GOP Network "OAN" Forced to Admit: No Widespread Fraud in 2020! It's Over!

Poor baby. It's OK your beat downs will still continue on a daily basis!!!!!

Fuck off maggot. The more you rant like a little girl, the more it proves just how right Dinesh was! Look how it has all you fucking toads triggered! :laughing0301:

Fucking pathetic juvenile slimebait losing motherfucker about to get your lunch handed you this November.

Only 181 days to go!

Better hurry up and watch 2000 Mules.
Fuck off maggot. The more you rant like a little girl, the more it proves just how right Dinesh was! Look how it has all you fucking toads triggered! :laughing0301:

Fucking pathetic juvenile slimebait losing motherfucker about to get your lunch handed you this November.

Only 181 days to go! View attachment 644421

Better hurry up and watch 2000 Mules.

Why would I want to watch anything to do with your obsession of fornication with 2000 mules.
ROTFLMFAO, triggered well ya you sure are because you are a huge Fat Pussy just like tRump and Ghouliani.
Stay triggered and stupid. Never mind it is all you nutters know!!!!!
OAN concedes something or other under threat of a lawsuit. And the idiot OP therefore declares that “it’s over.” The OP was a sterling example and use of non sequitur.
Why would I want to watch anything to do with your obsession of fornication with 2000 mules.
So you can actually DISCUSS the thread topic intelligently instead of trolling people like a little bitch?

ROTFLMFAO, triggered well ya you sure are because you are a huge Fat Pussy just like tRump and Ghouliani.
Only one triggered here is you. Obviously, the Dinesh movie makes you crap your pants.

Stay triggered and stupid. Never mind it is all you nutters know!!!!!
There you go still talking to yourself.
So you can actually DISCUSS the thread topic intelligently instead of trolling people like a little bitch?

Only one triggered here is you. Obviously, the Dinesh movie makes you crap your pants.

There you go still talking to yourself.
ROTFLMFAO triggered lil tRumptard, still can't get over the fact The Fat Orange Idiot got crushed. Or your strange obsession with shagging 2000 mules. You really are a sick fucking groomer.
ROTFLMFAO triggered lil tRumptard, still can't get over the fact The Fat Orange Idiot got crushed.
There we go wildly running from the thread discussion again! Dinesh really has all of you really crapping your pants! DJT gained millions of votes in popularity and got the most votes of any sitting president in history. I'd hardly consider that "crushed," fool. You had to steal the election in order to even give Corn Pop a chance. I hope Joe runs a second time so we can all watch him belly-flop on his face. Joe Biden: most UNpopular president in all of US history! :laugh:

Or your strange obsession with shagging 2000 mules.
Must be having flashbacks to your own conception.

See the source image

Amazing what a simple 90 minute documentary will do to prog brains.
There we go wildly running from the thread discussion again! Dinesh really has all of you really crapping your pants! DJT gained millions of votes in popularity and got the most votes of any sitting president in history. I'd hardly consider that "crushed," fool. You had to steal the election in order to even give Corn Pop a chance. I hope Joe runs a second time so we can all watch him belly-flop on his face. Joe Biden: most UNpopular president in all of US history! :laugh:

Must be having flashbacks to your own conception.

See the source image

Amazing what a simple 90 minute documentary will do to prog brains.

Douchiish or what ever his name is just a little smarter than the tardherders. He is making tons of money from you dumb fucking rubes. I hope he gets all your money. You clowns are that fucking dumb.
Douchiish or what ever his name is
Another HS dropout who cannot spell.

just a little smarter than the tardherders. He is making tons of money from you dumb fucking rubes.
I've spent not a dime.

I hope he gets all your money.
No chance of that.

You clowns are that fucking dumb.
At least we ain't no little chickenshits too afraid to watch a free movie because it would shake apart your fragile make-believe world. If Dinesh were wrong, you all would be watching it then tearing it to shreds, but just like the election fraud, you can't prove anything Trump said wrong.
Another HS dropout who cannot spell.

I've spent not a dime.

No chance of that.

At least we ain't no little chickenshits too afraid to watch a free movie because it would shake apart your fragile make-believe world. If Dinesh were wrong, you all would be watching it then tearing it to shreds, but just like the election fraud, you can't prove anything Trump said wrong.

Clown show, once again if I wanted to be lied to so more I would remarry my ex-wife. You and Douchiish are nothing but a two bit clown show. He is making money hand over fist by people contributing to and helping with the distribution of bullshit.
Stay stupid and keep pushing your sexual preferences of 2000 mules.
OAN concedes something or other under threat of a lawsuit. And the idiot OP therefore declares that “it’s over.” The OP was a sterling example and use of non sequitur.
What lawsuit? You are just making things up again.

No normal person subscribes to your childish cult fantasies. Get it through your head.
Clown show, once again
More noise from the bastard who isn't so inglorious talking about himself.

if I wanted to be lied to so more I would remarry my ex-wife.
You were never married. No woman would have you.

You and Douchiish are nothing but a two bit clown show.
Yep. Solid proof that Dinesh has hit the nail on the head and has you creeps running for cover like cockroaches. How far not to go from the guy who never even watched.

He is making money hand over fist by people contributing to and helping with the distribution of bullshit.
Hope so.

Stay stupid
I've never been stupid in my life but I'm sure you can show others how to do it.

The right-wing cable network One America News Network on Monday ran a pre-recorded 30-second segment acknowledging that there was “no widespread voter fraud” by Georgia election workers in the 2020 presidential election. The segment appears to be part of a recent settlement relating to a defamation lawsuit brought against the network by two such workers.

The segment notes that an investigation by state officials into unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud made by ex-President Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani turned up nothing. “The results of this investigation indicate that Ruby Freeman and Wandrea ‘Shaye’ Moss did not engage in ballot fraud or criminal misconduct,” a narrator states.

I am so happy to see the right-wing news networks finally coming out and publically saying "This did not happen, it is time to move on". Especially right before the midterms. About time this was said, now we as a country can move on. Thoughts?
Grasping at straws again? The issue is fraudulent ballots, not two election workers.
More noise from the bastard who isn't so inglorious talking about himself.

You were never married. No woman would have you.

Yep. Solid proof that Dinesh has hit the nail on the head and has you creeps running for cover like cockroaches. How far not to go from the guy who never even watched.

Hope so.

I've never been stupid in my life but I'm sure you can show others how to do it.

Your wife did and loved it. She is stumped by your obsession with mules as well. You truly, Luke your God/King and Ghouliani a dishonest pussy and a sick fuck!
Once this latest "blockbuster" fades into the background with the earlier "blockbusters", they'll adhere to whatever their media tells them the next "blockbuster" is.

And by the way, so will their cult leader. He gets his cues and talking points from the same sources, so he can be certain he's saying all the right things.

This has worked for him for seven years now. Like clockwork.
Every time one of Trump's goons on Fox goes on a rant he repeats it. The guy is a spoon fed halfwit.

Next he'll be repeating Hannity's rant about pallets of baby formula at the border which were in reality- powdered milk.

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