GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election

If the electors manage to pull Trump below 270, do you know what happens?

The choice of president goes to the House.

The House that has an R majority.

Get used to saying President Trump.

If Trump is dumped I would expect the house to choose an establishment Republican to replace him. Ryan would probably be the candidate of choice... I like him even less than I do Trump; but, at least his agenda is homegrown and not one made in Russia.

President Trump it is, and will be.

You morons should spend the next eight years figuring out where you went wrong and fix that shit. Here's a starting point: it wasn't Russia.

Trumps presidency would be acceptable if not for all of the known voter suppression and all of the known help he got from Russian hacks and the FBI timely announcements. Now a cloud hangs over his election.

If the electors manage to pull Trump below 270, do you know what happens?

The choice of president goes to the House.

The House that has an R majority.

Get used to saying President Trump.

If Trump is dumped I would expect the house to choose an establishment Republican to replace him. Ryan would probably be the candidate of choice... I like him even less than I do Trump; but, at least his agenda is homegrown and not one made in Russia.

President Trump it is, and will be.

You morons should spend the next eight years figuring out where you went wrong and fix that shit. Here's a starting point: it wasn't Russia.

We know what went wrong..Grand Theft!
If the electors manage to pull Trump below 270, do you know what happens?

The choice of president goes to the House.

The House that has an R majority.

Get used to saying President Trump.

If Trump is dumped I would expect the house to choose an establishment Republican to replace him. Ryan would probably be the candidate of choice... I like him even less than I do Trump; but, at least his agenda is homegrown and not one made in Russia.

President Trump it is, and will be.

You morons should spend the next eight years figuring out where you went wrong and fix that shit. Here's a starting point: it wasn't Russia.

We know what went wrong..Grand Theft!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Stop swallowing the swill of fake news that DC is spewing. You lost because you fucking leftists are dragging this country into the sewer and we've had enough. Trump won because another four years of obama is out of the question. You guys shot yourself in the foot running mrs. bill. And here you are, STILL not seeing why you lost. The left is too stupid for its own good.
It wasTrump-Bots, the FBI AND RUSSIA who stole the election . BTW, I am not a lefty or a righty, I am just an informed American with an opinion that differs from yours.

The election wasn't stolen, it was won.

Please post proof of this Russian hacking you ding dongs keep insisting happened. Inquiring minds want to know.

WikiLeaks calls on Obama to submit proof of Russian hacking for verification
If Trump is dumped I would expect the house to choose an establishment Republican to replace him. Ryan would probably be the candidate of choice... I like him even less than I do Trump; but, at least his agenda is homegrown and not one made in Russia.

President Trump it is, and will be.

You morons should spend the next eight years figuring out where you went wrong and fix that shit. Here's a starting point: it wasn't Russia.

Trumps presidency would be acceptable if not for all of the known voter suppression and all of the known help he got from Russian hacks and the FBI timely announcements. Now a cloud hangs over his election.

If Trump is dumped I would expect the house to choose an establishment Republican to replace him. Ryan would probably be the candidate of choice... I like him even less than I do Trump; but, at least his agenda is homegrown and not one made in Russia.

President Trump it is, and will be.

You morons should spend the next eight years figuring out where you went wrong and fix that shit. Here's a starting point: it wasn't Russia.

We know what went wrong..Grand Theft!
If Trump is dumped I would expect the house to choose an establishment Republican to replace him. Ryan would probably be the candidate of choice... I like him even less than I do Trump; but, at least his agenda is homegrown and not one made in Russia.

President Trump it is, and will be.

You morons should spend the next eight years figuring out where you went wrong and fix that shit. Here's a starting point: it wasn't Russia.

We know what went wrong..Grand Theft!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Stop swallowing the swill of fake news that DC is spewing. You lost because you fucking leftists are dragging this country into the sewer and we've had enough. Trump won because another four years of obama is out of the question. You guys shot yourself in the foot running mrs. bill. And here you are, STILL not seeing why you lost. The left is too stupid for its own good.
It wasTrump-Bots, the FBI AND RUSSIA who stole the election . BTW, I am not a lefty or a righty, I am just an informed American with an opinion that differs from yours.

The election wasn't stolen, it was won.

Please post proof of this Russian hacking you ding dongs keep insisting happened. Inquiring minds want to know.

WikiLeaks calls on Obama to submit proof of Russian hacking for verification


Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
President Trump it is, and will be.

You morons should spend the next eight years figuring out where you went wrong and fix that shit. Here's a starting point: it wasn't Russia.

Trumps presidency would be acceptable if not for all of the known voter suppression and all of the known help he got from Russian hacks and the FBI timely announcements. Now a cloud hangs over his election.

President Trump it is, and will be.

You morons should spend the next eight years figuring out where you went wrong and fix that shit. Here's a starting point: it wasn't Russia.

We know what went wrong..Grand Theft!
President Trump it is, and will be.

You morons should spend the next eight years figuring out where you went wrong and fix that shit. Here's a starting point: it wasn't Russia.

We know what went wrong..Grand Theft!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Stop swallowing the swill of fake news that DC is spewing. You lost because you fucking leftists are dragging this country into the sewer and we've had enough. Trump won because another four years of obama is out of the question. You guys shot yourself in the foot running mrs. bill. And here you are, STILL not seeing why you lost. The left is too stupid for its own good.
It wasTrump-Bots, the FBI AND RUSSIA who stole the election . BTW, I am not a lefty or a righty, I am just an informed American with an opinion that differs from yours.

The election wasn't stolen, it was won.

Please post proof of this Russian hacking you ding dongs keep insisting happened. Inquiring minds want to know.

WikiLeaks calls on Obama to submit proof of Russian hacking for verification


Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking


Yeah, mrs bill insists it was Putin cause he had a "beef" with her. :lol:

Provide proof. Assange is waiting too.
Former Independent presidential candidate, former CIA operations officer and former cheif policy director of the Republican House Conference, Evan McMullin said the the GOP knew that the Russians were meddling in the 2016 election and did nothing about it.
So, here we have it. The GOP and the Trump campaign knew Russia was not only trying to embarass the United States but also to fix the election to go Russia's way. How patriotic.

McMullin: GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election
Former independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin on Wednesday charged that congressional Republicans were aware of Russian efforts to meddle in the U.S. presidential election but didn't do anything about it.
“Look, the truth is it’s been very obvious for leaders in Washington on the Republican side that the Russians have been undermining our democracy, or did undermine our democracy,” McMullin said at an event hosted by Politio.
“I know because I know for a fact that they know this. It was a topic of discussion during the election and they chose not to stand up.”
A secret CIA assessment first reported by The Washington Post concluded Russia intervened in the presidential election to help Donald Trump win the presidency. Trump and his aides have since blasted the report, with the president-elect calling it "ridiculous" that Russia would work to help him.
McMullin said Republicans are now "sticking their heads in the sand on this issue as they did during the campaign."
“I will tell you, this is not a new issue," he said.
"They knew during the campaign that this was happening and they chose not to say anything because they knew it would harm them politically. That is the issue, the sacrifice of principle for power, the sacrifice of the country’s interests for the party’s interests.”
McMullin also criticized the president-elect's nominee for secretary of State, Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Rex Tillerson for his close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Tillerson was a "predictable pick," McMullin said, but is "somebody who will not stand up to what Donald Trump intends to do, which is a realignment, a strategic realignment of the United States with Russia."

McMullin: GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election

The end justifys the means as the liberals always say..

We had to save the constitutional Republic from the socialist Marxist commie pinko liberals ...

It is what it is deal wit it.

Former Independent presidential candidate, former CIA operations officer and former cheif policy director of the Republican House Conference, Evan McMullin said the the GOP knew that the Russians were meddling in the 2016 election and did nothing about it.
So, here we have it. The GOP and the Trump campaign knew Russia was not only trying to embarass the United States but also to fix the election to go Russia's way. How patriotic.

McMullin: GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election
Former independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin on Wednesday charged that congressional Republicans were aware of Russian efforts to meddle in the U.S. presidential election but didn't do anything about it.
“Look, the truth is it’s been very obvious for leaders in Washington on the Republican side that the Russians have been undermining our democracy, or did undermine our democracy,” McMullin said at an event hosted by Politio.
“I know because I know for a fact that they know this. It was a topic of discussion during the election and they chose not to stand up.”
A secret CIA assessment first reported by The Washington Post concluded Russia intervened in the presidential election to help Donald Trump win the presidency. Trump and his aides have since blasted the report, with the president-elect calling it "ridiculous" that Russia would work to help him.
McMullin said Republicans are now "sticking their heads in the sand on this issue as they did during the campaign."
“I will tell you, this is not a new issue," he said.
"They knew during the campaign that this was happening and they chose not to say anything because they knew it would harm them politically. That is the issue, the sacrifice of principle for power, the sacrifice of the country’s interests for the party’s interests.”
McMullin also criticized the president-elect's nominee for secretary of State, Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Rex Tillerson for his close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Tillerson was a "predictable pick," McMullin said, but is "somebody who will not stand up to what Donald Trump intends to do, which is a realignment, a strategic realignment of the United States with Russia."

McMullin: GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election
Feel better?
I didn't think so.
Former Independent presidential candidate, former CIA operations officer and former cheif policy director of the Republican House Conference, Evan McMullin said the the GOP knew that the Russians were meddling in the 2016 election and did nothing about it.
So, here we have it. The GOP and the Trump campaign knew Russia was not only trying to embarass the United States but also to fix the election to go Russia's way. How patriotic.

McMullin: GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election
Former independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin on Wednesday charged that congressional Republicans were aware of Russian efforts to meddle in the U.S. presidential election but didn't do anything about it.
“Look, the truth is it’s been very obvious for leaders in Washington on the Republican side that the Russians have been undermining our democracy, or did undermine our democracy,” McMullin said at an event hosted by Politio.
“I know because I know for a fact that they know this. It was a topic of discussion during the election and they chose not to stand up.”
A secret CIA assessment first reported by The Washington Post concluded Russia intervened in the presidential election to help Donald Trump win the presidency. Trump and his aides have since blasted the report, with the president-elect calling it "ridiculous" that Russia would work to help him.
McMullin said Republicans are now "sticking their heads in the sand on this issue as they did during the campaign."
“I will tell you, this is not a new issue," he said.
"They knew during the campaign that this was happening and they chose not to say anything because they knew it would harm them politically. That is the issue, the sacrifice of principle for power, the sacrifice of the country’s interests for the party’s interests.”
McMullin also criticized the president-elect's nominee for secretary of State, Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Rex Tillerson for his close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Tillerson was a "predictable pick," McMullin said, but is "somebody who will not stand up to what Donald Trump intends to do, which is a realignment, a strategic realignment of the United States with Russia."

McMullin: GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election
Feel better?
I didn't think so.

Who would feel good about their country being attacked by a foreign country, other than unAmerican tools such as you.
Former Independent presidential candidate, former CIA operations officer and former cheif policy director of the Republican House Conference, Evan McMullin said the the GOP knew that the Russians were meddling in the 2016 election and did nothing about it.
So, here we have it. The GOP and the Trump campaign knew Russia was not only trying to embarass the United States but also to fix the election to go Russia's way. How patriotic.

McMullin: GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election
Former independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin on Wednesday charged that congressional Republicans were aware of Russian efforts to meddle in the U.S. presidential election but didn't do anything about it.
“Look, the truth is it’s been very obvious for leaders in Washington on the Republican side that the Russians have been undermining our democracy, or did undermine our democracy,” McMullin said at an event hosted by Politio.
“I know because I know for a fact that they know this. It was a topic of discussion during the election and they chose not to stand up.”
A secret CIA assessment first reported by The Washington Post concluded Russia intervened in the presidential election to help Donald Trump win the presidency. Trump and his aides have since blasted the report, with the president-elect calling it "ridiculous" that Russia would work to help him.
McMullin said Republicans are now "sticking their heads in the sand on this issue as they did during the campaign."
“I will tell you, this is not a new issue," he said.
"They knew during the campaign that this was happening and they chose not to say anything because they knew it would harm them politically. That is the issue, the sacrifice of principle for power, the sacrifice of the country’s interests for the party’s interests.”
McMullin also criticized the president-elect's nominee for secretary of State, Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Rex Tillerson for his close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Tillerson was a "predictable pick," McMullin said, but is "somebody who will not stand up to what Donald Trump intends to do, which is a realignment, a strategic realignment of the United States with Russia."

McMullin: GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election
Feel better?
I didn't think so.

Who would feel good about their country being attacked by a foreign country, other than unAmerican tools such as you.
There's nothing like an Open Borders, Global Loving Liberal being paranoid about a foreign nation whose population doesn't deficate in the streets.
'GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election'

So did the PRESIDENT, and unlike the President, who - like with Benghazi - chose to do nothing while it was going down, the GOP really didn't have the power to do anything.

The FBI stated the Russians attempted to hack the GOP as well, but they - unlike the Democrats - did not bite on the phishing schemes and had better cyber security so the Russians moved on to easier prey.
Who would feel good about their country being attacked by a foreign country...
NO ONE, which is why the bitter, sore-loser, butt-hurt snowflake false narrative that the GOP is ok with it is so PATHETIC!
Former Independent presidential candidate, former CIA operations officer and former cheif policy director of the Republican House Conference, Evan McMullin said the the GOP knew that the Russians were meddling in the 2016 election and did nothing about it.
So, here we have it. The GOP and the Trump campaign knew Russia was not only trying to embarass the United States but also to fix the election to go Russia's way. How patriotic.

McMullin: GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election
Former independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin on Wednesday charged that congressional Republicans were aware of Russian efforts to meddle in the U.S. presidential election but didn't do anything about it.
“Look, the truth is it’s been very obvious for leaders in Washington on the Republican side that the Russians have been undermining our democracy, or did undermine our democracy,” McMullin said at an event hosted by Politio.
“I know because I know for a fact that they know this. It was a topic of discussion during the election and they chose not to stand up.”
A secret CIA assessment first reported by The Washington Post concluded Russia intervened in the presidential election to help Donald Trump win the presidency. Trump and his aides have since blasted the report, with the president-elect calling it "ridiculous" that Russia would work to help him.
McMullin said Republicans are now "sticking their heads in the sand on this issue as they did during the campaign."
“I will tell you, this is not a new issue," he said.
"They knew during the campaign that this was happening and they chose not to say anything because they knew it would harm them politically. That is the issue, the sacrifice of principle for power, the sacrifice of the country’s interests for the party’s interests.”
McMullin also criticized the president-elect's nominee for secretary of State, Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Rex Tillerson for his close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Tillerson was a "predictable pick," McMullin said, but is "somebody who will not stand up to what Donald Trump intends to do, which is a realignment, a strategic realignment of the United States with Russia."

McMullin: GOP knew about, ignored Russian meddling in election

The end justifys the means as the liberals always say..

We had to save the constitutional Republic from the socialist Marxist commie pinko liberals ...

It is what it is deal wit it.

What is this 'WE" shit? A wet noodle like you like you had nothing to do with anything discussed here. And, apparently you are too dumb to realize that Trump's dalliances with Putin and Russia isn't being too well received by establishment Republicans OR the so-called Marxist Democrats. Have you RW fools hired a closet Communist oligarch?

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