GOP Introduces The Crack Act

So, you want to change the subject?

I have no idea, I'm not a follower of Dinesh.

I'm curious as to what these "safe smoking kits," might contain. If you know it isn't any kind of device that could be used to smoke crack or meth, then you must be familiar with what they are.

Unless you just don't know, but are willing to take USA Today's word for it?
I'm willing to take the word of people working to better public health, not a convicted felon or the fake outrage sycophant machine.
Isn't diesh desousa a convicted felon...
Dinesh used to be a convicted felon. Not anymore. Good try at an irrelevant deflection effort. (Actually, in reality, it was a piss poor try being obvious, plodding and ignorant.)

Back on topic, now: the Brandon Administration lied. Caught! Red-handed. Backpedaling dishonest bitches that they are.
Does anybody even need to ask why Joe Biden isn't fighting for Americans to get off of Crack?

We can thank Reagan for crack.
Dinesh used to be a convicted felon. Not anymore. Good try at an irrelevant deflection effort. (Actually, in reality, it was a piss poor try being obvious, plodding and ignorant.)

Back on topic, now: the Brandon Administration lied. Caught! Red-handed. Backpedaling dishonest bitches that they are.
Sure, let's go back to Afghanistan and withdraw again...
And what is included in the safe smoking kits....please show that they include crack pipes
Lol. My bad. Maybe they meant sterilized rolling papers.

Out of purely comical interest, what do you assume they mean by safe smoking kits? Safety matches maybe?
Lol. My bad. Maybe they meant sterilized rolling papers.

Out of purely comical interest, what do you assume they mean by safe smoking kits? Safety matches maybe?

How about instead of assuming we go with what they say are in them...

"A safe smoking kit may contain alcohol swabs, lip balm, other materials to promote hygiene and reduce the transmission of diseases like HIV and hepatitis," Psaki said in a briefing Wednesday.

Now, if you can show some evidence of crack pipes being given away with these funds I will be more than happy to accept it
Sure, let's go back to Afghanistan and withdraw again...
Another brain dead deflection. Yet, in all candor, an even dumber one than your usual efforts.

Try to focus oddzero: Brandon’s moronic fail in the Afghanistan withdrawal has nothing do with his handler’s lies about the smoking kits.
How about instead of assuming we go with what they say are in them...

"A safe smoking kit may contain alcohol swabs, lip balm, other materials to promote hygiene and reduce the transmission of diseases like HIV and hepatitis," Psaki said in a briefing Wednesday.

Now, if you can show some evidence of crack pipes being given away with these funds I will be more than happy to accept it
Psaki said that after the fact. You tools were denying that the law said anything about crack pipes at all until we pointed out the evidence. Put aside what the Brandon Minister of Dishonesty might say now.

I showed you evidence that it did include smoking kits. What evidence if any can you point to which would corroborate Psaki’s claim?
So this is what the alternate universe looks in the head of a Trumpet? There is no program to give out crack pipes it is a lie by the right. They do give out clean needles.
No there are crack pipes in the kit.
You tools were denying that the law said anything about crack pipes at all until we pointed out the evidence. Put aside what the Brandon Minister of Dishonesty might say now.

The law (it is not even a law, but we can leave that one alone) does not say a thing about crack pipes, you proved that yourself.

I showed you evidence that it did include smoking kits.

And then you just made up what is in these kits out of thin air.

What evidence if any can you point to which would corroborate Psaki’s claim?

The lack of one single example of these funds being used for crack pipes. As soon as you find one, let me know
Clean pipe programs in addition to education have been extremely popular in Europe and elsewhere around the world. I support using this meager $300 million amount to try and help my fellow US Citizens.

The Iraq war cost over $1 trillion to bomb brown people halfway across the world. Let's do something different for once.
The law (it is not even a law, but we can leave that one alone) does not say a thing about crack pipes, you proved that yourself.

And then you just made up what is in these kits out of thin air.

The lack of one single example of these funds being used for crack pipes. As soon as you find one, let me know
The law (and the funding offer from The U.S. Department of Health)* say it all. GOP Introduces The Crack Act

Your absolutely pathetic effort to deny it remains a massive fail. 👍

* see GOP Introduces The Crack Act
The law (and the funding offer from The U.S. Department of Health)* say it all. GOP Introduces The Crack Act

Your absolutely pathetic effort to deny it remains a massive fail. 👍

* see GOP Introduces The Crack Act

The law nor the funding offer money for crack pipes, you all just made up that part.

The fact the GOP is making a law to stop something that is not happening means nothing, it is pretty common in DC. Both sides know you sheep will never question them
The law nor the funding offer money for crack pipes, you all just made up that part.

The fact the GOP is making a law to stop something that is not happening means nothing, it is pretty common in DC. Both sides know you sheep will never question them
You are lazy and you are dishonest. Instead of just lapping-up what the scumbag Brandon Administration claimed (via Psaki), it would make sense for you to have tried (in any way) to corroborate her backpedaling bullshit.

The question is NOT what Psaki claimed when the Brandon Administration got called-out in this matter. The actual question, instead, is what did the DOH reference (when the had that funding notice published) when they included “safe smoking kits.”

Educate yourself: 'Fact-Checkers' Rate Report of Biden Administration Buying Crack Pipes for Addicts 'Mostly False'

“Clearly, HHS spokesman Garrett did not explicitly claim that HHS was buying crack pipes for addicts. But why include a glass stem in the kit? Smoking kits ‘can include glass stems, rubber mouthpieces, brass screens, lip balm and disinfectant wipes,’ according to a 2019 paper issued by Harm Reduction International.” Id. [my emphasis].

You are lazy and you are dishonest. Instead of just lapping-up what the scumbag Brandon Administration claimed (via Psaki), it would make sense for you to have tried (in any way) to corroborate her backpedaling bullshit.

The question is NOT what Psaki claimed when the Brandon Administration got called-out in this matter. The actual question, instead, is what did the DOH reference (when the had that funding notice published) when they included “safe smoking kits.”

Educate yourself: 'Fact-Checkers' Rate Report of Biden Administration Buying Crack Pipes for Addicts 'Mostly False'

“Clearly, HHS spokesman Garrett did not explicitly claim that HHS was buying crack pipes for addicts. But why include a glass stem in the kit? Smoking kits ‘can include glass stems, rubber mouthpieces, brass screens, lip balm and disinfectant wipes,’ according to a 2019 paper issued by Harm Reduction International.” Id. [my emphasis].


Well damn, look at that. You were right. Damn Trump admin buying crack pipes for druggies! Who would have guessed they were doing such a thing.

Thanks for the information.
Well damn, look at that. You were right. Damn Trump admin buying crack pipes for druggies! Who would have guessed they were doing such a thing.

Thanks for the information.
Your reading comprehension skill fails you again. But at least it appears that you now recognize that “safe smoking kits” can and do include the glass stems. Accordingly, although you’re not quite honest enough to say it; it looks like you are agreeing that the Psaki denial that the Brandon Administration was going to be funding crack pipes is another lie by her and by the Brandon Administration.
Your reading comprehension skill fails you again.

Your link was from 2019. Who was POTUS in 2019?

But at least it appears that you now recognize that “safe smoking kits” can and do include the glass stems.

You are correct, I was wrong.

Accordingly, although you’re not quite honest enough to say it; it looks like you are agreeing that the Psaki denial that the Brandon Administration was going to be funding crack pipes is another lie by her and by the Brandon Administration.

Yep, Biden and his admin are going to be funding crack pipes just like Trump and his Admin did.

The more things change, the more they stay the same

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