Care, libs can put the opposing point of view out there. Nobody is preventing them from putting on their own shows.
Libs have NPR and Dead Air America - remember?
NOT with the same bandwidth reach rsr, bandwidth is limited, only a few stations in each area are licenced to reach the "greater area" and the "greater Public". This does not have to do with specifically "Talk radio" this has to do with all of Radio and all of Broadcast Tv only, in which the PUBLIC owns the airwaves and issues a LIMITED number of licences with a limited amount of bandwidth, given to the most, while very few businesses, gets the big kahuna, the airwaves that reach the most citizens....
The Fairness Doctrine does not FORCE any of these Stations to put a Liberal talk show host on....? I have no idea where you have gotten such a ridiculous thing from? The Law only requires that the Radio Station gives the Public both sides of issues with Public Interest...BECAUSE bandwidth is limited and only a few have the power to reach the entire region....
This is only required IF the Station IS NOT already balanced in covering their NEWS STORIES....and haven't let the Public know about the opposing views on the Public Issue of Interest.
The PUBLIC OWNS the Airwaves and the Public has the right to request these stations to inform them thoroughly.
This is not cutting off free speech, this is guaranteeing it, to all.
It's a good thing, imo.