GOP lies are a cottage industry: Michelle texting. Starting a list...

Dems don't have to lie- the truth about Pubs is a disgrace...see sig Michelle Obama Texting at White House Correspondents' Dinner?
Hillary was fired from Watergate committee... WAY too many....from now on what I see...Dupes, feel free to give Dem lies and I'll disprove them for ya...They're all predictions and promises that Pubs obstruct anyway, not lies.

Does denial count as "lying" to oneself?

1. The Democrats I know are in complete denial that the ACA contradicts prochoice arguments
2. Similar to denial I find with fellow Democrats not recognizing that beliefs about orientation are FAITH based,
NOT proven, and thus abusing govt for mandates biased toward one belief or another violate Constitutional laws.
3. Similar to recognizing faith in what is "causing global warming" is NOT proven, and less divisive arguments are better used to unite support for natural conservation and protection of resources and reducing pollution and waste.

So the liberal Democrats in general will not admit to violating "separation of church and state" by pushing their own partisan "political beliefs" through govt, and discriminating against opposing creeds constantly accused of the same.

Does that count as denial as a form of "lying"?
I don't even think it is intentionally, but truly believed.
So is it lying if there is no awareness of any other approach?

they claim Obama's record welfare and food stamps are "forward progress"
...feel free to give Dem lies and I'll disprove them for ya...
Godalmighty, what a hack...


Talk about a 'hater-dupe' (to re-use the dumb-ass favorite phrase of the hack itself)...

And... Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch... the OP isn't even particularly coherent...

Alcohol? Pot? Both? Other?

But, more to the point...

Democrats are every bit as full of chit as Republicans...

They just use a different color of toilet paper...
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Dems don't have to lie- the truth about Pubs is a disgrace...see sig

Your sig sucks balls. You think anyone would take the time to read that crap? Geez, we can barely get by your one sentence wonder jobs here

Those guys over there, they're liars!

My side, no, we don't lie at all! We're good!

Hey Franco

Name me the only U.S. president that got impeached for lying under oath?

they claim Obama's record welfare and food stamps are "forward progress"

Dear bedowin62
Well given that people ARE on different places in the learning curve,
from getting off the street to becoming independent for oneself
to serving others before oneself,
YES the first step is to get out of prison and off the street.
A lot of our population is stuck at the preliminary stages.

What the Democrats get wrong is not working WITH
other parties that are addressing the next levels AFTER that.
The Greens have been organizing communities to manage their
own co-ops, their own currency, even their own health care.
The Republicans attract people like Trump who could develop
and fund entire hospital, business or VA districts and run their own citystates
with the resources, experience and credit/contacts they have.

These are NOT all in the same class level and we NEED
different levels of participation in govt for people at different levels.

So this is why I could see states organizing populations by party
to address people at their level of representation, and work their way up the scale.
If each party specializes in managing a certain sector of the population,
we can organize the structure and delegate duties better instead of feuding to control all programs and all levels
of govt. Not all people, parties and leadership styles are suited for all the duties and levels of govt. Why not match the approaches that work to the areas that NEED that.

When you run a university you don't have the art dept and science dept competing to control
each other's fields of expertise; you delegate the administrative and academic decisions to
experienced professionals within each field. We need to start assessing what issues and
areas the different parties represent best for which sectors of people, and let them manage
that for THOSE PEOPLE who USE that for their representation. NOT impose it on people who don't!

We have so many resources and a wealth of experienced people willing to run for office.
Why can't we create positions for all of them working with the party and programs of their choice
and represent THOSE constituents so their resources are invested DIRECTLY into the solutions they
believe in funding and developing. And leave it a free choice for others to decide what works for them,
and not impose it by law unless taxpayers and voters agree it should be implemented on a state or national level.

The Democrats DO attract people who depend on govt
because that's where they believe political rights are established.

So given that dynamic, how do we work with it. And not conflict
with other parties that attract independent citizens willing to organize and build their own solutions.

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