GOP Next Buy, "Acres And Acres Of Worthless Crap, As Far As The Eye Can See(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The NY Times may have hit a nerve, "45 Minutes That Changed the Course of History." My own father was written up in Los Angeles Times, selling cars on then new TV--another legendary few minutes. Mostly recently the leader of North Korea, in concert with South Korea: Went on Driveway TV selling, "Acres and acres of worthless crap, as far as the eye can see!"

In our modern world of America, Guess Who Bought(?)! "White Trash With Money" is the New Presidential All Over.

Trump’s Abrupt ‘Yes’ to North Korea: The 45 Minutes That Could Alter History

France once gave aid and comfort to a bunch of English radicals, unhappy with perceived new norms from a Colonial Administration. The Penn Quakers were ascendant(?)!

Now giving aid and comfort to North Korea, likely to Russia, (via collusion), likely to Palestine, likely to a nuclear Iran, likely to Yemen and on and on.

Anyone wonders how terrorism comes about on the earth(?)

North Korea is even described as a giant black hole in Southeast Asia every night. Now likely they get foreign aid(?). They have nothing to offer, no basis to negotiate--only a nuclear threat increase.

Negotiation with known terrorists: Now policy GOP!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
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Drinking this early is not prudent.

It being a Sunday......nawwwwwww.....for some religions the day has no meaning.
The NY Times may have hit a nerve, "45 Minutes That Changed the Course of History." My own father was written up in Los Angeles Times, selling cars on then new TV--another legendary few minutes. Mostly recently the leader of North Korea, in concert with South Korea: Went on Driveway TV selling, "Acres and acres of worthless crap, as far as the eye can see!"

In our modern world of America, Guess Who Bought(?)! "White Trash With Money" is the New Presidential All Over.

Trump’s Abrupt ‘Yes’ to North Korea: The 45 Minutes That Could Alter History

France once gave aid and comfort to a bunch of English radicals, unhappy with perceived new norms from a Colonial Administration. The Penn Quakers were ascendant(?)!

Now giving aid and comfort to North Korea, likely to Russia, (via collusion), likely to Palestine, likely to a nuclear Iran, likely to Yemen and on and on.

Anyone wonders how terrorism comes about on the earth(?)

North Korea is even described as a giant black hole in Southeast Asia every night. Now likely they foreign aid(?). They have nothing to offer, no basis to negotiate--only a nuclear threat increase.

Negotiation with known terrorists: Now policy GOP!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"

So, now the left is pro war?
Republicans will claim that the tax cuts offer them a basis to send North Korea $0.5 tril. per year in foreign aid, as long as they keep the nukes to themselves(?)! Fiscal Conservatism GOP is that.

What does North Korea walk away with? Every nickel owned by slime like Don't Taz Me Bro poster, taking all the nickels from everyone else and sending that over too!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Other side of nickel also shows even vanishing Buffalo!)
"Used cars"? North Korea? Anyone remember Barry Hussein's laughable "cash for clunkers" scheme?
Trump playing to what he proclaims his "Trash" can mainly follow along the limited time-frame in which the new White House uses to think through policy and events.

Trump can be said to have bought a used car from the indictable leader of North Korea--and maybe acres and acres of any worthless crap that military has to offer. There is nothing else, except advanced, "Nuclear Physics." Even that has yet to occur to "The base." The weapons do come from advanced science and technology: Most of which the world already has and knows about.

"Cash For Clunkers" was a bail-out from Trump-supported measures, all GOP: Mnuchin supported, even. No jail-time was earned by any of the brand. Trump even help with three bankruptcies of his own. All that horribly thought-through business is now to be said to have come home to roost.

Even Moses got a place in history, following Deuteronomy 23: 19-20. Interest rates are for screwing the foreign--even though not too many people at the time knew very much about arithmetic.

Certainly no deity was around, who knew about it. Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, called, "Oh Christ" would explain it centuries later in Matthew 25:14-30--the slaughter of the USA using math like in interest rates from Federal Reserve.

Still nobody goes to jail for it, or the bankruptcies, or the Hollywood venue bus described adventures, and whatever else all the new people in the news seem to know about.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Now mainly "Minutes" roam the prairies, in the absence of any buffalo!)
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I think the Original Post is a cry for help.

If this board maintains Emergency Cyber-First is a candidate.

But, it may just be a normal Democrat...which means Bat-Shit Crazy....who is trying to get across the road--From Trump is going to get us into a nuclear war with Trump is appeasing NoKo.

Which means it will only makes sense to Bat Shit Crazy Democrats.
The Macaulay poster brand exhausted its attention in only, apparently, a very few seconds, Crying: "Help Us, Oh Non-Existent Deity--Of the two old white people. . . . .blind and naked in the jungle. . . .(apparently childless, all those years, without even trying(?))!

Shame like that would never again be known, when they saw--not really missing too much, at all(?)!

Maybe now GOP will be attention-span challenged, myopic themselves, following along since the Mr. McGoo kind of caricature, seems to have surfaced--replacing Pepe The Frog.

The jobs report for February was celebrated since paychecks did not increase, post-tax cut. No inflation, no big raises, higher prices from the tariffs, mainly hitting on the "White Trash" without any money.

McGoo is likely on board.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Famous alcoholic, Ulysses S. Grant: The White Eyes made the face on the money, along with Abraham. . . .(?) The actual author of the first great genocide attempt, directed at White North Americans: Now maybe winds up vaults of North Korea(?)!)

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