GOP is out of ammunition

Paid for by....Pinochijoe's tax increases on all working Americans!
Wrong again Skippy

Paid for with taxes on Corporations and the Wealthy
The very ones who benefit from infrastructure

You think he will get enough money from them to pay for his infrastructure bill??

LOL What a fool you are. All those projects, if they ever come to pass, are Fed projects and will be paid for with tax money. Once he runs out of his "wealth" tax he will be using all the tax money he can get.

Tax money pays for infrastructure?

Who did you think was going to pay for infrastructure?

Of course it does. Wonder how much tax money it will take??
I care. Hence I don't belong to a political party like a lemming. You are old and poor so you're living off my tax dollars. You're welcome, parasite.

We have two political parties

I belong to the best one

You belong to the idiot one that voted for the stuttering fuck who's made one holy mess of America.
Paid for by....Pinochijoe's tax increases on all working Americans!
Wrong again Skippy

Paid for with taxes on Corporations and the Wealthy
The very ones who benefit from infrastructure

You think he will get enough money from them to pay for his infrastructure bill??

LOL What a fool you are. All those projects, if they ever come to pass, are Fed projects and will be paid for with tax money. Once he runs out of his "wealth" tax he will be using all the tax money he can get.

Tax money pays for infrastructure?

Who did you think was going to pay for infrastructure?
Keeping illegals out is worth paying taxes for.
Fences don’t help America.

Roads, Bridges, Water Systems, modern rail systems help America
Then let the states fix their own commie. Fences keep laws intact and prevent your dreaded zombievirus from giving you cooties.
If the stuttering fuck,

Why do conservatives mock those with disabilities?

View attachment 476363
Its the same reason that the same Progs who mock and open up their mouths and say what they want against someone demand that no one can answer them back or it is some form of hate. Trump bypasses all of that. The growing amount of impoverished in areas of this nation say things back and even avoid their own as more and more gangs grow from the fruits of Progressive Socialist agendas.
Paid for by....Pinochijoe's tax increases on all working Americans!
Wrong again Skippy

Paid for with taxes on Corporations and the Wealthy
The very ones who benefit from infrastructure

You think he will get enough money from them to pay for his infrastructure bill??

LOL What a fool you are. All those projects, if they ever come to pass, are Fed projects and will be paid for with tax money. Once he runs out of his "wealth" tax he will be using all the tax money he can get.

Tax money pays for infrastructure?

Who did you think was going to pay for infrastructure?
Keeping illegals out is worth paying taxes for.
Fences don’t help America.

Roads, Bridges, Water Systems, modern rail systems help America

Oh but fences do keep illegals who cost we tax payers billions each year out.
Billions that could be used to pay for those roads, bridges, water systems and rail systems.
Republicans may love they're guns, but they've run out of political ammunition. Democrats have won the House, Senate, and Whitehouse, passed a very popular stimulus package with no Republican support, Donald Trump's wild claims of massive voter fraud have been shot down (even by his own hand picked judges) Joe Biden has out-maneuvered Mitch McConnell and gotten the bulk of his cabinet picks confirmed by the Senate, Donald Trump is facing a mountain of financial and legal woes, Conservative business leaders now back Democrats efforts to undue GOP voter suppression efforts, Democrat's are working on a very popular infrastructure bill (again, with no Republican support) None of Biden's cabinet or staff picks are in legal trouble, Republican lawmakers are facing scrutiny for collaborating with capital rioters, and Republican Matt Gatez is under investigation for sex trafficking. ....All of this leaving Republicans scrambling for something to complain about. FOX NEWS spends air time discussing DR. Seuss, and whines about Socialism - all ignoring the fact that (unlike Trump) most American's now approve of the way their President is running the country.

Sorry Republicans - You're out of ammo! :bye1:

Dementia Riddled Baked Potatoe Kid Drowning *Joe is the ammo. If you haven't noticed he's a few brain cells from retarded you aren't paying attention.

Oh yeah. He's giving the Rep's plenty of ammo. Com 2022 I have no doubt they will take the House and the Senate. Once tax payers figure out what that stuttering fuck has done and how much he is costing them you can bet the only place a Dem could win a vote is to man the back of a garbage Truck. The stuttering fuck is his own worst enemy.
What ever happened to that economic collapse you kept predicting?

915,000 new jobs last month, record Stock Market
The Amazing Biden is sitting at 54 percent approval

Give it time. It will get here the way that stuttering fuck is spending out money.

Glad for the jobs you posted but I doubt its true, The stock market was high when Trump was POTUS. It goes up. Then it goes down and it will for Biden as well.

His approval rating is more like 40% and once voters get a load of what that stuttering fuck is doing. It will be lower.

You do so love to lie to yourself. Carry on.
Oh...another "any day now...any day now..." from the Party of the Orange Cult?

LOL It will be any day now for the stuttering fuck you voted for. You tried for four years to get something on Trump and failed. The stuttering fuck is his own worst enemy. Any day now.
You poor thing......your orange god losing in November was truly traumatic.
Paid for by....Pinochijoe's tax increases on all working Americans!
Wrong again Skippy

Paid for with taxes on Corporations and the Wealthy
The very ones who benefit from infrastructure

You think he will get enough money from them to pay for his infrastructure bill??

LOL What a fool you are. All those projects, if they ever come to pass, are Fed projects and will be paid for with tax money. Once he runs out of his "wealth" tax he will be using all the tax money he can get.

Tax money pays for infrastructure?

Who did you think was going to pay for infrastructure?
Keeping illegals out is worth paying taxes for.
Fences don’t help America.

Roads, Bridges, Water Systems, modern rail systems help America
So why is there a fence around the WH? Does your house not have doors and locks? Truth over Facts.
Paid for by....Pinochijoe's tax increases on all working Americans!
Wrong again Skippy

Paid for with taxes on Corporations and the Wealthy
The very ones who benefit from infrastructure

You think he will get enough money from them to pay for his infrastructure bill??

LOL What a fool you are. All those projects, if they ever come to pass, are Fed projects and will be paid for with tax money. Once he runs out of his "wealth" tax he will be using all the tax money he can get.

Tax money pays for infrastructure?

Who did you think was going to pay for infrastructure?

Of course it does. Wonder how much tax money it will take??

Gee....let me get this straight

Tax money pays for projects that help America
What a concept!
Paid for by....Pinochijoe's tax increases on all working Americans!
Wrong again Skippy

Paid for with taxes on Corporations and the Wealthy
The very ones who benefit from infrastructure

You think he will get enough money from them to pay for his infrastructure bill??

LOL What a fool you are. All those projects, if they ever come to pass, are Fed projects and will be paid for with tax money. Once he runs out of his "wealth" tax he will be using all the tax money he can get.

Tax money pays for infrastructure?

Who did you think was going to pay for infrastructure?

Of course it does. Wonder how much tax money it will take??

Gee....let me get this straight

Tax money pays for projects that help America
What a concept!
Dimwinger take off the facediaper. Breathe in some fresh air......
Paid for by....Pinochijoe's tax increases on all working Americans!
Wrong again Skippy

Paid for with taxes on Corporations and the Wealthy
The very ones who benefit from infrastructure

You think he will get enough money from them to pay for his infrastructure bill??

LOL What a fool you are. All those projects, if they ever come to pass, are Fed projects and will be paid for with tax money. Once he runs out of his "wealth" tax he will be using all the tax money he can get.

Tax money pays for infrastructure?

Who did you think was going to pay for infrastructure?
Keeping illegals out is worth paying taxes for.
Fences don’t help America.

Roads, Bridges, Water Systems, modern rail systems help America
Then let the states fix their own commie. Fences keep laws intact and prevent your dreaded zombievirus from giving you cooties.
Let Mexico build their own damned fences
Paid for by....Pinochijoe's tax increases on all working Americans!
Wrong again Skippy

Paid for with taxes on Corporations and the Wealthy
The very ones who benefit from infrastructure

You think he will get enough money from them to pay for his infrastructure bill??

LOL What a fool you are. All those projects, if they ever come to pass, are Fed projects and will be paid for with tax money. Once he runs out of his "wealth" tax he will be using all the tax money he can get.

Tax money pays for infrastructure?

Who did you think was going to pay for infrastructure?
Keeping illegals out is worth paying taxes for.
Fences don’t help America.

Roads, Bridges, Water Systems, modern rail systems help America
Then let the states fix their own commie. Fences keep laws intact and prevent your dreaded zombievirus from giving you cooties.
Let Mexico build their own damned fences
So you won't try to go there???
Paid for by....Pinochijoe's tax increases on all working Americans!
Wrong again Skippy

Paid for with taxes on Corporations and the Wealthy
The very ones who benefit from infrastructure

You think he will get enough money from them to pay for his infrastructure bill??

LOL What a fool you are. All those projects, if they ever come to pass, are Fed projects and will be paid for with tax money. Once he runs out of his "wealth" tax he will be using all the tax money he can get.

Tax money pays for infrastructure?

Who did you think was going to pay for infrastructure?
Keeping illegals out is worth paying taxes for.
Fences don’t help America.

Roads, Bridges, Water Systems, modern rail systems help America
So why is there a fence around the WH? Does your house not have doors and locks? Truth over Facts.

Are you trying to say building a fence around a country is the same thing as building a fence around a house?

Thousands of miles is the same as thousands of feet?
Republicans may love they're guns, but they've run out of political ammunition. Democrats have won the House, Senate, and Whitehouse, passed a very popular stimulus package with no Republican support, Donald Trump's wild claims of massive voter fraud have been shot down (even by his own hand picked judges) Joe Biden has out-maneuvered Mitch McConnell and gotten the bulk of his cabinet picks confirmed by the Senate, Donald Trump is facing a mountain of financial and legal woes, Conservative business leaders now back Democrats efforts to undue GOP voter suppression efforts, Democrat's are working on a very popular infrastructure bill (again, with no Republican support) None of Biden's cabinet or staff picks are in legal trouble, Republican lawmakers are facing scrutiny for collaborating with capital rioters, and Republican Matt Gatez is under investigation for sex trafficking. ....All of this leaving Republicans scrambling for something to complain about. FOX NEWS spends air time discussing DR. Seuss, and whines about Socialism - all ignoring the fact that (unlike Trump) most American's now approve of the way their President is running the country.

Sorry Republicans - You're out of ammo! :bye1:

Dementia Riddled Baked Potatoe Kid Drowning *Joe is the ammo. If you haven't noticed he's a few brain cells from retarded you aren't paying attention.

Oh yeah. He's giving the Rep's plenty of ammo. Com 2022 I have no doubt they will take the House and the Senate. Once tax payers figure out what that stuttering fuck has done and how much he is costing them you can bet the only place a Dem could win a vote is to man the back of a garbage Truck. The stuttering fuck is his own worst enemy.
What ever happened to that economic collapse you kept predicting?

915,000 new jobs last month, record Stock Market
The Amazing Biden is sitting at 54 percent approval

Give it time. It will get here the way that stuttering fuck is spending out money.

Glad for the jobs you posted but I doubt its true, The stock market was high when Trump was POTUS. It goes up. Then it goes down and it will for Biden as well.

His approval rating is more like 40% and once voters get a load of what that stuttering fuck is doing. It will be lower.

You do so love to lie to yourself. Carry on.
Oh...another "any day now...any day now..." from the Party of the Orange Cult?

LOL It will be any day now for the stuttering fuck you voted for. You tried for four years to get something on Trump and failed. The stuttering fuck is his own worst enemy. Any day now.
You poor thing......your orange god losing in November was truly traumatic.

Nah I'd say you are the poor thing. You voted for that stuttering fuck who is fast making a mess of America. I'm sure you will continue to defend your poor choice.
Paid for by....Pinochijoe's tax increases on all working Americans!
Wrong again Skippy

Paid for with taxes on Corporations and the Wealthy
The very ones who benefit from infrastructure

You think he will get enough money from them to pay for his infrastructure bill??

LOL What a fool you are. All those projects, if they ever come to pass, are Fed projects and will be paid for with tax money. Once he runs out of his "wealth" tax he will be using all the tax money he can get.

Tax money pays for infrastructure?

Who did you think was going to pay for infrastructure?

Of course it does. Wonder how much tax money it will take??

Gee....let me get this straight

Tax money pays for projects that help America
What a concept!

Yes. What a concept. To bad most of that bill is pork. No much infrastructire in it at all. LOL
Paid for by....Pinochijoe's tax increases on all working Americans!
Wrong again Skippy

Paid for with taxes on Corporations and the Wealthy
The very ones who benefit from infrastructure

You think he will get enough money from them to pay for his infrastructure bill??

LOL What a fool you are. All those projects, if they ever come to pass, are Fed projects and will be paid for with tax money. Once he runs out of his "wealth" tax he will be using all the tax money he can get.

Tax money pays for infrastructure?

Who did you think was going to pay for infrastructure?
Keeping illegals out is worth paying taxes for.
Fences don’t help America.

Roads, Bridges, Water Systems, modern rail systems help America
So why is there a fence around the WH? Does your house not have doors and locks? Truth over Facts.

Are you trying to say building a fence around a country is the same thing as building a fence around a house?

Thousands of miles is the same as thousands of feet?
One keeps out illegal thugs and protects Americans.....the other keeps out Americans and protects....well just thugs.
Republicans may love they're guns, but they've run out of political ammunition. Democrats have won the House, Senate, and Whitehouse, passed a very popular stimulus package with no Republican support, Donald Trump's wild claims of massive voter fraud have been shot down (even by his own hand picked judges) Joe Biden has out-maneuvered Mitch McConnell and gotten the bulk of his cabinet picks confirmed by the Senate, Donald Trump is facing a mountain of financial and legal woes, Conservative business leaders now back Democrats efforts to undue GOP voter suppression efforts, Democrat's are working on a very popular infrastructure bill (again, with no Republican support) None of Biden's cabinet or staff picks are in legal trouble, Republican lawmakers are facing scrutiny for collaborating with capital rioters, and Republican Matt Gatez is under investigation for sex trafficking. ....All of this leaving Republicans scrambling for something to complain about. FOX NEWS spends air time discussing DR. Seuss, and whines about Socialism - all ignoring the fact that (unlike Trump) most American's now approve of the way their President is running the country.

Sorry Republicans - You're out of ammo! :bye1:
You guys cheated and stole the election so a career political hack with dementia would win. Morons.
Republicans may love they're guns, but they've run out of political ammunition. Democrats have won the House, Senate, and Whitehouse, passed a very popular stimulus package with no Republican support, Donald Trump's wild claims of massive voter fraud have been shot down (even by his own hand picked judges) Joe Biden has out-maneuvered Mitch McConnell and gotten the bulk of his cabinet picks confirmed by the Senate, Donald Trump is facing a mountain of financial and legal woes, Conservative business leaders now back Democrats efforts to undue GOP voter suppression efforts, Democrat's are working on a very popular infrastructure bill (again, with no Republican support) None of Biden's cabinet or staff picks are in legal trouble, Republican lawmakers are facing scrutiny for collaborating with capital rioters, and Republican Matt Gatez is under investigation for sex trafficking. ....All of this leaving Republicans scrambling for something to complain about. FOX NEWS spends air time discussing DR. Seuss, and whines about Socialism - all ignoring the fact that (unlike Trump) most American's now approve of the way their President is running the country.

Sorry Republicans - You're out of ammo! :bye1:

What changes do you believe the Democrats will make to the gun laws? When do you believe they will raise the minimum wage? When will they make real health care changes? How much will they raise taxes on the working class now that they realize their infrastructure plans will not be covered by just taxing the rich? Are they finally going to reverse all of Reagan's actions that they have complained about for the last three decades?

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