"GOP in Deep Trouble" - Frank Lunz


There's still plenty of patriotic Republicans in Congress who truly do want what's best for this nation.

All they hyave to do is marginalize the neo-cons and the social conservatives who've screwed the GOP pooch.
actually, its the neocons that are most likely to work with him
they are more moderate to liberal
actually, its the neocons that are most likely to work with him
they are more moderate to liberal

I'm not buying into your goofy liberal v conservatives myth, dude.

If you want to believe that childish myth, be my guest.

That isn't how it really works.
still proving what a total moron you are
go away, adults are trying to discuss things
I guess the truth hurts. That's okay with me, I sincerely hope the GOP continues to destroy itself. The party basically covers three factions these days...the rich white men that are intolerant of everyone else (including the next faction of the GOP), the poor white men and women that look down on anyone that is not a rural or small town dweller and has the least intelligence (as represented by Sarah Palin), and the fundies who seem to enjoy being used by the other two groups.
Given that the media is so biased, the only way that I can see the GOP making a big comeback will be for them to find a new way to get their message out. They should start with the little county party headquarters and start networking their way up.

Thus "The Fairness Doctrine"... Conservative Talk Radio is all that stands between the United States and Communism...

"Indoctrinate U" clearly demonstrates the efficacy of the Communist insurgency... its mind control at its most absurd. My son attends one of the most conservative colleges in the Country and still, this sort of PC nonsense is found.

The Left has been on the march since the 1950s, it flared to success in the 1960s counter-revolution and those counter revolutionaries are now entrenched throughout Local, State and Federal bureaucracies... which include College Campuses... Call it a conspiracy if you like, but it's really little more than the natural transition of having tolerated the 'counter-revolution'... That generation didn't want to come down on their kids... so they put up with them, thinking that it was just a phase. It was a huge mistake and one which has nearly cot us our Freedom and may still yet do so. Particularly given that the US just elected its first Marxists as President... one whose birth origin wasn't even vetted and whose birth religion is the same as those who visciously attacked this nation just over 7 years ago and with whom the US is presently at war...

When you see them try to shut down or restrict Conservative Talk Radio... you'll know that they're moving to silence the opposition. "Common Sense Regulations on Guns and Ammunition" will be right there with it...
I'm not buying into your goofy liberal v conservatives myth, dude.

If you want to believe that childish myth, be my guest.

That isn't how it really works.
its not a myth
i guess you are as big a fucking moron as the rest of the fucking moron libs here
I guess the truth hurts. That's okay with me, I sincerely hope the GOP continues to destroy itself. The party basically covers three factions these days...the rich white men that are intolerant of everyone else (including the next faction of the GOP), the poor white men and women that look down on anyone that is not a rural or small town dweller and has the least intelligence (as represented by Sarah Palin), and the fundies who seem to enjoy being used by the other two groups.
you wouldnt know the truth if it hit you upside the head
The GOP fucked up because it's out of date. Social conservatism is out of date and with this country electing a far left President, social conservatism will continue to die during the next 4 years. Jindal, Romney, Huckabee, Palin - they stand no chance.

Out of date how? And please be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow...
According to the rabid, like dcon, etc, the Cons only need do away with the media and no one will know they've become a xenophobic group that looks down their noses on the poor, the gay, the single and the women.

ROFLMNAO CLASSIC Concession by red-herring default... Congrats Divecon, ya own one imbecile.
If the republican party wants to rise back to prominence, they better first revert back to true conservative ideals, primarily of the economic persuasion.

Than, they need to take a page from the Ron Paul revolution and learn how to successfully campaign grassroots.

Rather than shun and/or marginalize Paul's campaign, and his passionate supporters, they should have embraced their ability to jumpstart a revolution.

It went from almost no one knowing him, to a million primary votes in only a couple months.
just as the DNC has

i have to admit that so far it looks like Obama might actually try to reach accross the aisle and work with whats left of the GOP

LOL.. Not a CHANCE! Hussein will work with leftist GOP 'moderates' AKA: RINOS... who will go out of their way to blow the Messiah and in the process ultimately give this Muslim Marxist fuck the power which inevitably will bring the US to totalitarianism.

Which is fine... the looming Revolution has to start somewhere...
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The GOP isn't "out of date" as someone said on the last page. They've been hijacked by the rabid neo-cons.

How did they manage that? Well, after the fiasco that was Clinton's deal with Monica, everyone REALLY started screaming about family values.

The GOP, seeing this, decided that they could get more votes if they started to espouse good Christian values, so, they put the fanatics in the front as representative of their party, because they could get the Christian Coalition to play along if they were fanatical enough.

Those people rose to the top and have managed to stay there, which is why Bush Jr. was able to get away with all the shit he did.

Is it any wonder why the GOP is so intolerant?
The GOP isn't "out of date" as someone said on the last page. They've been hijacked by the rabid neo-cons.

How did they manage that? Well, after the fiasco that was Clinton's deal with Monica, everyone REALLY started screaming about family values.

The GOP, seeing this, decided that they could get more votes if they started to espouse good Christian values, so, they put the fanatics in the front as representative of their party, because they could get the Christian Coalition to play along if they were fanatical enough.

Those people rose to the top and have managed to stay there, which is why Bush Jr. was able to get away with all the shit he did.

Is it any wonder why the GOP is so intolerant?

LOL.. Oh GOD! Now that IS Precious...

So Christians are New to Conservatism; OKA: NeoCons?


The GOP is now and has always been centered on Family Values... BECAUSE FAMILY VALUES ARE AMERICAN VALUES! Christian values... ARE AMERICAN VALUES!...

GW Bush is a Centrist... He is not now nor, has he EVER BEEN A CONSERVATIVE... Now of course, I've only voted for GW Bush four times, as thre was no viable choice being offered in any of the four elections.

GW Bush is a centrist... A moderate... An independent PROGRESSIVE... which is why I know that those that call GW Bush a 'right winger' are rabid leftists and not worthy of consideration. Which FTR, is a position with which GW would vehemently disagree... He actually believes that leftists should be provided the means to cast their political voice and allowed to have their voice heard and their policy desires implemented... which has long been his weak suit... and how he has ended up amongst the least popular Presidents in US history.


DavidS said:
The GOP fucked up because it's out of date. Social conservatism is out of date and with this country electing a far left President, social conservatism will continue to die during the next 4 years. Jindal, Romney, Huckabee, Palin - they stand no chance.

Out of date how? And please be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow...
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LOL.. Oh GOD! Now that IS Precious...

So Christians are New to Conservatism; OKA: NeoCons?


The GOP is now and has always been centered on Family Values... BECAUSE FAMILY VALUES ARE AMERICAN VALUES! Christian values... ARE AMERICAN VALUES!...

GW Bush is a Centrist... He is not now nor, has he EVER BEEN A CONSERVATIVE... Now of course, I've only voted for GW Bush four times, as thre was no viable choice being offered in any of the four elections.

GW Bush is a centrist... A moderate... An independent PROGRESSIVE... which is why I know that those that call GW Bush a 'right winger' are rabid leftists and not worthy of consideration. Which FTR, is a position with which GW would vehemently disagree... He actually believes that leftists should be provided the means to cast their political voice and allowed to have their voice heard and their policy desires implemented... which has long been his weak suit... and how he has ended up amongst the least popular Presidents in US history.


Out of date how? And please be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow...

No asshole......I SAID that because the GOP wanted to COURT THE VOTERS OF THE CHRISTIAN COALITION, that is why they put their rabid members out front. Now.....yes......the GOP has always played to those values, but, during Clinton, in their rabid desire to get him impeached, they used Clinton as a way to "focus the party", and get everyone else to jump on their bandwagon.

Reading comprehension for the win.
No asshole......I SAID that because the GOP wanted to COURT THE VOTERS OF THE CHRISTIAN COALITION, that is why they put their rabid members out front. Now.....yes......the GOP has always played to those values, but, during Clinton, in their rabid desire to get him impeached, they used Clinton as a way to "focus the party", and get everyone else to jump on their bandwagon.

Reading comprehension for the win.

Ahh... so you're standing on that time tested moderate tactic: The grand distinction without a difference...

Now here's what ya said:

The squid whiz... said:
The GOP isn't "out of date" as someone said on the last page. They've been hijacked by the rabid neo-cons.

How did they manage that? Well, after the fiasco that was Clinton's deal with Monica, everyone REALLY started screaming about family values.

The GOP, seeing this, decided that they could get more votes if they started to espouse good Christian values, so, they put the fanatics in the front as representative of their party, because they could get the Christian Coalition to play along if they were fanatical enough.

Those people rose to the top and have managed to stay there, which is why Bush Jr. was able to get away with all the shit he did.

Is it any wonder why the GOP is so intolerant?

For starters Rust Scraper, as I said the GOP IS the Christian Right... without the Chrisitan Right, THERE IS NO GOP. The GOP IS FAMILY VALUES... without family values, THERE IS NO GOP...

So what and WHO SPECIFICALLY, were these Non-Christian, NON-Family values leaders within the GOP that 'put the Christian Right up-front, in a devious attempt to gain power and provide the means to let Bush "get away with all the shit he did.?"

Now please be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow...
Ahh... so you're standing on that time tested moderate tactic: The grand distinction without a difference...

Now here's what ya said:

For starters Rust Scraper, as I said the GOP IS the Christian Right... without the Chrisitan Right, THERE IS NO GOP. The GOP IS FAMILY VALUES... without family values, THERE IS NO GOP...

So what and WHO SPECIFICALLY, were these Non-Christian, NON-Family values leaders within the GOP that 'put the Christian Right up-front, in a devious attempt to gain power and provide the means to let Bush "get away with all the shit he did.?"

Now please be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow...

Did you manage to pass the ASVAB with a score over 33? Your intelligence is showing again.
Did you manage to pass the ASVAB with a score over 33? Your intelligence is showing again.

LOL... Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted...

Ya done the best ya could, God bless ya ;)

But to answer your question... I tested in the top 1% on ASVAB... which turned into this whole thing where they wanted to send me to college and OCS... but that simply didn't fit my 5 year plan which required intense training and focus to drink the West Pac out of liquor and tagging ALL the world's supply of pussy. (No offense ladies... I was young (17) and didn't realize just how much liquor that really was... :ack-1: )
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Know what you call a Marine with half a brain? Gifted.

Know what you call a Sailor with half a brain? Marine.

Yeah, you call a Marine with half a brain a Sailor... which would be one gifted Sailor, to be sure...

But you're mistaken about the sailor with half a brain... that's just a sailor and we don't really feel good about rubbing it in... I mean you're already a squid and adding to that can only be seen as piling on.

But the most gifted of all Sailors do hang out with Marines... and we call them "Doc..." They're generally great guys and we love 'em... although it does take some time to get used to their cross dressing... :eek:

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