GOP jobs agenda

With Republicans taking over Congress today, prepare to be dazzled with their jobs agenda. It is what we have been waiting six years for

In the new Congress, Republicans will have the majority in both the Senate and the House for the first time in eight years. As they get ready to take power, their rhetorical focus is clear: jobs, the economy, and more jobs.
So far, there are two main proposals on deck for the GOP. First, the Hire More Heroes Act, which would make it easier for small businesses that hire veterans to deny health care to their employees. Second, they want to immediately build the Keystone XL pipeline, a project that would transport oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast.
On their own, these are both extremely small-bore policies. But as a jobs agenda, this doesn't even rise to the level of pitiful. It's the latest evidence that Republicans continue to struggle with basic macroeconomics — and it does not bode well for the nation should they win the White House in 2016.

Sorry Republicans The Keystone XL pipeline is not a jobs agenda - The Week

Liberal Dictionary:
Jobs Agenda - crony capitalism, pork, corporate welfare, Democrat reelection slush fund

Ahh, the ole' "crony capitalism, pork, corporate welfare" claim. Interestingly, that same description was used by the left in regards to the Bush Administration. It's seems that shoe not only fits the left foot but also the right foot!

ahh, the ole' accurate description of the Democrat agenda. Who ever claimed Bush wasn't fond of crony capitalism?

I would bet that when "W" was involved in crony capitalism, you never said a word. Some of us see things without ideological hangups blocking our view.
You're an atheist and yet you're loyal to the GOP. How can you believe in one of these things and deny the other? It's illogical.

The GOP isn't a cult that you believe in. It's simply a large diverse organization I choose to use to pursue my agenda. There is no organized dogma that Republicans are required to believe.

"There is no organized dogma that Republicans are required to believe."

Except signing Grover's no new tax pledge EVER right?

The last 40 years of conservative think tank legislation has killed the economy

Consumer Spending Will Not Save Our economy: Pay Fell 7% in Last Decade and Economists Say It Won’t Catch Up Before 2021; Even College Graduates See Salaries Slide

Americans’ incomes have dropped since 2000 and they aren’t expected to make up the lost ground before 2021, according to economists in the latest Wall Street Journal forecasting survey.

From 2000 to 2010, median income in the U.S. declined 7% after adjusting for inflation, according to Census data. That marks the worst 10-year performance in records going back to 1967.

U.S. Incomes Seen Stagnant Through 2021 - WSJ

It's the liberal think tank legislation that has killed the economy for the last 40 years.
The Democrats have controlled the Congress for 36 of the last 50 years


Controlled? lol

You are the one who used think tanks not Prez or congress.
Don't see how you get 40 years of cons think tank when they have had only 14 years

So you will not answer which is more important, presidential policy or Congress

Think tanks? Oh you mean like how Heritage gave US NAFTA, the thing Reagan introduced the day he ran for Prez in 1979?

Seems to me that both parties had their hands on NAFTA.
History and Purpose of NAFTA

If you mean Dems in Congress voted against NAFTA and every other 'free trade' deal by 60% of them, yes

AGAIN, the premise was it was a RIGHT WING THINK TANK IDEA. Weird how far right Clinton/Obama are for being socialists right?
"Actually, they are part of the problem. Public school teachers turn our kids into dummies, and they do it at a hug expense. Private schools can actually teach our kids at half the cost. So every public school teacher we laid off would free up enough money to fund two private sector jobs. Firemen and police are the same. When you include their pensions and benefits, their compensations is probably equivalent to 3 private sector employees."

So you want to privatize police, firemen, and schools. Then you can cut taxes for corporations even more. Then everyone is making like $20 to 30 thousand per year. 30 thousand dollars per year is poverty wages.... so we'll have a lot more people making low wages.... that's great. Good luck finding any one with half a brain to teach, put out fires, or police the streets for thirty thousand dollars per year. At that poverty wage, you don't deserve any kind of good service. I see your hatred of those people. They are anti Americans right? Everything for the money grubbing got it made corporations that run this country.
With Republicans taking over Congress today, prepare to be dazzled with their jobs agenda. It is what we have been waiting six years for

In the new Congress, Republicans will have the majority in both the Senate and the House for the first time in eight years. As they get ready to take power, their rhetorical focus is clear: jobs, the economy, and more jobs.
So far, there are two main proposals on deck for the GOP. First, the Hire More Heroes Act, which would make it easier for small businesses that hire veterans to deny health care to their employees. Second, they want to immediately build the Keystone XL pipeline, a project that would transport oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast.
On their own, these are both extremely small-bore policies. But as a jobs agenda, this doesn't even rise to the level of pitiful. It's the latest evidence that Republicans continue to struggle with basic macroeconomics — and it does not bode well for the nation should they win the White House in 2016.

Sorry Republicans The Keystone XL pipeline is not a jobs agenda - The Week

Liberal Dictionary:
Jobs Agenda - crony capitalism, pork, corporate welfare, Democrat reelection slush fund

Ahh, the ole' "crony capitalism, pork, corporate welfare" claim. Interestingly, that same description was used by the left in regards to the Bush Administration. It's seems that shoe not only fits the left foot but also the right foot!

ahh, the ole' accurate description of the Democrat agenda. Who ever claimed Bush wasn't fond of crony capitalism?

I would bet that when "W" was involved in crony capitalism, you never said a word. Some of us see things without ideological hangups blocking our view.
You're an atheist and yet you're loyal to the GOP. How can you believe in one of these things and deny the other? It's illogical.

The GOP isn't a cult that you believe in. It's simply a large diverse organization I choose to use to pursue my agenda. There is no organized dogma that Republicans are required to believe.

Hmmm. What does the word RINO mean to you?
Weird, NOW it's cut taxes AND Gov't in order for the 'job creators' to do their thing? lol

Real world contradicts right-wing tax theories
California raised taxes, Kansas cut them. California did better

Ever since economist Arthur Laffer drew his namesake curve on a napkin for two officials in President Richard Nixon’s administration four decades ago, we have been told that cutting tax rates spurs jobs and higher pay, while hiking taxes does the opposite.

Now, thanks to recent tax cuts in Kansas and tax hikes in California, we have real-world tests of this idea. So far, the results do not support Laffer’s insistence that lower tax rates always result in more and better-paying jobs. In fact, Kansas’ tax cuts produced much slower job and wage growth than in California.

The empirical evidence that the Laffer curve is not what its promoter insists joins other real-world experience undermining the widely held belief that minimum wage increases reduce employment and income.

Real world contradicts right-wing tax theories Al Jazeera America

You obviously have me confused with someone who said tax cuts alone would boost the economy.

BTW, I'm not interested in responding to your spam.

Good you agree, tax cuts have a VERY small stimulative effect, especially to Corps and 'job creators'

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback says he must take “corrective action” to close a projected $280 million budget hole created by his income-tax cuts and plans to reduce spending on pensions and highways.

....The budget moves, which include diverting almost $100 million from highway funds and cutting the contribution to the public employees’ retirement system by $41 million, followed claims of the governor’s opponents that tax cuts approved in 2012 would result in deep spending reductions.

Brownback to Cut Pensions Roads to Close Kansas Budget Deficit - Bloomberg

Yep, tax cuts don't matter that much as long as the system isn't too progressive. It's spending cuts that matter. Every dollar the government spends is a dollar of goods and services that weren't available to the private sector.

We love the spending reductions. Kansas has to many state workers sucking on the teat of it's private sector as it is.

Ask duddypeepee how many kansas cities have gone bankrupt. lol.

I did.

It shut his ass up real fast.

Really? lol

Because ONLY BK cities are the judgement of health of a state? Kansas ranks at the bottom of job growth, although they invoked the GOP 'supply side' policy. Go figure!!!
Seriously kansas is your example? Wbat the.fuck comes from kansas in the past 200 years except Dorthy, toto and,corn to kentucky forwhisky , you love to over look The leftest great new citiys correct?
You obviously have me confused with someone who said tax cuts alone would boost the economy.

BTW, I'm not interested in responding to your spam.

Good you agree, tax cuts have a VERY small stimulative effect, especially to Corps and 'job creators'

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback says he must take “corrective action” to close a projected $280 million budget hole created by his income-tax cuts and plans to reduce spending on pensions and highways.

....The budget moves, which include diverting almost $100 million from highway funds and cutting the contribution to the public employees’ retirement system by $41 million, followed claims of the governor’s opponents that tax cuts approved in 2012 would result in deep spending reductions.

Brownback to Cut Pensions Roads to Close Kansas Budget Deficit - Bloomberg

Yep, tax cuts don't matter that much as long as the system isn't too progressive. It's spending cuts that matter. Every dollar the government spends is a dollar of goods and services that weren't available to the private sector.

We love the spending reductions. Kansas has to many state workers sucking on the teat of it's private sector as it is.

Ask duddypeepee how many kansas cities have gone bankrupt. lol.

I did.

It shut his ass up real fast.

Really? lol

Because ONLY BK cities are the judgement of health of a state? Kansas ranks at the bottom of job growth, although they invoked the GOP 'supply side' policy. Go figure!!!
Seriously kansas is your example? Wbat the.fuck comes from kansas in the past 200 years except Dorthy, toto and,corn to kentucky forwhisky , you love to over look The leftest great new citiys correct?

He's sucking his own dick.

Kansas is doing fine.

I live here.

This is bullshit.

Bankrupt cities don't mean anything lol.
You obviously have me confused with someone who said tax cuts alone would boost the economy.

BTW, I'm not interested in responding to your spam.

Good you agree, tax cuts have a VERY small stimulative effect, especially to Corps and 'job creators'

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback says he must take “corrective action” to close a projected $280 million budget hole created by his income-tax cuts and plans to reduce spending on pensions and highways.

....The budget moves, which include diverting almost $100 million from highway funds and cutting the contribution to the public employees’ retirement system by $41 million, followed claims of the governor’s opponents that tax cuts approved in 2012 would result in deep spending reductions.

Brownback to Cut Pensions Roads to Close Kansas Budget Deficit - Bloomberg

Yep, tax cuts don't matter that much as long as the system isn't too progressive. It's spending cuts that matter. Every dollar the government spends is a dollar of goods and services that weren't available to the private sector.

We love the spending reductions. Kansas has to many state workers sucking on the teat of it's private sector as it is.

Ask duddypeepee how many kansas cities have gone bankrupt. lol.

I did.

It shut his ass up real fast.

Really? lol

Because ONLY BK cities are the judgement of health of a state? Kansas ranks at the bottom of job growth, although they invoked the GOP 'supply side' policy. Go figure!!!
Seriously kansas is your example? Wbat the.fuck comes from kansas in the past 200 years except Dorthy, toto and,corn to kentucky forwhisky , you love to over look The leftest great new citiys correct?

I can't help it if Brownback/GOP was going to show how right wing policies 'worked' lol
Good you agree, tax cuts have a VERY small stimulative effect, especially to Corps and 'job creators'

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback says he must take “corrective action” to close a projected $280 million budget hole created by his income-tax cuts and plans to reduce spending on pensions and highways.

....The budget moves, which include diverting almost $100 million from highway funds and cutting the contribution to the public employees’ retirement system by $41 million, followed claims of the governor’s opponents that tax cuts approved in 2012 would result in deep spending reductions.

Brownback to Cut Pensions Roads to Close Kansas Budget Deficit - Bloomberg

Yep, tax cuts don't matter that much as long as the system isn't too progressive. It's spending cuts that matter. Every dollar the government spends is a dollar of goods and services that weren't available to the private sector.

We love the spending reductions. Kansas has to many state workers sucking on the teat of it's private sector as it is.

Ask duddypeepee how many kansas cities have gone bankrupt. lol.

I did.

It shut his ass up real fast.

Really? lol

Because ONLY BK cities are the judgement of health of a state? Kansas ranks at the bottom of job growth, although they invoked the GOP 'supply side' policy. Go figure!!!
Seriously kansas is your example? Wbat the.fuck comes from kansas in the past 200 years except Dorthy, toto and,corn to kentucky forwhisky , you love to over look The leftest great new citiys correct?

He's sucking his own dick.

Kansas is doing fine.

I live here.

This is bullshit.

Bankrupt cities don't mean anything lol.

Doing fine? Weird I thought Kansas/Brownback was going to show how tax cuts for the rich and Corps would boom the economy? lol

I guess AFTER they increase deficits and gut spending on education?

Bankrupt cities? Sure, they generally are hit hard by policies conservatives push, like supply side and 'free trade' that decimates US cities like Detroit!
They will be doing during the past 6 years what they having always been doing, creating jobs for there states while obozo tries to hold them back

WTF are you talking about?

You fox news dopes just make shit up...
Make what shit up? Your the fucking morons who couldnt figure out the most easy of questions? Why didnt the rich spend?

Duh motherfucker who would invest pre the supreme court decision on obama care? What rich person would want to invest when liberals controlled all 3 branchs of government? No one wants to invest in a world like that

Hence obama and his policys held the country back the only job creators were red states
Let's look at it this way... IF Obama got his proposed budget passed soon after it was crafted, we would not have seen the resurgence in America's oil and natural gas industries - both of which went on a tear, drilling and hiring by the tens of thousands.


Why not, you may ask?

Obama Budget Would Cut 40 Billion in Fossil-Fuel Credits - Bloomberg

The GOP "jobs agenda" is getting the fucking Democrats out of the way of American enterprise, and letting private capital do what it does best - invest in brick, mortar, nails, and steel. NOT Wall Street.
"Actually, they are part of the problem. Public school teachers turn our kids into dummies, and they do it at a hug expense. Private schools can actually teach our kids at half the cost. So every public school teacher we laid off would free up enough money to fund two private sector jobs. Firemen and police are the same. When you include their pensions and benefits, their compensations is probably equivalent to 3 private sector employees."

So you want to privatize police, firemen, and schools. Then you can cut taxes for corporations even more. Then everyone is making like $20 to 30 thousand per year. 30 thousand dollars per year is poverty wages.... so we'll have a lot more people making low wages.... that's great. Good luck finding any one with half a brain to teach, put out fires, or police the streets for thirty thousand dollars per year. At that poverty wage, you don't deserve any kind of good service. I see your hatred of those people. They are anti Americans right? Everything for the money grubbing got it made corporations that run this country.

I didn't know that teacher, police and firemen were the only employees who were paid more than 30K/yr. If they can't bring down more than that in the private sector, then why should the taxpayers pay them any more? One thing is certain, there is absolutely no justification for giving a policeman or a fireman a 100% pension starting at age 42.

Somehow, despite having no assistance from government, plenty of people manage to make more than 30K/yr. I made twice that amount 20 years ago.
Let's look at it this way... IF Obama got his proposed budget passed soon after it was crafted, we would not have seen the resurgence in America's oil and natural gas industries - both of which went on a tear, drilling and hiring by the tens of thousands.


Why not, you may ask?

Obama Budget Would Cut 40 Billion in Fossil-Fuel Credits - Bloomberg

The GOP "jobs agenda" is getting the fucking Democrats out of the way of American enterprise, and letting private capital do what it does best - invest in brick, mortar, nails, and steel. NOT Wall Street.

$40 WHOLE BILLION OVER TEN YEARS? Hell Exxon probably would've went BK right? lol

Just MORE right wing nonsense. Conservative policies NEVER work, it's ALL smoke and mirrors!
Yep, tax cuts don't matter that much as long as the system isn't too progressive. It's spending cuts that matter. Every dollar the government spends is a dollar of goods and services that weren't available to the private sector.

We love the spending reductions. Kansas has to many state workers sucking on the teat of it's private sector as it is.

Ask duddypeepee how many kansas cities have gone bankrupt. lol.

I did.

It shut his ass up real fast.

Really? lol

Because ONLY BK cities are the judgement of health of a state? Kansas ranks at the bottom of job growth, although they invoked the GOP 'supply side' policy. Go figure!!!
Seriously kansas is your example? Wbat the.fuck comes from kansas in the past 200 years except Dorthy, toto and,corn to kentucky forwhisky , you love to over look The leftest great new citiys correct?

He's sucking his own dick.

Kansas is doing fine.

I live here.

This is bullshit.

Bankrupt cities don't mean anything lol.

Doing fine? Weird I thought Kansas/Brownback was going to show how tax cuts for the rich and Corps would boom the economy? lol

I guess AFTER they increase deficits and gut spending on education?

Bankrupt cities? Sure, they generally are hit hard by policies conservatives push, like supply side and 'free trade' that decimates US cities like Detroit!

Libturds have labelled every single tax cut that has ever been passed as a "tax cut for the rich." That's partly because the only kind of tax that's ever been cut is the income tax. All other taxes are cast in stone. Have you ever heard of government cutting the sales tax? The property tax?
Last edited:
Let's look at it this way... IF Obama got his proposed budget passed soon after it was crafted, we would not have seen the resurgence in America's oil and natural gas industries - both of which went on a tear, drilling and hiring by the tens of thousands.


Why not, you may ask?

Obama Budget Would Cut 40 Billion in Fossil-Fuel Credits - Bloomberg

The GOP "jobs agenda" is getting the fucking Democrats out of the way of American enterprise, and letting private capital do what it does best - invest in brick, mortar, nails, and steel. NOT Wall Street.

$40 WHOLE BILLION OVER TEN YEARS? Hell Exxon probably would've went BK right? lol

Just MORE right wing nonsense. Conservative policies NEVER work, it's ALL smoke and mirrors!
You're still around? Jayzus help us.
Do you have any idea what the fuck you're talking about? Um... no.

Brotch. :slap:
Brownback is going to ask the average working person to fi the problem (the way it always works) because jobs aren't being created fast enough to increase revenue... will he cut tax rollbacks for corporations? What he is doing isn't working.

"BTW. I said cutting taxes and cutting government would increase jobs. For every tick we cut from the government payroll, two private sector jobs are created."

Yes kindergarten teachers are the problem as are firemen, policemen, etc.

Actually, they are part of the problem. Public school teachers turn our kids into dummies, and they do it at a hug expense. Private schools can actually teach our kids at half the cost. So every public school teacher we laid off would free up enough money to fund two private sector jobs. Firemen and police are the same. When you include their pensions and benefits, their compensations is probably equivalent to 3 private sector employees.

Of course, the real problem is all the bureaucrats and civil servants who man the various agencies in Washington. They produce nothing of any real value. In fact, most of their activities are positively harmful to the nation.
How come the most ignorant Americans are the ones who hate education?
Let's look at it this way... IF Obama got his proposed budget passed soon after it was crafted, we would not have seen the resurgence in America's oil and natural gas industries - both of which went on a tear, drilling and hiring by the tens of thousands.


Why not, you may ask?

Obama Budget Would Cut 40 Billion in Fossil-Fuel Credits - Bloomberg

The GOP "jobs agenda" is getting the fucking Democrats out of the way of American enterprise, and letting private capital do what it does best - invest in brick, mortar, nails, and steel. NOT Wall Street.
You said: The GOP "jobs agenda" is getting the fucking Democrats out of the way of American enterprise, and letting private capital do what it does best - invest in brick, mortar, nails, and steel. NOT Wall Street.

Republicans held both houses and the presidency under Bush for nearly 6 years. They used reconciliation 3 times to make sure their agenda was passed and in place.

What was the result of their policies?
"Prepare to be dazzled"? What the hell is going on in the world of low information lefties. They seem like they are shell-shocked from the last election and they are lashing out with craziness.
With Republicans taking over Congress today, prepare to be dazzled with their jobs agenda. It is what we have been waiting six years for

In the new Congress, Republicans will have the majority in both the Senate and the House for the first time in eight years. As they get ready to take power, their rhetorical focus is clear: jobs, the economy, and more jobs.
So far, there are two main proposals on deck for the GOP. First, the Hire More Heroes Act, which would make it easier for small businesses that hire veterans to deny health care to their employees. Second, they want to immediately build the Keystone XL pipeline, a project that would transport oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast.
On their own, these are both extremely small-bore policies. But as a jobs agenda, this doesn't even rise to the level of pitiful. It's the latest evidence that Republicans continue to struggle with basic macroeconomics — and it does not bode well for the nation should they win the White House in 2016.

Sorry Republicans The Keystone XL pipeline is not a jobs agenda - The Week
You are an effing moron.
Let's look at it this way... IF Obama got his proposed budget passed soon after it was crafted, we would not have seen the resurgence in America's oil and natural gas industries - both of which went on a tear, drilling and hiring by the tens of thousands.


Why not, you may ask?

Obama Budget Would Cut 40 Billion in Fossil-Fuel Credits - Bloomberg

The GOP "jobs agenda" is getting the fucking Democrats out of the way of American enterprise, and letting private capital do what it does best - invest in brick, mortar, nails, and steel. NOT Wall Street.
You said: The GOP "jobs agenda" is getting the fucking Democrats out of the way of American enterprise, and letting private capital do what it does best - invest in brick, mortar, nails, and steel. NOT Wall Street.

Republicans held both houses and the presidency under Bush for nearly 6 years. They used reconciliation 3 times to make sure their agenda was passed and in place.

What was the result of their policies?
According to you, we're still feeling the "result of their policies". :lol:

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