GOP jobs agenda

What progressives with no business or economics experience can't seem to grasp is what the effect is when lawmakers even PROPOSE something like Cap & Trade legislation! All those people doing those cost analysis studies become paralyzed with uncertainty because they don't know what their costs are going to be two years down the road. They can't advise management to go ahead with expansion plans because they don't know what the playing field is going to look like in the future.
Jobs are NOT created by demand...they are created by an anticipation of profit! No job creation. You can have all the demand you want but if you aren't making money creating the product or providing the service then you're not going to invest capital to create a business.

Business does not create jobs. Jobs are created by consumer demand

Both private sector (individual) and public sector (collective) a business has no existence without the consumer needs and wants. It is the consumer that creates the jobs, and it is producers that fill them.

A business is simply a framework for a joint venture between a group of economic system participants to produce a product or service that is needed or in demand because of want by other economic system participants.

Let me ask you a very simple question, Dad. Do you think there is "demand" for a Corvette that costs $20,000 instead of $40,000? Would you admit that there are literally tens of thousands of people who would line up at their local Chevy dealer to buy one! Yet Chevy isn't selling it's Corvette for that amount because it doesn't make a profit in doing so. Would you admit that there are hundreds of thousands of people that would LOVE to have a light bulb that would last ten years? The demand is there and so is the technology. So why aren't the shelves loaded with ten year bulbs down at Lowes and Home Depot? I'll give you a's because in order for them to be profitable they would have to cost ten times what a normal bulb costs and people don't want to spend all that money for a light bulb.

I know you have this "demand" concept in your head as the be all and end all of economic theory but demand is only one small part of what creates jobs. If you can't show an investor that there is the very strong chance of making a substantial profit with your product or service, then they are NOT going to risk their capital!

In your example you speak of businesses being formed because of "want". You're actually correct...except that the "want" that forms businesses is investors with capital who "want" to make a profit with that capital. They could quite frankly care LESS what the average person wants if that want doesn't translate into a profit for them.

first Chevy can't build a Vette for 20K, second, Chevy won't build 200,000 of them just to find out who will pay what amount for them

if 100,000 customers sign contracts and pay for a Vette up front, THEN Chevy would fill up dealerships all over the world ... until then production is limited to past sales.

Then how did Chevy determine what the demand for the Vetta was before it built a factory, hired employees and built a single one?

Some very astute people have done cost analysis studies to determine what it WILL cost to build that Corvette and also set a price that both allows them to make a profit and not kill demand.

It won't make a profit if it doesn't sell, and they have no idea if it will sell before they build it.
Business does not create jobs. Jobs are created by consumer demand

Both private sector (individual) and public sector (collective) a business has no existence without the consumer needs and wants. It is the consumer that creates the jobs, and it is producers that fill them.

A business is simply a framework for a joint venture between a group of economic system participants to produce a product or service that is needed or in demand because of want by other economic system participants.

Let me ask you a very simple question, Dad. Do you think there is "demand" for a Corvette that costs $20,000 instead of $40,000? Would you admit that there are literally tens of thousands of people who would line up at their local Chevy dealer to buy one! Yet Chevy isn't selling it's Corvette for that amount because it doesn't make a profit in doing so. Would you admit that there are hundreds of thousands of people that would LOVE to have a light bulb that would last ten years? The demand is there and so is the technology. So why aren't the shelves loaded with ten year bulbs down at Lowes and Home Depot? I'll give you a's because in order for them to be profitable they would have to cost ten times what a normal bulb costs and people don't want to spend all that money for a light bulb.

I know you have this "demand" concept in your head as the be all and end all of economic theory but demand is only one small part of what creates jobs. If you can't show an investor that there is the very strong chance of making a substantial profit with your product or service, then they are NOT going to risk their capital!

In your example you speak of businesses being formed because of "want". You're actually correct...except that the "want" that forms businesses is investors with capital who "want" to make a profit with that capital. They could quite frankly care LESS what the average person wants if that want doesn't translate into a profit for them.

first Chevy can't build a Vette for 20K, second, Chevy won't build 200,000 of them just to find out who will pay what amount for them

if 100,000 customers sign contracts and pay for a Vette up front, THEN Chevy would fill up dealerships all over the world ... until then production is limited to past sales.

Then how did Chevy determine what the demand for the Vetta was before it built a factory, hired employees and built a single one?

Some very astute people have done cost analysis studies to determine what it WILL cost to build that Corvette and also set a price that both allows them to make a profit and not kill demand.

It won't make a profit if it doesn't sell, and they have no idea if it will sell before they build it.

You really don't think they have an idea if it will both sell and sell at a profit before they build it, Bri? I beg to differ. There are a whole bunch of very astute people who make a lot of money for determining both of those things.
Let me ask you a very simple question, Dad. Do you think there is "demand" for a Corvette that costs $20,000 instead of $40,000? Would you admit that there are literally tens of thousands of people who would line up at their local Chevy dealer to buy one! Yet Chevy isn't selling it's Corvette for that amount because it doesn't make a profit in doing so. Would you admit that there are hundreds of thousands of people that would LOVE to have a light bulb that would last ten years? The demand is there and so is the technology. So why aren't the shelves loaded with ten year bulbs down at Lowes and Home Depot? I'll give you a's because in order for them to be profitable they would have to cost ten times what a normal bulb costs and people don't want to spend all that money for a light bulb.

I know you have this "demand" concept in your head as the be all and end all of economic theory but demand is only one small part of what creates jobs. If you can't show an investor that there is the very strong chance of making a substantial profit with your product or service, then they are NOT going to risk their capital!

In your example you speak of businesses being formed because of "want". You're actually correct...except that the "want" that forms businesses is investors with capital who "want" to make a profit with that capital. They could quite frankly care LESS what the average person wants if that want doesn't translate into a profit for them.

first Chevy can't build a Vette for 20K, second, Chevy won't build 200,000 of them just to find out who will pay what amount for them

if 100,000 customers sign contracts and pay for a Vette up front, THEN Chevy would fill up dealerships all over the world ... until then production is limited to past sales.

Then how did Chevy determine what the demand for the Vetta was before it built a factory, hired employees and built a single one?

Some very astute people have done cost analysis studies to determine what it WILL cost to build that Corvette and also set a price that both allows them to make a profit and not kill demand.

It won't make a profit if it doesn't sell, and they have no idea if it will sell before they build it.

You really don't think they have an idea if it will both sell and sell at a profit before they build it, Bri? I beg to differ. There are a whole bunch of very astute people who make a lot of money for determining both of those things.

How did that work out for the Edsel? The list of money losing automobiles is long.
Are they always correct? Of course not. Sometimes they are completely wrong. The fact remains however that they ARE trying to figure out what kind of profitability is out there and if you give them a confused and muddled outlook for the future then they are going to err on the side of caution.
With Republicans taking over Congress today, prepare to be dazzled with their jobs agenda. It is what we have been waiting six years for

In the new Congress, Republicans will have the majority in both the Senate and the House for the first time in eight years. As they get ready to take power, their rhetorical focus is clear: jobs, the economy, and more jobs.
So far, there are two main proposals on deck for the GOP. First, the Hire More Heroes Act, which would make it easier for small businesses that hire veterans to deny health care to their employees. Second, they want to immediately build the Keystone XL pipeline, a project that would transport oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast.
On their own, these are both extremely small-bore policies. But as a jobs agenda, this doesn't even rise to the level of pitiful. It's the latest evidence that Republicans continue to struggle with basic macroeconomics — and it does not bode well for the nation should they win the White House in 2016.

Sorry Republicans The Keystone XL pipeline is not a jobs agenda - The Week

Liberal Dictionary:
Jobs Agenda - crony capitalism, pork, corporate welfare, Democrat reelection slush fund

Ahh, the ole' "crony capitalism, pork, corporate welfare" claim. Interestingly, that same description was used by the left in regards to the Bush Administration. It's seems that shoe not only fits the left foot but also the right foot!

ahh, the ole' accurate description of the Democrat agenda. Who ever claimed Bush wasn't fond of crony capitalism?

I would bet that when "W" was involved in crony capitalism, you never said a word. Some of us see things without ideological hangups blocking our view.
You're an atheist and yet you're loyal to the GOP. How can you believe in one of these things and deny the other? It's illogical.
How about actually going the government site to see the real numbers and facts.

bla bla bla ..

how about you go buy a 250,000 sq ft building, fill it up with a product, hire 50 people to run it, then PRAY customers come and buy from you and your business grows from there ..


The last 40 years of conservative think tank legislation has killed the economy

Consumer Spending Will Not Save Our economy: Pay Fell 7% in Last Decade and Economists Say It Won’t Catch Up Before 2021; Even College Graduates See Salaries Slide

Americans’ incomes have dropped since 2000 and they aren’t expected to make up the lost ground before 2021, according to economists in the latest Wall Street Journal forecasting survey.

From 2000 to 2010, median income in the U.S. declined 7% after adjusting for inflation, according to Census data. That marks the worst 10-year performance in records going back to 1967.

U.S. Incomes Seen Stagnant Through 2021 - WSJ

It's the liberal think tank legislation that has killed the economy for the last 40 years.
The Democrats have controlled the Congress for 36 of the last 50 years


Controlled? lol

You are the one who used think tanks not Prez or congress.
Don't see how you get 40 years of cons think tank when they have had only 14 years

So you will not answer which is more important, presidential policy or Congress

Think tanks? Oh you mean like how Heritage gave US NAFTA, the thing Reagan introduced the day he ran for Prez in 1979?
Jobs are created by demand... people who put their money back into the economy(middle and lower class working folk) are what drive the economy. No demand... no job creation.

Jobs are NOT created by demand...they are created by an anticipation of profit! No job creation. You can have all the demand you want but if you aren't making money creating the product or providing the service then you're not going to invest capital to create a business.

Business does not create jobs. Jobs are created by consumer demand

Both private sector (individual) and public sector (collective) a business has no existence without the consumer needs and wants. It is the consumer that creates the jobs, and it is producers that fill them.

A business is simply a framework for a joint venture between a group of economic system participants to produce a product or service that is needed or in demand because of want by other economic system participants.

Let me ask you a very simple question, Dad. Do you think there is "demand" for a Corvette that costs $20,000 instead of $40,000? Would you admit that there are literally tens of thousands of people who would line up at their local Chevy dealer to buy one! Yet Chevy isn't selling it's Corvette for that amount because it doesn't make a profit in doing so. Would you admit that there are hundreds of thousands of people that would LOVE to have a light bulb that would last ten years? The demand is there and so is the technology. So why aren't the shelves loaded with ten year bulbs down at Lowes and Home Depot? I'll give you a's because in order for them to be profitable they would have to cost ten times what a normal bulb costs and people don't want to spend all that money for a light bulb.

I know you have this "demand" concept in your head as the be all and end all of economic theory but demand is only one small part of what creates jobs. If you can't show an investor that there is the very strong chance of making a substantial profit with your product or service, then they are NOT going to risk their capital!

In your example you speak of businesses being formed because of "want". You're actually correct...except that the "want" that forms businesses is investors with capital who "want" to make a profit with that capital. They could quite frankly care LESS what the average person wants if that want doesn't translate into a profit for them.

Let me ask you a question, do the 'job creators', who have the lowest sustained tax 'burden' since the GOP great depression, need more incentives?

How about Corporations? Lowest effective tax rate in 40+ years, lowest share of cost for labor ever recorded and largest profits. Are tax cuts going to do more?

Over half of US dividends go to the top 1/10th of 1% of US

What's the GOP plans again? Oh right MORE tax cuts and deregulation, lol

Your forgetting all the jobs bills passed by the House that are sitting in the Senate that needs to be passed now that they have the majority.

I guess you mean all those "repeal Obamacare" bills? That won't make jobs.

No I mean the job bills that was passed by the House that Harry Reid refused to bring up to the floor for votes because he thought they were too controversial.
Repeal of the new health care bill is entirely different.

What the GOP calls a ‘jobs bill’

Yesterday, the men on the House Judiciary Committee readied the “No Taxpayer Funding of Abortion” for floor action, and Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) said this is a jobs bill.

It is “very, very true,” the congressman said, “that having a growing population and having new children brought into the world is not harmful to job creation. It very much promotes job creation for all the care and services and so on that need to be provided by a lot of people to raise children.”


What the GOP calls a jobs bill MSNBC

Has Boehner read his list of ‘jobs bills’?

..The list of “jobs bills” includes a measure to increase federal spending “transparency.” The list of “jobs bills” includes a framework on cybersecurity.

I hate to break this to Speaker Boehner, but a lot of these measures aren’t what any sensible person would call a proper “jobs bill.” They may or may not have merit on their own, and they may or may not require some modicum of new hiring, but legitimate legislative efforts to create lots of jobs – such as the American Jobs Act, unveiled in 2011 and killed by congressional Republicans soon after – aim higher.
Indeed, independent analysts determined the American Jobs Act would have created over 1 million U.S. jobs in just one year. Can the same be said for Boehner’s misleading list of 40?

Has Boehner read his list of jobs bills MSNBC
With Republicans taking over Congress today, prepare to be dazzled with their jobs agenda. It is what we have been waiting six years for

In the new Congress, Republicans will have the majority in both the Senate and the House for the first time in eight years. As they get ready to take power, their rhetorical focus is clear: jobs, the economy, and more jobs.
So far, there are two main proposals on deck for the GOP. First, the Hire More Heroes Act, which would make it easier for small businesses that hire veterans to deny health care to their employees. Second, they want to immediately build the Keystone XL pipeline, a project that would transport oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast.
On their own, these are both extremely small-bore policies. But as a jobs agenda, this doesn't even rise to the level of pitiful. It's the latest evidence that Republicans continue to struggle with basic macroeconomics — and it does not bode well for the nation should they win the White House in 2016.

Sorry Republicans The Keystone XL pipeline is not a jobs agenda - The Week

Liberal Dictionary:
Jobs Agenda - crony capitalism, pork, corporate welfare, Democrat reelection slush fund

Ahh, the ole' "crony capitalism, pork, corporate welfare" claim. Interestingly, that same description was used by the left in regards to the Bush Administration. It's seems that shoe not only fits the left foot but also the right foot!

ahh, the ole' accurate description of the Democrat agenda. Who ever claimed Bush wasn't fond of crony capitalism?

I would bet that when "W" was involved in crony capitalism, you never said a word. Some of us see things without ideological hangups blocking our view.
You're an atheist and yet you're loyal to the GOP. How can you believe in one of these things and deny the other? It's illogical.

The GOP isn't a cult that you believe in. It's simply a large diverse organization I choose to use to pursue my agenda. There is no organized dogma that Republicans are required to believe.
You really don't think they have an idea if it will both sell and sell at a profit before they build it, Bri? I beg to differ. There are a whole bunch of very astute people who make a lot of money for determining both of those things.

Oh, you mean there are a bunch of very astute people who will determine the DEMAND for said item at a certain price that allows for profit before they go out and spend a lot of money building something there is no DEMAND for.

How did that work out for the Edsel? The list of money losing automobiles is long.

Oh you mean someone didn't figure out that there was no DEMAND for an Edsel. Oh well, I thought all you had to do was round up the money, determine what prices to sell something at to make a profit and shazamm, you were off making money.

Seems like DEMAND (or lack of same) is the driver of both success and failures. And DEMAND is the driver of increased profits and employment. And DEMAND is what make our economy work. And DEMAND is what we lack enough of.
bla bla bla ..

how about you go buy a 250,000 sq ft building, fill it up with a product, hire 50 people to run it, then PRAY customers come and buy from you and your business grows from there ..


The last 40 years of conservative think tank legislation has killed the economy

Consumer Spending Will Not Save Our economy: Pay Fell 7% in Last Decade and Economists Say It Won’t Catch Up Before 2021; Even College Graduates See Salaries Slide

Americans’ incomes have dropped since 2000 and they aren’t expected to make up the lost ground before 2021, according to economists in the latest Wall Street Journal forecasting survey.

From 2000 to 2010, median income in the U.S. declined 7% after adjusting for inflation, according to Census data. That marks the worst 10-year performance in records going back to 1967.

U.S. Incomes Seen Stagnant Through 2021 - WSJ

It's the liberal think tank legislation that has killed the economy for the last 40 years.
The Democrats have controlled the Congress for 36 of the last 50 years


Controlled? lol

You are the one who used think tanks not Prez or congress.
Don't see how you get 40 years of cons think tank when they have had only 14 years

So you will not answer which is more important, presidential policy or Congress

Think tanks? Oh you mean like how Heritage gave US NAFTA, the thing Reagan introduced the day he ran for Prez in 1979?

Seems to me that both parties had their hands on NAFTA.
History and Purpose of NAFTA
You really don't think they have an idea if it will both sell and sell at a profit before they build it, Bri? I beg to differ. There are a whole bunch of very astute people who make a lot of money for determining both of those things.

Oh, you mean there are a bunch of very astute people who will determine the DEMAND for said item at a certain price that allows for profit before they go out and spend a lot of money building something there is no DEMAND for.

How did that work out for the Edsel? The list of money losing automobiles is long.

Oh you mean someone didn't figure out that there was no DEMAND for an Edsel. Oh well, I thought all you had to do was round up the money, determine what prices to sell something at to make a profit and shazamm, you were off making money.

Seems like DEMAND (or lack of same) is the driver of both success and failures. And DEMAND is the driver of increased profits and employment. And DEMAND is what make our economy work. And DEMAND is what we lack enough of.

Demand is a necessary condition, not a sufficient condition. Most of you libturds don't know the difference. Oxygen is needed to produce a fire, but oxygen alone will not do the trick. It also takes fuel and heat to get one started. Saying Demand creates jobs is like saying Oxygen produces fire. Actually, it would be more accurate to claim that rain produces umbrellas.
Jobs are created by demand... people who put their money back into the economy(middle and lower class working folk) are what drive the economy. No demand... no job creation.

Jobs are NOT created by demand...they are created by an anticipation of profit! No job creation. You can have all the demand you want but if you aren't making money creating the product or providing the service then you're not going to invest capital to create a business.

Business does not create jobs. Jobs are created by consumer demand

Both private sector (individual) and public sector (collective) a business has no existence without the consumer needs and wants. It is the consumer that creates the jobs, and it is producers that fill them.

A business is simply a framework for a joint venture between a group of economic system participants to produce a product or service that is needed or in demand because of want by other economic system participants.

Let me ask you a very simple question, Dad. Do you think there is "demand" for a Corvette that costs $20,000 instead of $40,000? Would you admit that there are literally tens of thousands of people who would line up at their local Chevy dealer to buy one! Yet Chevy isn't selling it's Corvette for that amount because it doesn't make a profit in doing so. Would you admit that there are hundreds of thousands of people that would LOVE to have a light bulb that would last ten years? The demand is there and so is the technology. So why aren't the shelves loaded with ten year bulbs down at Lowes and Home Depot? I'll give you a's because in order for them to be profitable they would have to cost ten times what a normal bulb costs and people don't want to spend all that money for a light bulb.

I know you have this "demand" concept in your head as the be all and end all of economic theory but demand is only one small part of what creates jobs. If you can't show an investor that there is the very strong chance of making a substantial profit with your product or service, then they are NOT going to risk their capital!

In your example you speak of businesses being formed because of "want". You're actually correct...except that the "want" that forms businesses is investors with capital who "want" to make a profit with that capital. They could quite frankly care LESS what the average person wants if that want doesn't translate into a profit for them.

first Chevy can't build a Vette for 20K, second, Chevy won't build 200,000 of them just to find out who will pay what amount for them

if 100,000 customers sign contracts and pay for a Vette up front, THEN Chevy would fill up dealerships all over the world ... until then production is limited to past sales.

I didn't say that Chevy COULD build a Corvette for twenty thousand. My point was that simple demand for something doesn't mean that it will be built. If there is demand for a product at a certain price level but no way to turn a profit at that price level...then that product is not going to be produced. It's an anticipation of profit that induces investment of capital and if you do things to lessen that anticipation then you will not see the creation of jobs.

Is the US missing capital? Is there RECORD Corp profits and 40 year record low tax burden?

Republicans have a problem. People are increasingly concerned about unemployment, but Republicans have nothing to offer them. The G.O.P. opposes additional government spending for jobs programs and, in fact, favors big cuts in spending that would be likely to lead to further layoffs at all levels of government.

Republicans favor tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, but these had no stimulative effect during the George W. Bush administration and there is no reason to believe that more of them will have any today

...Lack of demand for business products and services is vastly more important.

These results are supported by surveys. During June and July, Small Business Majority asked 1,257 small-business owners to name the two biggest problems they face. Only 13 percent listed government regulation as one of them. Almost half said their biggest problem was uncertainty about the future course of the economy — another way of saying a lack of customers and sales.

...The Wall Street Journal’s July survey of business economists found, “The main reason U.S. companies are reluctant to step up hiring is scant demand, rather than uncertainty over government policies, according to a majority of economists.”

...The latest monthly survey of its members by the National Federation of Independent Business shows that poor sales are far and away their biggest problem. While concerns about regulation have risen during the Obama administration, they are about the same now as they were during Ronald Reagan’s administration
Your forgetting all the jobs bills passed by the House that are sitting in the Senate that needs to be passed now that they have the majority.

I guess you mean all those "repeal Obamacare" bills? That won't make jobs.

No I mean the job bills that was passed by the House that Harry Reid refused to bring up to the floor for votes because he thought they were too controversial.
Repeal of the new health care bill is entirely different.

I have not noticed anything from the House that would potentially create jobs since 2010.
Your forgetting all the jobs bills passed by the House that are sitting in the Senate that needs to be passed now that they have the majority.

I guess you mean all those "repeal Obamacare" bills? That won't make jobs.

No I mean the job bills that was passed by the House that Harry Reid refused to bring up to the floor for votes because he thought they were too controversial.
Repeal of the new health care bill is entirely different.

I have not noticed anything from the House that would potentially create jobs since 2010.

It hasn't produce anything that creates jobs since 1789.
What progressives with no business or economics experience can't seem to grasp is what the effect is when lawmakers even PROPOSE something like Cap & Trade legislation! All those people doing those cost analysis studies become paralyzed with uncertainty because they don't know what their costs are going to be two years down the road. They can't advise management to go ahead with expansion plans because they don't know what the playing field is going to look like in the future.

Cap and trade? That thing that was originally from the GOP?

Yeah, Business's ALWAYS have certainty in the lives, nothing ever surprises them. Their costs for insurance, labor, electrical, etc are always the same and never increases, lol


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