GOP Quagmire

What do you base that assumption on?

Because none of you can explain how he'll force Mexico to pay for a wall it doesn't want, and because the factories in Mexico and China are churning out Trump products nonstop even as I write this.
It's called an even playing field.
Fair Trade is not No Trade.
A Trade imbalance along with Accounting Laws that make off-shoring attractive create an even playing field.
When many companies that require a certain skillset have to move back so will those of Trumps that require a certain level of skillset.
I don't think Trump will cry if he's no worse off than his competition.
I feel like I can't lose. I'm OK with trump hillary or Bernie.

Let's make sure Republicans stay the course and give trump the numbers he needs to secure the nomination.

I can't wait to see if trump can win Florida and Ohio. If he does its over
I know but we need that supreme Court nominee. Shed do alright
Hillary is a Globalist...more unemployment.
With the GOP unable to stop the guy who will be there presidential candidate they are beside themselves on what to do about him. They've brought out Mitt Romney and other 'moderates' in the party to try to steer people away from voting for Trump but Trump's followers seem to be in a state of mental frenzy that they can't resist. He can do anything and they cheer louder. The traditionalists in the GOP cannot control the rather small but radical element in their group that insist on burning down the 'normal' and replacing it with their own hard-right wing agenda and world view. They take great glee in destroying all that came before them and don't want anyone telling them what to do, especially the GOP regulars and ideological standard bearers.

Isn't this exactly what we see with the radicals in Islam? They've hijacked the entire religion, don't want anyone to tell them what to do, take great glee in burning down all that came before them, and will not listen to any other ideology. Especially the moderates in their group.

Have a moment of clarity conservatives. The world is larger than you think and you can now understand why an entire religion is not to blame for the actions of a minority in that religion. 25,000 nutjobs does not represent 1.3 billion people.

Any more than the Trump cohort represents clear minded conservatism.
Rube and Kube are only in it to keep trump from getting the necessary amount to win the nom outright

they both knew they were done long ago, but the establishment that wants to give orders to the WH keep them in.

in the end they are planning on Kube passing all his to Rube, broker the nomination and Rube wins even with the minority of dels.
Because none of you can explain how he'll force Mexico to pay for a wall it doesn't want, and because the factories in Mexico and China are churning out Trump products nonstop even as I write this.
It's called an even playing field.
Fair Trade is not No Trade.
A Trade imbalance along with Accounting Laws that make off-shoring attractive create an even playing field.
When many companies that require a certain skillset have to move back so will those of Trumps that require a certain level of skillset.
I don't think Trump will cry if he's no worse off than his competition.
I feel like I can't lose. I'm OK with trump hillary or Bernie.

Let's make sure Republicans stay the course and give trump the numbers he needs to secure the nomination.

I can't wait to see if trump can win Florida and Ohio. If he does its over
I know but we need that supreme Court nominee. Shed do alright
Hillary is a Globalist...more unemployment.

But she and Bill would make another fortune from the Chinese. After all, that's all that is important to them.
With the GOP unable to stop the guy who will be there presidential candidate they are beside themselves on what to do about him. They've brought out Mitt Romney and other 'moderates' in the party to try to steer people away from voting for Trump but Trump's followers seem to be in a state of mental frenzy that they can't resist. He can do anything and they cheer louder. The traditionalists in the GOP cannot control the rather small but radical element in their group that insist on burning down the 'normal' and replacing it with their own hard-right wing agenda and world view. They take great glee in destroying all that came before them and don't want anyone telling them what to do, especially the GOP regulars and ideological standard bearers.

Isn't this exactly what we see with the radicals in Islam? They've hijacked the entire religion, don't want anyone to tell them what to do, take great glee in burning down all that came before them, and will not listen to any other ideology. Especially the moderates in their group.

Have a moment of clarity conservatives. The world is larger than you think and you can now understand why an entire religion is not to blame for the actions of a minority in that religion. 25,000 nutjobs does not represent 1.3 billion people.

Any more than the Trump cohort represents clear minded conservatism.

They take great glee in destroying all that came before them and don't want anyone telling them what to do, especially the GOP regulars and ideological standard bearers.
Isn't this exactly what we see with the radicals in Islam? They've hijacked the entire religion, don't want anyone to tell them what to do, take great glee in burning down all that came before them, and will not listen to any other ideology. Especially the moderates in their group.

Yeah, that is scary. Kind of what the liberals did to the Democrat party back in the 60's!!!!

You are partially correct, the Democrats shed the racist part of the party, which then went to the Republicans.

I was making reference to the Democrats caving into the liberals who are basically Socialists/ Communists and believe they are owed a living.

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
JFK, 1961

"Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country can do for you!"
Liberal America, 2016
With the GOP unable to stop the guy who will be there presidential candidate they are beside themselves on what to do about him. They've brought out Mitt Romney and other 'moderates' in the party to try to steer people away from voting for Trump but Trump's followers seem to be in a state of mental frenzy that they can't resist. He can do anything and they cheer louder. The traditionalists in the GOP cannot control the rather small but radical element in their group that insist on burning down the 'normal' and replacing it with their own hard-right wing agenda and world view. They take great glee in destroying all that came before them and don't want anyone telling them what to do, especially the GOP regulars and ideological standard bearers.

Isn't this exactly what we see with the radicals in Islam? They've hijacked the entire religion, don't want anyone to tell them what to do, take great glee in burning down all that came before them, and will not listen to any other ideology. Especially the moderates in their group.

Have a moment of clarity conservatives. The world is larger than you think and you can now understand why an entire religion is not to blame for the actions of a minority in that religion. 25,000 nutjobs does not represent 1.3 billion people.

Any more than the Trump cohort represents clear minded conservatism.

You're an even bigger fool than I thought if you think only 25,000 nutjobs is the extent of the followers of Islam who believe that your choices are convert to their form of Islam or die. The number is far....far larger.

Your opinion or do you have numbers from a source. If so post a link I'd like to see.
With the GOP unable to stop the guy who will be there presidential candidate they are beside themselves on what to do about him. They've brought out Mitt Romney and other 'moderates' in the party to try to steer people away from voting for Trump but Trump's followers seem to be in a state of mental frenzy that they can't resist. He can do anything and they cheer louder. The traditionalists in the GOP cannot control the rather small but radical element in their group that insist on burning down the 'normal' and replacing it with their own hard-right wing agenda and world view. They take great glee in destroying all that came before them and don't want anyone telling them what to do, especially the GOP regulars and ideological standard bearers.

Isn't this exactly what we see with the radicals in Islam? They've hijacked the entire religion, don't want anyone to tell them what to do, take great glee in burning down all that came before them, and will not listen to any other ideology. Especially the moderates in their group.

Have a moment of clarity conservatives. The world is larger than you think and you can now understand why an entire religion is not to blame for the actions of a minority in that religion. 25,000 nutjobs does not represent 1.3 billion people.

Any more than the Trump cohort represents clear minded conservatism.

You're an even bigger fool than I thought if you think only 25,000 nutjobs is the extent of the followers of Islam who believe that your choices are convert to their form of Islam or die. The number is far....far larger.

Your opinion or do you have numbers from a source. If so post a link I'd like to see.
Did you really ask somebody to justify questioning your numbers, which you didn't source...with a source themselves?

How about you supply a source first for your 25,000 lowball number? If you consider the number of ISIS fighters, coupled with the population of their territorial holdings ON TOP of the terrorist networks and perhaps more religiously extreme nations...there is pretty much no way to come up with 25, is not an honest estimate by any stretch of the imagination. It doesn't make any sort of common sense, which is why YOU would be the one that would need to post a source.

Onto the main topic, IMO Trump and his supporters represent a lashing out against the establishment machine...which is warranted I believe...I don't really hear many people arguing that Washington is working as intended and doesn't need something done to fix some of the short-fallings that they seem to consistently produce. Unfortunately, Trump is a radical with frightening ideals. Now, I'm sure that some of his followers follow him because they agree with his absurd ideals and want him to carry out some of his more asinine policy suggestions (closing borders, building walls, etc.). On the other hand, I think that the majority agree with him more because they just really hate the political machines and want somebody different...and, unfortunately, they make a ton of excuses up for his radical stances in the process of supporting him.
With the GOP unable to stop the guy who will be there presidential candidate they are beside themselves on what to do about him. They've brought out Mitt Romney and other 'moderates' in the party to try to steer people away from voting for Trump but Trump's followers seem to be in a state of mental frenzy that they can't resist. He can do anything and they cheer louder. The traditionalists in the GOP cannot control the rather small but radical element in their group that insist on burning down the 'normal' and replacing it with their own hard-right wing agenda and world view. They take great glee in destroying all that came before them and don't want anyone telling them what to do, especially the GOP regulars and ideological standard bearers.

Isn't this exactly what we see with the radicals in Islam? They've hijacked the entire religion, don't want anyone to tell them what to do, take great glee in burning down all that came before them, and will not listen to any other ideology. Especially the moderates in their group.

Have a moment of clarity conservatives. The world is larger than you think and you can now understand why an entire religion is not to blame for the actions of a minority in that religion. 25,000 nutjobs does not represent 1.3 billion people.

Any more than the Trump cohort represents clear minded conservatism.

You're an even bigger fool than I thought if you think only 25,000 nutjobs is the extent of the followers of Islam who believe that your choices are convert to their form of Islam or die. The number is far....far larger.

Your opinion or do you have numbers from a source. If so post a link I'd like to see.
Did you really ask somebody to justify questioning your numbers, which you didn't source...with a source themselves?

How about you supply a source first for your 25,000 lowball number? If you consider the number of ISIS fighters, coupled with the population of their territorial holdings ON TOP of the terrorist networks and perhaps more religiously extreme nations...there is pretty much no way to come up with 25, is not an honest estimate by any stretch of the imagination. It doesn't make any sort of common sense, which is why YOU would be the one that would need to post a source.

Onto the main topic, IMO Trump and his supporters represent a lashing out against the establishment machine...which is warranted I believe...I don't really hear many people arguing that Washington is working as intended and doesn't need something done to fix some of the short-fallings that they seem to consistently produce. Unfortunately, Trump is a radical with frightening ideals. Now, I'm sure that some of his followers follow him because they agree with his absurd ideals and want him to carry out some of his more asinine policy suggestions (closing borders, building walls, etc.). On the other hand, I think that the majority agree with him more because they just really hate the political machines and want somebody different...and, unfortunately, they make a ton of excuses up for his radical stances in the process of supporting him.

Good stuff.

Except that there is nothing radical about his ideas.

Deport illegals? That's not radical, that is just enforcing the law.

Close the border? Building a wall isn't "closing" a border, it's controlling the border, which is his job.

Renegotiating bad TRade Deals? That is not radical. That is representing the interests of American workers.

NOt screwing around with Russia? To stop being hostile to your enemy once the War is over is not radical, but an American Tradition.
With the GOP unable to stop the guy who will be there presidential candidate they are beside themselves on what to do about him. They've brought out Mitt Romney and other 'moderates' in the party to try to steer people away from voting for Trump but Trump's followers seem to be in a state of mental frenzy that they can't resist. He can do anything and they cheer louder. The traditionalists in the GOP cannot control the rather small but radical element in their group that insist on burning down the 'normal' and replacing it with their own hard-right wing agenda and world view. They take great glee in destroying all that came before them and don't want anyone telling them what to do, especially the GOP regulars and ideological standard bearers.

Isn't this exactly what we see with the radicals in Islam? They've hijacked the entire religion, don't want anyone to tell them what to do, take great glee in burning down all that came before them, and will not listen to any other ideology. Especially the moderates in their group.

Have a moment of clarity conservatives. The world is larger than you think and you can now understand why an entire religion is not to blame for the actions of a minority in that religion. 25,000 nutjobs does not represent 1.3 billion people.

Any more than the Trump cohort represents clear minded conservatism.
Weird post. Trump is appealing to a lot of Democrats too. I think his appeal is a generic dissatisfaction with politicians running the country into the ground. People are tired of the suck shit economy and the Democrats telling them it's Bush's fault and everything is moving in the right direction anyway.

You can only peddle snake oil for so long.

What that has to do with a murdering death cult is a mystery to me. I see no connection there. Not all Muslims are terrorists but almost all terrorists are Muslim. That's a little hard to ignore. I don't see Islam cleaning up their act, they should be the ones doing it. They need a reformation like Christianity had a thousand years ago.

What a juvenile attempt to smear the right.
With the GOP unable to stop the guy who will be there presidential candidate they are beside themselves on what to do about him. They've brought out Mitt Romney and other 'moderates' in the party to try to steer people away from voting for Trump but Trump's followers seem to be in a state of mental frenzy that they can't resist. He can do anything and they cheer louder. The traditionalists in the GOP cannot control the rather small but radical element in their group that insist on burning down the 'normal' and replacing it with their own hard-right wing agenda and world view. They take great glee in destroying all that came before them and don't want anyone telling them what to do, especially the GOP regulars and ideological standard bearers.

Isn't this exactly what we see with the radicals in Islam? They've hijacked the entire religion, don't want anyone to tell them what to do, take great glee in burning down all that came before them, and will not listen to any other ideology. Especially the moderates in their group.

Have a moment of clarity conservatives. The world is larger than you think and you can now understand why an entire religion is not to blame for the actions of a minority in that religion. 25,000 nutjobs does not represent 1.3 billion people.

Any more than the Trump cohort represents clear minded conservatism.

You're an even bigger fool than I thought if you think only 25,000 nutjobs is the extent of the followers of Islam who believe that your choices are convert to their form of Islam or die. The number is far....far larger.

Your opinion or do you have numbers from a source. If so post a link I'd like to see.
Did you really ask somebody to justify questioning your numbers, which you didn't source...with a source themselves?

How about you supply a source first for your 25,000 lowball number? If you consider the number of ISIS fighters, coupled with the population of their territorial holdings ON TOP of the terrorist networks and perhaps more religiously extreme nations...there is pretty much no way to come up with 25, is not an honest estimate by any stretch of the imagination. It doesn't make any sort of common sense, which is why YOU would be the one that would need to post a source.

Onto the main topic, IMO Trump and his supporters represent a lashing out against the establishment machine...which is warranted I believe...I don't really hear many people arguing that Washington is working as intended and doesn't need something done to fix some of the short-fallings that they seem to consistently produce. Unfortunately, Trump is a radical with frightening ideals. Now, I'm sure that some of his followers follow him because they agree with his absurd ideals and want him to carry out some of his more asinine policy suggestions (closing borders, building walls, etc.). On the other hand, I think that the majority agree with him more because they just really hate the political machines and want somebody different...and, unfortunately, they make a ton of excuses up for his radical stances in the process of supporting him.


Yes the parsing of words, oh what a fun bit it is. "It isn't 25,000, it is 38,349! You twit! No it isn't, that number is way off, it is 72,345! I have the proof! What!? You didn't include the attack dogs which are obviously part of the total number!"

Pick whatever number fits your narrative, it is some tiny percentage of 1.6 billion Muslims. (I was wrong it isn't 1.3 billion, I just heard the correct number on air).

The real drawback of the internet for me is the tedium. The anonymity gives people a false sense of infallibility and invincibility and the human race's ability to draw out the color red into 7 billion iterations and pretend they are wholly seperate and equally important.

The OP is an analogy, whoever doesn't get the analogy I can't help you. It isn't a hard analogy to follow.

And I agree with your assessment of the angst that drives people to follow Trump. Its real, if there were someone respectable who was a real outsider I also would be voting for that person. Trump is a wannabe Mussolini, a person greedy for power who sees a vacuum and an opportunity. This is the vacuum that all tyrants, for whatever reason, are gifted at seeing and stepping into. Trump is THE snake-oil salesman and his followers think "this time the snake-oil this guy is selling WILL make us better". But this isn't what the OP is about.

It is about a political (or religious) ideology being hijacked by a relatively small group and perverting it to their twisted ends and the larger population in that group being helpless to stop them.

End of line...............................
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With the GOP unable to stop the guy who will be there presidential candidate they are beside themselves on what to do about him. They've brought out Mitt Romney and other 'moderates' in the party to try to steer people away from voting for Trump but Trump's followers seem to be in a state of mental frenzy that they can't resist. He can do anything and they cheer louder. The traditionalists in the GOP cannot control the rather small but radical element in their group that insist on burning down the 'normal' and replacing it with their own hard-right wing agenda and world view. They take great glee in destroying all that came before them and don't want anyone telling them what to do, especially the GOP regulars and ideological standard bearers.

Isn't this exactly what we see with the radicals in Islam? They've hijacked the entire religion, don't want anyone to tell them what to do, take great glee in burning down all that came before them, and will not listen to any other ideology. Especially the moderates in their group.

Have a moment of clarity conservatives. The world is larger than you think and you can now understand why an entire religion is not to blame for the actions of a minority in that religion. 25,000 nutjobs does not represent 1.3 billion people.

Any more than the Trump cohort represents clear minded conservatism.

You're an even bigger fool than I thought if you think only 25,000 nutjobs is the extent of the followers of Islam who believe that your choices are convert to their form of Islam or die. The number is far....far larger.

Your opinion or do you have numbers from a source. If so post a link I'd like to see.

20 years experience in the middle east and north Africa, did a couple of projects for some folks called the PLO you might have heard of so yes you could say I'm a very informed opinion.

You have heard of Wahhabi? There's millions of them, and they are not nice people at all. They are far from the only ones, just some of the worst.
That is not reason to believe that Trump the President might not change those rules to benefit the people that put him in office.

So you actually believe he'll bring those manufacturing jobs back from Mexico and China? This thread is full of optimists!

YOu did not address my point.

Your point is rather vague. For starters, whom do you define as "the people who put him in office"? The voters (his "fans") or someone else?
That is not reason to believe that Trump the President might not change those rules to benefit the people that put him in office.

So you actually believe he'll bring those manufacturing jobs back from Mexico and China? This thread is full of optimists!

YOu did not address my point.

Your point is rather vague. For starters, whom do you define as "the people who put him in office"? The voters (his "fans") or someone else?

YOu claim I was vague, but your first "guess", the voters, was correct and your second guess was "someone else?".

SO, maybe my point was plenty clear.

So, do you want to address it NOW, or do you want to play some more games?

That is not reason to believe that Trump the President might not change those rules to benefit the people that put him in office.

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