?

There has never been freedom during time of war. Perpetual war is the perpetual cessation of freedom. If you have to ask how our civil liberties have been abandoned since 9/11, then you ought to be paying attention.

I have been paying attention. I do not feel oppressed. Even as I struggled to get around in New York City-----since I worked at various place in the course of a week and even in the course of a day-------during the week following the bombing of the WORLD TRADE CENTER-----I did not feel OPPRESSED by the government---or the cops who forced me to take complicated DETOURS ------is somebody oppressing you? We are in a war-------when I see practice drills on going----I
do not feel oppressed -------we got problems------even TORNADOES happen in
the USA-------civil defense is vital. My mom was a young woman during world
war II. I heard about RATIONING------even of SHOES!!! So I asked my mom
------"how did it go-----did you feel deprived"? She answered ----"I did not feel
a difference-------I did not have a whole lot of shoes before the war either----there
were some positives----you could wear stocking with 'runs'-----and feel
PATRIOTIC" she did not starve either.

You don't mind being spied upon? Such a goodthinker! :rolleyes:

Timeline of the Iraq War troop surge of 2007 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

U.S. troop levels in Iraq are at 132,000.[1]

  • January 5, 2007: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to Bush stating, “Surging forces is a strategy that you have already tried and that has already failed. Like many current and former military leaders, we believe that trying again would be a serious mistake.”
  • January 10, 2007: Bush officially announces the troop surge. “I’ve committed more than 20,000 additional American troops to Iraq.” Also in his speech, Bush defines the objective of the surge as "to create a united, democratic. federal Iraq...", and the means, "Our troops will have a well-defined mission: to help Iraqis clear and secure neighborhoods, to help them protect the local population, and to help ensure that the Iraqi forces left behind are capable of providing the security that Baghdad needs.”[2]
March, 2007
  • March 2, 2007: The Pentagon states that 7,000 more troops will be sent to Iraq. “President Bush’s planned escalation of U.S. forces in Iraq will require as many as 28,500 troops, Pentagon officials told a Senate committee Thursday.”[13]
  • March 20, 2007: U.S. Troop strength is 152,000[14]
  • March 27, 2007: McCain tells CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, “General Petraeus goes out there almost every day in an unarmed humvee. I think you oughta catch up. You are giving the old line of three months ago. I understand it. We certainly don’t get it through the filter of some of the media.” He later acknowledges, “There is no unarmored humvees. Obviously, that’s the case.”[15]
The rules of engagement change under the coward in chief and deaths skyrocket.
In 2007, 20,000 more troops went into the battle and the mission objectives changed..............Troops started staying in the hot zones and prevented the enemy from intimidating the local populous because our troops were right there with them.............

The left said the WAR WAS LOST...............that the Surge wouldn't work...........they were wrong...........

They withdrew too early and didn't leave a residual force with INTEL to allow the country from being over run. The DEMS OWN THIS...........................

Most of our casualties are from IED'S, especially since Iran started sending improved ones to the War..................Not in direct fighting with the enemy.

the middle east cost us the war, bush is the real culprit here.
The War has been ongoing since the 6th Century............a Clash of cultures...........whether Muslim on Muslim, or Muslim against everyone else.............the real rift there is Shia versus Sunni........and the main cause of the civil Wars there.....and violence.............

We went to War because of Terrorism, Period..............No 9/11 and no War...........Bush's mistake was thinking that they would embrace Democracy...........Obama main malfunction is thinking that the Muslim Brotherhood would accept Democracy versus Sharia..............Religion rules the roost over there...............and primarily only DICTATORS can keep a lid on it. They don't do this by being nice.

Tis a game of thrones just as Bibbi said...........all avowed to taking over the whole region via their religion.

Best assertion of the week >>>>

*****Bush's mistake was thinking that they would embrace Democracy*****

call it the TOXIC FANTASY -----poor guy--------I think that all of Washington DC lives in a haze of delusion
It is estimated that at least 100 US soldiers a month will be slaughtered once we place troops on the ground in the middle east. An estimated 1000 a month, thus far will and has qualified for some for of disability for the rest of his or her life. Meanwhile, we have the American stupid all rallying for war against terrorism at any cost while their corn fed blue eyed Mitt Rommney children all stay at home, getting their masters and running dad's companies....its up to the little guys and gals folks to keep them all safe.

All the war generals and big wigs, all products of electronic leadership via the advice to a president that is hesitant and cautious...because war is hell. And to those advising the president...NONE HAVE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN ANY DAMNED WAR PERIOD!!

The gain in all this???? Only God knows...the aftermath in all this, just look at what the Vietnam war rendered us. Bottom line, if the GOP is so thirsty to fight...than dust off the zillions dollar arsenals, their buying up and have at it!!
Also, ask them to pay higher taxes to pay for the war and see if they are still for it.

Obama should do the reverse of what bush did. He should go to war and at the same time instead of giving rich people tax breaks, cut taxes on poor people

Then you'll see Republicans understand you don't cut taxes while starting a war let alone 2.
When we are ready to give up all of our civil liberties out of paranoia and declare perpetual war, Orwell will be remembered as an oracle, and the terrorists will have won.

orwell wrote science fiction-----he did not evaluate the current world situation
Isaac Asimov-----IMHO -----had psychosexual issues. What do your
civil liberties have to do with the fact that there is a war going on-----now?

There has never been freedom during time of war. Perpetual war is the perpetual cessation of freedom. If you have to ask how our civil liberties have been abandoned since 9/11, then you ought to be paying attention.

I have been paying attention. I do not feel oppressed. Even as I struggled to get around in New York City-----since I worked at various place in the course of a week and even in the course of a day-------during the week following the bombing of the WORLD TRADE CENTER-----I did not feel OPPRESSED by the government---or the cops who forced me to take complicated DETOURS ------is somebody oppressing you? We are in a war-------when I see practice drills on going----I
do not feel oppressed -------we got problems------even TORNADOES happen in
the USA-------civil defense is vital. My mom was a young woman during world
war II. I heard about RATIONING------even of SHOES!!! So I asked my mom
------"how did it go-----did you feel deprived"? She answered ----"I did not feel
a difference-------I did not have a whole lot of shoes before the war either----there
were some positives----you could wear stocking with 'runs'-----and feel
PATRIOTIC" she did not starve either.

You don't mind being spied upon? Such a goodthinker! :rolleyes:

no. Do you imagine that someone in the world is interested in my message-
board posts? ---do you really believe that my bathroom is BUGGED?
It is estimated that at least 100 US soldiers a month will be slaughtered once we place troops on the ground in the middle east. An estimated 1000 a month, thus far will and has qualified for some for of disability for the rest of his or her life. Meanwhile, we have the American stupid all rallying for war against terrorism at any cost while their corn fed blue eyed Mitt Rommney children all stay at home, getting their masters and running dad's companies....its up to the little guys and gals folks to keep them all safe.

All the war generals and big wigs, all products of electronic leadership via the advice to a president that is hesitant and cautious...because war is hell. And to those advising the president...NONE HAVE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN ANY DAMNED WAR PERIOD!!

The gain in all this???? Only God knows...the aftermath in all this, just look at what the Vietnam war rendered us. Bottom line, if the GOP is so thirsty to fight...than dust off the zillions dollar arsenals, their buying up and have at it!!
Also, ask them to pay higher taxes to pay for the war and see if they are still for it.

Obama should do the reverse of what bush did. He should go to war and at the same time instead of giving rich people tax breaks, cut taxes on poor people

Then you'll see Republicans understand you don't cut taxes while starting a war let alone 2.

booboo we don't have a draft
When we are ready to give up all of our civil liberties out of paranoia and declare perpetual war, Orwell will be remembered as an oracle, and the terrorists will have won.

orwell wrote science fiction-----he did not evaluate the current world situation
Isaac Asimov-----IMHO -----had psychosexual issues. What do your
civil liberties have to do with the fact that there is a war going on-----now?

There has never been freedom during time of war. Perpetual war is the perpetual cessation of freedom. If you have to ask how our civil liberties have been abandoned since 9/11, then you ought to be paying attention.

I have been paying attention. I do not feel oppressed. Even as I struggled to get around in New York City-----since I worked at various place in the course of a week and even in the course of a day-------during the week following the bombing of the WORLD TRADE CENTER-----I did not feel OPPRESSED by the government---or the cops who forced me to take complicated DETOURS ------is somebody oppressing you? We are in a war-------when I see practice drills on going----I
do not feel oppressed -------we got problems------even TORNADOES happen in
the USA-------civil defense is vital. My mom was a young woman during world
war II. I heard about RATIONING------even of SHOES!!! So I asked my mom
------"how did it go-----did you feel deprived"? She answered ----"I did not feel
a difference-------I did not have a whole lot of shoes before the war either----there
were some positives----you could wear stocking with 'runs'-----and feel
PATRIOTIC" she did not starve either.

You don't mind being spied upon? Such a goodthinker! :rolleyes:

no. Do you imagine that someone in the world is interested in my message-
board posts? ---do you really believe that my bathroom is BUGGED?

Nah. They don't care what goodthinkers do.
Uh, you DO realize that Obama is sending more troops into the ME in his half-hearted attempt to annoy ISIS, don't you???

So when are you enlisting where you can support your Idiot-in-Chief???

Don't forget that Hillary is all for more wars in the mid east. She is just another neo-con
It is estimated that at least 100 US soldiers a month will be slaughtered once we place troops on the ground in the middle east. An estimated 1000 a month, thus far will and has qualified for some for of disability for the rest of his or her life. Meanwhile, we have the American stupid all rallying for war against terrorism at any cost while their corn fed blue eyed Mitt Rommney children all stay at home, getting their masters and running dad's companies....its up to the little guys and gals folks to keep them all safe.

All the war generals and big wigs, all products of electronic leadership via the advice to a president that is hesitant and cautious...because war is hell. And to those advising the president...NONE HAVE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN ANY DAMNED WAR PERIOD!!

The gain in all this???? Only God knows...the aftermath in all this, just look at what the Vietnam war rendered us. Bottom line, if the GOP is so thirsty to fight...than dust off the zillions dollar arsenals, their buying up and have at it!!
Also, ask them to pay higher taxes to pay for the war and see if they are still for it.

Obama should do the reverse of what bush did. He should go to war and at the same time instead of giving rich people tax breaks, cut taxes on poor people

Then you'll see Republicans understand you don't cut taxes while starting a war let alone 2.

booboo we don't have a draft

Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!
Where is the Ops link to the 100 deaths a month prediction.

In 2007 Bush started the Surge..........Casualties did increase but steadily tapered down as the strategy WORKED. The Dems of the time said it wouldn't work...............The Counter Intel and lighting raids had suppressed the Civil War....................Obama went cold turkey and hauled ass.........and then let the place get taken over before any action was taken..................

He owns the expansion of ISIS.
I think it's pretty clear that appeasement isn't working as advertised.
It is estimated that at least 100 US soldiers a month will be slaughtered once we place troops on the ground in the middle east. An estimated 1000 a month, thus far will and has qualified for some for of disability for the rest of his or her life. Meanwhile, we have the American stupid all rallying for war against terrorism at any cost while their corn fed blue eyed Mitt Rommney children all stay at home, getting their masters and running dad's companies....its up to the little guys and gals folks to keep them all safe.

All the war generals and big wigs, all products of electronic leadership via the advice to a president that is hesitant and cautious...because war is hell. And to those advising the president...NONE HAVE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN ANY DAMNED WAR PERIOD!!

The gain in all this???? Only God knows...the aftermath in all this, just look at what the Vietnam war rendered us. Bottom line, if the GOP is so thirsty to fight...than dust off the zillions dollar arsenals, their buying up and have at it!!
Also, ask them to pay higher taxes to pay for the war and see if they are still for it.

Obama should do the reverse of what bush did. He should go to war and at the same time instead of giving rich people tax breaks, cut taxes on poor people

Then you'll see Republicans understand you don't cut taxes while starting a war let alone 2.

booboo we don't have a draft

Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!

we are in a war-------right now. Here is a hint. Some people even have machine guns------right here in the USA
It is estimated that at least 100 US soldiers a month will be slaughtered once we place troops on the ground in the middle east. An estimated 1000 a month, thus far will and has qualified for some for of disability for the rest of his or her life. Meanwhile, we have the American stupid all rallying for war against terrorism at any cost while their corn fed blue eyed Mitt Rommney children all stay at home, getting their masters and running dad's companies....its up to the little guys and gals folks to keep them all safe.

All the war generals and big wigs, all products of electronic leadership via the advice to a president that is hesitant and cautious...because war is hell. And to those advising the president...NONE HAVE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN ANY DAMNED WAR PERIOD!!

The gain in all this???? Only God knows...the aftermath in all this, just look at what the Vietnam war rendered us. Bottom line, if the GOP is so thirsty to fight...than dust off the zillions dollar arsenals, their buying up and have at it!!
Also, ask them to pay higher taxes to pay for the war and see if they are still for it.

Obama should do the reverse of what bush did. He should go to war and at the same time instead of giving rich people tax breaks, cut taxes on poor people

Then you'll see Republicans understand you don't cut taxes while starting a war let alone 2.

booboo we don't have a draft

Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!
Put it up for a vote. Ted cruz sponsor this bill. Bill says registered Democrats pay higher taxes and registered Republicans send their kids to fight Isis.
Where is the Ops link to the 100 deaths a month prediction.

In 2007 Bush started the Surge..........Casualties did increase but steadily tapered down as the strategy WORKED. The Dems of the time said it wouldn't work...............The Counter Intel and lighting raids had suppressed the Civil War....................Obama went cold turkey and hauled ass.........and then let the place get taken over before any action was taken..................

He owns the expansion of ISIS.
I think it's pretty clear that appeasement isn't working as advertised.

you think appeasement is a biggie now??------you should have seen the stuff
passed around my town in the late 1930s. (the little pamphlets were still fluttering
around in the 50s
It is estimated that at least 100 US soldiers a month will be slaughtered once we place troops on the ground in the middle east. An estimated 1000 a month, thus far will and has qualified for some for of disability for the rest of his or her life. Meanwhile, we have the American stupid all rallying for war against terrorism at any cost while their corn fed blue eyed Mitt Rommney children all stay at home, getting their masters and running dad's companies....its up to the little guys and gals folks to keep them all safe.

All the war generals and big wigs, all products of electronic leadership via the advice to a president that is hesitant and cautious...because war is hell. And to those advising the president...NONE HAVE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN ANY DAMNED WAR PERIOD!!

The gain in all this???? Only God knows...the aftermath in all this, just look at what the Vietnam war rendered us. Bottom line, if the GOP is so thirsty to fight...than dust off the zillions dollar arsenals, their buying up and have at it!!
Also, ask them to pay higher taxes to pay for the war and see if they are still for it.

Obama should do the reverse of what bush did. He should go to war and at the same time instead of giving rich people tax breaks, cut taxes on poor people

Then you'll see Republicans understand you don't cut taxes while starting a war let alone 2.

booboo we don't have a draft

Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!
All those that voted for Obama should have to go to Iraq and retake the ground lost under his watch......................You voted for the idiot, and the idiot allowed the damned place to be taken over...............

So go fix his fuck voted him in.
It is estimated that at least 100 US soldiers a month will be slaughtered once we place troops on the ground in the middle east. An estimated 1000 a month, thus far will and has qualified for some for of disability for the rest of his or her life. Meanwhile, we have the American stupid all rallying for war against terrorism at any cost while their corn fed blue eyed Mitt Rommney children all stay at home, getting their masters and running dad's companies....its up to the little guys and gals folks to keep them all safe.

All the war generals and big wigs, all products of electronic leadership via the advice to a president that is hesitant and cautious...because war is hell. And to those advising the president...NONE HAVE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN ANY DAMNED WAR PERIOD!!

The gain in all this???? Only God knows...the aftermath in all this, just look at what the Vietnam war rendered us. Bottom line, if the GOP is so thirsty to fight...than dust off the zillions dollar arsenals, their buying up and have at it!!
Also, ask them to pay higher taxes to pay for the war and see if they are still for it.

Obama should do the reverse of what bush did. He should go to war and at the same time instead of giving rich people tax breaks, cut taxes on poor people

Then you'll see Republicans understand you don't cut taxes while starting a war let alone 2.

booboo we don't have a draft

Exactly, so if you morons are all hell bent on war, strap up and have at free will, its all yours for the taking!!
Put it up for a vote. Ted cruz sponsor this bill. Bill says registered Democrats pay higher taxes and registered Republicans send their kids to fight Isis.

I am a registered democrat-----my kid already served

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