GOP lies on Benghaz keep piling up

FURIOUS about the CBS report on the massacre at Benghazi, Queen Hussein made sure Lara Logan got the ax. Well known for her hatred of attractive white wimmens, Mooch wouldn't let go....Logan "apologized" for a true report but it wasn't enough for Barry's enforcer:

CBS betrayal of the Regime's callous lies about an al-Qaida attack they let happen, didn't respond to, have not sought those who did it, and did nothing but divert attention of what went down that night, would not be tolerated. For CBS to abandon Logan, who was gang-raped covering the Egyptian revolution for them, is a good indictation of the level of fear the MSM has for this White House.

Ortiz said the FBI report "was knowable before the ('60 Minutes') piece aired." He said Logan and McLellan did not tap wider resources at CBS to try and track this information down. Ortiz mentioned no names, but CBS News reporter John Miller is a former law enforcement official with deep sources in the community.

Ortiz said that Logan's claims that al-Qaida carried out the attack and controlled the hospital in Benghazi "were not adequately attributed in the report."

Here's kicker: Logan knew Hussein's claim for reelection that al-Qaida had been "dismantled" was idiocy. Daring to tell the truth is open rebellion in the Regime's mind, and will not go unpunished.

Logan's Chicago speech in October 2012 before the city's Better Government Association urged the U.S. to take action in response to Benghazi. Ortiz said it represents a conflict to take a public position on Benghazi and do the "60 Minutes" report.

Not seeing the problem here.

Dan Rather was fired when he promoted badly forged documents that claimed Bush was AWOL from the National Guard.

Lara Logan should be fired for putting on a proven liar about Benghazi.

I'm sure she'll get a job at Faux News, where she can recount the horror of being groped by mean old Egyptians...
Benghazi - as either a cover up or a story of indifference while the president slept has no real truth to it.

I side with the Libs on this one.

There's a sodomized and murdered ambassador and his attache, and two dead SEALs who were taught a distress call would be responded to. This story is not one of indifference...this story is one of incompetence and cowardice.

Or just the reality that being posted to the Middle East is a dangerous job.
1. January 22, 2002. Calcutta, India. Gunmen associated with Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami attack the U.S. Consulate. Five people are killed.

No US fatalities.

No U.S. citizens were killed or injured in the attack outside the U.S. Information Service building, which is near the U.S. Consulate in the eastern city.

Deadly Shooting in Calcutta May Be Linked to Al Qaeda - Los Angeles Times


2. June 14, 2002. Karachi, Pakistan. Suicide bomber connected with al-Qaida attacks the U.S. Consulate, killing 12 and injuring 51.

All of the injured and dead were Pakistani. No US fatalities.
On the morning of June 14, 2002, a truck with a fertilizer bomb driven by a suicide bomber was detonated outside the United States Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan. Twelve people were killed and 51 injured, all Pakistanis.

Karachi consulate attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


3. October 12, 2002. Denpasar, Indonesia. U.S. diplomatic offices bombed as part of a string of “Bali Bombings.” No fatalities.

Don't know why this one is on the list. But no US fatalities here either.


4. February 28, 2003. Islamabad, Pakistan Several gunmen fire upon the U.S. Embassy. Two people are killed.

No US fatalities/injuries here. - Karachi consulate shooting kills 2 - Feb. 28, 2003


5. May 12, 2003. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Armed al-Qaida terrorists storm the diplomatic compound killing 36 people including nine Americans. The assailants committed suicide by detonating a truck bomb.

U.S. Sought Security Improvements Prior to Attacks | PBS NewsHour | May 14, 2003 | PBS

So far, just one Benghazi style incident on Bush's watch. The kicker here was that the US tried to ramp up security at the compound prior to the bombing, but as with Benghazi, the request was denied. Can't really fault Bush for this one. Next.


6. July 30, 2004. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. A suicide bomber from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan attacks the U.S. Embassy, killing two people.

Nether of whom were American. They were Uzbek security guards.

U.S., Israeli Embassies Hit In Uzbek Bomb Attacks (


7. December 6, 2004. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Al-Qaida terrorists storm the U.S. Consulate and occupy the perimeter wall. Nine people are killed.

Once again, none of the fatalities were American. They consisted mainly of Arabs and Asians.

Nine killed as US consulate in Jeddah attacked | World news |


8. March 2, 2006.Karachi, Pakistan again. Suicide bomber attacks the U.S. Consulate killing four people, including U.S. diplomat David Foy who was directly targeted by the attackers.

This was an attempt by terrorists to deter a Bush visit to Pakistan. While a Diplomat and his driver did die in the attack, the other two fatalities were not Americans. So, I fail to see how this one resembles Benghazi. Moving on.


9. September 12, 2006. Damascus, Syria. Four armed gunmen shouting “Allahu akbar” storm the U.S. Embassy using grenades, automatic weapons, a car bomb and a truck bomb. Four people are killed, 13 are wounded.

No Americans were killed in the incident.

Four Armed Men Attack U.S. Embassy in Damascus


10. January 12, 2007. Athens, Greece. Members of a Greek terrorist group called the Revolutionary Struggle fire a rocket-propelled grenade at the U.S. Embassy. No fatalities.

See that? No fatalities. No Americans died. So how does this resemble Benghazi? On to the next.


11. March 18, 2008. Sana’a, Yemen. Members of the al-Qaida-linked Islamic Jihad of Yemen fire a mortar at the U.S. Embassy. The shot misses the embassy, but hits nearby school killing two.

Neither of the dead were Americans. The mortar completely missed the embassy and landed in a schoolyard.

Intel Wars: The Secret History of the Fight Against Terror - Matthew M. Aid


12. July 9, 2008. Istanbul, Turkey. Four armed terrorists attack the U.S. Consulate. Six people are killed.

Three police officers were among the dead. The other three were the assailants themselves.

A group of unidentified gunmen opened fire Wednesday on Turkish security guards outside the U.S. Consulate in Istanbul, the Turkish authorities said, and at least three police officers and three assailants were killed.


13.September 17, 2008. Sana'a, Yemen. Terrorists dressed as military officials attack the U.S. Embassy with an arsenal of weapons including RPGs and detonate two car bombs. Sixteen people are killed, including an American student and her husband (they had been married for three weeks when the attack occurred). This is the second attack on this embassy in seven months.

Yes, two people were killed here. But no US Embassy staff were killed in the attack. But this again in no way resembles Benghazi.

Those killed include six Yemeni policemen and four civilians, he said, noting that the number of wounded is unclear. No U.S. Embassy employees were killed, the official added.

However, CNN affilliate WGRZ reported that Ahmed Elbaneh of Lackawanna, New York, said his sister, Susan, 18, and her new husband died in the attack.

Elbaneh said his sister left Lackawanna about a month ago for an arranged marriage and that she had been married for only 30 days. Elbaneh said family members in Yemen told him she was at the embassy translating for her new sister-in-law when the blast occurred.


President Bush condemned the attack, and warned that it is "a reminder that we are at war with extremists who will murder innocent people to achieve their ideological objectives."

Al Qaeda blamed for U.S. Embassy attack -


Seriously, who came up with this stuff? These "13 Benghazis that happened under Bush's watch" never happened. Perhaps people should do research. And as far as GOP lying goes, perhaps you should go after the liberal talking heads who polluted your minds with this nonsense.


All of what you have written is factually correct, but the 2006 killing of a US Diplomat in Karachi is very much like Benghazi in many ways. To dismiss it is not right of you to do, just as it would be wrong to simply dismiss the killing of 4 Americans in Benghazi.

Both you and bdboop are, in my opinion, overrreacting. You both need to take a step back and realize that the other is at least partly correct.

There will never be two examples of terror attacks that are identical to each other, but fact is that there were massive terror attacks across the world following 911, most an attempt to get at Americans in one way or another. So, trying to find an exact 1:1 correspondence cheapens the debate, at best.

The fact that most of them could not get through to Americans is no more credit to Bush, no more than sayng 911 was his fault. Both statements are just plain old ridiculous. Neither is Benghazi directly Obama's fault, nor are the literally 1,000s of other possible US installations across the globe that have not been attacked directly to his credit.

The very fact that what remains of El Quaida - and it's mostly unnamed allies - can still quickly find the weakest link in our chain of defense should tell us all how much those islamist freaks still hate us, and will continue to hate us, for our way of life is a complete anathema to what their facist ideology teaches.

Look at the beheading of Daniel Pearl, a jewish american journalist who believed in the invasion of Iraq, who went to report, whose identity was mixed up by some really fucked up souls at FreeRepublic, who thought he was his father - who WAS against the war - and those islamic terrorist bastards cut off the guy's head before a running camera. That also happened on Bush's watch - but I don't give him the blame for it. But if I am ever in the same room with the freeper twerps who openly published Pearl's name, address, picture and a lot of other stuff, well, I suspect it would not be pretty. Those fucks are traitors whose actions led directly to the murder of an innocent human being.

I hope I have expressed my point so that all can see that I wish to attack neither one side nor the other in your debate.

Using people's deaths to score political points is about the most vile, disgusting thing that people can do. I will have no part of it, personally.

:fyi [MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION]
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You guys are right. That is why the Obama Administration was sued by Justice Watch due to its failure to comply with Federal Law and the Freedom of Information Act to release any information on Benghazi.

Still think an internet video was the cause?

Happy four American's were killed and no one has been brought to justice?

Fucking asswipes.

3000 American were killed and Bush didn't bring anyone to justice for seven years.

Not happy Americans were killed (although I can't get too worked up abuot the two paid mercenaries because the GOP Congress has slashed Embassy security to the bone).
FURIOUS about the CBS report on the massacre at Benghazi, Queen Hussein made sure Lara Logan got the ax. Well known for her hatred of attractive white wimmens, Mooch wouldn't let go....Logan "apologized" for a true report but it wasn't enough for Barry's enforcer:

CBS betrayal of the Regime's callous lies about an al-Qaida attack they let happen, didn't respond to, have not sought those who did it, and did nothing but divert attention of what went down that night, would not be tolerated. For CBS to abandon Logan, who was gang-raped covering the Egyptian revolution for them, is a good indictation of the level of fear the MSM has for this White House.

Ortiz said the FBI report "was knowable before the ('60 Minutes') piece aired." He said Logan and McLellan did not tap wider resources at CBS to try and track this information down. Ortiz mentioned no names, but CBS News reporter John Miller is a former law enforcement official with deep sources in the community.

Ortiz said that Logan's claims that al-Qaida carried out the attack and controlled the hospital in Benghazi "were not adequately attributed in the report."

Here's kicker: Logan knew Hussein's claim for reelection that al-Qaida had been "dismantled" was idiocy. Daring to tell the truth is open rebellion in the Regime's mind, and will not go unpunished.

Logan's Chicago speech in October 2012 before the city's Better Government Association urged the U.S. to take action in response to Benghazi. Ortiz said it represents a conflict to take a public position on Benghazi and do the "60 Minutes" report.

Not seeing the problem here.

Dan Rather was fired when he promoted badly forged documents that claimed Bush was AWOL from the National Guard.

Lara Logan should be fired for putting on a proven liar about Benghazi.

I'm sure she'll get a job at Faux News, where she can recount the horror of being groped by mean old Egyptians...

Yepp. We expect more ethics than this from journalists - and their bosses. You would think they would have been smart enough to go double and triple check the man's story, like adults are supposed to do.
You guys are right. That is why the Obama Administration was sued by Justice Watch due to its failure to comply with Federal Law and the Freedom of Information Act to release any information on Benghazi.

Still think an internet video was the cause?

Happy four American's were killed and no one has been brought to justice?

Fucking asswipes.

I believe you mean Judicial Watch.

Judicial Watch
The main point as I have already stated a long time ago in this thread, is that I expect the Gov't to not LIE about their deaths....................

If they Fucked up, and they did, OWN UP TO IT..................

Instead they made up Fairy tales for Political Reasons...............

There is NO AMOUNT of words that can make me change my opinion on Lying Politicians sitting on their asses making decisions that get people killed................

The video and response from the WH was all BS..............and you know it............

As far as the actions and preventive measures prior to the attack, it was a Cluster Fuck.........

Not taking actions when the area was known to be very violent, and the fact the English pulled out of the area is enough info needed to know that extra measures were needed.............And to post a ready reaction force in the region is quite simply common sense................

And again, I wouldn't harp on it so much expect for the damn lies of the WH...........There is no way we can account for all the problems in the fog of war or when the chit hits the fan. That is impossible.............

Just don't lie about it after the fact...........Which was done here, and the blame rests squarely on the administration.
British ambassador escapes rocket attack on convoy in Benghazi | Libya Herald

A convoy carrying the British ambassador to Libya, Sir Dominic Asquith, was attacked by unknown assailants in Benghazi earlier today.

The ambassador was unharmed, but two close protection officers were injured during the attack. Both men are receiving treatment at the Benghazi Medical Centre. It is understood that neither injury is life-threatening, although one of the men may be at risk of losing an arm after receiving a serious wound to the shoulder.

According to an official spokesman at the interior ministry, Salem Khamaj, the attack began when a lone vehicle approached the convoy and fired on it with a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG), which is understood to have hit one of the two vehicles in the convoy. “Following that, there was an exchange of fire between the assailants and the convoy. Unfortunately the shooters were able to escape”, Khamaj said.

A spokeswoman at the British embassy in Tripoli also confirmed the attacks. “A convoy carrying the British Ambassador to Libya was involved in a serious incident in Benghazi this afternoon”, she said. “Two close protection officers were injured in the attack, but all other staff are safe and uninjured. We are working with the Libyan authorities to establish who was responsible for the attack.”

The spokeswoman added that they had contacted the Libyan authorities to encourage them to improve security in Libya, and that the government had agreed to increase security at UK embassy sites.

This is not the first time that Western targets have been attacked in Benghazi in recent weeks.

On 22 May, the Benghazi headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was attacked by a group of Islamist militants calling itself the Omar Abdul Rahman brigade. The group falsely claimed that the ICRC was “evangelising” and distributing Bibles in Libya.

The brigade also claimed responsibility for a bomb blast that took place outside the gates of the US diplomatic mission in Benghazi on 5 June. That attack took place one day after the assassination of Al-Qaeda second-in-command Abu Yahya Al-Libi by an American drone strike in Pakistan. Al-Libi was a Libyan national.

Read more: British ambassador escapes rocket attack on convoy in Benghazi | Libya Herald
The main point as I have already stated a long time ago in this thread, is that I expect the Gov't to not LIE about their deaths....................

If they Fucked up, and they did, OWN UP TO IT..................

Instead they made up Fairy tales for Political Reasons...............

There is NO AMOUNT of words that can make me change my opinion on Lying Politicians sitting on their asses making decisions that get people killed................

The video and response from the WH was all BS..............and you know it............

As far as the actions and preventive measures prior to the attack, it was a Cluster Fuck.........

Not taking actions when the area was known to be very violent, and the fact the English pulled out of the area is enough info needed to know that extra measures were needed.............And to post a ready reaction force in the region is quite simply common sense................

And again, I wouldn't harp on it so much expect for the damn lies of the WH...........There is no way we can account for all the problems in the fog of war or when the chit hits the fan. That is impossible.............

Just don't lie about it after the fact...........Which was done here, and the blame rests squarely on the administration.

All your screeching aside, thinking the video had something to do with it was not a stretch, given teh fact it WAS the cause of massive riots in Egypt and in 20 other Islamic countries where they attacked American embassies and business interests.

There is a difference between "Lying" and "Drawing the wrong conclusions".

But you guys are too busy enjoying your hate to really tell the difference. I get that.
the main point as i have already stated a long time ago in this thread, is that i expect the gov't to not lie about their deaths....................

If they fucked up, and they did, own up to it..................

Instead they made up fairy tales for political reasons...............

There is no amount of words that can make me change my opinion on lying politicians sitting on their asses making decisions that get people killed................

The video and response from the wh was all bs..............and you know it............

As far as the actions and preventive measures prior to the attack, it was a cluster fuck.........

Not taking actions when the area was known to be very violent, and the fact the english pulled out of the area is enough info needed to know that extra measures were needed.............and to post a ready reaction force in the region is quite simply common sense................

And again, i wouldn't harp on it so much expect for the damn lies of the wh...........there is no way we can account for all the problems in the fog of war or when the chit hits the fan. That is impossible.............

Just don't lie about it after the fact...........which was done here, and the blame rests squarely on the administration.

all your screeching aside, thinking the video had something to do with it was not a stretch, given teh fact it was the cause of massive riots in egypt and in 20 other islamic countries where they attacked american embassies and business interests.

There is a difference between "lying" and "drawing the wrong conclusions".

But you guys are too busy enjoying your hate to really tell the difference. I get that.

Right. It was completely irrational to conclude a video that had the whole Middle East up in arms might have been the cause of a riot in the Middle East.

And if a frog had wings................

On 9/11, a coordinated attack with RPG's in an area that had a recent history of attacks................

Why is it that I sometimes think I need to rent a Back Hoe when you post on threads Joe..............

Right. It was completely irrational to conclude a video that had the whole Middle East up in arms might have been the cause of a riot in the Middle East.

And if a frog had wings................

On 9/11, a coordinated attack with RPG's in an area that had a recent history of attacks................

Why is it that I sometimes think I need to rent a Back Hoe when you post on threads Joe..............


A co-ordinated attack that took place in the middle of a protest- over a video.

Still not seeing how that's Obama's fault, exactly.
Right. It was completely irrational to conclude a video that had the whole Middle East up in arms might have been the cause of a riot in the Middle East.

And if a frog had wings................

On 9/11, a coordinated attack with RPG's in an area that had a recent history of attacks................

Why is it that I sometimes think I need to rent a Back Hoe when you post on threads Joe..............


A co-ordinated attack that took place in the middle of a protest- over a video.

Still not seeing how that's Obama's fault, exactly.

Nothing unusual here Joe...........As you defend the Lies of you always do..................

So, the rebels, aka Islamic Fanatics, were blowing shit up all over the place there before the attack.......................

Yawn says the WH, no need of extra security...........They are just out having a blast, no real problems here..............

FOUR.............damn Obama, you sliced to the left again..............Want a, just put me down for par..........
Right. It was completely irrational to conclude a video that had the whole Middle East up in arms might have been the cause of a riot in the Middle East.

And if a frog had wings................

On 9/11, a coordinated attack with RPG's in an area that had a recent history of attacks................

Why is it that I sometimes think I need to rent a Back Hoe when you post on threads Joe..............


A co-ordinated attack that took place in the middle of a protest- over a video.

Still not seeing how that's Obama's fault, exactly.

It's not, but they hate him so much, as long as they think it will hurt him, they will say it.

First, they attacked him for "leading from behind" in Syria.

But when he confronted Assad (and won, btw), he was a warmonger.

Never in my life did I ever think that Republicans would suddenly turn into a bunch of peaceniks, but here we see it, in living color, in 2013.

Standard Republican pig-squeal response:

"bbb, bbbb, bbbu,bbbut BENGHAZI!"
And if a frog had wings................

On 9/11, a coordinated attack with RPG's in an area that had a recent history of attacks................

Why is it that I sometimes think I need to rent a Back Hoe when you post on threads Joe..............


A co-ordinated attack that took place in the middle of a protest- over a video.

Still not seeing how that's Obama's fault, exactly.

It's not, but they hate him so much, as long as they think it will hurt him, they will say it.

First, they attacked him for "leading from behind" in Syria.

But when he confronted Assad (and won, btw), he was a warmonger.

Never in my life did I ever think that Republicans would suddenly turn into a bunch of peaceniks, but here we see it, in living color, in 2013.

Standard Republican pig-squeal response:

"bbb, bbbb, bbbu,bbbut BENGHAZI!"



Bow to Obama when you do that................He can do no wrong.............and if you challenge him and call him a LIAR, you are bigot.........

What's new here................Again, with the violence there, why the hell didn't he increase security...............Even as the British pulled out of it...............

Almost every intel agency in the region stated it was a coordinated attack by terrorists, and on 9/11 at that...............

Do you guys believe in the tooth fairy still..................

A co-ordinated attack that took place in the middle of a protest- over a video.

Still not seeing how that's Obama's fault, exactly.

It's not, but they hate him so much, as long as they think it will hurt him, they will say it.

First, they attacked him for "leading from behind" in Syria.

But when he confronted Assad (and won, btw), he was a warmonger.

Never in my life did I ever think that Republicans would suddenly turn into a bunch of peaceniks, but here we see it, in living color, in 2013.

Standard Republican pig-squeal response:

"bbb, bbbb, bbbu,bbbut BENGHAZI!"



Bow to Obama when you do that................He can do no wrong.............and if you challenge him and call him a LIAR, you are bigot.........

What's new here................Again, with the violence there, why the hell didn't he increase security...............Even as the British pulled out of it...............

Almost every intel agency in the region stated it was a coordinated attack by terrorists, and on 9/11 at that...............

Do you guys believe in the tooth fairy still..................


You really don't know me, now do you...

It's not, but they hate him so much, as long as they think it will hurt him, they will say it.

First, they attacked him for "leading from behind" in Syria.

But when he confronted Assad (and won, btw), he was a warmonger.

Never in my life did I ever think that Republicans would suddenly turn into a bunch of peaceniks, but here we see it, in living color, in 2013.

Standard Republican pig-squeal response:

"bbb, bbbb, bbbu,bbbut BENGHAZI!"



Bow to Obama when you do that................He can do no wrong.............and if you challenge him and call him a LIAR, you are bigot.........

What's new here................Again, with the violence there, why the hell didn't he increase security...............Even as the British pulled out of it...............

Almost every intel agency in the region stated it was a coordinated attack by terrorists, and on 9/11 at that...............

Do you guys believe in the tooth fairy still..................


You really don't know me, now do you...



[Graphic Image Removed[/COLOR]

^^^ A fake. The photo was from

The image was not a "fake" as this leftist turd and others well know. I can't comment on it being removed according to the rules here. On occasion there is no other way to remind those who worship the Regime than to give a real world picture of what their policies result in. Chris Stevens was an American diplomat in a very dangerous situation...he believed he would be afforded every protection necessary to do the job he was given. He was lied to. Chris Stevens didn't work for Obama....he worked for US. What happened to him was truly evil incarnate. Obama and Hillary Clinton should stand trial for treason for allowing it.
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