GOP reaction to Obama's immigration policy proves they are morons...

As Turley pointed out....he's damaged the presidency.

If a republican gets in there and issues and order to deport every illegal in the country....what then ?
He becomes a one term president and Democrats have an issue to unite them. Poll after poll has shown the public is strongly against mass deportations. It would be a field day for the media; pictures of children being torn from the arms of parents, editorials drawing parallels with the Nazi deportations, projections of rising food prices because of lack of immigrant labor, Mexico closing it's borders, and human rights organizations around the world condemning the US. I doubt Republicans could find a candidate stupid enough to do this.
Obama is establishing a slippery slope that can be taken advantage of by future presidents.

For example: What if the president decides that Obamacare regulations need not be enforced. What about freedom from illegal search and seizure? If the FBI decides to wire-tap your phone without a court order. The IRS decides to take your property just because they can. What if the next president decides to dissolve the EPA or the Department of Education. Getting rid of both of them. He's just enforcing the laws he likes. When it comes to this invisible separation of church and state, why not just throw that out. Who needs it. Let's just establish a theocracy because we don't like that nonexistent law. We can say that all religions for the next 3 years cannot practice them in public places except Christianity. Put the Ten Commandments back in every government building because we choose not to enforce these separations.

Does anyone see what this can lead to?
Truman nationalize the steel industry to avert a strike. Lincoln used an executive order to suspend Habeus Corpus and ignored the courts when they found it unconstitutional. FDR forbid the selling and hording of goal. Theodore Roosevelt with no authority from congress settled the coal strike of 1902 via executive orders. created the U.S. Forest Service, established 51 Federal Bird Reservations, 4 National Game Preserves, 150 National Forests, and 5 National Parks. Presidents have used executive orders in lieu of congressional action throughout the history of the country.

Executive orders can be nullified by Congress or by the Supreme Court. If neither Congress nor the courts take action, the orders expire with the president. Executive orders may allow a president to move the country in the direction of his choosing, but only temporarily. If the people don't like that direction, they can change it in the voting booth.
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As Turley pointed out....he's damaged the presidency.

If a republican gets in there and issues and order to deport every illegal in the country....what then ?
He becomes a one term president and Democrats have an issue to unite them. Poll after poll has shown the public is strongly against mass deportations. It would be a field day for the media; pictures of children being torn from the arms of parents, editorials drawing parallels with the Nazi deportations, projections of rising food prices because of lack of immigrant labor, Mexico closing it's borders, and human rights organizations around the world condemning the US. I doubt Republicans could find a candidate stupid enough to do this.
As Turley pointed out....he's damaged the presidency.

If a republican gets in there and issues and order to deport every illegal in the country....what then ?
He becomes a one term president and Democrats have an issue to unite them. Poll after poll has shown the public is strongly against mass deportations. It would be a field day for the media; pictures of children being torn from the arms of parents, editorials drawing parallels with the Nazi deportations, projections of rising food prices because of lack of immigrant labor, Mexico closing it's borders, and human rights organizations around the world condemning the US. I doubt Republicans could find a candidate stupid enough to do this.

Don't be so silly.

A mass deportation could be done in a very protracted fashion that would avoid what you describe.

Unless, of course, it were Bush (the guy was a walking PR disaster IME).

And what if he did it that way ? And became a one-termer. They'd be gone and there would be nothing you could do about it until the next election.

The point was that, as Turley has pointed out, Obama is pushing the limits of EO's and one day people are going to rue his actions.
As Turley pointed out....he's damaged the presidency.

If a republican gets in there and issues and order to deport every illegal in the country....what then ?
He becomes a one term president and Democrats have an issue to unite them. Poll after poll has shown the public is strongly against mass deportations. It would be a field day for the media; pictures of children being torn from the arms of parents, editorials drawing parallels with the Nazi deportations, projections of rising food prices because of lack of immigrant labor, Mexico closing it's borders, and human rights organizations around the world condemning the US. I doubt Republicans could find a candidate stupid enough to do this.

Don't be so silly.

A mass deportation could be done in a very protracted fashion that would avoid what you describe.

Unless, of course, it were Bush (the guy was a walking PR disaster IME).

And what if he did it that way ? And became a one-termer. They'd be gone and there would be nothing you could do about it until the next election.

The point was that, as Turley has pointed out, Obama is pushing the limits of EO's and one day people are going to rue his actions.
Nonsense. Many presidents have intervened in deportation. Obama has issued less executive orders than any president in a hundred years. Presidents Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, H.W. Bush and George W. Bush all issued executive orders that brought illegal immigrants into the US or allowed them to stay.

Past presidents have issued executive orders that suspend habeas corpus, criminalize the possession of gold, nationalize steel production, and end strikes all without any clear constitution or congressional authority.

If Congress is so upset about Obama taking action on immigration, they can act to override his executive order, take him to court, or heaven forbid, pass legislation that resolves the problem.
As Turley pointed out....he's damaged the presidency.

If a republican gets in there and issues and order to deport every illegal in the country....what then ?
He becomes a one term president and Democrats have an issue to unite them. Poll after poll has shown the public is strongly against mass deportations. It would be a field day for the media; pictures of children being torn from the arms of parents, editorials drawing parallels with the Nazi deportations, projections of rising food prices because of lack of immigrant labor, Mexico closing it's borders, and human rights organizations around the world condemning the US. I doubt Republicans could find a candidate stupid enough to do this.

Don't be so silly.

A mass deportation could be done in a very protracted fashion that would avoid what you describe.

Unless, of course, it were Bush (the guy was a walking PR disaster IME).

And what if he did it that way ? And became a one-termer. They'd be gone and there would be nothing you could do about it until the next election.

The point was that, as Turley has pointed out, Obama is pushing the limits of EO's and one day people are going to rue his actions.
Nonsense. Many presidents have intervened in deportation. Obama has issued less executive orders than any president in a hundred years. Presidents Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, H.W. Bush and George W. Bush all issued executive orders that brought illegal immigrants into the US or allowed them to stay.

Past presidents have issued executive orders that suspend habeas corpus, criminalize the possession of gold, nationalize steel production, and end strikes all without any clear constitution or congressional authority.

If Congress is so upset about Obama taking action on immigration, they can act to override his executive order, take him to court, or heaven forbid, pass legislation that resolves the problem.

Can't argue that those things have gone on.

However, Turley seems to have some concerns and I can't disagree with him on the reach of this EO.

I take Turley as a very credible analyst.
As Turley pointed out....he's damaged the presidency.

If a republican gets in there and issues and order to deport every illegal in the country....what then ?
He becomes a one term president and Democrats have an issue to unite them. Poll after poll has shown the public is strongly against mass deportations. It would be a field day for the media; pictures of children being torn from the arms of parents, editorials drawing parallels with the Nazi deportations, projections of rising food prices because of lack of immigrant labor, Mexico closing it's borders, and human rights organizations around the world condemning the US. I doubt Republicans could find a candidate stupid enough to do this.

Don't be so silly.

A mass deportation could be done in a very protracted fashion that would avoid what you describe.

Unless, of course, it were Bush (the guy was a walking PR disaster IME).

And what if he did it that way ? And became a one-termer. They'd be gone and there would be nothing you could do about it until the next election.

The point was that, as Turley has pointed out, Obama is pushing the limits of EO's and one day people are going to rue his actions.
Deport 12 million people in a protracted fashion? Well, it would certain be protracted with hundreds of cities that refuse to report illegal immigrants and everyone of those illegal immigrants entitle to a hearing and a lawyer. Since over 80% of the undocumented immigrants have been in the US since 2005, deporting them would be far different that deporting penniless unemployed teenagers and convicted felons.

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