GOP precinct captain admits Voter Suppression targets Dem Voters

Why are "small government" Conservatives so in favor laws to prevent something that's never actually been conclusively proven to happen?

There has never (repeat NEVER) been a single confirmed case of voter fraud that would have been prevented by a voter ID in this country. Not one.

Wendy Rosen, the Democratic challenger to Republican Rep. Andy Harris in the 1st Congressional District, withdrew from the race Monday amid allegations that she voted in elections in both Maryland and Florida in 2006 and 2008.

Wendy Rosen drops challenge to Andy Harris after allegations she voted in two states - Baltimore Sun

You were saying?
On an interview for the daily show GOP Precinct captain, Don Yelton, admits that the voter suppression laws target democrat voters saying "This law is gonna kick the democrats in the butt"

He also goes on to call black people lazy and says only 1 or 2 people commit voter fraud per election in North Carolina. Don Yelton later resigned from his position at the request of North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Claude Pope due to what was said during the interview.

GOP Precinct Captain Gives Shockingly Racist 'Daily Show' Interview About Voter ID Laws

So my only question is...if these laws are specifically targetting democratic voters (which they obviously are) why do republicans not just openly admit it? The facts are beyond obvious, They do the best when turnout is low:

2008 House election:
65,237,840 Democrat votes
52,249,491 Republican votes

2010 House election:
38,980,192 Democrat Votes
44,827,441 Republican Votes

2012 House election:
59,967,096 Democrat Votes
58,523,501 Republican Votes

So Republicans can only sell their image to a select few in the US, so they do best when turnout is the game plan is simple! (No, not expand your base...) You keep people out of the voter booths to win!!!

Just be up front and honest about what you're trying here, no need to be all shady.
10/23/13 in :60 Seconds - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 10/23/13 - Video Clip | Comedy Central.
Bullshit. The intent is to supress the vote. Why do you continue to deny this?

I have seen this "cry wolf" response before. Yet when asked, I found it rather interesting that no one on the left can bring an actual case where voter ID has led to voter suppression. I'll take a stab at asking it yet again, but I won't hold my breath to finding an honest "link" response.

You are kidding, right?

With so much absolute certainty coming from the left that all voter ID laws can only result in voter suppression, that going to a state that already utilizes such enforcement should make finding ANY suppression case rather easy to find. Judging by the response however, I can say LoneLaugher is finding such a task difficult to obtain just one.
Why are "small government" Conservatives so in favor laws to prevent something that's never actually been conclusively proven to happen?

There has never (repeat NEVER) been a single confirmed case of voter fraud that would have been prevented by a voter ID in this country. Not one.

Wendy Rosen, the Democratic challenger to Republican Rep. Andy Harris in the 1st Congressional District, withdrew from the race Monday amid allegations that she voted in elections in both Maryland and Florida in 2006 and 2008.

Wendy Rosen drops challenge to Andy Harris after allegations she voted in two states - Baltimore Sun

You were saying?

She was registered to vote in both places. How would showing an ID have prevented anything?

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Why are "small government" Conservatives so in favor laws to prevent something that's never actually been conclusively proven to happen?

There has never (repeat NEVER) been a single confirmed case of voter fraud that would have been prevented by a voter ID in this country. Not one.

Wendy Rosen, the Democratic challenger to Republican Rep. Andy Harris in the 1st Congressional District, withdrew from the race Monday amid allegations that she voted in elections in both Maryland and Florida in 2006 and 2008.

Wendy Rosen drops challenge to Andy Harris after allegations she voted in two states - Baltimore Sun

You were saying?

She was registered to vote in both places. How would showing an ID have prevented anything?

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From the article:

Under Maryland law, a voter here may not maintain registration in a second state if it allows the voter to participate in state or federal elections there, according to Jared DeMarinis, director of candidacy and campaign finance at the State Board of Elections.

The voter ID would have to include a background check to confirm residency. Background checks are nothing new, just look to those who wish to utilize their constitutional right to own a firearm..... How ironic.
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Do democrats still think that their southern plantation Black constituency is incapable of obtaining anything as basic as a photo I.D.? The notion is typical and insulting.
You were saying?

She was registered to vote in both places. How would showing an ID have prevented anything?

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From the article:

Under Maryland law, a voter here may not maintain registration in a second state if it allows the voter to participate in state or federal elections there, according to Jared DeMarinis, director of candidacy and campaign finance at the State Board of Elections.

The voter ID would have to include a background check to confirm residency. Background checks are nothing new, just look to those who wish to utilize their constitutional right to own a firearm. Oh the irony of the left.

I don't think you understand what Voter ID laws entail. They make it a requirement that one shows an ID in order to vote - nothing more than that.

Are you now suggesting that a background check be required when registering to vote?

How are you planning to pay for that?

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Why are "small government" Conservatives so in favor laws to prevent something that's never actually been conclusively proven to happen?

There has never (repeat NEVER) been a single confirmed case of voter fraud that would have been prevented by a voter ID in this country. Not one.

Do you guys also support writing laws to govern the proper parking of alien spacecraft? How about permit laws for hunting Yetis? Should time-travel be illegal?

Explain how you prove it when the systems to check are not in place. The feds only require a signature, no proof of citizenship or residency to register.
She was registered to vote in both places. How would showing an ID have prevented anything?

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From the article:

Under Maryland law, a voter here may not maintain registration in a second state if it allows the voter to participate in state or federal elections there, according to Jared DeMarinis, director of candidacy and campaign finance at the State Board of Elections.

The voter ID would have to include a background check to confirm residency. Background checks are nothing new, just look to those who wish to utilize their constitutional right to own a firearm. Oh the irony of the left.

I don't think you understand what Voter ID laws entail. They make it a requirement that one shows an ID in order to vote - nothing more than that.

Are you now suggesting that a background check be required when registering to vote?

How are you planning to pay for that?

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Are we talking about the same government that wants to spend BILLIONS on health care insuring each and every citizen carries insurance (provided they can make it through the $634 million dollar website debacle)? Do you think cost was ever a factor, when the government pushed for more stricter background checks on those who wish to exercise their second amendment rights to own a firearm? Why are you so concerned about the cost of new government regulations and background checks now?
Why are "small government" Conservatives so in favor laws to prevent something that's never actually been conclusively proven to happen?

There has never (repeat NEVER) been a single confirmed case of voter fraud that would have been prevented by a voter ID in this country. Not one.

Do you guys also support writing laws to govern the proper parking of alien spacecraft? How about permit laws for hunting Yetis? Should time-travel be illegal?

Explain how you prove it when the systems to check are not in place. The feds only require a signature, no proof of citizenship or residency to register.

The "feds" don't have anything to do with registering to vote. That's handled by the states.
From the article:

The voter ID would have to include a background check to confirm residency. Background checks are nothing new, just look to those who wish to utilize their constitutional right to own a firearm. Oh the irony of the left.

I don't think you understand what Voter ID laws entail. They make it a requirement that one shows an ID in order to vote - nothing more than that.

Are you now suggesting that a background check be required when registering to vote?

How are you planning to pay for that?

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Are we talking about the same government that wants to spend BILLIONS on health care insuring each and every citizen carries insurance (provided they can make it through the $634 million dollar website debacle)? Do you think cost was ever a factor, when the government pushed for more stricter background checks on those who wish to exercise their second amendment rights to own a firearm? Why are you so concerned about the cost of new government regulations and background checks now?

Why are you not concerned about this billion-dollar expense, if you're so concerned about all of the others?

Voter registration is handled by the States, not the Federal government.
Why are "small government" Conservatives so in favor laws to prevent something that's never actually been conclusively proven to happen?

There has never (repeat NEVER) been a single confirmed case of voter fraud that would have been prevented by a voter ID in this country. Not one.

Do you guys also support writing laws to govern the proper parking of alien spacecraft? How about permit laws for hunting Yetis? Should time-travel be illegal?

Explain how you prove it when the systems to check are not in place. The feds only require a signature, no proof of citizenship or residency to register.

After the people vote you inspect the identifications of the people that voted and see if there's fraud...what's hard about that? All you need is a few security cameras
They need to stop and run on facts.

The republican party is slicing their throats....

Ya cause after all Huffington post is so honest fair and balanced in its reporting after all.

How about the fact the man is a racist gunny, does that matter to you at all?

How many "Illegals" voted in the Election gunny...oh you don't know do you?

Here gunny, I'll help you.


Republican Resigns After Racially Charged 'Daily Show' Interview (Video).

This is a racist butt wad, no doubt your kind of Marine Right?

The man admits that "Only One or Two out of 60,000 voted twice".

This man uses the "N" several times, just you kind of Marine Right?

This man uses "Lazy Blacks", just your kind of Marine Right?

I know being a Lazy Inefficient Fuck-Off Expecting Retirement means that thinking is not a requirment for you, but you deliberately ignore the underlying fact and LIE because you do not like that fact.

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