GOP Network "OAN" Forced to Admit: No Widespread Fraud in 2020! It's Over!

Every time one of Trump's goons on Fox goes on a rant he repeats it. The guy is a spoon fed halfwit.

Next he'll be repeating Hannity's rant about pallets of baby formula at the border which were in reality- powdered milk.
Wouldn't be surprising in the least. He knows his audience: Just keep flinging the bullshit and they'll swallow it. When you're caught in a lie, they'll never know about it because Fox won't tell them. It's been that way for six years.
Yep, you are definitely a very mentally and emotionally damage real piece of pathetic trash poor excuse for a human being.
Says the POS that cries "stolen election" because his Fat Orange God/King got crushed in an election and wet himself in front of everyone. Ya you and he are indeed pathetic pieces of SHIT!!!!
What lawsuit? You are just making things up again.

No normal person subscribes to your childish cult fantasies. Get it through your head.
Get something through your thick skull, douche bag. Nobody subscribed to your idiotic supposition that anything you say is of any value ever.

What lawsuit? Are you fucking brain dead? The lawsuit that OAN settled, you imbecile. Try reading the op and related news before you spew out that vomit you dispense.
Says the POS that cries "stolen election" because his Fat Orange God/King got crushed in an election and wet himself in front of everyone. Ya you and he are indeed pathetic pieces of SHIT!!!!

Suck donkey ass you chickenshit maggot too afraid to watch a movie that you spend your days trolling threads with gibberish making excuses. Joe Biden is a fraud in a cheat election and we both know it and this Fall the hammer is coming down on you little filthy creeps and all your commie little "clubs" and magic "drop boxes."
Suck donkey ass you chickenshit maggot too afraid to watch a movie that you spend your days trolling threads with gibberish making excuses. Joe Biden is a fraud in a cheat election and we both know it and this Fall the hammer is coming down on you little filthy creeps and all your commie little "clubs" and magic "drop boxes."
ROTFLMFAO, such a disingenuous PUSSY. Just like your fucking retard leaders rRump and Ghouliani. I don't really care about your 2000 mules fornication fantasies lil puss-puss.
81,000,000 > 74,000,000!!!! Suck on it you worthless PUSSY MOTHER FUCKER!!!
ROTFLMFAO, such a disingenuous PUSSY. Just like your fucking retard leaders rRump and Ghouliani. I don't really care about your 2000 mules fornication fantasies lil puss-puss.
81,000,000 > 74,000,000!!!! Suck on it you worthless PUSSY MOTHER FUCKER!!!

Says the POS that cries "stolen election" because his Fat Orange God/King got crushed in an election and wet himself in front of everyone. Ya you and he are indeed pathetic pieces of SHIT!!!!
Just like Dripping Rudy and the Kraken Broad, when push came to shove, the network couldn’t back up its bullshit.

Then, when confronted with this glaring reality, the rubes are again obliged to run with conspiracy theories.

At least they’re consistent!
Nope, just calling you, tRump and Ghouliani what you ass clowns are.

POOR TRIGGERED LITTLE MULE DERP! Or was it a jackass? MAD HIS FRAUD ELECTION IS GETTING EXPOSED and there ain't not a thing you can do to stop it.

Now I understand they are coming out with another documentary showing people how Mark Zuckerberg financed the illegal steal!

Poor little baby's world is coming undone! :laughing0301:
Then, when confronted with this glaring reality, the rubes are again obliged to run with conspiracy theories.
Like clockwork. It really is beyond even Jim Carrey-style overacting, at this point. Just complete caricatures of themselves.

Things have gone so badly, they now invent pre-emptive conspiracy theories for their usually losing propositions.
POOR TRIGGERED LITTLE MULE DERP! Or was it a jackass? MAD HIS FRAUD ELECTION IS GETTING EXPOSED and there ain't not a thing you can do to stop it. View attachment 645564

Now I understand they are coming out with another documentary showing people how Mark Zuckerberg financed the illegal steal!

Poor little baby's world is coming undone! :laughing0301:

ROTFLMFAO, not mad at all, like most of the rest of the world laughing at your obsession with 2000 mules. If this "evidence" is so strong and hard hitting why don't you and Douchie take it to court? We both know why, because like tRump and Ghouliani you assclowns know you will be laughed out of court!!!
Stay stupid it is who n what you are!!!!
Like clockwork. It really is beyond even Jim Carrey-style overacting, at this point. Just complete caricatures of themselves.

Things have gone so badly, they now invent pre-emptive conspiracy theories for their usually losing propositions.
They follow the talk radio template precisely. Everything must be binary and half an inch deep.

No one has told them that talk radio isn't real. But to them, the propagandists are heroes.

It's like trying to open the eyes of a child about pro wrestling.
They follow the talk radio template precisely. Everything must be binary and half an inch deep.

No one has told them that talk radio isn't real. But to them, the propagandists are heroes.

It's like trying to open the eyes of a child about pro wrestling.

What about pro rastling?
ROTFLMFAO, not mad at all, like most of the rest of the world laughing at your obsession with 2000 mules.
Asshole, I have no obsession with the movie, YOU DO, fucker! Go back and look at your 50 trolling post history stalking me as you still are with hate-filled posts and attacks just for the very MENTION of it! You're shitting in your boots over that movie cum-sucker!

If this "evidence" is so strong and hard hitting why don't you and Douchie take it to court?
You already ASKED that question a dozen times and the answer was the same each time. Good thing some of us patriots actually CARE about this country and having elections free of the kind of corrupt cheating YOU represent. You'd like nothing better than for everyone to just drop the matter and move on, like your other feckless brother JackOfNoTrades wants! Instead, we are going to PUSH and DRILL until the truth is exposed and every last one of your scum are locked behind bars for subverting a national election.

AMERICA FIRST / Which means democrats LOSE bigly.
Cry it all out, son. I know how your love your special little Pet Lie. And I know how gwumpy you will get, when I mock it. Those are "you" problems.
You remain a dullard, Farty. I don’t have a pet lie. I’m not some fucking libtard cultist. I leave that shit to you and your kindred libtard imbeciles. And there’s nothing for me to “cry out.” I’m happy. Not grumpy. You seem a bit off, though. Maybe you’re manstruating? That’s definitely your problem.
Asshole, I have no obsession with the movie, YOU DO, fucker! Go back and look at your 50 trolling post history stalking me as you still are with hate-filled posts and attacks just for the very MENTION of it! You're shitting in your boots over that movie cum-sucker!

You already ASKED that question a dozen times and the answer was the same each time. Good thing some of us patriots actually CARE about this country and having elections free of the kind of corrupt cheating YOU represent. You'd like nothing better than for everyone to just drop the matter and move on, like your other feckless brother JackOfNoTrades wants! Instead, we are going to PUSH and DRILL until the truth is exposed and every last one of your scum are locked behind bars for subverting a national election.

AMERICA FIRST / Which means democrats LOSE bigly.

So the evidence is a joke and they cannot take it to court. They just throw trash out there for turnip brained 2000 mule obsessed assclowns like you can be duped and turned into an angry mule. Got it, please carry on, it is just to funny to not watch.
So the evidence is a joke and they cannot take it to court.
Your infantile claim not mine.

They just throw trash out there
Hope you didn't get hurt in the fall.

for turnip brained 2000 mule obsessed assclowns
You are more obsessed and triggered about it than anyone else here I've seen, but I rather like turnips, don't you?

like you can be duped
Duped? How? By a film you know nothing about? That must mean you're REAL WORRIED this film could really lead to criminal investigations maybe involving you? Tell me, which radical, leftwing ballot-faking organization do you belong to, Aldo? MoveOn? Color of Change? What are you going to do when the FBI catches up with you and knocks on your door investigating? Who will you lie to, stalk, or harass then?
Your infantile claim not mine.

Hope you didn't get hurt in the fall.

You are more obsessed and triggered about it than anyone else here I've seen, but I rather like turnips, don't you?

Duped? How? By a film you know nothing about? That must mean you're REAL WORRIED this film could really lead to criminal investigations maybe involving you? Tell me, which radical, leftwing ballot-faking organization do you belong to, Aldo? MoveOn? Color of Change? What are you going to do when the FBI catches up with you and knocks on your door investigating? Who will you lie to, stalk, or harass then?

I know OAN, Newsmax and Fox are laughing at the film and the dupes, like you that are to stupid to know they have been duped. But then again you have this fantasy about 2000 mules so there is that.

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