GOP News Flash: The real reason for soaring gas prices

The GOP doesn't like it when they think the government is messing with the free market.

Got news for you, it's the SPECULATORS who make you pay an extra 50 cents/gal over at Wall St.

And, if oil companies start posting record profits again this summer? EVERYONE is going to know who's fault it is for high gas prices. ain't Obama's.
What we need is a national integrated oil company. Give all the rights to all the oil on federal lands and waters. Let it drill it, refine it, and sell it at cost,

in the US only.
You want the government to put price controls on gas and oil?

I'd much rather they put a little control on the EPA.


There is so much gasoline being produced in the US that refineries are exporting it, and Americans are WILLING to pay 4 bucks a gallon.

How do YOU fix that?

Maybe not a fix, but it can be helped in a number of ways. Something the government could do right now that would help:

1) Negotiate a deal with the oil companies to lower gasoline prices in the USA in return for no export fees or other costs that would reduce their profits in overseas markets.

2) Negotiate with the states to agree on one uniform formula for regular and premium gasoline sold throughout in the USA. When Kansas regs require one formula and California regs require another formula and Illinois requires still another, the refineries have to shut down much more frequently to retool and reformulate the gasoline.

3) Get rid of the refining mandates that most or all sulfur be removed from diesel fuel. Sulfur emissions had been steadily declining since 1980 and were down around 70% when the new mandate went into effect. Why the mandate? Because the EPA thought catalytic converter efficiency MIGHT be affected by high sulfur content in diesel. They didn't even bother to find out if that would be the case. So, instead of leaving it to the auto parts manufacture to come up with an efficient catalytic converter, they added about $1.00 to the price of a gallon of diesel with a mandate that the refineries remove the sulfur, a very expensive process.

4) Get rid of the ridiculous inclusion of ethanol in motor fuels and return food crops to food for livestock and the kitchen table,.
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The national average for a gallon of gas when Obama was sworn in around $1.85 a gallon Today close to $ 4.00 dollars a gallon in a few places it is $ 4.00 dollars a gallon. This happened with the Democrats controlling the presidency and both houses of congress two thirds of which they still control.These are facts here is another one having low gas prices really gets in the way when one is trying to push a green energy agenda.

The average price of a gallon of gas peaked in 2007, just before the collapse of the Bush economy. Would you like to bring back that surefire Bush policy of bringing the price of oil down, i.e. put us on the brink of full financial collapse?
The left absolutely Hammered President Bush about high gas prices.. Karma now biting you hypocrites in the ass innit?

fucking funny as hell.

Because Bush's policies of weaning us from big oil at the time were to give big oil more tax breaks, and let them do whatever the hell they please to us. At least Obama is launching significant programs to lead us to energy independence, and weaning us from our reliance on oil.

Totally consistent with his Weekly Address and the OP. Obama is blaming big oil for the price of oil, both then and now.

Yeah, obama doing what he always does...BLAME someone else..I'm surprised he didn't blame Boooooooooooooooooooosh today..

Nope, Obama analytically assesses causality. It's the wingnuts here who mindlessly blaming Obama.
The left absolutely Hammered President Bush about high gas prices.. Karma now biting you hypocrites in the ass innit?

fucking funny as hell.

Totally consistent with his Weekly Address and the OP. Obama is blaming big oil for the price of oil, both then and now.

Yeah, obama doing what he always does...BLAME someone else..I'm surprised he didn't blame Boooooooooooooooooooosh today..

Nope, Obama analytically assesses causality. It's the wingnuts here who mindlessly blaming Obama.

Ah's not just wingnuts blaming the boyking...look at the polls..
And the Democrats jumped on Bush for high gas prices, so I guess what goes around COMES around...tsk tsk
All the RW war mongering in Israel and the US doesn't help either. Still no evidence Iran has actually decided to build a bomb, and this BS only helps IRAN'S RWers portray us as the great Satan, add to uncertainty, drives up prices.
And hurts chances for a diplomatic and sanctions solution.

Why do you even bother posting? You are about as dumb as a fucking brick.

Speculators see Obamination constantly preventing more drilling in the US, thus they project higher oil prices in the long term.

You assholes prevent drilling going back decades but then claim drilling now won't affect "today's price." Well, what you did before and what you do now does affect today's price and tomorrow's price because we know you are trying to limit supply to drive everyone into fairy dust cars.

There has been a lot of blame for oil prices on President Obama lately.
The GOP needs to emphasize this point in order to sway voters.

But when we look at the facts, there are simply too many speculators profiting from soaring gas prices. In short, the massive oil corporations and Hedge Fund managers are the real culprits. Here is a document leaked from 2008:

Energy holdings-wti-crude-oil

There is a deliberate effort to inflate the already outrageous prices of refined crude. Rick Ungar of Forbes magazine (not a flaming liberal rag, mind you) explains that refineries have been systematically shutting down in order to reduce national supply and jack up prices. Moreover, we see oil producers looking to sell domestic oil in foreign markets in order to boost demand. Not that there is anything illegal about that, but it certainly isn't helping out the American consumers by artificially increasing demand and reducing supply when we need the stuff to get to work and to get the economy back on track.

The Truth About Obama, Oil And The Gasoline Blame Game-Part Two - Forbes

Congressman Peter Welch (D-VT) tells how apprx 50 cents on each gallon of gasoline purchased goes to speculators rather than to refinement and production costs. That's about $15 going to Banking industry like Goldman Sachs every time you fill your tank!

After rumors send oil prices falling, Welch renews call on President to tap nation's oil reserves

Nevertheless, the GOP is still calling for less govt regulation in banking and oil industries. In spite of the evidence to the contrary, some of us continue to blame Obama for the lack of and real conviction to control rising prices.

If anything, this sets the stage for MORE govt regulation, not less. Unless, of course, everyone is happy with gas prices where they are currently.

Yep, this is free market Capitalism at its best. And you can sure as hell expect more of this if the GOP (aka "Frontmen for the Oil Industry") ever take back the White House.
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The left absolutely Hammered President Bush about high gas prices.. Karma now biting you hypocrites in the ass innit?

fucking funny as hell.

Because Bush's policies of weaning us from big oil at the time were to give big oil more tax breaks, and let them do whatever the hell they please to us. At least Obama is launching significant programs to lead us to energy independence, and weaning us from our reliance on oil.

There are no programs from O that are leading us to energy independence. His delusions of fantasy world ie solar, wind are supplemental at best. If he were interested in leading us, we would be drilling more offshore leases in proven play areas where porosities and permeabilities have already been determinged through physical analysis.
The left absolutely Hammered President Bush about high gas prices.. Karma now biting you hypocrites in the ass innit?

fucking funny as hell.

Because Bush's policies of weaning us from big oil at the time were to give big oil more tax breaks, and let them do whatever the hell they please to us. At least Obama is launching significant programs to lead us to energy independence, and weaning us from our reliance on oil.

ewe mean solyndra? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
There has been a lot of blame for oil prices on President Obama lately.
The GOP needs to emphasize this point in order to sway voters.

But when we look at the facts, there are simply too many speculators profiting from soaring gas prices. In short, the massive oil corporations and Hedge Fund managers are the real culprits. Here is a document leaked from 2008:

Energy holdings-wti-crude-oil

There is a deliberate effort to inflate the already outrageous prices of refined crude. Rick Ungar of Forbes magazine (not a flaming liberal rag, mind you) explains that refineries have been systematically shutting down in order to reduce national supply and jack up prices. Moreover, we see oil producers looking to sell domestic oil in foreign markets in order to boost demand. Not that there is anything illegal about that, but it certainly isn't helping out the American consumers by artificially increasing demand and reducing supply when we need the stuff to get to work and to get the economy back on track.

The Truth About Obama, Oil And The Gasoline Blame Game-Part Two - Forbes

Congressman Peter Welch (D-VT) tells how apprx 50 cents on each gallon of gasoline purchased goes to speculators rather than to refinement and production costs. That's about $15 going to Banking industry like Goldman Sachs every time you fill your tank!

After rumors send oil prices falling, Welch renews call on President to tap nation's oil reserves

Nevertheless, the GOP is still calling for less govt regulation in banking and oil industries. In spite of the evidence to the contrary, some of us continue to blame Obama for the lack of and real conviction to control rising prices.

If anything, this sets the stage for MORE govt regulation, not less. Unless, of course, everyone is happy with gas prices where they are currently.

Yep, this is free market Capitalism at its best. And you can sure as hell expect more of this if the GOP (aka "Frontmen for the Oil Industry") ever take back the White House.
Keep fucking with Liberty, and you have a revolt on your hands...WE are headed down that road.
All the RW war mongering in Israel and the US doesn't help either. Still no evidence Iran has actually decided to build a bomb, and this BS only helps IRAN'S RWers portray us as the great Satan, add to uncertainty, drives up prices.
And hurts chances for a diplomatic and sanctions solution.

Why do you even bother posting? You are about as dumb as a fucking brick.
Because the poster has just enough brainpower to post?
PAY ATTENTION (and you might learn something):

This is why you pay what you pay for gasoline:

U.S. exported more gasoline than imported last year

For the first time since 1949, the United States exported more gasoline, heating oil and diesel fuel last year than it imported, the Energy Department reported today.

Bloomberg writes that to offset weak U.S. demand, refiners exported 439,000 barrels a day more than were imported the year before. In 2010, daily imports averaged 269,000 barrels, according to the Petroleum Supply Monthly report.

Imports of crude oil and related products fell 11% last year, reaching a level not seen since 1995.

News of record gasoline exports comes as the pump price rose today for the 22nd straight day ($3.78 a gallon average) and the Energy Department reported separately that gasoline inventories fell last week while crude oil inventories and imports rose.

You are paying what you pay for gasoline because you are competing for it with the rest of the world.

U.S. refiners simply sell to whoever will pay them the best price, all things considered. If you won't pay 4 bucks a gallon for it, they'll sell it to someone who will.

btw, keep that in mind when you're foolishly thinking that the Keystone pipeline bringing oil to US refiners is going to magically lower gasoline prices...

...they'll sell THAT to the highest bidder too.

U.S. exported more gasoline than imported last year

Don't get it? Read it again, and again, until you do.


[ame=]Barack Obama 2008 ad on Gas Prices - YouTube[/ame]
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The left absolutely Hammered President Bush about high gas prices.. Karma now biting you hypocrites in the ass innit?

fucking funny as hell.

Because Bush's policies of weaning us from big oil at the time were to give big oil more tax breaks, and let them do whatever the hell they please to us. At least Obama is launching significant programs to lead us to energy independence, and weaning us from our reliance on oil.

There are no programs from O that are leading us to energy independence. His delusions of fantasy world ie solar, wind are supplemental at best. If he were interested in leading us, we would be drilling more offshore leases in proven play areas where porosities and permeabilities have already been determinged through physical analysis.

That is the most imcomprehensible part of the Obama energy policy. He won't let U.S. oil companies drill in the gulf and allowed all those off shore rigs go to other countries and we'll have hell to pay to ever get them back. This has cost us millions of barrels of oil and I think thousands of jobs in some of our poorest states that really needed those jobs. And he has further targeted the oil companies, alone among industries, with significantly higher taxes.

But we're subsidzing countries like Columbia, Brazil, Venezuela, and Mexico who are drilling for oil in the Gulf as well as importing oil from them. (And who got those rigs that the Obama administration wouldn't allow here.) And the government didn't say boo to the Russians who recently announced they plan to do some drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

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