GOP Lawmakers Cannot View Impeachment Docs Without Supervision of Democrats

freebeacon ^ | OCTOBER 23, 2019 | Adam Kredo

Democrats are denying Republican lawmakers access to a trove of documents surrounding the impeachment proceeding against President Donald Trump unless they are supervised by Democratic staffers, according to a letter sent by all 21 GOP members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Led by Rep. Michael McCaul (R., Tex.), the lawmakers protested a requirement by Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.), the lead Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, that a Democratic staffer be present when Republicans view the classified documents.

"Your staff claims that the only way we will have access to the transcripts is in your offices, during designated hours, under the personal supervision and monitoring of a majority staffer," the letter stated.

"It is outrageous and unjustifiable to deny us those basic documents, which are critical to our ability to meaningfully prepare for and participate in this investigation," the lawmakers wrote to Schiff. "We require the same access to the same documents in the same format, as is enjoyed by you and your staff."

The documents are being stored in a secure facility known as a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility). Under normal circumstances, all members of Congress are permitted to view classified documents at their will inside one of these rooms.

"I urge you to remedy this procedural injustice immediately, so that I am not forced to pursue public efforts to correct it, including by seeking a privileged vote on the House Floor," the lawmakers wrote.


It is so great that there are 30-60 GOP members of Congress who are no longer taking orders from the worthless leadership.
I’m not sure who is more scared.

McConnell or Pelosi
GOP members of the Committees have no such restrictions placed upon them.

GOP members of the House at-large... but not members of the Committees... are being watched like a hawk.

Given their despicable defense of an amoral, unstable, divisive Führer-wannabe...well...

Keeping a close eye on those shifty phukkers is a grand idea...

1. it gives them complete access to the materials

2. it prevents them from stealing or tampering with the evidence

Well-played, Democrats.. well played... :21:

Perfect, and entirely within the law and the realm of due process. :clap:
If you can’t say trump is not guilty, attack the procedure.
When the dems hide the proceedings there are no charges to be refutee
Before the house votes everything will have to come out. All this whining is just to distract from him looking really guilty.

Before the house votes everything will have to come out.
Including the identity of the Whistleblower?

(If there really is one)

The DNI and Intel IG - Trump appointees - have testified under oath about the whistleblower. No one outside ExtremeWingnuttia questions his/her existence. The identity is protected by law, which Trump swore to see faithfully executed.

(I know - Trump swore an oath. Who would take that seriously?)

The "whistle blower" became irrelevant when Trump released the transcript. A move that caught Schiff completely off guard.

Alert the Republicans - they differ as to relevance, and they put it writing yesterday:

Republicans demand Schiff bring whistleblower to testify publicly - CNNPolitics

Many were surprised Trump released a transcript that confirmed the WB's complaint, though Trump tried to deny the obvious. Still denies it.
"Democrats are denying Republican lawmakers access to a trove of documents surrounding"

Has the alt right media's deliberate ambiguity caught you again?

While it might be true where the rules prohibit it, like you're not member of the Committee, it's just as true that the rules allow it, like you are a member of the committee.
And then after they view the documents the Dem thought police will put each Republican in the mind reading machine.
freebeacon ^ | OCTOBER 23, 2019 | Adam Kredo

Democrats are denying Republican lawmakers access to a trove of documents surrounding the impeachment proceeding against President Donald Trump unless they are supervised by Democratic staffers, according to a letter sent by all 21 GOP members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Led by Rep. Michael McCaul (R., Tex.), the lawmakers protested a requirement by Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.), the lead Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, that a Democratic staffer be present when Republicans view the classified documents.

"Your staff claims that the only way we will have access to the transcripts is in your offices, during designated hours, under the personal supervision and monitoring of a majority staffer," the letter stated.

"It is outrageous and unjustifiable to deny us those basic documents, which are critical to our ability to meaningfully prepare for and participate in this investigation," the lawmakers wrote to Schiff. "We require the same access to the same documents in the same format, as is enjoyed by you and your staff."

The documents are being stored in a secure facility known as a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility). Under normal circumstances, all members of Congress are permitted to view classified documents at their will inside one of these rooms.

"I urge you to remedy this procedural injustice immediately, so that I am not forced to pursue public efforts to correct it, including by seeking a privileged vote on the House Floor," the lawmakers wrote.


It is so great that there are 30-60 GOP members of Congress who are no longer taking orders from the worthless leadership.
I’m not sure who is more scared.

McConnell or Pelosi
GOP members of the Committees have no such restrictions placed upon them.

GOP members of the House at-large... but not members of the Committees... are being watched like a hawk.

Given their despicable defense of an amoral, unstable, divisive Führer-wannabe...well...

Keeping a close eye on those shifty phukkers is a grand idea...

1. it gives them complete access to the materials

2. it prevents them from stealing or tampering with the evidence

Well-played, Democrats.. well played... :21:

Perfect, and entirely within the law and the realm of due process. :clap:
Yeah. We believe a KNOWN LIAR over the Free Beacon!!!:abgg2q.jpg::5_1_12024:
It’s pretty clear he wanted a favor, it’s damning if your not a partisan hack. Hence all the independent support for impeachment.
Exposing a corrupt vice president is the nations business and entirely within trumps job description
Using foreign powers for political favors? You love corruption.

There are ways to investigate without trump having direct involvement.

There are ways to investigate without trump having direct involvement.

Trump is a hands on leader

And now he’s looking really guilty of abuse of power.

only in the eyes of disappointed hillary and jeb bush supporters - aka never trumpers
Actually according to polls in the eyes of most independents too.
Alert the Republicans - they differ as to relevance, and they put it writing yesterday:

Republicans demand Schiff bring whistleblower to testify publicly - CNNPolitics

Many were surprised Trump released a transcript that confirmed the WB's complaint, though Trump tried to deny the obvious. Still denies it.

"We are surprised by your announcement that the Committees will not receive testimony from the anonymous intelligence community employee whose complaint initiated the so-called impeachment inquiry," wrote Reps. Jim Jordan of the House Oversight Committee, Devin Nunes of the House Intelligence Committee, and Michael McCaul of the Foreign Affairs Committee in a letter.

"You had earlier committed that the employee would provide 'unfiltered' testimony 'very soon' only to reverse course following revelations that the employee had a bias against President Donald Trump and that you had received a secret, early account of the allegations. As the so-called impeachment inquiry gathers information that contradicts the employee's allegations, we ask that you arrange for the Committees to receive public testimony from the employee and all individuals he or she relied upon in formulating the complaint."​

The Triumvirate of Stupid - known for nothing so much as their abject subservience, with the possible exception of their malignancy and their mendacity - tries their hand at becoming mini-McCarthys, in violation of the law protecting the identity of whistleblowers. With lawmakers like these, who needs a Mob?
When the dems hide the proceedings there are no charges to be refutee
Before the house votes everything will have to come out. All this whining is just to distract from him looking really guilty.

Before the house votes everything will have to come out.
Including the identity of the Whistleblower?

(If there really is one)

The DNI and Intel IG - Trump appointees - have testified under oath about the whistleblower. No one outside ExtremeWingnuttia questions his/her existence. The identity is protected by law, which Trump swore to see faithfully executed.

(I know - Trump swore an oath. Who would take that seriously?)

The "whistle blower" became irrelevant when Trump released the transcript. A move that caught Schiff completely off guard.

Alert the Republicans - they differ as to relevance, and they put it writing yesterday:

Republicans demand Schiff bring whistleblower to testify publicly - CNNPolitics

Many were surprised Trump released a transcript that confirmed the WB's complaint, though Trump tried to deny the obvious. Still denies it.
The transcript revealed nothing improper by trump
Before the house votes everything will have to come out. All this whining is just to distract from him looking really guilty.

Before the house votes everything will have to come out.
Including the identity of the Whistleblower?

(If there really is one)

The DNI and Intel IG - Trump appointees - have testified under oath about the whistleblower. No one outside ExtremeWingnuttia questions his/her existence. The identity is protected by law, which Trump swore to see faithfully executed.

(I know - Trump swore an oath. Who would take that seriously?)

The "whistle blower" became irrelevant when Trump released the transcript. A move that caught Schiff completely off guard.

Alert the Republicans - they differ as to relevance, and they put it writing yesterday:

Republicans demand Schiff bring whistleblower to testify publicly - CNNPolitics

Many were surprised Trump released a transcript that confirmed the WB's complaint, though Trump tried to deny the obvious. Still denies it.
The transcript revealed nothing improper by trump

Oh, please. You never read the transcript. Just like you never read the Mueller report. And I suppose the people they are interviewing are all ghosts as well. That's it. It's a 6th sense remake.
Exposing a corrupt vice president is the nations business and entirely within trumps job description
Using foreign powers for political favors? You love corruption.

There are ways to investigate without trump having direct involvement.

There are ways to investigate without trump having direct involvement.

Trump is a hands on leader

And now he’s looking really guilty of abuse of power.

only in the eyes of disappointed hillary and jeb bush supporters - aka never trumpers
Actually according to polls in the eyes of most independents too.

Actually according to polls in the eyes of most independents too.

The biased lib polls of people who have not heard all the facts yet
Including the identity of the Whistleblower?

(If there really is one)

The DNI and Intel IG - Trump appointees - have testified under oath about the whistleblower. No one outside ExtremeWingnuttia questions his/her existence. The identity is protected by law, which Trump swore to see faithfully executed.

(I know - Trump swore an oath. Who would take that seriously?)

The "whistle blower" became irrelevant when Trump released the transcript. A move that caught Schiff completely off guard.

Alert the Republicans - they differ as to relevance, and they put it writing yesterday:

Republicans demand Schiff bring whistleblower to testify publicly - CNNPolitics

Many were surprised Trump released a transcript that confirmed the WB's complaint, though Trump tried to deny the obvious. Still denies it.
The transcript revealed nothing improper by trump

Oh, please. You never read the transcript. Just like you never read the Mueller report. And I suppose the people they are interviewing are all ghosts as well. That's it. It's a 6th sense remake.
I have read the transcript and its a big nothing

The anti trump crowd was trying to impeach trump before he was even sworn into office
The DNI and Intel IG - Trump appointees - have testified under oath about the whistleblower. No one outside ExtremeWingnuttia questions his/her existence. The identity is protected by law, which Trump swore to see faithfully executed.

(I know - Trump swore an oath. Who would take that seriously?)

The "whistle blower" became irrelevant when Trump released the transcript. A move that caught Schiff completely off guard.

Alert the Republicans - they differ as to relevance, and they put it writing yesterday:

Republicans demand Schiff bring whistleblower to testify publicly - CNNPolitics

Many were surprised Trump released a transcript that confirmed the WB's complaint, though Trump tried to deny the obvious. Still denies it.
The transcript revealed nothing improper by trump

Oh, please. You never read the transcript. Just like you never read the Mueller report. And I suppose the people they are interviewing are all ghosts as well. That's it. It's a 6th sense remake.
I have read the transcript and its a big nothing

The anti trump crowd was trying to impeach trump before he was even sworn into office

I gave him the benefit of the doubt. He has consistently stomped all over it. It's from one disaster to another. He's unfit to be President. He has turned the GOP into a criminal organization. AFter the unpteenth time, I no longer allowed for any more free rides.

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