GOP is BROKEN, Social Conservatives need to use the next 4 years to build a new party

The Futile Search for Fiscal Conservative/Social Moderate Holy Grail | The American Conservative

Both parties’ national conventions should remind us — yet again — that the most underserved segment of the American electorate is the socially conservative economic populists (or fiscal realists, as I would describe myself): the Perotistas. The Buchanan Brigades. The Michael Lindites. They’re manipulated and exploited by Republicans, scorned and hated by progressive Democrats. Decades of Republican Southern Strategizing hasn’t helped either; it bitterly divided socially conservative whites from socially conservative blacks and Hispanics, and reinforced each party’s respective grip on these groups.

This election cycle’s greatest threat to the two-party monopoly came internally, via Rep. Ron Paul’s insurgent campaign of social traditionalism and grain-alcohol economic libertarianism.
Bingo is right. Thats the reason I left the Rep party. I'm a social moderate.

I am however a fiscal conservative.

I went Indi and it works quite well for me.

Funny thing is, I strongly suspect you and I are in the majority. We just don't have a party that addresses our priorities.


Well people like you have runied the GOP. If it isnt what you want you are just shit-out-of-luck.

And BTW, you are not in the majority, lol.

Hey, by all means, keep up the good work:

Keep referring to "legitimate rape".

Keep trying to shut down abortion.

Keep whining about contraception.

Keep stopping gays from marrying.

Keep making signs that say "Keep Government Out of Medicare".

Keep nominating Tea Party whackos.

Keep being absolutist on taxes.

Keep being absolutist on immigration.

It's working out great for you so far, right?

Your problem, not mine.

But good luck with that.

Funny thing is, I strongly suspect you and I are in the majority. We just don't have a party that addresses our priorities.


Well people like you have runied the GOP. If it isnt what you want you are just shit-out-of-luck.

And BTW, you are not in the majority, lol.

Hey, by all means, keep up the good work:

Keep referring to "legitimate rape".

Keep trying to shut down abortion.

Keep whining about contraception.

Keep stopping gays from marrying.

Keep making signs that say "Keep Government Out of Medicare".

Keep nominating Tea Party whackos.

Keep being absolutist on taxes.

Keep being absolutist on immigration.

It's working out great for you so far, right?

Your problem, not mine.

But good luck with that.


Well Said.

Say whatever you will, the numbers show that these ideals are NOT POPULAR.

/End Thread.
Funny thing is, I strongly suspect you and I are in the majority. We just don't have a party that addresses our priorities.


Well people like you have runied the GOP. If it isnt what you want you are just shit-out-of-luck.

And BTW, you are not in the majority, lol.

Hey, by all means, keep up the good work:

Keep referring to "legitimate rape".

Keep trying to shut down abortion.

Keep whining about contraception.

Keep stopping gays from marrying.

Keep making signs that say "Keep Government Out of Medicare".

Keep nominating Tea Party whackos.

Keep being absolutist on taxes.

Keep being absolutist on immigration.

It's working out great for you so far, right?

Your problem, not mine.

But good luck with that.


Well, if we can have a party with RINOs and social moderates imposters hijacking things we wont need luck.

As society begins to fall apart over the next ten to twentyyears, we will be the only group left with any new ideas, new blood and disciplined effort spurred by faith remaining.

The rest of the country will locked into a Malthusian, Atheistic, amoral, Fabian Socialist hell.
In general polling 45% of the public sellf-identified as conservative, libs 20% and moderates 35%, while party self-ID went about 35% Dem and 35% GOP, but the poll samples were getting responses from 41% Dems and only 30% GOP.

About 22% of self-identifying conservatives refused to choose Romney and the final vote reflected that.

The GOP cannot win without the enthusiastic support of the social conservatives as ever election since 1972 has proven. Every GOP social moderate (ie would not campaign leading the way on conservative social issues) has lost since 72: Ford, Bush the Elder once exposed, Dole, McCain and now Romney. Social conservative GOP leaders that got out there on these issues win starting with Nixon in 72, then Reagan, Bush the Elder when posing as a soc-con, both W Bush efforts.

But now the RINO GOP elite have cemented control of the GOP with the ability of the RNC to change party rules as they want whenever they want for whatever reason that they want. This means social conservatives can never again get a fair hearing in the GOP.

So it is time for social conservatives to take a 'Long March' approach and rebuild a winning foundation for victory in the future as today is predictably lost. The conservatives in Canada did it and American soc-cons can to.

Teach your young to identify as *Christian* Americans instead of plain ole vanilla Americans and contrast the differences. Send your kids to privates school or home school them. Stop accepting the lesser of two evils (you still wind up with evil and that is not acceptable) and start pushing local and state issues while working within the GOP for now. Let your allies know privately that a split is coming in the near future and it will have to be a big bold move away from the GOP once things are set.

You will lose elections for the next twenty years, but thats OK. There is no real choice between Democrats and Republicans on the important issues now anyway.

But time is on your side. Demographics are on your side. The Dems will hold power long enough that their many factions will fall away from each other as the specter of the 'racist' GOP taking power and returning them to chains fades away. Build coalitions with Christians among these disaffected minorities that consider themselves more Christianthan sectarian ethnic.

Eventually you will win as the Old Guard Establishment falls apart for lack of children, lack of new ideas and lack of patriotism.

Your time will come patient and have faith.

Basing a coalition on HATE and keeping your various HATERS on message is damned hard.

I mean it works pretty well to win the nomination, but then the blowback by all the various people that you have to convince your followers to ALSO HATE leads to losing the national vote, as we just saw happen.

The GOP just got its ass handed to it by the LADIES who have the unmitigate gall to think they own their own bodies.

The GOP blew it much much more than the DNC won it.

Thank you Mitt and Ryan for all the help you gave to Obama.
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I'd love to see the hardcore social conservatives break off and form their own party. It would not hurt the remaining party, because losing the social conservatives would make the party far more attractive to moderates and even many Democrats.

By all means, please do it.


what's a hard core social conservative?

in fact, what is a social conservative?

I'd love to see the hardcore social conservatives break off and form their own party. It would not hurt the remaining party, because losing the social conservatives would make the party far more attractive to moderates and even many Democrats.

By all means, please do it.


what's a hard core social conservative?

in fact, what is a social conservative?

Abortion absolutists.

Gay rights absolutists.

Contraception absolutists.

People who say things like "legitimate rape".

People who say things like "it's God's will."

Those people.

Social Conservatives need to get out of the way and allow Republicans to be Republicans

I'd love to see the hardcore social conservatives break off and form their own party. It would not hurt the remaining party, because losing the social conservatives would make the party far more attractive to moderates and even many Democrats.

By all means, please do it.


what's a hard core social conservative?

in fact, what is a social conservative?

Abortion absolutists.

Gay rights absolutists.

Contraception absolutists.

People who say things like "legitimate rape".

People who say things like "it's God's will."

Those people.


abortion absolutists: most of those are catholics who are mostly dems

gay rights absolutists: most blacks, who are also mostly dems, are against gay marriage.

contraception absolutists: mainly catholics once again

those who say "legitamate rape" & "gods will": very few of them

So it all boils down to liies and propadanda-
Let me help you out with some facts, berry.

abortion absolutists: most of those are catholics who are mostly dems

Mainstream catholics do not blow up abortion clinics or shoot doctors or protest with gore-porn signs.

gay rights absolutists: most blacks, who are also mostly dems, are against gay marriage.

Some black pastors. That's about it.

contraception absolutists: mainly catholics once again

The pope, bishops and priests. Yes.

But overwhelming majority of practicing catholics don't give a damn.

So, "mainly" bullshit.

those who say "legitamate rape" & "gods will": very few of them

But YOU let the extreme few run for office and get on TV. Vet your candidates better.

So it all boils down to liies and propadanda-

No, it's you talking out of your ass and making shit up.
Yes, oh my mericiful God in heaven, yes, go, go, go, social conservatives. You can do no good here. Please leave immediately. Take all extremist haters with you.

In general polling 45% of the public sellf-identified as conservative, libs 20% and moderates 35%, while party self-ID went about 35% Dem and 35% GOP, but the poll samples were getting responses from 41% Dems and only 30% GOP.

About 22% of self-identifying conservatives refused to choose Romney and the final vote reflected that.

The GOP cannot win without the enthusiastic support of the social conservatives as ever election since 1972 has proven. Every GOP social moderate (ie would not campaign leading the way on conservative social issues) has lost since 72: Ford, Bush the Elder once exposed, Dole, McCain and now Romney. Social conservative GOP leaders that got out there on these issues win starting with Nixon in 72, then Reagan, Bush the Elder when posing as a soc-con, both W Bush efforts.

But now the RINO GOP elite have cemented control of the GOP with the ability of the RNC to change party rules as they want whenever they want for whatever reason that they want. This means social conservatives can never again get a fair hearing in the GOP.

So it is time for social conservatives to take a 'Long March' approach and rebuild a winning foundation for victory in the future as today is predictably lost. The conservatives in Canada did it and American soc-cons can to.

Teach your young to identify as *Christian* Americans instead of plain ole vanilla Americans and contrast the differences. Send your kids to privates school or home school them. Stop accepting the lesser of two evils (you still wind up with evil and that is not acceptable) and start pushing local and state issues while working within the GOP for now. Let your allies know privately that a split is coming in the near future and it will have to be a big bold move away from the GOP once things are set.

You will lose elections for the next twenty years, but thats OK. There is no real choice between Democrats and Republicans on the important issues now anyway.

But time is on your side. Demographics are on your side. The Dems will hold power long enough that their many factions will fall away from each other as the specter of the 'racist' GOP taking power and returning them to chains fades away. Build coalitions with Christians among these disaffected minorities that consider themselves more Christianthan sectarian ethnic.

Eventually you will win as the Old Guard Establishment falls apart for lack of children, lack of new ideas and lack of patriotism.

Your time will come patient and have faith.
what's a hard core social conservative?

in fact, what is a social conservative?

Abortion absolutists.

Gay rights absolutists.

Contraception absolutists.

People who say things like "legitimate rape".

People who say things like "it's God's will."

Those people.


abortion absolutists: most of those are catholics who are mostly dems

gay rights absolutists: most blacks, who are also mostly dems, are against gay marriage.

contraception absolutists: mainly catholics once again

those who say "legitamate rape" & "gods will": very few of them

So it all boils down to liies and propadanda-

Well, as I've said, keep doing what you're doing.

Yes, oh my mericiful God in heaven, yes, go, go, go, social conservatives. You can do no good here. Please leave immediately. Take all extremist haters with you.

Look at the posts here. Ain't gonna happen.

These are people who absolutely refuse to look in the mirror, refuse to question whether they are now out of step with their country, even when they lose an election they couldn't lose.

Absolute denial. They absolutely believe what they're saying.

Then we have to open the primaries and end the caucuses to stop their hatred.

Yes, oh my mericiful God in heaven, yes, go, go, go, social conservatives. You can do no good here. Please leave immediately. Take all extremist haters with you.

Look at the posts here. Ain't gonna happen.

These are people who absolutely refuse to look in the mirror, refuse to question whether they are now out of step with their country, even when they lose an election they couldn't lose.

Absolute denial. They absolutely believe what they're saying.

Well people like you have runied the GOP. If it isnt what you want you are just shit-out-of-luck.

And BTW, you are not in the majority, lol.

Hey, by all means, keep up the good work:

Keep referring to "legitimate rape".

Keep trying to shut down abortion.

Keep whining about contraception.

Keep stopping gays from marrying.

Keep making signs that say "Keep Government Out of Medicare".

Keep nominating Tea Party whackos.

Keep being absolutist on taxes.

Keep being absolutist on immigration.

It's working out great for you so far, right?

Your problem, not mine.

But good luck with that.


Well Said.

Say whatever you will, the numbers show that these ideals are NOT POPULAR.

/End Thread.

you sure had some people here fooled, now look at you when the mask comes my
Don't sweat it. As soon as the shocking expenses for Obamacare kick in, not to mention Taxmageddon, the voters will flock back to the GOP.

The chickens are coming home to roost.

Rinse. Lather, Repeat.

If you have been to the doctor lately, you would know that most of their charges for an office visit have already doubled.

I have ask 8 different doctors & dentist why they raised their price & they all say they had to hire more office workers, buy an expensive new computer system & license fee to comply with Obamacare.
you sure had some people here fooled, now look at you when the mask comes my

Do elaborate Steph..

I agreed with his notion that the far right is the death of the republicans.

What kind of wacky extrapolation do you have about that sentiment.

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