Voter Fraud Found In Virginia

All of those states stopped their vote counts to see how many trump would get before continuing the count. That was unheard of until this last election
The GOP controlled legislature in Pa. set the rules on vote counting and it was they who said the mail-in ballots couldn`t be counted until the polls closed. Most Republicans voted in person and most of the dems voted by mail, including myself. That`s why there was a drastic change overnight regarding who was winning. Yes, a lot of things were unheard of until this election including Covid.
The GOP controlled legislature in Pa. set the rules on vote counting and it was they who said the mail-in ballots couldn`t be counted until the polls closed. Most Republicans voted in person and most of the dems voted by mail, including myself. That`s why there was a drastic change overnight regarding who was winning. Yes, a lot of things were unheard of until this election including Covid.
has nothing to do with Trump, stay on point junior. Those counts were all halted. And nothing was done. Cheating was deemed legal at that point. Now our elections follow 3rd world countries
Poor blind man, this has everything to do with Trump and his MAGA cultists. Those cases were 'halted' because the plaintiffs produced no evidence. Just ask Rudy "we have no evidence" Giuliani: Attempting to overturn election results in service of Donald Trump’s lie about voter fraud in his defeat by Joe Biden, the former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani told an Arizona official: “We’ve got lots of theories. We just don’t have the evidence.”
Poor blind man, this has everything to do with Trump and his MAGA cultists. Those cases were 'halted' because the plaintiffs produced no evidence. Just ask Rudy "we have no evidence" Giuliani: Attempting to overturn election results in service of Donald Trump’s lie about voter fraud in his defeat by Joe Biden, the former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani told an Arizona official: “We’ve got lots of theories. We just don’t have the evidence.”
they were halted to see where the count needed to be. The place in Atlanta lied about a water main break. Sad what our elections have become and the democrats opened the door to cheating, now it is game on

This Republican voter fraud is getting out of control.
You article explains how it was all errors, not Republican voter fraud.

All you have proved is that Democrats are always filthy liars ready to turn the truth into a lie for political gain.

Olsen, the elections official, says new procedures and systems are in place to prevent errors.

"Mistakes are unfortunate but require diligence and innovation to correct. They do not reflect a purposeful attempt to undermine the integrity of the electoral process and the investigation into this matter ended with that conclusion," Olsen said in a statement
they were halted to see where the count needed to be. The place in Atlanta lied about a water main break. Sad what our elections have become and the democrats opened the door to cheating, now it is game on
I keep hearing speculation and accusation, what I don't hear is evidence. I'm sure you have none since many have tried and failed before you.
I keep hearing speculation and accusation, what I don't hear is evidence. I'm sure you have none since many have tried and failed before you.
Look into the water main break, it was a fucking lie, now to do that you are going to have to talk to someone that was involved, might be to much work for you
Look into the water main break, it was a fucking lie, now to do that you are going to have to talk to someone that was involved, might be to much work for you
I looked into it, did you or did you just repeat what lies you were told? Here is what I found (confirmed by multiple sources):

On December 7, Republican Gabriel Sterling, the voting implementation manager for Georgia, spoke at a press conference that was recorded by C-SPAN.​
He addressed the issue of the water main controversy: "Let's be clear, there was no water main break. There was a urinal that they turn off during the downtime at State Farm [Arena in Atlanta] because there's no events going on there. And it had a little slow leak that came over the side."​
Sterling also pointed out that the events of the night of the water leak can be found on surveillance footage.​
"You'll see when they walk in and see the obvious water leak on the floor. You will see they move all of the stuff out of the way. You will see the Zamboni little carpet drier thingy driving around. I mean, you can see all the things happening. You can see the table get put in place," Sterling said.​
"What's really frustrating is the president's attorneys had this same videotape. They saw the exact same things the rest of us could see and they chose to mislead state senators and the public about what was on that video."​
I looked into it, did you or did you just repeat what lies you were told? Here is what I found (confirmed by multiple sources):

On December 7, Republican Gabriel Sterling, the voting implementation manager for Georgia, spoke at a press conference that was recorded by C-SPAN.​
He addressed the issue of the water main controversy: "Let's be clear, there was no water main break. There was a urinal that they turn off during the downtime at State Farm [Arena in Atlanta] because there's no events going on there. And it had a little slow leak that came over the side."​
Sterling also pointed out that the events of the night of the water leak can be found on surveillance footage.​
"You'll see when they walk in and see the obvious water leak on the floor. You will see they move all of the stuff out of the way. You will see the Zamboni little carpet drier thingy driving around. I mean, you can see all the things happening. You can see the table get put in place," Sterling said.​
"What's really frustrating is the president's attorneys had this same videotape. They saw the exact same things the rest of us could see and they chose to mislead state senators and the public about what was on that video."​
yet they stopped the count, that is the very definition of fraud. They created the issue to stop the count to make sure the votes needed were there.
This Republican voter fraud is getting out of control.
From the NBC article that this FAKE news Raw Story was taken;

"Mistakes are unfortunate but require diligence and innovation to correct. They do not reflect a purposeful attempt to undermine the integrity of the electoral process and the investigation into this matter ended with that conclusion," Olsen said in a statement."
yet they stopped the count, that is the very definition of fraud. They created the issue to stop the count to make sure the votes needed were there.
Yet another accusation devoid of evidence and no, that is NOT the definition of fraud. Fraud requires intent. If the reason for stopping the count was the safety of the workers there, there was no fraud.
Yet another accusation devoid of evidence and no, that is NOT the definition of fraud. Fraud requires intent. If the reason for stopping the count was the safety of the workers there, there was no fraud.
lying about a main break is the intent to cheat
At this stage of the game I dont even participate anymore. This idea that there are elections? Everyone in my circle that still believes the US has elections is no longer within my circle. If you cant see what is going on in this country, your too stupid to associate with me.

And I advise others to take that stance, once you realize you have no say, and your actually a slave to democrats, things become much more clear.

Someone once said that by 2030, youll own nothing and be happy.

In 2024, as an American, you own nothing already. I am assuming that xanax prescriptions will be mandatory for all americans that survived forced vaccinations going forward will commence here shortly, otherwise how would we be happy?

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