GOP operative seeking Clinton emails mysteriously died

However, the Chicago Tribune obtained a Minnesota state death record filed in Olmsted County that says Smith committed suicide in a hotel near the Mayo Clinic at 1:17 p.m. on Sunday, May 14. He was found with a bag over his head with a source of helium attached. A medical examiner's report gives the same account, without specifying the time, and a report from Rochester police further details his suicide.

In the note recovered by police, Smith apologized to authorities and said that "NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER" was involved in his death. He wrote that he was taking his own life because of a "RECENT BAD TURN IN HEALTH SINCE JANUARY, 2017" and timing related "TO LIFE INSURANCE OF $5 MILLION EXPIRING."

Peter W. Smith, GOP operative who sought Clinton's emails from Russian hackers, committed suicide, records show

Do people usually leave suicide notes indicating there was no foul play involved? Why would anyone conclude there was foul play if it was a suicide.
Anyone that knows anything about insurance will tell you that suicide will be challenged by the insurance company?

What was the he dying of? And why would he have a LIFE INSURANCE policy that expires? Those usually run the term of your life.
Mueller needs to look in to this and Seth Rich's suicide.

That is certainly another odd aspect. Why would you kill yourself for life insurance when almost any life insurance has a clause against payout for suicide.

Not sure if it would be Clinton's or Russians or someone else but this death is fishy

WRONG, 2 years contestability. If he had more than two years didn't matter.
All reasonable rebuttals and questions. Thanks for your responses.
However, the Chicago Tribune obtained a Minnesota state death record filed in Olmsted County that says Smith committed suicide in a hotel near the Mayo Clinic at 1:17 p.m. on Sunday, May 14. He was found with a bag over his head with a source of helium attached. A medical examiner's report gives the same account, without specifying the time, and a report from Rochester police further details his suicide.

In the note recovered by police, Smith apologized to authorities and said that "NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER" was involved in his death. He wrote that he was taking his own life because of a "RECENT BAD TURN IN HEALTH SINCE JANUARY, 2017" and timing related "TO LIFE INSURANCE OF $5 MILLION EXPIRING."

Peter W. Smith, GOP operative who sought Clinton's emails from Russian hackers, committed suicide, records show

Do people usually leave suicide notes indicating there was no foul play involved? Why would anyone conclude there was foul play if it was a suicide.
Anyone that knows anything about insurance will tell you that suicide will be challenged by the insurance company?

What was the he dying of? And why would he have a LIFE INSURANCE policy that expires? Those usually run the term of your life.
Mueller needs to look in to this and Seth Rich's suicide.
We should know by now that that just won't happen.

Vincent Foster has a lot more holes in that bullshit story.

The swamp is full of scum.
This case jusst doesn't follow the rule of common sense. If an 81 year old is actually thinking about suicide, it would not be practical to dream up a "helium suicide." The inconvenience of going our an buying helium,. how much and where do you buy an "exit bag."

Hell, the stress of the decision would make me think he probably had a gun available and would just shoot himself in the head! Does he have a garage? Just turn on the car and close the grage door. Hell, at 81 he is probably taking prescriptions and would enjoy a few whiskeys to going away calmly as laying down for a nap.

Too much truble with the helium bag, the helium and nor knowing what to expect for the amount of time.

No one has empathy for him. I has to be a hard decisiom. RIP.
This case jusst doesn't follow the rule of common sense. If an 81 year old is actually thinking about suicide, it would not be practical to dream up a "helium suicide." The inconvenience of going our an buying helium,. how much and where do you buy an "exit bag."

Hell, the stress of the decision would make me think he probably had a gun available and would just shoot himself in the head! Does he have a garage? Just turn on the car and close the grage door. Hell, at 81 he is probably taking prescriptions and would enjoy a few whiskeys to going away calmly as laying down for a nap.

Too much truble with the helium bag, the helium and nor knowing what to expect for the amount of time.

No one has empathy for him. I has to be a hard decisiom. RIP.

He was out of state staying a hotel at the time
Wow, another convenient suicide near the Clintons! Imagine that. Old habits are hard to break. That puts the total up near 100 now!

Full of shit? Look it up, I listed many of the more famous cases right HERE:

Why Trump's Not So Bad
jebus you are playing stupid on this or just don't know a thing about this guy....?

Peter Smith is a very dirty tricks Republican operative...(he made up story that Clinton had a black baby with a prostitute, and might have also been the creator of the Mccain has a black love child as well and a thousand other made up stories over the decades that were not true of which Repubs to this day still claim are true...he's really good at spreading falsities and creating them, out of thin air...but he is also good at finding real dirt too)

in an interview 10 days before he died, he said he hired a bunch of lawyers and other people to find the Russian hackers or anyone that may have stolen/hacked the 30k private emails that Clinton deleted that Trump asked Russia or anyone to find, and wanted to expose them and was working with Flynn, kellyann and bannon on the trump team and the Russian hackers...or something of the sort..(.I haven't read the interview yet)

the journalist had a date to come back for a follow up interview but he died before the journalist could get the rest of the scoop.

no one on the liberal aisle needed him dead..

but the trump people he mentioned and/or maybe the Russians tried to kill this story that could have been a second connection between stolen email dirt and the trump team

Not exactly.......the link in the OP said he was an opposition investigator....which means he would dig up dirt on Dems, but wasn't working with Trumps team.

This gop operative most certainly did take his marching orders from trump.

Really? Where did it say that in the link in the OP??? :dunno:
This case jusst doesn't follow the rule of common sense. If an 81 year old is actually thinking about suicide, it would not be practical to dream up a "helium suicide." The inconvenience of going our an buying helium,. how much and where do you buy an "exit bag."

Hell, the stress of the decision would make me think he probably had a gun available and would just shoot himself in the head! Does he have a garage? Just turn on the car and close the grage door. Hell, at 81 he is probably taking prescriptions and would enjoy a few whiskeys to going away calmly as laying down for a nap.

Too much truble with the helium bag, the helium and nor knowing what to expect for the amount of time.

No one has empathy for him. I has to be a hard decisiom. RIP.

He was out of state staying a hotel at the time

.....which makes even less sense.
Peter Smith is a very dirty tricks Republican operative...(he made up story that Clinton had a black baby with a prostitute, and might have also been the creator of the Mccain has a black love child as well and a thousand other made up stories over the decades that were not true

Apparently he wasn't very good at it as I've never heard of the guy or any of his stories.
I never had heard of him either, but apparently quite famous in RNC circles .... today I saw a picture of him on the news and I do recognize him and have seen him around over the years, just never knew his name...he's an investment banker heavily involved in politics

I still can't get over him leaving a note like that....maybe he was a prankster and played one last hoop dee dah, by purposely making his suicide seem suspicious?

Clintons if they were the killers you all seem to believe from all the unsubstantiated right wing imo :D garbage out there, this guy would have been dead decades ago.

In May 2017 Smith told the Wall Street Journal that he had been actively involved, during Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, in trying to obtain emails he believed had been hacked from Hillary Clinton's computer server.[11][12] In that quest he contacted several known hacker groups, including some Russian groups.[13] He claimed he was working on behalf of Trump campaign advisor Mike Flynn, but that connection has not been confirmed. He was shown some information but was not convinced it was genuine, and suggested the hackers give it to Wikileaks instead.[11]

Wait. He was 81 ! He was trying to score life insurance for the family??!

Plus the 26 yr old kid that worked for him said he could barely get around because of his heart condition. Yes, lets kill a guy that can barely breath on his own, is 81 years old and has heart disease so he cannot dig shit up on us in 10 years. Yep this makes a whole lot of sense.

Well, better be safe than sorry.
He was seeking dirt on Clinton...and he mysteriously died. Evidently she caught him doing she caught Seth Rich leaking her info...
It's absolutely ludicrous how many people commit "suicide" around the Clinton's.
He was seeking dirt on Clinton...and he mysteriously died. Evidently she caught him doing she caught Seth Rich leaking her info...

What the fuck is so mysterious about being 81, in failing health and 5 million life insurance pay out to family? It's in black and white in his parting note.

Mysterious is how you deplorables manage to look in the mirror everyday after spreading your rediculous politico bullshit day in and out.
jebus you are playing stupid on this or just don't know a thing about this guy....?

in an interview 10 days before he died, he said he hired a bunch of lawyers and other people to find the Russian hackers or anyone that may have stolen/hacked the 30k private emails that Clinton deleted...the journalist had a date to come back for a follow up interview but he died before the journalist could get the rest of the scoop.
And you don't see the problem there?!? :uhh:

I'm not proclaiming a "conspiracy" here. However, you version makes zero sense. Who the fuck hires people for a job and then kills themselves before the work is complete?!? Seriously - who does that? This was not like a contractor building the new Apple headquarters where it took 5 years to build and a lot could have changed in that time. This was a very short time frame. He hires the guy, schedules a follow up, and then decides "well this would be a good time to kill myself".
What the fuck is so mysterious about being 81, in failing health and 5 million life insurance pay out to family?
Well for starters - life insurance policies do not get paid out when a person commits suicide dillhole. So that's one thing which is extremely mysterious. :eusa_doh:
jebus you are playing stupid on this or just don't know a thing about this guy....?

in an interview 10 days before he died, he said he hired a bunch of lawyers and other people to find the Russian hackers or anyone that may have stolen/hacked the 30k private emails that Clinton deleted...the journalist had a date to come back for a follow up interview but he died before the journalist could get the rest of the scoop.
And you don't see the problem there?!? :uhh:

I'm not proclaiming a "conspiracy" here. However, you version makes zero sense. Who the fuck hires people for a job and then kills themselves before the work is complete?!? Seriously - who does that? This was not like a contractor building the new Apple headquarters where it took 5 years to build and a lot could have changed in that time. This was a very short time frame. He hires the guy, schedules a follow up, and then decides "well this would be a good time to kill myself".

Someone who realizes it is a stupid waste of time.
What the fuck is so mysterious about being 81, in failing health and 5 million life insurance pay out to family?
Well for starters - life insurance policies do not get paid out when a person commits suicide dillhole. So that's one thing which is extremely mysterious. :eusa_doh:

Yes they do ignoramus.

You consistently don't have any fucking clue about what you say.

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