GOP precinct captain admits Voter Suppression targets Dem Voters

Ah, um, Dems?

That law won't change.

Go get your photo IDs, hmmm.

Nobody is against photo ID's.

We are against photo ID's that cost a penny or are difficult to obtain.
We are against denials of otherwise suitable ID's such as student ID's.
We are against all the shit that is added on to "Voter ID" laws that reduce polling times, reduce early voting and reduce absentee voting.

None of that happens on this law.

go to the DMV and get your free photo ID.
Ah, um, Dems?

That law won't change.

Go get your photo IDs, hmmm.

Nobody is against photo ID's.

We are against photo ID's that cost a penny or are difficult to obtain.
We are against denials of otherwise suitable ID's such as student ID's.
We are against all the shit that is added on to "Voter ID" laws that reduce polling times, reduce early voting and reduce absentee voting.

None of that happens on this law.

go to the DMV and get your free photo ID.

Why try to tackle a problem that's proven not to exist? How do you respond to a top tier Republican admitting the laws are specifically targetting democrat voters?
We don't think it...we know it. You have yet to prove that they ANY numbers.

How do you prove something when there is no verification built into the system? The whole intent of ID is to put checks in place.

Bullshit. The intent is to supress the vote. Why do you continue to deny this?

If citizenship verification to vote suppresses votes so be it, all voters have to meet this requirement, not just fucking commiecrats so statistically it should be a wash for both parties. Do you really want your vote cancelled by an ineligible vote? And don't tell me fraud doesn't exist because you can't prove that without proper verification, estimates don't cut it.
How do you prove something when there is no verification built into the system? The whole intent of ID is to put checks in place.

Bullshit. The intent is to supress the vote. Why do you continue to deny this?

If citizenship verification to vote suppresses votes so be it, all voters have to meet this requirement, not just fucking commiecrats so statistically it should be a wash for both parties. Do you really want your vote cancelled by an ineligible vote? And don't tell me fraud doesn't exist because you can't prove that without proper verification, estimates don't cut it.

It has been proven that it is not a problem. And you need to prove that it does exist. Not the other way around. You no....that whole "can't prove a negative" thing.
Ah, um, Dems?

That law won't change.

Go get your photo IDs, hmmm.

Nobody is against photo ID's.

We are against photo ID's that cost a penny or are difficult to obtain.
We are against denials of otherwise suitable ID's such as student ID's.
We are against all the shit that is added on to "Voter ID" laws that reduce polling times, reduce early voting and reduce absentee voting.

None of that happens on this law.

go to the DMV and get your free photo ID.

In Houston they even put kiosk around the city to help people get their ID's, all this whining from the commiecrats is because they don't want voter verification and fair elections.
In the video the guy said it's a case of 1 or 2 fraud votes Per Year...that is not a major problem.
jeezzzzzzzzzzes, how many times are they going to post this SAME thing?

different day same chit

hufferpuffer for all that stupid stuff where it takes no thinking required
Bullshit. The intent is to supress the vote. Why do you continue to deny this?

If citizenship verification to vote suppresses votes so be it, all voters have to meet this requirement, not just fucking commiecrats so statistically it should be a wash for both parties. Do you really want your vote cancelled by an ineligible vote? And don't tell me fraud doesn't exist because you can't prove that without proper verification, estimates don't cut it.

It has been proven that it is not a problem. And you need to prove that it does exist. Not the other way around. You no....that whole "can't prove a negative" thing.

If voter ID has a significant impact on overall numbers, which I seriously doubt that it will, that will prove there was a need. So far in TX elections there have not been a mojor problem with folks getting their ID's.
On an interview for the daily show GOP Precinct captain, Don Yelton, admits that the voter suppression laws target democrat voters saying "This law is gonna kick the democrats in the butt"

He also goes on to call black people lazy and says only 1 or 2 people commit voter fraud per election in North Carolina. Don Yelton later resigned from his position at the request of North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Claude Pope due to what was said during the interview.

GOP Precinct Captain Gives Shockingly Racist 'Daily Show' Interview About Voter ID Laws

So my only question is...if these laws are specifically targetting democratic voters (which they obviously are) why do republicans not just openly admit it? The facts are beyond obvious, They do the best when turnout is low:

2008 House election:
65,237,840 Democrat votes
52,249,491 Republican votes

2010 House election:
38,980,192 Democrat Votes
44,827,441 Republican Votes

2012 House election:
59,967,096 Democrat Votes
58,523,501 Republican Votes

So Republicans can only sell their image to a select few in the US, so they do best when turnout is the game plan is simple! (No, not expand your base...) You keep people out of the voter booths to win!!!

Just be up front and honest about what you're trying here, no need to be all shady.

Yes, so-called "voter suppression" does hurt Democrats because illegal aliens, dead people, cartoon characters and convicted felons all vote Democrat. That's half the Democrat voter base right there!
We don't think it...we know it. You have yet to prove that they ANY numbers.

How do you prove something when there is no verification built into the system? The whole intent of ID is to put checks in place.

Bullshit. The intent is to supress the vote. Why do you continue to deny this?

Yes, it will suppress the votes of illegal aliens, dead people, cartoon characters and convicted felons.
Man...this is boring. I regret joining this lame assed discussion. It is like talking to a brick wall. You fuckers never make progress when it comes to shit like this. The proof has been put in front of you. Accept it.

It no longer matters anyway. Enough targets of suppression have made a point of jumping through Republican hoops to get the doc's and make sure they get to the polls...that the damage has been largely mitigated. Except where districts are super-rigged, the greater the turnout.....the fewer Republicans get elected.
UPDATE: Don Yelton, the man who made racially insensitive comments on Wednesday's "Daily Show," has resigned his position as a GOP precinct captain upon the request of the North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Claude Pope. Mr. Pope denounced his statements as "completely inappropriate and highly offensive." Pope also clarified that contrary to "The Daily Show's" identification, Yelton is not in fact a member of the NCGOP Executive Committee.

When was the last time the Democrats said and did the same about one there race baiting haters?
We don't think it...we know it. You have yet to prove that they ANY numbers.

How do you prove something when there is no verification built into the system? The whole intent of ID is to put checks in place.

Bullshit. The intent is to supress the vote. Why do you continue to deny this?

I have seen this "cry wolf" response before. Yet when asked, I found it rather interesting that no one on the left can bring an actual case where voter ID has led to voter suppression. I'll take a stab at asking it yet again, but I won't hold my breath to finding an honest "link" response.
Bullshit. The intent is to supress the vote. Why do you continue to deny this?

If citizenship verification to vote suppresses votes so be it, all voters have to meet this requirement, not just fucking commiecrats so statistically it should be a wash for both parties. Do you really want your vote cancelled by an ineligible vote? And don't tell me fraud doesn't exist because you can't prove that without proper verification, estimates don't cut it.

It has been proven that it is not a problem. And you need to prove that it does exist. Not the other way around. You no....that whole "can't prove a negative" thing.

Not soooo fast there Lone-ski...:eusa_shifty:

----------------------(just the tip of the iceberg is my guess)

Here are the facts:

To date, 46 states have prosecuted or convicted cases of voter fraud.

More than 24 million voter registrations are invalid, yet remain on the rolls nation-wide.

There are over 1.8 million dead voters still eligible on the rolls across the country.

More than 2.75 million Americans are registered to vote in more than one state.

True The Vote recently found 99 cases of potential felony interstate voter fraud.

Maryland affiliates of True The Vote uncovered cases of people registering and voting after their respective deaths.

This year, True The Vote uncovered more than 348,000 dead people on the rolls in 27 states.

California: 49,000
Florida: 30,000
Texas: 28,500
Michigan: 25,000
Illinois: 24,000

12 Indiana counties have more registered voters than residents.

The Ohio Secretary of State admitted that multiple Ohio counties have more registered voters than residents.

Federal records showed 160 counties in 19 states have over 100 percent voter registration.

The Florida New Majority Education Fund, Democratic Party of Florida and the National Council of La Raza are currently under investigation for alleged voter registration fraud.

How Widespread is Voter Fraud? | 2012 Facts & Figures
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How do you prove something when there is no verification built into the system? The whole intent of ID is to put checks in place.

Bullshit. The intent is to supress the vote. Why do you continue to deny this?

I have seen this "cry wolf" response before. Yet when asked, I found it rather interesting that no one on the left can bring an actual case where voter ID has led to voter suppression. I'll take a stab at asking it yet again, but I won't hold my breath to finding an honest "link" response.

You are kidding, right?
In the video the guy said it's a case of 1 or 2 fraud votes Per Year...that is not a major problem.

The guy is obviously a moron. That must be why you believe him.

He's a Republican you're right.

Yeah, those Dims are so smart. Like Harry Reid who claims Americans are just itching to pay higher taxes! Or how about the guy who thinks to many people on Guam will make the island flip over. What a genius!
Why are "small government" Conservatives so in favor laws to prevent something that's never actually been conclusively proven to happen?

There has never (repeat NEVER) been a single confirmed case of voter fraud that would have been prevented by a voter ID in this country. Not one.

Do you guys also support writing laws to govern the proper parking of alien spacecraft? How about permit laws for hunting Yetis? Should time-travel be illegal?

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