GOP is BROKEN, Social Conservatives need to use the next 4 years to build a new party

The GOP isn't broken. The same thing was said in 2008 and then 2010 happened and the GOP retook the House. Then Scott Walker won his recall in a blue state. Why people make such ridiculous statements after an election is beyond me.

GOP won despite its national leaderships opposition to the Tea Party movement. And the TPM is about 80% social conservative.
No, it is not....The Tea Partiers are primarily soft libertarians, whereas "social conservatives" are actually social authoritarians.
Don't sweat it. As soon as the shocking expenses for Obamacare kick in, not to mention Taxmageddon, the voters will flock back to the GOP.

The chickens are coming home to roost.

Rinse. Lather, Repeat.

The chickens are already here, but the locust swarm is coming soon.

Anyone that can look at how Obama has already increased the debt by 6 trillion USD and still votes for him is not voting for a love of the US but only of their own narrow sectarian faction's gain with no concern for a future that they assume someone will fix for them.

But it aint a gonna happen.
The GOP isn't broken. The same thing was said in 2008 and then 2010 happened and the GOP retook the House. Then Scott Walker won his recall in a blue state. Why people make such ridiculous statements after an election is beyond me.

GOP won despite its national leaderships opposition to the Tea Party movement. And the TPM is about 80% social conservative.
No, it is not....The Tea Partiers are primarily soft libertarians, whereas "social conservatives" are actually social authoritarians.

The Tea Party, Religion and Social Issues - Pew Research Center

A new analysis by the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life finds that Tea Party supporters tend to have conservative opinions not just about economic matters, but also about social issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. In addition, they are much more likely than registered voters as a whole to say that their religion is the most important factor in determining their opinions on these social issues.2 And they draw disproportionate support from the ranks of white evangelical Protestants.

Not that this wont keep you from believing whatever anarchist wet dream you want, but the opinions of people like you are no longer my concern.

Go waste in the wilderness for all I care, and let the Democrats have twenty years of power.

We will win over time.
The OP suggests the path to victory for the GOP is a long one......20 years......and hinges on their ability to indoctrinate their children effectively.


I'd love to see the hardcore social conservatives break off and form their own party. It would not hurt the remaining party, because losing the social conservatives would make the party far more attractive to moderates and even many Democrats.

By all means, please do it.


I agree.

But I think the OP is talking about "Christian Identity" which is White Pride neo-nazi.

Those people can go to hell.

What a racist and ignorant thing for you to say. If someone disagrees with you they must be a Nazi racist, just like the anarchists who think that if you disagree with them you are fascist statist.

People like you are too stupid to ever pull your head out of your ass.
Someone define social conservative in specific terms that can reviewed argued accepted or discarded?

Someone define conservative in a meaningful way as well.

Trouble is terminology while useful hardly fits any single person, Romney moved far to what is defined as social conservative and he lost. It would seem the title requires something other than what it evokes in the mind and in the values of American voters. But what is that.
The OP suggests the path to victory for the GOP is a long one......20 years......and hinges on their ability to indoctrinate their children effectively.


It isnt indoctrination, it is the natural right of a parent to teach their own kids what they believe.

This will be one of the issues that will turn things around for soc-cons as the leftwing Jacobins attack families more openly over the next two decades.
GOP won despite its national leaderships opposition to the Tea Party movement. And the TPM is about 80% social conservative.
No, it is not....The Tea Partiers are primarily soft libertarians, whereas "social conservatives" are actually social authoritarians.

The Tea Party, Religion and Social Issues - Pew Research Center

A new analysis by the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life finds that Tea Party supporters tend to have conservative opinions not just about economic matters, but also about social issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. In addition, they are much more likely than registered voters as a whole to say that their religion is the most important factor in determining their opinions on these social issues.2 And they draw disproportionate support from the ranks of white evangelical Protestants.

Not that this wont keep you from believing whatever anarchist wet dream you want, but the opinions of people like you are no longer my concern.

Go waste in the wilderness for all I care, and let the Democrats have twenty years of power.

We will win over time.
I don't give a flying fuck what some pollster says...I've been amongst a lot of Tea Party types and very, very few of them give a shit about fool social issues, nearly as much as social authoritarian dweebs like you would like to believe they do.

If anyone has fucked over the GOP nearly as badly than the neocons, it has been the prigs.
I caution the idea of doubling down on dumb (Thanks RightWinger).

The conservative message of a terrible economy was repudiated by the exit polls and some of the most SOCIAL conservative senators lost their seats. You are MAD if you think the party needs to go further right.

This path will be the death of the republican party.
The OP suggests the path to victory for the GOP is a long one......20 years......and hinges on their ability to indoctrinate their children effectively.


It isnt indoctrination, it is the natural right of a parent to teach their own kids what they believe.

This will be one of the issues that will turn things around for soc-cons as the leftwing Jacobins attack families more openly over the next two decades.

Idiot. This is a new era. The Internet will prevent you from shielding your offspring from reality. They will come of age and mock you for your attempt to do so.
The conservative message of a terrible economy was repudiated by the exit polls and some of the most SOCIAL conservative senators lost their seats. You are MAD if you think the party needs to go further right.
What the hell does one have to do with the other?
The historical record speaks for itself, the GOP cannot win natioonally without social conservatives as last night once again demonstrated.

Akin and Mourdock LOST.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

The country wants a fiscally conservative socially moderate party.


But maybe a bit too complicated for some.


Bingo is right. Thats the reason I left the Rep party. I'm a social moderate.

I am however a fiscal conservative.

I went Indi and it works quite well for me.
Someone define social conservative in specific terms that can reviewed argued accepted or discarded?

Someone define conservative in a meaningful way as well.

Trouble is terminology while useful hardly fits any single person, Romney moved far to what is defined as social conservative and he lost. It would seem the title requires something other than what it evokes in the mind and in the values of American voters. But what is that.

All I can do is share my definition with you.

'Conservative' in this context means a person who has a set of principles that push them to oppose the change of a set of conditions from what they have and like now to one that they do not like or trust. As there are different sets of issues, social, financial/economic, and security issues, there are derived sets of conservative social positions, conservative economic positions, and conservative national security views.

It gets a little more complicated when you consider that many of the things that 'conservatives' want to keep today are things that were successful leftist agenda items of the past, like government regulation of marriage or free trade economics.

I prefer to look at the issues from a more traditional perspective, and that would be of a Catholic American conserevative circa 1965.

So in my view social conservatives hold to gun rights, free speech rights, civil rights, economic freedom, are pro-life, in favor of reasonable regulation to keep markets sane and pro-worker (look up Distributism sometime), and hold a Biblical Christian moral view.

Such people are now locked out of the GOP power center in the RNC as Wall Street and the RINOS have long controled that institution, and grass root efforts from the state level was all that kept the GOP a viable avenue for soc-cons.

Hope that helps.
The OP suggests the path to victory for the GOP is a long one......20 years......and hinges on their ability to indoctrinate their children effectively.


It isnt indoctrination, it is the natural right of a parent to teach their own kids what they believe.

This will be one of the issues that will turn things around for soc-cons as the leftwing Jacobins attack families more openly over the next two decades.

Idiot. This is a new era. The Internet will prevent you from shielding your offspring from reality. They will come of age and mock you for your attempt to do so.

Lol, already the internet is losing influence as it is so full of idiots and shysters that no reasonable and rational person of any age can entirely trust it.

And the internet cannot pose as a neutral authority as our public schools do and inject degenerate moral poison into their young minds.
The conservative message of a terrible economy was repudiated by the exit polls and some of the most SOCIAL conservative senators lost their seats. You are MAD if you think the party needs to go further right.
What the hell does one have to do with the other?


They don't, I was listing off stats to illustrate the idea that the conservative message is not working.

Next time I can use a comma or maybe number them so as not to confuse you.
The historical record speaks for itself, the GOP cannot win natioonally without social conservatives as last night once again demonstrated.

Akin and Mourdock LOST.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

The country wants a fiscally conservative socially moderate party.

Yeah, they lost because the GOP pulled the financial rug out from under them.

Which again demonstrates that soc-cons are no longer welcome in the GOP.

Soc-cons need a new party and will eventually get one.
Akin and Mourdock LOST.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

The country wants a fiscally conservative socially moderate party.


But maybe a bit too complicated for some.


Bingo is right. Thats the reason I left the Rep party. I'm a social moderate.

I am however a fiscal conservative.

I went Indi and it works quite well for me.

Funny thing is, I strongly suspect you and I are in the majority. We just don't have a party that addresses our priorities.


But maybe a bit too complicated for some.


Bingo is right. Thats the reason I left the Rep party. I'm a social moderate.

I am however a fiscal conservative.

I went Indi and it works quite well for me.

Funny thing is, I strongly suspect you and I are in the majority. We just don't have a party that addresses our priorities.


Well people like you have runied the GOP. If it isnt what you want you are just shit-out-of-luck.

And BTW, you are not in the majority, lol.

I'd love to see the hardcore social conservatives break off and form their own party. It would not hurt the remaining party, because losing the social conservatives would make the party far more attractive to moderates and even many Democrats.

By all means, please do it.


I agree.

But I think the OP is talking about "Christian Identity" which is White Pride neo-nazi.

Those people can go to hell.

just because you're a homo, dosent mean that everyone is my man

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