GOP News Flash: The real reason for soaring gas prices

I didn't TRY to change a thing asshole.You gonna debate me or WIMP OUT?

Just wanted to make sure you knew.
*I* know more than you are willing to belive.

Now? Debate or wimp out? YOU gonna cease obfuscating?

As I thought...WIMP Out.

You haven't the stones nor I the time to trifle with an admitted wimp.

I've spent an hour challanging you, and YOU dredge up shit.

Had yer chance.

You will have to DREAM of debating me now.
Because you're speaking logically and The "T"ard isn't, do you have a link that verifies that oil companies make only 9 cents/gal?
The Cost of a Gallon of Gas ::

Rather have something other than an opinion piece. Real facts that can be verified if ya got 'em, because otherwise, I'd have to take this person's word (who doesn't really appear to be in the oil business).

I came up with this one, ABS:
Update: ExxonMobil is now reporting that for its retail gasoline operations in the U.S., it made an average profit of 7 cents per gallon during the first quarter of 2011.
Environmental Economics: Gas taxes and profit per gallon are noncomparable

My father was in the oil business for 30 years, ABS. I used to hammer on him about the profits and he showed me that they made around 10 cents a gallon profit. That was 30 years ago.

Like I said earlier, they have had congressional hearings on this and always walked away with nothing on the oil companies
There has been a lot of blame for oil prices on President Obama lately.
The GOP needs to emphasize this point in order to sway voters.

But when we look at the facts, there are simply too many speculators profiting from soaring gas prices. In short, the massive oil corporations and Hedge Fund managers are the real culprits. Here is a document leaked from 2008:

Energy holdings-wti-crude-oil

There is a deliberate effort to inflate the already outrageous prices of refined crude. Rick Ungar of Forbes magazine (not a flaming liberal rag, mind you) explains that refineries have been systematically shutting down in order to reduce national supply and jack up prices. Moreover, we see oil producers looking to sell domestic oil in foreign markets in order to boost demand. Not that there is anything illegal about that, but it certainly isn't helping out the American consumers by artificially increasing demand and reducing supply when we need the stuff to get to work and to get the economy back on track.

The Truth About Obama, Oil And The Gasoline Blame Game-Part Two - Forbes

Congressman Peter Welch (D-VT) tells how apprx 50 cents on each gallon of gasoline purchased goes to speculators rather than to refinement and production costs. That's about $15 going to Banking industry like Goldman Sachs every time you fill your tank!

After rumors send oil prices falling, Welch renews call on President to tap nation's oil reserves

Nevertheless, the GOP is still calling for less govt regulation in banking and oil industries. In spite of the evidence to the contrary, some of us continue to blame Obama for the lack of and real conviction to control rising prices.

If anything, this sets the stage for MORE govt regulation, not less. Unless, of course, everyone is happy with gas prices where they are currently.

Yep, this is free market Capitalism at its best. And you can sure as hell expect more of this if the GOP (aka "Frontmen for the Oil Industry") ever take back the White House.

Thanks for reminding the rest of us of what is behind the high gas prices.

I'm sure that you posted all of this back when Bush was being blamed for the high gas prices in 2007-2008, right?

Hello? Are you still here?

Didn't think so. What's that I see? Skid marks?
With more supply than demand it makes complete logical sense to cut back on production at refineries. It also then makes sense to sell in whatever market there is demand to reduce inventory; hence foreign purchasers.

The price of oil is not set by us oil companies, it's set by the world market based on world supply and commensurate demand and the speculators do not foresee an improvement. Instead they see a supply at risk because the largest player in the marketplace (the US) has no sensible strategy to stabilize the supply nor the demand. It instead touts substitute energy production many decades in the future, if ever, which the speculators view with no confidence.

As a matter of fact the high prices in oil both crude and refined hang on that lack of confidence. Add to that the threats by Iran, a major nation in the region seeking hegemonic supremacy, threatening closure of the shipping bottleneck, combined with a failure over time to deal rationally with that nation and the speculators bid up the price of oil according to the chaos they are seeing.

A new US congress and president taking office together in '13, with a believable policy announcement on US oil pruduction and a naval presence in the Persian Gulf to prevent any temporary closure would begin to settle the markets and wring the speculation out of the equation.

An American president whose best solution to high domestic gasoline prices is to threaten to take away Oil Company "tax breaks," which in reality are allowances for accelerated depreciation which are meant to encourage investment in costly exploration and equipment purchased or manufactured aimed at increasing the oil supply is seen by speculators as being counter-productive to stabilizing oil and gasoline prices.

Oh, and the refining capacity that is being taken off line is the least efficient available, and can't be made more efficient because of permitting requirements by the EPA.

The price of oil expressed in US dollars is not helped by weak dollars because of Fed policy the past three and half years. All commodity prices show that weakness.

Gasoline prices have dropped in California in the past few days for one simple and what should be a instructive reason; the switching from winter blend to summer blend - which will lower the price until elevated summer driving demand pushes it back up. This is being touted as a panacea.

All across America gasohol blends are mandated that actually lower automobile gas mileage, cost more than unblended gasoline because ethanol is much more costly to produce, is federally subsidized, burns dirtier, as well as adds direct costs for the blending process itself.

We have a system in chaos, with no logical controlling authority. This undermines confidence in positive expectations, exacerbates doubt, hence speculation that the situation can get worse before it gets better.
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Rather have something other than an opinion piece. Real facts that can be verified if ya got 'em, because otherwise, I'd have to take this person's word (who doesn't really appear to be in the oil business).

I came up with this one, ABS:
Update: ExxonMobil is now reporting that for its retail gasoline operations in the U.S., it made an average profit of 7 cents per gallon during the first quarter of 2011.
Environmental Economics: Gas taxes and profit per gallon are noncomparable

My father was in the oil business for 30 years, ABS. I used to hammer on him about the profits and he showed me that they made around 10 cents a gallon profit. That was 30 years ago.

Like I said earlier, they have had congressional hearings on this and always walked away with nothing on the oil companies

Quick question...................if the oil companies are only making 9 cents per gal, then why the fuck does Wall St. get 50 to 56 cents per gal?
Just wanted to make sure you knew.
*I* know more than you are willing to belive.

Now? Debate or wimp out? YOU gonna cease obfuscating?

As I thought...WIMP Out.

You haven't the stones nor I the time to trifle with an admitted wimp.

I've spent an hour challanging you, and YOU dredge up shit.

Had yer chance.

You will have to DREAM of debating me now.

Quoting yourself again I see.

Must be the last refuge of the retarded.
The American people understand WHO AND WHY the price of gas and oil are spiking.

Even the trolls on this board pretending they don't get it and trying to pin that blame on Obama, really understand it.

So debating this issue with those lying trolls is a basically a pointless exercise unless you're fond of watching people make partisan asses of themselves.
Chu wants 10 bucks a gallon gas.....even though he says he's changed that stance from 4 years ago.

The administration isn't doing anything to push up gas prices. U.S. gasoline is being EXPORTED, there's so much of it.

Why can't you understand that?

Yeah. We got that. Oil is up to about 106/barrel. That's high.

Fossil fuel is a world market. Do you think that this country exists in a vacuum?
Obama ATTACKED the oil companies AGAIN TODAY in his silly little speech...

so fer sure he gives a shit about you all paying high gas prices...suckers go vote for the idiot AGAIN:lol:

What can he do to lower gas prices, short of government price controls?

There's already more gasoline being produced in the US than we need. Why isn't that lowering prices?

He could campaign to start drilling in ANWR. Open up the East and West Coasts to drilling. Remove the moratorium from the Gulf. Endorse and vigorously campaign for Fracking.

Stop threatening to penalize the oil companies for simply doing business. Stop attacking any company that shows a profit. Stop endorsing the selective enforcement of tax law according to which industry his doners support.

The president does plenty to affect all markets by doing what he does and not doing what he doesn't. He's the president, after all.
The GOP doesn't like it when they think the government is messing with the free market.

Got news for you, it's the SPECULATORS who make you pay an extra 50 cents/gal over at Wall St.

And, if oil companies start posting record profits again this summer? EVERYONE is going to know who's fault it is for high gas prices. ain't Obama's.

Right. The POTUS has no power. Are a completely clueless and recently recovered coma victim?
What we need is a national integrated oil company. Give all the rights to all the oil on federal lands and waters. Let it drill it, refine it, and sell it at cost,

in the US only.

Wow! An oil company that is run by the government. It would be the only oil company on the planet that needs a subsidy to pay the bonuses to the executive appointed by the president as political pay backs.

Steven Chu runs the US Oil Company. That's a recipe for great success.
The left absolutely Hammered President Bush about high gas prices.. Karma now biting you hypocrites in the ass innit?

fucking funny as hell.

Because Bush's policies of weaning us from big oil at the time were to give big oil more tax breaks, and let them do whatever the hell they please to us. At least Obama is launching significant programs to lead us to energy independence, and weaning us from our reliance on oil.

Under Bush, demand was way up due to t a good economy (the worst since the Great Depression) and under the Big 0 demand is way down due to the horrible economy (currently recovering from the Bush recession)

Have some more Kool Aid.
There has been a lot of blame for oil prices on President Obama lately.
The GOP needs to emphasize this point in order to sway voters.

But when we look at the facts, there are simply too many speculators profiting from soaring gas prices. In short, the massive oil corporations and Hedge Fund managers are the real culprits. Here is a document leaked from 2008:

Energy holdings-wti-crude-oil

There is a deliberate effort to inflate the already outrageous prices of refined crude. Rick Ungar of Forbes magazine (not a flaming liberal rag, mind you) explains that refineries have been systematically shutting down in order to reduce national supply and jack up prices. Moreover, we see oil producers looking to sell domestic oil in foreign markets in order to boost demand. Not that there is anything illegal about that, but it certainly isn't helping out the American consumers by artificially increasing demand and reducing supply when we need the stuff to get to work and to get the economy back on track.

The Truth About Obama, Oil And The Gasoline Blame Game-Part Two - Forbes

Congressman Peter Welch (D-VT) tells how apprx 50 cents on each gallon of gasoline purchased goes to speculators rather than to refinement and production costs. That's about $15 going to Banking industry like Goldman Sachs every time you fill your tank!

After rumors send oil prices falling, Welch renews call on President to tap nation's oil reserves

Nevertheless, the GOP is still calling for less govt regulation in banking and oil industries. In spite of the evidence to the contrary, some of us continue to blame Obama for the lack of and real conviction to control rising prices.

If anything, this sets the stage for MORE govt regulation, not less. Unless, of course, everyone is happy with gas prices where they are currently.

Yep, this is free market Capitalism at its best. And you can sure as hell expect more of this if the GOP (aka "Frontmen for the Oil Industry") ever take back the White House.
Speculators due exactly that speculate and they take everything into consideration in order to make money so all the policies and uncertainty in the economy lead them to buy and sell - raise lower the price of oil ect so how can it not be placed on the current administration? After all its his policies and some other from before him.
Im sure if cap and trade were in place it would be alot higher ...
Its called supply and demand so if we didnt need as much due to the fact that we have our own they would speculate down!
No one's willing to recognize the Federal Reserve's role in this? After the collapse in 2008 oil fell hard to $30/bbl. The Fed instituted several massive liquidity injections to buy junk MBS and reflate the economy, and then proceeded to utilize 2 separate rounds of quantitative easing. This inflated the monetary base to historic proportions and severely devalued the Dollar.

Ever since that, oil has continued to climb.

It's the DOLLAR.

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