GOP News Flash: The real reason for soaring gas prices

Obama ATTACKED the oil companies AGAIN TODAY in his silly little speech...

so fer sure he gives a shit about you all paying high gas prices...suckers go vote for the idiot AGAIN:lol:

What can he do to lower gas prices, short of government price controls?

There's already more gasoline being produced in the US than we need. Why isn't that lowering prices?

He could campaign to start drilling in ANWR. Open up the East and West Coasts to drilling. Remove the moratorium from the Gulf. Endorse and vigorously campaign for Fracking.

Stop threatening to penalize the oil companies for simply doing business. Stop attacking any company that shows a profit. Stop endorsing the selective enforcement of tax law according to which industry his doners support.

The president does plenty to affect all markets by doing what he does and not doing what he doesn't. He's the president, after all.

Natural gas prices are at historic lows. In fact, because natural gas prices are so low, the average consumer hasn't seen a significant increase in his overall energy expenditure of late, even though gas is up.
Chu wants 10 bucks a gallon gas.....even though he says he's changed that stance from 4 years ago.

The administration isn't doing anything to push up gas prices. U.S. gasoline is being EXPORTED, there's so much of it.

Why can't you understand that?

Yeah. We got that. Oil is up to about 106/barrel. That's high.

Fossil fuel is a world market. Do you think that this country exists in a vacuum?

I'm not the one blaming Obama, so apparently I'm one of the few who does know that around here.
democrats hammered Bush

Republicans will hammer obama

Ya reaps what ya sows ya knows?
To sum up the stupdity and lies by liberals on this subject...

When Bush was President and the price of gas rose, Democrats like Kerry went on TV saying Bush was allowing the Saudis to limit the world supply of oil to increse their profits. Meanwhile Bush with no power over the Saudis increased domestic drilling in the USA....but was still blamed for fairy dust stories regarding middle east oil.

When Obamination got into office, his EPA and Dept of the Interior goons slowed and even stopped drilling permits on Federal lands, even defying a Federal judge based in Louisiana to reopen drilling in the Gulf. His Dept of Energy idiot leader (white roads Chu) said he wanted $10/gallon gas in the USA, but then tried to cover it up at Congress hearings last week.

Of course, speculators that buy and sell future crud options see Obamination and his fellow goons driving up the price of oil with their policies, so they bet on rising oil prices.....

Oh, but this is alllllllllll Bush's fault.
Uh, since they have Obamacare on steroids up there....they tax the hell out of gas and everything else.

Also, the cost of getting gas to their LARGER country in isolated areas drives up the cost of gas.

The British have a 60% tax rate on their gas to pay for FREE healthcare and other goodies you dumbfucks want here. What is their price of gas compared to the USA????

Green goons like you have ruined England where the middle class and lower are stuck in a rut because they don't have the dispensable income after being taxed to death.

I'm still waiting for someone to explain Canada. They produce more oil than they consume and yet their gas isn't any cheaper than ours. Why?
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Uh, since they have Obamacare on steroids up there....they tax the hell out of gas and everything else.

Also, the cost of getting gas to their LARGER country in isolated areas drives up the cost of gas.

The British have a 60% tax rate on their gas to pay for FREE healthcare and other goodies you dumbfucks want here. What is their price of gas compared to the USA????

Green goons like you have ruined England where the middle class and lower are stuck in a rut because they don't have the dispensable income after being taxed to death.

I'm still waiting for someone to explain Canada. They produce more oil than they consume and yet their gas isn't any cheaper than ours. Why?

Canada pays considerably MORE for a gallon of gas than we a result of their taxes. Since they produce more than they consume, their gas should be about the same as we pay with isn't.

So why is that? It's simple really. Gas goes on the WORLD MARKET where oil companies and speculators control what the price will be.
The GOP doesn't like it when they think the government is messing with the free market.

Got news for you, it's the SPECULATORS who make you pay an extra 50 cents/gal over at Wall St.

And, if oil companies start posting record profits again this summer? EVERYONE is going to know who's fault it is for high gas prices. ain't Obama's.

Speculators have an impact but not as much as the declining dollar.

Just print some more money why dont ya........................

Currently, the economists have all said that the Wall St. speculators have added 50-56 cents per gallon purchased because of their bullshit.

This summer, gas was at 3.20 here in Amarillo, subtract what Wall St. took in, and gas prices would have been around 2.64 to 2.70 if it wasn't for them.

How much has the devaluation of the dollar driven up prices? Got a link, or are you gonna have The "T"ard parrot your bullshit again for ya?


Oil was trading at 150 a barrel the last time it hit four dollars, Now it trades at around 105. You tell me what that inflation figure is. I suspect it will be greater then the speculators.
You admit Canada adds more in taxes to their gas at the pump.....which drives up the cost, but then you wonder why their gas is higher than our gas price.

Canadian politicians and higher shipping costs add cents to dollars on their gas, so it costs more to get gas in Canada.

Obamination is helping drive up the cost of gas here by preventing drilling on Federal lands. The people that buy and sell future oil sales see Obamination limiting SUPPLY, so the price goes up.

Obamination is guilty of higher gas prices here just like the Canadian and English left-wing politicians are in their countries. I would not be shocked to see Obamination add more Federal taxes on gas to drive up the cost more so he can prevent Joe Schmoe from driving a car. He is a socialist elitist that believes he should only have a vehicle while the rest of you lemmings need to ride a bus, walk or ride a bike like in USSR.

I will not respond to your robo responses that are mindless bullshit anymore. You just repeat the same shit over and over and over without addressing reality and the facts.

Uh, since they have Obamacare on steroids up there....they tax the hell out of gas and everything else.

Also, the cost of getting gas to their LARGER country in isolated areas drives up the cost of gas.

The British have a 60% tax rate on their gas to pay for FREE healthcare and other goodies you dumbfucks want here. What is their price of gas compared to the USA????

Green goons like you have ruined England where the middle class and lower are stuck in a rut because they don't have the dispensable income after being taxed to death.

I'm still waiting for someone to explain Canada. They produce more oil than they consume and yet their gas isn't any cheaper than ours. Why?

Canada pays considerably MORE for a gallon of gas than we a result of their taxes. Since they produce more than they consume, their gas should be about the same as we pay with isn't.

So why is that? It's simple really. Gas goes on the WORLD MARKET where oil companies and speculators control what the price will be.
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You admit Canada adds more in taxes to their gas at the pump.....which drives up the cost, but then you wonder why their gas is higher than our gas price.

Canadian politicians and higher shipping costs add cents to dollars on their gas, so it costs more to get gas in Canada.

Obamination is helping drive up the cost of gas here by preventing drilling on Federal lands. The people that buy and sell future oil sales see Obamination limiting SUPPLY, so the price goes up.

Obamination is guilty of higher gas prices here just like the Canadian and English left-wing politicians are in their countries. I would not be shocked to see Obamination add more Federal taxes on gas to drive up the cost more so he can prevent Joe Schmoe from driving a car. He is a socialist elitist that believes he should only have a vehicle while the rest of you lemmings need to ride a bus, walk or ride a bike like in USSR.

I will not respond to your robo responses that are mindless bullshit anymore. You just repeat the same shit over and over and over without addressing reality and the facts.

Uh, since they have Obamacare on steroids up there....they tax the hell out of gas and everything else.

Also, the cost of getting gas to their LARGER country in isolated areas drives up the cost of gas.

The British have a 60% tax rate on their gas to pay for FREE healthcare and other goodies you dumbfucks want here. What is their price of gas compared to the USA????

Green goons like you have ruined England where the middle class and lower are stuck in a rut because they don't have the dispensable income after being taxed to death.

Canada pays considerably MORE for a gallon of gas than we a result of their taxes. Since they produce more than they consume, their gas should be about the same as we pay with isn't.

So why is that? It's simple really. Gas goes on the WORLD MARKET where oil companies and speculators control what the price will be.

Canada pays considerably MORE than we a result of their taxes. Without their taxes, they'd be paying about what we do. How is that possible when they produce more than they consume?
Got to love all the silly liberals, they still claim that high gas prices were Bush's fault, yet today's high gas prices are not Obama's fault.

It doesn't matter whose fault it is, if they are high in November and the economy starts to fall again because of the high fuel costs, Obama will take a big hit with the voters.
Got to love all the silly liberals, they still claim that high gas prices were Bush's fault, yet today's high gas prices are not Obama's fault.

It doesn't matter whose fault it is, if they are high in November and the economy starts to fall again because of the high fuel costs, Obama will take a big hit with the voters.

No actually we didn't. As one of the "silly libs" you are talking about, I always blamed the oil companies and speculators for the price of gas. If you look at polls from that time, most people DID NOT blame Bush.

Granted, more people blamed Bush than they blame Obama now, (but not by a large margin 25% to 18%) but that might have something to do with the fact that Bush was an oil man that started an unnecessary war in oil country...and was photographed kissing Saudi Oil princes.
I'm still waiting for someone to explain Canada. They produce more oil than they consume and yet their gas isn't any cheaper than ours. Why?

Because they prefer to sell it as a "global" commodity.
They don't have to do that, but it's about the money.

But.....the price of gas in Saudi Arabia is less than a dollar and in Iran it's just a little more expensive than S.A. But their oil company is run by the government.

If we drilled and produced we wouldn't have to tie it to the "global commodity", but we would because our oil companies are privately owned
I'm still waiting for someone to explain Canada. They produce more oil than they consume and yet their gas isn't any cheaper than ours. Why?

Because they prefer to sell it as a "global" commodity.
They don't have to do that, but it's about the money.

But.....the price of gas in Saudi Arabia is less than a dollar and in Iran it's just a little more expensive than S.A. But their oil company is run by the government.

If we drilled and produced we wouldn't have to tie it to the "global commodity", but we would because our oil companies are privately owned

Exactly. Thanks for proving my point.
Voters less inclined to blame the president for gas prices

Nice...Where did that gem come from? Ever heard of souces? Of course not. :eusa_hand:

Too stupid to know how to click on the link I provided? What a moron.

I wasn't too stupid to click on the link and read the honest assessment that the big spike in gasoline prices in the Bush administration was due to Katrina and most of the Gulf rigs being closed down for inspection and/or repairs. By the end of the Bush administration, after those rigs came back on line, gas prices had returned to tolerable levels.

What the blogger didn't say however is that President Bush had a hostile media who buried the real reasons for negative indicators and left the public with the impression that it was the President's fault. They would put some Democrat's criticism of the President near the top of the story for instance, and tack on a headline that "The Bush Administration Comes Under Increasing Criticism" or some such as that.

The media can and does absolutely influence public perception in all who don't read much below the headlines or who do get most of their news from leftwing blogs or 30 second soundbites. And as more and more of America is dumbed down in an inferior education system, the more power the media has.

They don't do that to Obama. The mostly Obama friendly media points to every possible indicator OTHER than President Obama's policies for the reason for high gas prices. At least in the first paragraphs in the newspaper or in the lead in on the evening television news. Headlines are more likely to reflect a President who is concerned rather than policies that are at least partially to blame.

The blogger also said that even though the perception is that it isn't Obama's fault now, it couldl be a problem for him if gas prices remain high at the time of the 2012 election.
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What can he do to lower gas prices, short of government price controls?

There's already more gasoline being produced in the US than we need. Why isn't that lowering prices?

He could campaign to start drilling in ANWR. Open up the East and West Coasts to drilling. Remove the moratorium from the Gulf. Endorse and vigorously campaign for Fracking.

Stop threatening to penalize the oil companies for simply doing business. Stop attacking any company that shows a profit. Stop endorsing the selective enforcement of tax law according to which industry his doners support.

The president does plenty to affect all markets by doing what he does and not doing what he doesn't. He's the president, after all.

Natural gas prices are at historic lows. In fact, because natural gas prices are so low, the average consumer hasn't seen a significant increase in his overall energy expenditure of late, even though gas is up.

We've had the warmest winter in decades. Demand and price of Natural Gas are both down.

We've set records for warm days that stood since the 1800's.

Makes you wonder what cooled the climate so dramatically since then, doesn't it?
The administration isn't doing anything to push up gas prices. U.S. gasoline is being EXPORTED, there's so much of it.

Why can't you understand that?

Yeah. We got that. Oil is up to about 106/barrel. That's high.

Fossil fuel is a world market. Do you think that this country exists in a vacuum?

I'm not the one blaming Obama, so apparently I'm one of the few who does know that around here.

It's not like it's all his fault or not his fault at all.

He can be a huge part of the problem or a huge part of the cause compared to the average person. From his record, I'd lean toward the part of the cause.
You admit Canada adds more in taxes to their gas at the pump.....which drives up the cost, but then you wonder why their gas is higher than our gas price.

Canadian politicians and higher shipping costs add cents to dollars on their gas, so it costs more to get gas in Canada.

Obamination is helping drive up the cost of gas here by preventing drilling on Federal lands. The people that buy and sell future oil sales see Obamination limiting SUPPLY, so the price goes up.

Obamination is guilty of higher gas prices here just like the Canadian and English left-wing politicians are in their countries. I would not be shocked to see Obamination add more Federal taxes on gas to drive up the cost more so he can prevent Joe Schmoe from driving a car. He is a socialist elitist that believes he should only have a vehicle while the rest of you lemmings need to ride a bus, walk or ride a bike like in USSR.

I will not respond to your robo responses that are mindless bullshit anymore. You just repeat the same shit over and over and over without addressing reality and the facts.

Canada pays considerably MORE for a gallon of gas than we a result of their taxes. Since they produce more than they consume, their gas should be about the same as we pay with isn't.

So why is that? It's simple really. Gas goes on the WORLD MARKET where oil companies and speculators control what the price will be.

Canada pays considerably MORE than we a result of their taxes. Without their taxes, they'd be paying about what we do. How is that possible when they produce more than they consume?

Didn't you already respond to this yourself?
Got to love all the silly liberals, they still claim that high gas prices were Bush's fault, yet today's high gas prices are not Obama's fault.

It doesn't matter whose fault it is, if they are high in November and the economy starts to fall again because of the high fuel costs, Obama will take a big hit with the voters.

No actually we didn't. As one of the "silly libs" you are talking about, I always blamed the oil companies and speculators for the price of gas. If you look at polls from that time, most people DID NOT blame Bush.

Granted, more people blamed Bush than they blame Obama now, (but not by a large margin 25% to 18%) but that might have something to do with the fact that Bush was an oil man that started an unnecessary war in oil country...and was photographed kissing Saudi Oil princes.

Given the implications, I'd rather see him kiss then bow.
Rather have something other than an opinion piece. Real facts that can be verified if ya got 'em, because otherwise, I'd have to take this person's word (who doesn't really appear to be in the oil business).

I came up with this one, ABS:
Update: ExxonMobil is now reporting that for its retail gasoline operations in the U.S., it made an average profit of 7 cents per gallon during the first quarter of 2011.
Environmental Economics: Gas taxes and profit per gallon are noncomparable

My father was in the oil business for 30 years, ABS. I used to hammer on him about the profits and he showed me that they made around 10 cents a gallon profit. That was 30 years ago.

Like I said earlier, they have had congressional hearings on this and always walked away with nothing on the oil companies

Quick question...................if the oil companies are only making 9 cents per gal, then why the fuck does Wall St. get 50 to 56 cents per gal?
First..Stop the "wall street" buzz word nonsense.
To answer you question. Traders are "getting" 50 cents per gallon. I have no idea what that means anyway. Probably some interpretation by biased members of the media.
The story goes that commodities trading accounts for roughly 50 cents per gallon of gasoline. I would imagine this means at the retail level. Where this alleged data originated is a mystery.
Actually retailers make more like 2-3 cents per gallon on regular. Of course the margins for mid grade and premium are higher. Retailers sell much less of these two products.
Now, the reason margins are so low for regular....Most gas is sold at convenience stores. One store owner who I got to know very well showed me his invoices during a conversation we were having about gas prices. His retail price was just 2 cents above his cost. Why? In his words he said the only reason he sold gas was to get people to come into the store to purchase items. His markups for merchandise were 50 to 100%.
If one really wants to find a culprit for high gas prices they can look right to government.
For example. Here in NC we pay a whopping 39.5 cents per gallon fuel tax, then sales tax then the 18 cents per gallon federal tax.
Roughly 70 cents per gallon goes to government in the form of tax.
I am not implying gasoline should not be taxed. However, when the gas tax is supposed to go to roads new and existing, it gets mighty frustrating when the politicians tell us there is a shortage of money for road projects BTW 39.5 cents per gallon is one the highest gas taxes in the US.

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