GOP plans to start a Council to investigate voting irregularities

That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.
More likely, they will claim to find plenty of irregularities, while being able to produce almost exactly zero. And why not? They decided not to actually govern long ago.
I wouldn't be surprised if my Representative was one of the 27. He's an idiot but I voted for him just the same because I prefer a House and President being in control of opposite political parties. Plus regardless of party, the House has become a bees nest of whackos. I just sent this note off to him:

I'm disappointed in reading comments attributed to you in regards to the credibility of the
recent election and concerning our governor's certification. As our courts dismiss election
lawsuit after lawsuit, I'm reconsidering voting for somebody having so much faith in hearsay
evidence and little in our state and county officials in performance of their
Constitutional duty.​

That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.
Republicans (some) have been known to give the "too scared to act" stereotype validity; I'm just wondering if that's a factor here as well...going to form a committee... isn't that a few weeks late? There appears to be a large majority of Republicans sitting this one out, for whatever personal reason, but I assure you it's personal. Politicians make deals all of the time, including self-serving deals (as opposed to state serving) that are kept clear from the public spotlight. There's no telling what goods some crook has on another political wheeler and dealer, but I digress;)

A related aspect of "forming a committee" a month late are those Republicans who never wanted Trump in 2016 are not defending him now.

If Trump wins the election, will the thugs begin their activities (fire setting, targeting individuals and their homes, theft) anew? Or, are they just waiting until better weather hits? Without any doubt, this has been discussed by the highest echelons of our government and other upper-crust puppet masters including mega-corporate media pulling strings behind the scenes.

A country that is led by fear and dictated by fear lives a very different life compared to what most Americans have experienced who are alive today.

When the US enters the phase of "all things done will be known", one plus will be knowing exactly who the good guys really are within our vast political arena, at all levels of government, regardless of party.

That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.
"Find evidence?" They said they already had evidence. That means they are liars.
I wouldn't be surprised if my Representative was one of the 27. He's an idiot but I voted for him just the same because I prefer a House and President being in control of opposite political parties. Plus regardless of party, the House has become a bees nest of whackos. I just sent this note off to him:

I'm disappointed in reading comments attributed to you in regards to the credibility of the
recent election and concerning our governor's certification. As our courts dismiss election
lawsuit after lawsuit, I'm reconsidering voting for somebody having so much faith in hearsay
evidence and little in our state and county officials in performance of their
Constitutional duty.​

.....and they are all for Biden!

That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.

I'm sure THIS time they will!

And Hillary will go to jail!

And so will Obama!

And JadeHelms!

And Birth CErtificate!

It's just like Charley Rangel. Here is what they found on him. Everyone was in agreement even.

1. Conduct in violation of the solicitation and gift ban

  • "Between 2005 and 2008 Respondent engaged in a pattern of soliciting for donations and other things of value on behalf of the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Policy at the City College of New York."
  • "The entities solicited were seeking official action from the House..."
  • "Respondent's conduct was not within the parameters established by the Standards Committee for solicitations on behalf of charitable organizations."
2. Conduct in violations of Code of Ethics for Government Service (clause 5)

  • A member is never supposed to give special favors or accept things that may make it look like it could sway the member in his official capacity.
  • "...Respondent made numerous requests for support for the Rangel Center. Those requests were directed at entities and individuals whose interests could be affected by the legislative and oversight activities of Respondent in his capacity as a member of congress."
  • "Contributions were made by persons with interests before the Ways and Means Committee..."
  • "Contributions to the Rangel Center provided a benefit to Respondent."
3. Conduct in violation of the House gift rule

  • "Respondent solicited contributions for the Rangel Center and the Rangel Center did receive contributions."
  • "Respondent has a personal interest in the Rangel Center... will provide him with an office, and allows him to perpetuate his legacy, including the storing and archiving of his papers."
  • "Contributions to the Rangel Center constituted indirect gifts attributable to Respondent."
4. Conduct in violation of postal service laws and franking commission regulations

  • A member is not allowed to use the frank for any association, committee or organization. Only for official congressional duties.
  • "Respondent used his frank for the benefit of a charitable organization and for solicitation of funds."
5. Conduct in violation of any franking statute

  • "Respondent used his frank on materials that were not official business."
6. Conduct in violation of House Office Building Commission's Regulations

  • Not allowed to use congressional staff to solicit contributions on House of Representatives property.
  • "Respondent and his staff drafted solicitation letters and performed other work related to solicitations on property of the U.S. Representatives."
7. Conduct in violation of the purpose law and the Member's Congressional Handbook

  • Members' allowances include official mail costs/staff salaries. It is against the law to misuse federal funds. The members' handbook says the allowance can only be used for official purposes.
  • "Respondent used House employees and other official House resources for work related to the Rangel center."
  • "Those resources included the use of staff time, use of telephones and House email accounts, other office supplies, and of the frank. Those expenses were paid using the MRA." MRA is the Member's Representational Allowance.
8. Conduct in violation of the Letterhead Rules

  • House rules do not allow anyone not under the direction and control of the House to use the words "Congress of the United States" or "House of Representatives" or "Official Business."
  • "...Respondent sent letters related to the Rangel Center on letterhead bearing the words 'Congress of the United States' and 'House of Representatives.'"
9. Conduct in violation of the Ethics in Government Act (EIGA) and House Rule 16

  • EIGA requires members to file full and complete Financial Disclosure statements on income, rent on property, gifts and other financial assets. If a statement has to be amended, the committee says it's in good faith if done by the end of the year and an explanation as to why. Fail on one of those, and the amendment is not considered in good faith.
  • "Respondent engaged in a pattern of submitting Financial Disclosure statements that were incomplete and inaccurate."
  • "Respondent failed to report numerous items required to be reported... from 1998 through 2008."
  • "Respondent erroneously reported numerous required to be reported under the EIGA during the period 1998 through 2007."
  • "Respondent's amendments...1998 through 2007 were not filed within the close of the year...Respondent's amendments were not timely."
  • "Respondent's amendments...1998 through 2007 were filed after the committee...had established an investigative subcommittee with respect to Respondent's conduct, including his reporting of the Punta Cana villa on his Financial Disclosure Statements..."
  • "Respondent has failed to establish that the amendments to his Financial Disclosure statements for the calendar years 1998 through 2007 were submitted in good faith."
  • "Respondent's conduct violated the EIGA."
10. Conduct in violation of Code of ethics for Government Service (clause 5)

  • Here's another case where a person in government is not supposed to give special privileges to anyone or accept favors or benefits that could look like it might influence his actions as a Representative.
  • "Respondent received a rent stabilized residential apartment at Lenox Terrace, which he used as office space for Rangel for Congress and National Leadership PAC."
  • "Terms of the lease for the rent stabilized apartment provided that the apartment was to be used 'for living purposes only.'"
  • "Respondent's acceptance of that rent-stabilized apartment for nonresidential purposes in contravention of the terms of the lease was a favor or benefit to him..."
  • "Respondent accepted the favor or benefit from Olnick under circumstances that might be construed by reasonable persons as influencing the performance of his governmental duties."
11. Conduct in violation of Code of Ethics for Government Service (clause 2)

  • Code of ethics for government service states that people in government must uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States.
  • "Respondent's failure to report rental income related to Punta Cana on his Federal income tax returns violated the Internal Revenue Code."
  • As already stated above, Rangel also violated Franking Regulations, House Office Building Commission's Regulations, Member's Congressional Handbook, Ethics in Government Act and the Internal Revenue Code and other violations.
12. Conduct in Violation of the Code of Conduct: Letter and Spirit of House Rules

  • House Rules state that a Member "shall adhere to the spirit and the letter of the Rules of the House..."
  • Respondent's conduct violated this rule.
13. Conduct in Violation of the Code of Conduct: Conduct Reflecting Discredibility on the House

  • House Rules state that a Member "shall behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House."
  • Subcommittee finds Rangel violated this with the following offenses:
  1. -Improper solicitations of potential donors to the Rangel Center
    -Acceptance of favors and benefits from donors to the Rangel Center in a way that some might see as influence the job he does in Congress
    -Knowingly accepting indirect gifts from donors to the Rangel Center
    -Improperly using franking privileges to raise money for the Rangel Center
    -Writing solicitations for the Rangel Center on House property
    -Misusing House resources- staff, phones, e-mail and franking for work related to the Rangel Center.
  2. -Misuse of Congressional letterhead to solicit donations to the Rangel Center
    -Failing to disclose, from 1998 to 2007, full and complete financial statements
  3. -Rangel's pattern of submitting Financial Disclosure statements that were incomplete and inaccurate
    -Failing to make sure his Financial Disclosure statements were complete and accurate
    -Violating the Ethics in Government Act
    -Failing to report rental income from his villa in the Dominican Republic on his Federal income tax returns from 1998 to 2006
  4. -Violating the Internal Revenue Code

  5. -Receiving rent stabilized apartment, using it for campaign activities when the lease stated it should be used only for living purposes

  6. -Accepting the rent stabilized apartment in a way that could look like he was influence in his government activities by the deal

  7. -By breaking the law, Rangel violated the Code of Ethics for Government Service

  8. -By not adhering to the letter and spirit of House Rules
    -"Respondent's pattern of indifference or disregard for the laws, rules and regulations of the United States and the House of Representatives is a serious violation"

  9. -"Respondent's actions and accumulation of actions reflected poorly on the institution of the House and, thereby, brought discredit to the House"
So what did they do? They slapped him on the hand. He later retired with a lavish retirement courtesy of chumps like you and I.
Fair-minded Dems & Pubs & Socialists should all get behind this Council idea.

The Council should find ways to prevent electoral fraud.

Then the elections in 2022 for Congress will have the confidence of all Americans.

That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.
Didn’t they already do that after the 2016 election? (And found absolutely nothing)

And after the 2000 election and found....yup nothing.


That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.

I'm sure THIS time they will!

And Hillary will go to jail!

And so will Obama!

And JadeHelms!

And Birth CErtificate!

It's just like Charley Rangel. Here is what they found on him. Everyone was in agreement even.

1. Conduct in violation of the solicitation and gift ban

  • "Between 2005 and 2008 Respondent engaged in a pattern of soliciting for donations and other things of value on behalf of the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Policy at the City College of New York."
  • "The entities solicited were seeking official action from the House..."
  • "Respondent's conduct was not within the parameters established by the Standards Committee for solicitations on behalf of charitable organizations."
2. Conduct in violations of Code of Ethics for Government Service (clause 5)

  • A member is never supposed to give special favors or accept things that may make it look like it could sway the member in his official capacity.
  • "...Respondent made numerous requests for support for the Rangel Center. Those requests were directed at entities and individuals whose interests could be affected by the legislative and oversight activities of Respondent in his capacity as a member of congress."
  • "Contributions were made by persons with interests before the Ways and Means Committee..."
  • "Contributions to the Rangel Center provided a benefit to Respondent."
3. Conduct in violation of the House gift rule

  • "Respondent solicited contributions for the Rangel Center and the Rangel Center did receive contributions."
  • "Respondent has a personal interest in the Rangel Center... will provide him with an office, and allows him to perpetuate his legacy, including the storing and archiving of his papers."
  • "Contributions to the Rangel Center constituted indirect gifts attributable to Respondent."
4. Conduct in violation of postal service laws and franking commission regulations

  • A member is not allowed to use the frank for any association, committee or organization. Only for official congressional duties.
  • "Respondent used his frank for the benefit of a charitable organization and for solicitation of funds."
5. Conduct in violation of any franking statute

  • "Respondent used his frank on materials that were not official business."
6. Conduct in violation of House Office Building Commission's Regulations

  • Not allowed to use congressional staff to solicit contributions on House of Representatives property.
  • "Respondent and his staff drafted solicitation letters and performed other work related to solicitations on property of the U.S. Representatives."
7. Conduct in violation of the purpose law and the Member's Congressional Handbook

  • Members' allowances include official mail costs/staff salaries. It is against the law to misuse federal funds. The members' handbook says the allowance can only be used for official purposes.
  • "Respondent used House employees and other official House resources for work related to the Rangel center."
  • "Those resources included the use of staff time, use of telephones and House email accounts, other office supplies, and of the frank. Those expenses were paid using the MRA." MRA is the Member's Representational Allowance.
8. Conduct in violation of the Letterhead Rules

  • House rules do not allow anyone not under the direction and control of the House to use the words "Congress of the United States" or "House of Representatives" or "Official Business."
  • "...Respondent sent letters related to the Rangel Center on letterhead bearing the words 'Congress of the United States' and 'House of Representatives.'"
9. Conduct in violation of the Ethics in Government Act (EIGA) and House Rule 16

  • EIGA requires members to file full and complete Financial Disclosure statements on income, rent on property, gifts and other financial assets. If a statement has to be amended, the committee says it's in good faith if done by the end of the year and an explanation as to why. Fail on one of those, and the amendment is not considered in good faith.
  • "Respondent engaged in a pattern of submitting Financial Disclosure statements that were incomplete and inaccurate."
  • "Respondent failed to report numerous items required to be reported... from 1998 through 2008."
  • "Respondent erroneously reported numerous required to be reported under the EIGA during the period 1998 through 2007."
  • "Respondent's amendments...1998 through 2007 were not filed within the close of the year...Respondent's amendments were not timely."
  • "Respondent's amendments...1998 through 2007 were filed after the committee...had established an investigative subcommittee with respect to Respondent's conduct, including his reporting of the Punta Cana villa on his Financial Disclosure Statements..."
  • "Respondent has failed to establish that the amendments to his Financial Disclosure statements for the calendar years 1998 through 2007 were submitted in good faith."
  • "Respondent's conduct violated the EIGA."
10. Conduct in violation of Code of ethics for Government Service (clause 5)

  • Here's another case where a person in government is not supposed to give special privileges to anyone or accept favors or benefits that could look like it might influence his actions as a Representative.
  • "Respondent received a rent stabilized residential apartment at Lenox Terrace, which he used as office space for Rangel for Congress and National Leadership PAC."
  • "Terms of the lease for the rent stabilized apartment provided that the apartment was to be used 'for living purposes only.'"
  • "Respondent's acceptance of that rent-stabilized apartment for nonresidential purposes in contravention of the terms of the lease was a favor or benefit to him..."
  • "Respondent accepted the favor or benefit from Olnick under circumstances that might be construed by reasonable persons as influencing the performance of his governmental duties."
11. Conduct in violation of Code of Ethics for Government Service (clause 2)

  • Code of ethics for government service states that people in government must uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States.
  • "Respondent's failure to report rental income related to Punta Cana on his Federal income tax returns violated the Internal Revenue Code."
  • As already stated above, Rangel also violated Franking Regulations, House Office Building Commission's Regulations, Member's Congressional Handbook, Ethics in Government Act and the Internal Revenue Code and other violations.
12. Conduct in Violation of the Code of Conduct: Letter and Spirit of House Rules

  • House Rules state that a Member "shall adhere to the spirit and the letter of the Rules of the House..."
  • Respondent's conduct violated this rule.
13. Conduct in Violation of the Code of Conduct: Conduct Reflecting Discredibility on the House

  • House Rules state that a Member "shall behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House."
  • Subcommittee finds Rangel violated this with the following offenses:
  1. -Improper solicitations of potential donors to the Rangel Center
    -Acceptance of favors and benefits from donors to the Rangel Center in a way that some might see as influence the job he does in Congress
    -Knowingly accepting indirect gifts from donors to the Rangel Center
    -Improperly using franking privileges to raise money for the Rangel Center
    -Writing solicitations for the Rangel Center on House property
    -Misusing House resources- staff, phones, e-mail and franking for work related to the Rangel Center.
  2. -Misuse of Congressional letterhead to solicit donations to the Rangel Center
    -Failing to disclose, from 1998 to 2007, full and complete financial statements
  3. -Rangel's pattern of submitting Financial Disclosure statements that were incomplete and inaccurate
    -Failing to make sure his Financial Disclosure statements were complete and accurate
    -Violating the Ethics in Government Act
    -Failing to report rental income from his villa in the Dominican Republic on his Federal income tax returns from 1998 to 2006
  4. -Violating the Internal Revenue Code

  5. -Receiving rent stabilized apartment, using it for campaign activities when the lease stated it should be used only for living purposes

  6. -Accepting the rent stabilized apartment in a way that could look like he was influence in his government activities by the deal

  7. -By breaking the law, Rangel violated the Code of Ethics for Government Service

  8. -By not adhering to the letter and spirit of House Rules
    -"Respondent's pattern of indifference or disregard for the laws, rules and regulations of the United States and the House of Representatives is a serious violation"

  9. -"Respondent's actions and accumulation of actions reflected poorly on the institution of the House and, thereby, brought discredit to the House"
So what did they do? They slapped him on the hand. He later retired with a lavish retirement courtesy of chumps like you and I.
There is a seperate system of justice for Dimbocraps, silly rabit! It is called 'just-us' for a reason.

That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.
Deja vu


That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.
Did anyone care when GA and Fla purged eligible black voters from rolls?

That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.

Just like with Benghazi and the IRS investigations.

That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.

You missed the part where Senators Gowdy and Graham are mad as hell, will lead the effort, and are going to get to the bottom of it all.
Like they never did with any of the other crap they promised ... :auiqs.jpg:


That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.
Did anyone care when GA and Fla purged eligible black voters from rolls?
Yes. Stacy Abrams cared. And her efforts to register and re-register voters helped remove the mentally ill president.

That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.

It has to start somewhere. No court is going to have the Stomach to overturn anything. But we need court orders NOW to preserve all records and documents, to catalogue all election workers, and to get copies of all election hardware and software.

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