GOP is BROKEN, Social Conservatives need to use the next 4 years to build a new party

just wait.

the far left loons will be accusing the GOP odf obstruction.

how can a party that is dead or irrelevant do any obstruction?

When they control the House.

Was this a trick question?


so then the GOP is not broken or irrelevant and the dems are not able to form a totalitarian govt?

That is bad?

For me, that's great. I don't think that either whacked-out party deserves control of the White House, House and Senate. That was my tiny little victory last night.

What I want is for the two parties to do what they used to do - passionate, serious, spirited debate, followed by mature and reasonable discussion, followed by legislation or rulings designed to work in the best interest of the people.

For a "change".

In general polling 45% of the public sellf-identified as conservative, libs 20% and moderates 35%, while party self-ID went about 35% Dem and 35% GOP, but the poll samples were getting responses from 41% Dems and only 30% GOP.

About 22% of self-identifying conservatives refused to choose Romney and the final vote reflected that.

The GOP cannot win without the enthusiastic support of the social conservatives as ever election since 1972 has proven. Every GOP social moderate (ie would not campaign leading the way on conservative social issues) has lost since 72: Ford, Bush the Elder once exposed, Dole, McCain and now Romney. Social conservative GOP leaders that got out there on these issues win starting with Nixon in 72, then Reagan, Bush the Elder when posing as a soc-con, both W Bush efforts.

But now the RINO GOP elite have cemented control of the GOP with the ability of the RNC to change party rules as they want whenever they want for whatever reason that they want. This means social conservatives can never again get a fair hearing in the GOP.

So it is time for social conservatives to take a 'Long March' approach and rebuild a winning foundation for victory in the future as today is predictably lost. The conservatives in Canada did it and American soc-cons can to.

Teach your young to identify as *Christian* Americans instead of plain ole vanilla Americans and contrast the differences. Send your kids to privates school or home school them. Stop accepting the lesser of two evils (you still wind up with evil and that is not acceptable) and start pushing local and state issues while working within the GOP for now. Let your allies know privately that a split is coming in the near future and it will have to be a big bold move away from the GOP once things are set.

You will lose elections for the next twenty years, but thats OK. There is no real choice between Democrats and Republicans on the important issues now anyway.

But time is on your side. Demographics are on your side. The Dems will hold power long enough that their many factions will fall away from each other as the specter of the 'racist' GOP taking power and returning them to chains fades away. Build coalitions with Christians among these disaffected minorities that consider themselves more Christianthan sectarian ethnic.

Eventually you will win as the Old Guard Establishment falls apart for lack of children, lack of new ideas and lack of patriotism.

Your time will come patient and have faith.

GOOD, GET THE FUCK OUT. You fucking ignorant, Bigoted Social Conservatives are the reason the GOP will never win another National Election.

Go start the Social Conservatives Party and leave us Fiscal Conservatives and Constitutionalists alone. I am sick and tired of watching the GOP lose elections because some fucking Lunatic Social Conservative says some retarded shit.

Please do go.
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In general polling 45% of the public sellf-identified as conservative, libs 20% and moderates 35%, while party self-ID went about 35% Dem and 35% GOP, but the poll samples were getting responses from 41% Dems and only 30% GOP.

About 22% of self-identifying conservatives refused to choose Romney and the final vote reflected that.

The GOP cannot win without the enthusiastic support of the social conservatives as ever election since 1972 has proven. Every GOP social moderate (ie would not campaign leading the way on conservative social issues) has lost since 72: Ford, Bush the Elder once exposed, Dole, McCain and now Romney. Social conservative GOP leaders that got out there on these issues win starting with Nixon in 72, then Reagan, Bush the Elder when posing as a soc-con, both W Bush efforts.

But now the RINO GOP elite have cemented control of the GOP with the ability of the RNC to change party rules as they want whenever they want for whatever reason that they want. This means social conservatives can never again get a fair hearing in the GOP.

So it is time for social conservatives to take a 'Long March' approach and rebuild a winning foundation for victory in the future as today is predictably lost. The conservatives in Canada did it and American soc-cons can to.

Teach your young to identify as *Christian* Americans instead of plain ole vanilla Americans and contrast the differences. Send your kids to privates school or home school them. Stop accepting the lesser of two evils (you still wind up with evil and that is not acceptable) and start pushing local and state issues while working within the GOP for now. Let your allies know privately that a split is coming in the near future and it will have to be a big bold move away from the GOP once things are set.

You will lose elections for the next twenty years, but thats OK. There is no real choice between Democrats and Republicans on the important issues now anyway.

But time is on your side. Demographics are on your side. The Dems will hold power long enough that their many factions will fall away from each other as the specter of the 'racist' GOP taking power and returning them to chains fades away. Build coalitions with Christians among these disaffected minorities that consider themselves more Christianthan sectarian ethnic.

Eventually you will win as the Old Guard Establishment falls apart for lack of children, lack of new ideas and lack of patriotism.

Your time will come patient and have faith.

GOOD, GET THE FUCK OUT. You fucking ignorant, Bigoted Social Conservatives are the reason the GOP will never win another National Election.

Go start the Social Conservatives Party and leave us Fiscal Conservatives and Constitutionalists alone. I am sick and tired of watching the GOP lose elections because some fucking Lunatic Social Conservative says some retarded shit.

Please do go.

Size 14 steel toe boots available if needed.
Could not agree more with you.
In general polling 45% of the public sellf-identified as conservative, libs 20% and moderates 35%, while party self-ID went about 35% Dem and 35% GOP, but the poll samples were getting responses from 41% Dems and only 30% GOP.

About 22% of self-identifying conservatives refused to choose Romney and the final vote reflected that.

The GOP cannot win without the enthusiastic support of the social conservatives as ever election since 1972 has proven. Every GOP social moderate (ie would not campaign leading the way on conservative social issues) has lost since 72: Ford, Bush the Elder once exposed, Dole, McCain and now Romney. Social conservative GOP leaders that got out there on these issues win starting with Nixon in 72, then Reagan, Bush the Elder when posing as a soc-con, both W Bush efforts.

But now the RINO GOP elite have cemented control of the GOP with the ability of the RNC to change party rules as they want whenever they want for whatever reason that they want. This means social conservatives can never again get a fair hearing in the GOP.

So it is time for social conservatives to take a 'Long March' approach and rebuild a winning foundation for victory in the future as today is predictably lost. The conservatives in Canada did it and American soc-cons can to.

Teach your young to identify as *Christian* Americans instead of plain ole vanilla Americans and contrast the differences. Send your kids to privates school or home school them. Stop accepting the lesser of two evils (you still wind up with evil and that is not acceptable) and start pushing local and state issues while working within the GOP for now. Let your allies know privately that a split is coming in the near future and it will have to be a big bold move away from the GOP once things are set.

You will lose elections for the next twenty years, but thats OK. There is no real choice between Democrats and Republicans on the important issues now anyway.

But time is on your side. Demographics are on your side. The Dems will hold power long enough that their many factions will fall away from each other as the specter of the 'racist' GOP taking power and returning them to chains fades away. Build coalitions with Christians among these disaffected minorities that consider themselves more Christianthan sectarian ethnic.

Eventually you will win as the Old Guard Establishment falls apart for lack of children, lack of new ideas and lack of patriotism.

Your time will come patient and have faith.

GOOD, GET THE FUCK OUT. You fucking ignorant, Bigoted Social Conservatives are the reason the GOP will never win another National Election.

Go start the Social Conservatives Party and leave us Fiscal Conservatives and Constitutionalists alone. I am sick and tired of watching the GOP lose elections because some fucking Lunatic Social Conservative says some retarded shit.

Please do go.

You are such a shit-for-brains. Every GOP social conservative nom,inated since 1972 ahs won and every RINO moderate has LOST.

But you just dont get it because you are so fucking moronic you shouldnt be allowed to operate a kitchen stove.

Go fuck yourself, godamned bigot.

The social conservative absolutists are so full of themselves that they don't see the damage they have done to their party. Hey, they've got God on their side, they're in constant communication with Him, they know better than you.


Yes, thank you for your suport, but you can keep the haters with the rest of them like you, Jake the Asshole.

Yes, oh my mericiful God in heaven, yes, go, go, go, social conservatives. You can do no good here. Please leave immediately. Take all extremist haters with you.

In general polling 45% of the public sellf-identified as conservative, libs 20% and moderates 35%, while party self-ID went about 35% Dem and 35% GOP, but the poll samples were getting responses from 41% Dems and only 30% GOP.

About 22% of self-identifying conservatives refused to choose Romney and the final vote reflected that.

The GOP cannot win without the enthusiastic support of the social conservatives as ever election since 1972 has proven. Every GOP social moderate (ie would not campaign leading the way on conservative social issues) has lost since 72: Ford, Bush the Elder once exposed, Dole, McCain and now Romney. Social conservative GOP leaders that got out there on these issues win starting with Nixon in 72, then Reagan, Bush the Elder when posing as a soc-con, both W Bush efforts.

But now the RINO GOP elite have cemented control of the GOP with the ability of the RNC to change party rules as they want whenever they want for whatever reason that they want. This means social conservatives can never again get a fair hearing in the GOP.

So it is time for social conservatives to take a 'Long March' approach and rebuild a winning foundation for victory in the future as today is predictably lost. The conservatives in Canada did it and American soc-cons can to.

Teach your young to identify as *Christian* Americans instead of plain ole vanilla Americans and contrast the differences. Send your kids to privates school or home school them. Stop accepting the lesser of two evils (you still wind up with evil and that is not acceptable) and start pushing local and state issues while working within the GOP for now. Let your allies know privately that a split is coming in the near future and it will have to be a big bold move away from the GOP once things are set.

You will lose elections for the next twenty years, but thats OK. There is no real choice between Democrats and Republicans on the important issues now anyway.

But time is on your side. Demographics are on your side. The Dems will hold power long enough that their many factions will fall away from each other as the specter of the 'racist' GOP taking power and returning them to chains fades away. Build coalitions with Christians among these disaffected minorities that consider themselves more Christianthan sectarian ethnic.

Eventually you will win as the Old Guard Establishment falls apart for lack of children, lack of new ideas and lack of patriotism.

Your time will come patient and have faith.
Get out, Jim. Calling bigoted social conservatives "bigots" is no way shape or form bigotry by the person who correctly identifies you.

You are a hater. The GOP cannot tolerate your out of the mainstream antiAmerican social conservative bigotry.

Get out.

In general polling 45% of the public sellf-identified as conservative, libs 20% and moderates 35%, while party self-ID went about 35% Dem and 35% GOP, but the poll samples were getting responses from 41% Dems and only 30% GOP.

About 22% of self-identifying conservatives refused to choose Romney and the final vote reflected that.

The GOP cannot win without the enthusiastic support of the social conservatives as ever election since 1972 has proven. Every GOP social moderate (ie would not campaign leading the way on conservative social issues) has lost since 72: Ford, Bush the Elder once exposed, Dole, McCain and now Romney. Social conservative GOP leaders that got out there on these issues win starting with Nixon in 72, then Reagan, Bush the Elder when posing as a soc-con, both W Bush efforts.

But now the RINO GOP elite have cemented control of the GOP with the ability of the RNC to change party rules as they want whenever they want for whatever reason that they want. This means social conservatives can never again get a fair hearing in the GOP.

So it is time for social conservatives to take a 'Long March' approach and rebuild a winning foundation for victory in the future as today is predictably lost. The conservatives in Canada did it and American soc-cons can to.

Teach your young to identify as *Christian* Americans instead of plain ole vanilla Americans and contrast the differences. Send your kids to privates school or home school them. Stop accepting the lesser of two evils (you still wind up with evil and that is not acceptable) and start pushing local and state issues while working within the GOP for now. Let your allies know privately that a split is coming in the near future and it will have to be a big bold move away from the GOP once things are set.

You will lose elections for the next twenty years, but thats OK. There is no real choice between Democrats and Republicans on the important issues now anyway.

But time is on your side. Demographics are on your side. The Dems will hold power long enough that their many factions will fall away from each other as the specter of the 'racist' GOP taking power and returning them to chains fades away. Build coalitions with Christians among these disaffected minorities that consider themselves more Christianthan sectarian ethnic.

Eventually you will win as the Old Guard Establishment falls apart for lack of children, lack of new ideas and lack of patriotism.

Your time will come patient and have faith.

GOOD, GET THE FUCK OUT. You fucking ignorant, Bigoted Social Conservatives are the reason the GOP will never win another National Election.

Go start the Social Conservatives Party and leave us Fiscal Conservatives and Constitutionalists alone. I am sick and tired of watching the GOP lose elections because some fucking Lunatic Social Conservative says some retarded shit.

Please do go.

You are such a shit-for-brains. Every GOP social conservative nom,inated since 1972 ahs won and every RINO moderate has LOST.

But you just dont get it because you are so fucking moronic you shouldnt be allowed to operate a kitchen stove.

Go fuck yourself, godamned bigot.
When I look at the 30,000 Mitt Romney "white people" rally. The white hair. The big bellies. The glasses. The white beards. It looked like the last family reunion I attended in Virginia. It was out in the country at a fire station and there were over 150 family members and a "Square Dance" band. So fun. True Story.

You watch, Chris Christie will put together a coalition around himself. He will energize the base. He will tell them to "get in line" and they will listen to him. He won't take it from Rush or Sean or Billo or Anne.

I don't agree with his policies, but clearly he is the future.

Us hard working folks do get white hair and beards quicker, beer makes our bellies a little bigger, our eyes go sooner and dancing does help the stresses of high taxation and a moocher parasite class that demands more and more and more.

Chris Christie is a fat, lazy, crybaby blow hard. Agree with many of his views but if he is our leader we are surely fucked. It would be a "coalition around himself" which is not what a leader does. We need a coalition around the nation, not another politician.

The social conservative absolutists are so full of themselves that they don't see the damage they have done to their party. Hey, they've got God on their side, they're in constant communication with Him, they know better than you.



I would like to think we have God on our side, but the FACTS are on our side as well.

1. Every GOP Presidential nominee that was socially conservative has won since 1972, and all the modereates have lost.

2. Except for libtard states like Maryland and Maine where there was almost no funding for the opposing side, gay marriage has consistently failed to win.

3. The social conservative vote is split along party and ethnic lines, but that will change over time and we will be more or less united.

4. Fuck off you shit eating dweeb.
Then we have to open the primaries and end the caucuses to stop their hatred.

Yes, oh my mericiful God in heaven, yes, go, go, go, social conservatives. You can do no good here. Please leave immediately. Take all extremist haters with you.

Look at the posts here. Ain't gonna happen.

These are people who absolutely refuse to look in the mirror, refuse to question whether they are now out of step with their country, even when they lose an election they couldn't lose.

Absolute denial. They absolutely believe what they're saying.


Lol, yeah because all the GOP needs is more Romneys, ROFLMAO

My prayer is that you succede in permantently controling the GOP and running the soc-cons out. I really do.
In general polling 45% of the public sellf-identified as conservative, libs 20% and moderates 35%, while party self-ID went about 35% Dem and 35% GOP, but the poll samples were getting responses from 41% Dems and only 30% GOP.

About 22% of self-identifying conservatives refused to choose Romney and the final vote reflected that.

The GOP cannot win without the enthusiastic support of the social conservatives as ever election since 1972 has proven. Every GOP social moderate (ie would not campaign leading the way on conservative social issues) has lost since 72: Ford, Bush the Elder once exposed, Dole, McCain and now Romney. Social conservative GOP leaders that got out there on these issues win starting with Nixon in 72, then Reagan, Bush the Elder when posing as a soc-con, both W Bush efforts.

But now the RINO GOP elite have cemented control of the GOP with the ability of the RNC to change party rules as they want whenever they want for whatever reason that they want. This means social conservatives can never again get a fair hearing in the GOP.

So it is time for social conservatives to take a 'Long March' approach and rebuild a winning foundation for victory in the future as today is predictably lost. The conservatives in Canada did it and American soc-cons can to.

Teach your young to identify as *Christian* Americans instead of plain ole vanilla Americans and contrast the differences. Send your kids to privates school or home school them. Stop accepting the lesser of two evils (you still wind up with evil and that is not acceptable) and start pushing local and state issues while working within the GOP for now. Let your allies know privately that a split is coming in the near future and it will have to be a big bold move away from the GOP once things are set.

You will lose elections for the next twenty years, but thats OK. There is no real choice between Democrats and Republicans on the important issues now anyway.

But time is on your side. Demographics are on your side. The Dems will hold power long enough that their many factions will fall away from each other as the specter of the 'racist' GOP taking power and returning them to chains fades away. Build coalitions with Christians among these disaffected minorities that consider themselves more Christianthan sectarian ethnic.

Eventually you will win as the Old Guard Establishment falls apart for lack of children, lack of new ideas and lack of patriotism.

Your time will come patient and have faith.

GOOD, GET THE FUCK OUT. You fucking ignorant, Bigoted Social Conservatives are the reason the GOP will never win another National Election.

Go start the Social Conservatives Party and leave us Fiscal Conservatives and Constitutionalists alone. I am sick and tired of watching the GOP lose elections because some fucking Lunatic Social Conservative says some retarded shit.

Please do go.

You are such a shit-for-brains. Every GOP social conservative nom,inated since 1972 ahs won and every RINO moderate has LOST.

But you just dont get it because you are so fucking moronic you shouldnt be allowed to operate a kitchen stove.

Go fuck yourself, godamned bigot.

Why did Romney lose moron. He lost because he had to go through a GOP Primary in which he had to Pretend to be a fucking Bigoted Right wing Fuck to get the Nomination. Then Obama hit him over the head with it and that was enough to defeat him.

You people need to get your fucking Priorities Straight. All your Social Issues are meaningless if this country collapses because we can not bring it some Fiscal Sanity.

You fucking Assholes on the Far right, and the Far left are destroying this country. Romney was, and is a Moderate. Someone who could have actually brought us together, and he lost because of what you have to do to win the GOP Nomination. He lost because of woman fearing his stance on Abortion. A stance he never really held himself, that he had to adopt to make you fucking idiots happy.

Fuck dude I am not fan of Abortion, but for fuck sakes man the Debt, and Deficit are far more pressing issues. This country is very close to an Economic Disaster, and you stupid Partisan Assholes on Both sides, are making it Impossible to do anything about it.

You really want to know who lost last night. Moderates lost, the Middle Lost. The Best chance for sanity in DC lost.

Fucking asshole.
In general polling 45% of the public sellf-identified as conservative, libs 20% and moderates 35%, while party self-ID went about 35% Dem and 35% GOP, but the poll samples were getting responses from 41% Dems and only 30% GOP.

About 22% of self-identifying conservatives refused to choose Romney and the final vote reflected that.

The GOP cannot win without the enthusiastic support of the social conservatives as ever election since 1972 has proven. Every GOP social moderate (ie would not campaign leading the way on conservative social issues) has lost since 72: Ford, Bush the Elder once exposed, Dole, McCain and now Romney. Social conservative GOP leaders that got out there on these issues win starting with Nixon in 72, then Reagan, Bush the Elder when posing as a soc-con, both W Bush efforts.

But now the RINO GOP elite have cemented control of the GOP with the ability of the RNC to change party rules as they want whenever they want for whatever reason that they want. This means social conservatives can never again get a fair hearing in the GOP.

So it is time for social conservatives to take a 'Long March' approach and rebuild a winning foundation for victory in the future as today is predictably lost. The conservatives in Canada did it and American soc-cons can to.

Teach your young to identify as *Christian* Americans instead of plain ole vanilla Americans and contrast the differences. Send your kids to privates school or home school them. Stop accepting the lesser of two evils (you still wind up with evil and that is not acceptable) and start pushing local and state issues while working within the GOP for now. Let your allies know privately that a split is coming in the near future and it will have to be a big bold move away from the GOP once things are set.

You will lose elections for the next twenty years, but thats OK. There is no real choice between Democrats and Republicans on the important issues now anyway.

But time is on your side. Demographics are on your side. The Dems will hold power long enough that their many factions will fall away from each other as the specter of the 'racist' GOP taking power and returning them to chains fades away. Build coalitions with Christians among these disaffected minorities that consider themselves more Christianthan sectarian ethnic.

Eventually you will win as the Old Guard Establishment falls apart for lack of children, lack of new ideas and lack of patriotism.

Your time will come patient and have faith.

GOOD, GET THE FUCK OUT. You fucking ignorant, Bigoted Social Conservatives are the reason the GOP will never win another National Election.

Go start the Social Conservatives Party and leave us Fiscal Conservatives and Constitutionalists alone. I am sick and tired of watching the GOP lose elections because some fucking Lunatic Social Conservative says some retarded shit.

Please do go.

You are such a shit-for-brains. Every GOP social conservative nom,inated since 1972 ahs won and every RINO moderate has LOST.

But you just dont get it because you are so fucking moronic you shouldnt be allowed to operate a kitchen stove.

Go fuck yourself, godamned bigot.

Let me appeal to your reason and common sense.
This is not 1972.
All social conservatives got their ass kicked in the Republican primaries.
Every one of them.
So explain to us if REPUBLICANS will not vote for them how do they win?
Neither are on your side, Jim.

1. Nixon was liberal by 1972, Reagan and Bush could not even run today because of their big government policies.

2. Gay marriage won four times last night in the states.

3. The social conservative movement will die out as you people grow older, die, and your children and grand children turn back to traditional Christianity.

4. Get out, Jim, get out if you won't change.
We will run you out if you won't leave. We can't win with your hatred.

Then we have to open the primaries and end the caucuses to stop their hatred.

Look at the posts here. Ain't gonna happen.

These are people who absolutely refuse to look in the mirror, refuse to question whether they are now out of step with their country, even when they lose an election they couldn't lose.

Absolute denial. They absolutely believe what they're saying.


Lol, yeah because all the GOP needs is more Romneys, ROFLMAO

My prayer is that you succede in permantently controling the GOP and running the soc-cons out. I really do.

The social conservative absolutists are so full of themselves that they don't see the damage they have done to their party. Hey, they've got God on their side, they're in constant communication with Him, they know better than you.



I would like to think we have God on our side, but the FACTS are on our side as well.

1. Every GOP Presidential nominee that was socially conservative has won since 1972, and all the modereates have lost.

2. Except for libtard states like Maryland and Maine where there was almost no funding for the opposing side, gay marriage has consistently failed to win.

3. The social conservative vote is split along party and ethnic lines, but that will change over time and we will be more or less united.

4. Fuck off you shit eating dweeb.

Do they teach you that language in "church"?

By all means, keep doing what you're doing.

We will run you out if you won't leave. We can't win with your hatred.

Then we have to open the primaries and end the caucuses to stop their hatred.

Lol, yeah because all the GOP needs is more Romneys, ROFLMAO

My prayer is that you succede in permantently controling the GOP and running the soc-cons out. I really do.

Fuck that, they have tainted the Brand to much. The GOP is dead. I just became a full time IND in a 1 Party nation.

So basically I am irrelevant. lol.
GOOD, GET THE FUCK OUT. You fucking ignorant, Bigoted Social Conservatives are the reason the GOP will never win another National Election.

Go start the Social Conservatives Party and leave us Fiscal Conservatives and Constitutionalists alone. I am sick and tired of watching the GOP lose elections because some fucking Lunatic Social Conservative says some retarded shit.

Please do go.

You are such a shit-for-brains. Every GOP social conservative nom,inated since 1972 ahs won and every RINO moderate has LOST.

But you just dont get it because you are so fucking moronic you shouldnt be allowed to operate a kitchen stove.

Go fuck yourself, godamned bigot.

Why did Romney lose moron. He lost because he had to go through a GOP Primary in which he had to Pretend to be a fucking Bigoted Right wing Fuck to get the Nomination. Then Obama hit him over the head with it and that was enough to defeat him.

You people need to get your fucking Priorities Straight. All your Social Issues are meaningless if this country collapses because we can not bring it some Fiscal Sanity.

You fucking Assholes on the Far right, and the Far left are destroying this country. Romney was, and is a Moderate. Someone who could have actually brought us together, and he lost because of what you have to do to win the GOP Nomination. He lost because of woman fearing his stance on Abortion. A stance he never really held himself, that he had to adopt to make you fucking idiots happy.

Fuck dude I am not fan of Abortion, but for fuck sakes man the Debt, and Deficit are far more pressing issues. This country is very close to an Economic Disaster, and you stupid Partisan Assholes on Both sides, are making it Impossible to do anything about it.

You really want to know who lost last night. Moderates lost, the Middle Lost. The Best chance for sanity in DC lost.

Fucking asshole.

I heard Lush today call any Republican moderate on social issues a closet liberal.
That is the BS going on, they listen to him.
To many independent voters HE stands out as the leader of the Republicans and they see through that as a lack of leadership.
A dick head former drug addict entertainer.
Anyone that gives a shit about gay marriage is a mother hen busy body. Abortion is a personal health issue that women can make the wrong decision on and no law ever stops it and God does not give a shit about politics as indicated by the most recent election.
And they wonder why we do get our ass kicked.
GOP is living in the past. It IS the grand OLD party.
Well, the party is dying from soc con cancer if we can't excise it.

If so, we can create a new party, Charles_Main, without them.

We will run you out if you won't leave. We can't win with your hatred.

Lol, yeah because all the GOP needs is more Romneys, ROFLMAO

My prayer is that you succede in permantently controling the GOP and running the soc-cons out. I really do.

Fuck that, they have tainted the Brand to much. The GOP is dead. I just became a full time IND in a 1 Party nation.

So basically I am irrelevant. lol.
Neither are on your side, Jim.

1. Nixon was liberal by 1972, Reagan and Bush could not even run today because of their big government policies.

2. Gay marriage won four times last night in the states.

3. The social conservative movement will die out as you people grow older, die, and your children and grand children turn back to traditional Christianity.

4. Get out, Jim, get out if you won't change.

Nixon a liberal?
Roll me 1 out of your bag.

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