GOP national sales tax talk backfires, as Dems see political gold: “I believe it would cause the next Great Depression if we impose it," says Schumer

I agree, it must e coupled with at the very least a “freeze” on the increase in spending. This is exactly what the Republicans are proposing…to keep the spending at 2022 levels. Democrats want to increase it yet again.

I'm good with a freeze. Sadly the Republicans pair the freeze with things people think are far fringe and then the Democrats win.

What really should be happening is what happens in private business every day. Zero-based budgeting. As a manager in the “real” world, you must justify your upcoming expenditures prior to being given a budget. Your budget doesn’t carry over from last quarter as it would not necessarily be relevent for the next. For example, a manager requests extra money in the upcoming budget for purchasing 3 new company vehicles to replace aging ones. This is approved and the budget is increased by 100k to accommodate this request. The following quarter, new vehicles are no longer needed, so why should the budget include the 100k requested in the previous budget? This is exactly how it works in government, up and down the line, which is, frankly, preposterous.

I say propose a 5% cut and those over the programs are fired if they cut benefits.
I'm good with a freeze. Sadly the Republicans pair the freeze with things people think are far fringe and then the Democrats win.

I say propose a 5% cut and those over the programs are fired if they cut benefits.

If I remember correctly, Trump proposed an across the board cut and Democrats went ballistic. Anything other than an across the board cut lends to partisan debate.
If I remember correctly, Trump proposed an across the board cut and Democrats went ballistic. Anything other than an across the board cut lends to partisan debate.

Trump proposed a lot of things and then called people names thinking that is how you get things done.
Trump proposed a lot of things and then called people names thinking that is how you get things done.

I don’t see Biden proposing anything of the sort. Democrats want no part of cutting anything, period. They love to spend and they love dependency and control above all.
I don’t see Biden proposing anything of the sort.

And I'm not claiming he ever would.

Democrats want no part of cutting anything, period. They love to spend and they love dependency and control above all.

Both parties like to spend, spend, spend. Democrats just don't pretend they don't.
Zero-based budgeting is a good idea

The Fair Tax is a very bad idea
And I'm not claiming he ever would.

Both parties like to spend, spend, spend. Democrats just don't pretend they don't.

Yes, they both spend too much money. Like I have said before, Republicans are for cutting taxes though so at least they have it 1/2 right. Democrats are 100% wrong on virtually everything.
The Fair Tax isn’t happening and won’t survive regular order, despite assertions from Democrats like Schumer and Biden

In fact, House co-sponsorship of the Fair Tax Act is at a 20-year low. Support has been dwindling for the past decade, dropping by two-thirds since 2013

they're just trolling us at this point. a distraction!

They, the GOP are just doing their masters' bidding.

Sales taxes are the least fair and most regressive of all taxes forcing tax collection onto the backs of those least able to pay.

All sales taxes, VATS, property taxes, and the like should be eliminated and replaced with progressive income taxes.
I'm still unsure of wealth taxes.
Yes, they both spend too much money. Like I have said before, Republicans are for cutting taxes though so at least they have it 1/2 right. Democrats are 100% wrong on virtually everything.

Cutting taxes and increasing spending is nowhere close to being right. Maybe in some alternative land.
Cutting taxes and increasing spending is nowhere close to being right. Maybe in some alternative land.

In the long term, it is still better than increasing spending and raising taxes ad infinitum. Short-term revenue increases when taxes are raised at the expense of a downturn in the economy. When taxes are lowered, there is a short-term decrease but a long term gain as the economy is strengthened(organically).

Like I said, lowering spending is a necessity in both cases.
In the long term, it is still better than increasing spending and raising taxes ad infinitum. Short-term revenue increases when taxes are raised at the expense of a downturn in the economy. When taxes are lowered, there is a short-term decrease but a long term gain as the economy is strengthened(organically).

Like I said, lowering spending is a necessity in both cases.

Revenue increased because we pumped trillions of dollars which has led to the inflation we are currently experiencing.
It's clear that, in its current condition, the GQP doesn't understand that the stuff they say to each other in the alternate universe doesn't translate well to Normal World.

This is a big & complicated issue, they think it's small and simple. This will require communication, thought and agreement, they think they can pound on it with a rock.

Trump did not hand any money directly or willingly to any other nations.

LOL, no he did not fly to other countries and hand the money over directly. LOL

Always with the silly excuses.

Is this where I should note that it was Trump that funded GoF research in China?

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