GOP passed bill restricting research into gun violence and it's effects on public health



Hours before San Bernardino shooting, doctors urged Congress to lift funding ban on gun violence research

The group cited a letter released by former Rep. Jay Dickey of Arkansas, who authored an amendment that restricted federal funding for research into gun violence and its effects on public health. He now regrets that effort.
"Research could have been continued on gun violence without infringing on the rights of gun owners," wrote Dickey, who has said he only wanted to ensure that no dollars went to gun control advocacy.

United States has experienced an average of more than one mass shooting for every day of 2015. (Seems a reason for Republicans to be dancing in the street)


The roots of the research ban go back to 1996, when the NRA accused the public health agency of lobbying for gun control. That year, a Republican congressman stripped $2.6 million from the CDC budget, the exact amount spent on gun research the previous year. Soon the funding was restored, but designated elsewhere, and wording was inserted into the CDC’s appropriations bill that, “None of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control.”

The CDC interpreted this to mean it should avoid studying guns in any fashion.

“It basically was a shot across the bow by Congress on the part of the NRA,” said Mark Rosenberg, who was director of the CDC’s National Center for Injury Control and Prevention when the ban went into effect. “All federally funded research was shut down.”

Why the CDC still isn’t researching gun violence, despite the ban being lifted two years ago


99% of everything bad can be traced back to the GOP. We see it again and again. And still, they can't name a single thing in the last 40 years that they have done that helps a majority of Americans.
That's because it's a waste of money, just like all the other "research" bed wetters demand funding for.

I remember this like it was yesterday. The President was right- Repubs are scared of the nra
I remember this like it was yesterday. The President was right- Repubs are scared of the nra

Actually no. I am a member because they agree with me, not vice-versa. I'm sure Republicans hold the same position.
That's because it's a waste of money, just like all the other "research" bed wetters demand funding for.

Yup! Who needs all that book learn in' and science? Who needs to understand somethin'? Rush and Sean and the good oil' NRA will tell us what and how to think!
I remember this like it was yesterday. The President was right- Repubs are scared of the nra

Actually no. I am a member because they agree with me, not vice-versa. I'm sure Republicans hold the same position.
are you saying the nra won't fund their opponents if they don't toe the line? :eusa_eh: :rofl:

I used to be a member until it became apparent that they represented the manufacturers first and foremost.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars to study why old people fuck is ... very Democrat.
I remember this like it was yesterday. The President was right- Repubs are scared of the nra

Actually no. I am a member because they agree with me, not vice-versa. I'm sure Republicans hold the same position.

Pretty obvious the Left is more scared of the NRA than the Right.

The NRA is a powerful lobby comprised of citizens who won't take any shit from our nuevo-Communist Democrats. Of course they're afraid.
That's because it's a waste of money, just like all the other "research" bed wetters demand funding for.

Yup! Who needs all that book learn in' and science? Who needs to understand somethin'? Rush and Sean and the good oil' NRA will tell us what and how to think!
I know. Remember how Republicans laughed and laughed at honeybee research?
That's because it's a waste of money, just like all the other "research" bed wetters demand funding for.

No one is more scared than Republicans. Everything they don't understand terrifies them. And that means everything terrifies them.
Pretty obvious the Left is more scared of the NRA than the Right.

The democrooks know they can't get away with their agenda until we are disarmed. The deliberately ignorant bed wetters on this forum believe guns are the problem just like they've been programmed too.
Guns don't kill people, people kill people

God forbid we try to find out what causes people to kill people
Repubs are in the gun lobby's pocket. Pretty simple. Did Lyin' Ryan (R) sign the bill I wonder?
LIBS PRETENDING TO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT PUBLIC HEALTH- OH THE IRONY. LET'S SUPPORT A MILLION BABIES being tortured and murdered every year and pretend to care about public health.
LIBS PRETENDING TO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT PUBLIC HEALTH- OH THE IRONY. LET'S SUPPORT A MILLION BABIES being tortured and murdered every year and pretend to care about public health.

Isnt that cute. A repunklican worrying about some act that is none of your fucking business.

Why is it that you all pretend to care so much about those babies that would be raised to vote Democrat?

Cause you can assure everyone that no Republican woman would or has ever had an abortion.

You can make that claim and prove it. Right?

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