GOP introduces bill to cut Social Security

Let's just cut to the chase. When age and physical ability prevents a person from earning a living and supporting one's self it is time for the grinder and transformation into feed product.
There is no bill cutting benefits for those already in the system unless they're still making over $85K a year and it's a tiny cut. It's called "means-testing" and it's the only thing that will make the system solvent again. I heard Hannity say he wants every penny he's entitled to, but what Hannity didn't say is that he's worth $80M and doesn't need SS benefits. For him and other wealthy people, the system has nothing more to offer. It was always intended to be an insurance policy against abject poverty in one's golden years. I'd entitle the letter to those above the cut-off: "Congratulations! You've accomplished the American Dream and have saved and invested so well, you don't have to take SS$ away from those in need. Thank you!", signed Uncle Sam. Should they lose their fortune, they'd again be eligible for benefits. The communists here and elsewhere will scream lies at the tops of their lungs about "fleecing the poor" etc. Remember, these are the scum who emptied the lock-box and to add insult to injury, started TAXING SS benefits. Most of us have nothing to worry about as our new economy will create millions of new taxpayers, removing them from welfare rolls....a double-header toward black ink. Those who want to invest a portion of their future benefits should be freed of a mandatory seizure of their money to invest in private accounts with the SS admin making sure that money is invested there and only the old Christmas Club at banks where you couldn't get your mitts on your money until just before Christmas. As one who's already receiving benefits and not making $85K a year, I'm not worried in the least. :cool-45:
There is no bill cutting benefits for those already in the system unless they're still making over $85K a year and it's a tiny cut. It's called "means-testing" and it's the only thing that will make the system solvent again. I heard Hannity say he wants every penny he's entitled to, but what Hannity didn't say is that he's worth $80M and doesn't need SS benefits. For him and other wealthy people, the system has nothing more to offer. It was always intended to be an insurance policy against abject poverty in one's golden years. I'd entitle the letter to those above the cut-off: "Congratulations! You've accomplished the American Dream and have saved and invested so well, you don't have to take SS$ away from those in need. Thank you!", signed Uncle Sam. Should they lose their fortune, they'd again be eligible for benefits. The communists here and elsewhere will scream lies at the tops of their lungs about "fleecing the poor" etc. Remember, these are the scum who emptied the lock-box and to add insult to injury, started TAXING SS benefits. Most of us have nothing to worry about as our new economy will create millions of new taxpayers, removing them from welfare rolls....a double-header toward black ink. Those who want to invest a portion of their future benefits should be freed of a mandatory seizure of their money to invest in private accounts with the SS admin making sure that money is invested there and only the old Christmas Club at banks where you couldn't get your mitts on your money until just before Christmas. As one who's already receiving benefits and not making $85K a year, I'm not worried in the least. :cool-45:

If you want a welfare program....

End SS and transfer the resources to an actual welfare program.
Ive been to countries where there's no social security and the elderly live in straight up poverty and most of them are working until their last breath.

Thats not how a developed nation should be.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.

The problem with the article is that it really fails to show how the benefit cuts affect people. This is a piece (which I wrote) which gives a better breakdown of the cuts. If you think otherwise don't hesitate to tell me what I am missing.

Legislation Introduced to Apply the Chained CPI to Social Security COLA

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.

The problem with the article is that it really fails to show how the benefit cuts affect people. This is a piece (which I wrote) which gives a better breakdown of the cuts. If you think otherwise don't hesitate to tell me what I am missing.

Legislation Introduced to Apply the Chained CPI to Social Security COLA
This legislation is so noxious that I just can't believe it would end up being law. Or at least permanent law.

Trump promised he would not mess with it. I'll just hope that this is a nod to the crazies to keep them happy.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.

The problem with the article is that it really fails to show how the benefit cuts affect people. This is a piece (which I wrote) which gives a better breakdown of the cuts. If you think otherwise don't hesitate to tell me what I am missing.

Legislation Introduced to Apply the Chained CPI to Social Security COLA
This legislation is so noxious that I just can't believe it would end up being law. Or at least permanent law.

Trump promised he would not mess with it. I'll just hope that this is a nod to the crazies to keep them happy.

Trump said a lot of things to get elected. Some fell for it.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
The American people get what they deserve. Maybe my investments will do better to offset the huge hit to social security and Medicare that are coming. We are idiots.

Harder to vote? Grow up. Most lazy ass Americans won't even show up to the midterms in two years. Of course Republicans will show up and add more seats. If that's true maybe the masses deserve what their about to receive

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Social Security is a socialist entitlement program that the country can no longer afford... fact
But I paid in?

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Social Security is a socialist entitlement program that the country can no longer afford... fact
But I paid in?
Yeah, I did too. But I consider it a write off.
Like a bad debt/business decision… Obviously I'll never see a penny from it… LOL

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Social Security is a socialist entitlement program that the country can no longer afford... fact
But I paid in?

So what. The Pubs, and Ryan are the heads now. Ryan is such a joke. I have always voted midterms, that is when they do all the mileage increases, and they all pass. Or they hold a special vote for something very important and no one shows up.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Social Security is a socialist entitlement program that the country can no longer afford... fact
But I paid in?

So what. The Pubs, and Ryan are the heads now. Ryan is such a joke. I have always voted midterms, that is when they do all the mileage increases, and they all pass. Or they hold a special vote for something very important and no one shows up.
This is why nothing will ever change. Let's say we elect a man of the people and the billionaires obstruct him. Do the people show up in 2010 and vote out the obstructionists? No. So they blame Obama for letting them down but it's the people who let the democratic party down.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Social Security is a socialist entitlement program that the country can no longer afford... fact
But I paid in?

So what. The Pubs, and Ryan are the heads now. Ryan is such a joke. I have always voted midterms, that is when they do all the mileage increases, and they all pass. Or they hold a special vote for something very important and no one shows up.
This is why nothing will ever change. Let's say we elect a man of the people and the billionaires obstruct him. Do the people show up in 2010 and vote out the obstructionists? No. So they blame Obama for letting them down but it's the people who let the democratic party down.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Social Security is a socialist entitlement program that the country can no longer afford... fact
But I paid in?

So what. The Pubs, and Ryan are the heads now. Ryan is such a joke. I have always voted midterms, that is when they do all the mileage increases, and they all pass. Or they hold a special vote for something very important and no one shows up.
This is why nothing will ever change. Let's say we elect a man of the people and the billionaires obstruct him. Do the people show up in 2010 and vote out the obstructionists? No. So they blame Obama for letting them down but it's the people who let the democratic party down.

I agree, but the billionaires always win, money always win. Now the Pubs want to raise the tax exempt limit on HSA's , they do not want to pay taxes. It is the lower income who can afford to fund HSA's who end up paying taxes.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Social Security is a socialist entitlement program that the country can no longer afford... fact
But I paid in?

So what. The Pubs, and Ryan are the heads now. Ryan is such a joke. I have always voted midterms, that is when they do all the mileage increases, and they all pass. Or they hold a special vote for something very important and no one shows up.
This is why nothing will ever change. Let's say we elect a man of the people and the billionaires obstruct him. Do the people show up in 2010 and vote out the obstructionists? No. So they blame Obama for letting them down but it's the people who let the democratic party down.

I agree, but the billionaires always win, money always win. Now the Pubs want to raise the tax exempt limit on HSA's , they do not want to pay taxes. It is the lower income who can afford to fund HSA's who end up paying taxes.
Well, you progressives need to find a different way then. Punishing/taking from the successful makes no sense… In fact it's cowardly.
Social Security is a socialist entitlement program that the country can no longer afford... fact
But I paid in?

So what. The Pubs, and Ryan are the heads now. Ryan is such a joke. I have always voted midterms, that is when they do all the mileage increases, and they all pass. Or they hold a special vote for something very important and no one shows up.
This is why nothing will ever change. Let's say we elect a man of the people and the billionaires obstruct him. Do the people show up in 2010 and vote out the obstructionists? No. So they blame Obama for letting them down but it's the people who let the democratic party down.

I agree, but the billionaires always win, money always win. Now the Pubs want to raise the tax exempt limit on HSA's , they do not want to pay taxes. It is the lower income who can afford to fund HSA's who end up paying taxes.
Well, you progressives need to find a different way then. Punishing/taking from the successful makes no sense… In fact it's cowardly.
It's how we created the middle class. And these poor rich people you worry about became successful in this type of system.

Republicans are going to implement a libertarian style government. I'm curious how that's going to work out

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