GOP Network "OAN" Forced to Admit: No Widespread Fraud in 2020! It's Over!

Proof no court will look at?

The most recent judge refused to consider the evidence because he felt it should have been filed 15 months ago back during the election, but the evidence wasn't even defined then. The courts are far more interested in following their own procedural regulations they can lord over others which impede discovery then actually getting at the actual TRUTH, probably to avoid the social scandal. Then he criticized it as being "speculative," no worse a criticism than Pelosi and Schiff's 2 year long 30 million dollar Russian witch-hunt that all turned out to be a farce contrived by the DNC and Hillary.

The question HERE is not about some court we have no control over but why you bother joining a discussion board and ridiculing a topic that you yourself aren't even willing to spend an hour watching a documentary to even be able to debate the material both informed and intelligently, instead, all you tards hide behind coy insults and putdowns to avoid actually discussing why the evidence may or may not be materially VALID obviously because you have no confidence nor proof to back up the tired rhetoric that the election fraud is all baseless and has been debunked!


The right-wing cable network One America News Network on Monday ran a pre-recorded 30-second segment acknowledging that there was “no widespread voter fraud” by Georgia election workers in the 2020 presidential election. The segment appears to be part of a recent settlement relating to a defamation lawsuit brought against the network by two such workers.

The segment notes that an investigation by state officials into unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud made by ex-President Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani turned up nothing. “The results of this investigation indicate that Ruby Freeman and Wandrea ‘Shaye’ Moss did not engage in ballot fraud or criminal misconduct,” a narrator states.

I am so happy to see the right-wing news networks finally coming out and publically saying "This did not happen, it is time to move on". Especially right before the midterms. About time this was said, now we as a country can move on. Thoughts?
Too Little...Too Late....and trump is still gonna keep lying about it. Maybe Dominion should sue him?
It is not from Trump, it is from Americans. Do you know any?
Know why what? The film & the accusations contained in are a crock of shit from start to finish, in order to rile up the gullible who will believe anything.

Trump endotsed it which automatically means it's all bullshit.

2000 Mules is a film for 20 million jackasses.
Know why what? The film & the accusations contained in are a crock of shit from start to finish, in order to rile up the gullible who will believe anything.

Trump endotsed it which automatically means it's all bullshit.

2000 Mules is a film for 20 million jackasses.
It has already convinced millions more the election was stolen. You won't change that.
It has already convinced millions more the election was stolen. You won't change that.
Gee, one would think that the producers of 2000 Mules would turn over to the FBI all this evidence. No?

They haven't because they'll be laughed out of FBI headquarters & be the butt of cruel jokes at every water cooler in every FBI field office accross the Country.

Trump endorsed it so you know it's a crock of shit.
Gee, one would think that the producers of 2000 Mules would turn over to the FBI all this evidence. No?

They haven't because they'll be laughed out of FBI headquarters & be the butt of cruel jokes at every water cooler in every FBI field office accross the Country.

Trump endorsed it so you know it's a crock of shit.
The authorities have the information. They are doing nothing but intimidating people who want something done. If you did not know that, you do now.
The authorities have the information. They are doing nothing but intimidating people who want something done. If you did not know that, you do now.
The F.B.I. are intimidating people?

Yep, everyone except the people who produced this film & managed to get it released to the chagrin of the F.B.I.

The pressure must have been enormous.
The F.B.I. are intimidating people?

Yep, everyone except the people who produced this film & managed to get it released to the chagrin of the F.B.I.

The pressure must have been enormous.
They're being "intimidated" because of supeonas issued for them to produce evidence of voter fraud that they've alleged?

The most recent judge refused to consider the evidence because he felt it should have been filed 15 months ago back during the election, but the evidence wasn't even defined then. The courts are far more interested in following their own procedural regulations they can lord over others which impede discovery then actually getting at the actual TRUTH, probably to avoid the social scandal. Then he criticized it as being "speculative," no worse a criticism than Pelosi and Schiff's 2 year long 30 million dollar Russian witch-hunt that all turned out to be a farce contrived by the DNC and Hillary.

The question HERE is not about some court we have no control over but why you bother joining a discussion board and ridiculing a topic that you yourself aren't even willing to spend an hour watching a documentary to even be able to debate the material both informed and intelligently, instead, all you tards hide behind coy insults and putdowns to avoid actually discussing why the evidence may or may not be materially VALID obviously because you have no confidence nor proof to back up the tired rhetoric that the election fraud is all baseless and has been debunked!

So like the pussies tRump and Ghouliani you assclowns got nothing but your obsessions of mules?
So like the pussies tRump and Ghouliani you assclowns got nothing but your obsessions of mules?
Once this latest "blockbuster" fades into the background with the earlier "blockbusters", they'll adhere to whatever their media tells them the next "blockbuster" is.

And by the way, so will their cult leader. He gets his cues and talking points from the same sources, so he can be certain he's saying all the right things.

This has worked for him for seven years now. Like clockwork.
You run from the truth like the whipped puppy you are or we would be having a real conversation right now instead of the games you children play.
ROTFLMFAO, sissy boi my children would easily outsmart you. Don't worry I won't let the embarase you. Strictly my job, and whipping your Fat ass Has been easy.

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