GOP reaction to Obama's immigration policy proves they are morons...

Still here, and curious to hear you explain why you don't think Obama's actions made him at least hypocritical.


why would it. i don't think he said that presidents should never use their executive power. i do recall him saying that it is best to work together with congress. but given that the major goal of the gop has been, from the beginning, obstructing him no matter what, that is impossible. so he is using what legal power he has to do what he can.
Don't know what right-wing factions you're referring to, but as a self-proclaimed conservative, I champion the ideas of individual freedom and personal liberty, and believe that every individual should be treated equally in the eyes of the law, regardless of one's race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or age (*assuming we're discussing adults).

well you're in the minority among conservatives especially regarding the bolded.
First off, Congress has no obligation to pass a bill just because the President desires it to be so.

You're right that they have a legal right to care more about obstructing the president than accomplishing anything though it makes them worthless pieces of crap.

Secondly, how is this not hypocritical? Please do explain.

“[T]here are those in the immigrants’ rights community who have argued passionately that we should simply provide those who are [here] illegally with legal status, or at least ignore the laws on the books and put an end to deportation until we have better laws. … I believe such an indiscriminate approach would be both unwise and unfair. It would suggest to those thinking about coming here illegally that there will be no repercussions for such a decision.And this could lead to a surge in more illegal immigration. And it would also ignore the millions of people around the world who are waiting in line to come here legally. Ultimately, our nation, like all nations, has the right and obligation to control its borders and set laws for residency and citizenship. And no matter how decent they are, no matter their reasons, the 11 million who broke these laws should be held accountable.”

Fair enough. You can certainly make an argument that he is a hypocrite if the said that. Though it is also possible that he had an honest change or heart.
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"GOP reaction to Obama's immigration policy proves they are morons.....or just extremely dishonest."

It demonstrates that most on the right are indeed dishonest and ignorant, likely willfully.

There is established and settled precedent of previous presidents taking the same action.

The president's action is in accordance with Federal law authorizing him to use prosecutorial discretion, the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996.

And the president's order comports with Constitutional case law recognizing the authority of the Executive to engage in the practice of deferred action with regard to the prosecution and deportation of undocumented immigrants for humanitarian reasons (see Reno v.
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (1999)).

Consequently the right's opposition to the president's action is subjective and partisan, devoid of merit or fact, motivated solely by conservative animosity toward the president.

oh brother. playing to the choir? well it worked you got ONE atta boy and probably from the Newbie. Now you be his new hero...You should feel proud
Jones dont do questions

"GOP reaction to Obama's immigration policy proves they are morons.....or just extremely dishonest."

It demonstrates that most on the right are indeed dishonest and ignorant, likely willfully.

There is established and settled precedent of previous presidents taking the same action.

The president's action is in accordance with Federal law authorizing him to use prosecutorial discretion, the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996.

And the president's order comports with Constitutional case law recognizing the authority of the Executive to engage in the practice of deferred action with regard to the prosecution and deportation of undocumented immigrants for humanitarian reasons (see Reno v.
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (1999)).

Consequently the right's opposition to the president's action is subjective and partisan, devoid of merit or fact, motivated solely by conservative animosity toward the president.

View attachment 34253
Jones dont do Questions..........

I'm surprised you read all that. LOL
i didnt read it.....if i see a Jones.....i guess he calls them "posts".....anyway if i see one i usually just throw one of the "i dont reply" pictures up....the guys a wuss....
"GOP reaction to Obama's immigration policy proves they are morons.....or just extremely dishonest."

It demonstrates that most on the right are indeed dishonest and ignorant, likely willfully.

There is established and settled precedent of previous presidents taking the same action.

The president's action is in accordance with Federal law authorizing him to use prosecutorial discretion, the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996.

And the president's order comports with Constitutional case law recognizing the authority of the Executive to engage in the practice of deferred action with regard to the prosecution and deportation of undocumented immigrants for humanitarian reasons (see Reno v.
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (1999)).

Consequently the right's opposition to the president's action is subjective and partisan, devoid of merit or fact, motivated solely by conservative animosity toward the president.

oh brother. playing to the choir? well it worked you got ONE atta boy and probably from the Newbie. Now you be his new hero...You should feel proud
Jones dont do questions

"GOP reaction to Obama's immigration policy proves they are morons.....or just extremely dishonest."

It demonstrates that most on the right are indeed dishonest and ignorant, likely willfully.

There is established and settled precedent of previous presidents taking the same action.

The president's action is in accordance with Federal law authorizing him to use prosecutorial discretion, the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996.

And the president's order comports with Constitutional case law recognizing the authority of the Executive to engage in the practice of deferred action with regard to the prosecution and deportation of undocumented immigrants for humanitarian reasons (see Reno v.
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (1999)).

Consequently the right's opposition to the president's action is subjective and partisan, devoid of merit or fact, motivated solely by conservative animosity toward the president.

View attachment 34253
Jones dont do Questions..........

I'm surprised you read all that. LOL
i didnt read it.....if i see a Jones.....i guess he calls them "posts".....anyway if i see one i usually just throw one of the "i dont reply" pictures up....the guys a wuss....
No it does not give him the authority to change the law. obama has already stated that he does not have the authority to do what he has done.

No matter how many times you liars claim that he changed the law, it won't make it true.

He was elected to enforce the laws in the manner he best sees fit given the resources at his disposal. Don't like it? Tough shit. There is absolutely nothing you or anybody else can do about it.

Laugh my ass off.... in the MANNER HE best SEES FIT. You have to be a paid liberal bullshitting troll
NOBODY is that damn stupid
Well we know you are that stupid so I would just stop where you are..
There is really nothing republicans can do about the executive order which is why they are so pissed. The executive order puts immigration on center stage. Like healthcare, republicans have never wanted to deal with it.

The stage is set for more repeals of Obamacare, immigration bills that don't address undocumented immigrants, bills that chip away at abortion rights and of course bills to serve their corporate masters such as corporate tax reform, keystone pipeline, etc...

They can try, but Obama can tell them to fuck off with a stroke of a pen.

Deciding to not faithfully execute the law is unconstitutional.

Good luck trying to convince the courts that him deciding focus on deporting criminals is unconstitutional given that he couldn't deport every undocumented immigrant even if he wanted to and thus has no choice to prioritize.
The courts have always given presidents wide latitude when issuing executive orders to deal with undocumented immigrants and they will certainly do so again. Republicans in Congress are acting like this is the first time a president has taken such actions. Presidents have issued over 15,000 executive orders many of them far more controversial than this one. Lincoln issued an order suspending habeas corpus and when the courts declared it unconstitutional, he simply ignore them. Each time a president issues a controversial order, the opposition is outraged issuing those magic words, near and dear to supporters heart, dictator, demi-god, and unconstitutional.

The fact is there is plenty of precedents for Obama's action. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush all took similar actions to protect undocumented immigrants. If Republicans had criticized any of these previous presidents for the same reasons, their complaints would be more persuasive now. But as it stands, it just seems as if Obama’s critics don’t know what they’re talking about.
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Hossfly said:
Great! We can get rid of Congress and the Supreme Court and Ayatollah Obola can run things his way. Next we can all quit work and do away with jobs, go on welfare and food stamps and live in Utopia for ever and ever.

Keep thinking that twice elected President of the United States (ie the head of the executive branch of the government) using his power to determine how to best execute laws makes him a dictator, or is even usual.

The next two years should be fun to watch.

I would agree.....

With all the scandals from O....we have a near record number of house seats. Even Robert Gibbs says it's looking more and more like the house will stay strong Republican for a long long time.....wonder if he knew this was coming.
As Turley pointed out....he's damaged the presidency.

If a republican gets in there and issues and order to deport every illegal in the country....what then ?
It does not give him authority to change the law.
He must insure the laws are enforced he is not doing that.

Him prioritizing the limited resources he has to execute the laws in the best way he sees fit is not changing the law. It is him doing the job that the American people elected him to do.
That sounds good, but the problem remains that the only people he will be deporting are those stupid enough to get caught. None of these criminals will be foolish enough come out of the shadows knowing that their criminal history means a ticket to Mexico.

We also have to take into account what Obama considers to be a crime. This could be highly subjective and using liberal ideology he could excuse just about anything short of murder, weapons violations, and giving donations to conservative groups. Everything else could be deemed not serious enough to prosecute.
No it does not give him the authority to change the law. obama has already stated that he does not have the authority to do what he has done.

No matter how many times you liars claim that he changed the law, it won't make it true.

He was elected to enforce the laws in the manner he best sees fit given the resources at his disposal. Don't like it? Tough shit. There is absolutely nothing you or anybody else can do about it.
Bullshit. He swore to faithfully enforce the law, not pick and choose which ones he likes to enforce.
Obama is establishing a slippery slope that can be taken advantage of by future presidents.

For example: What if the president decides that Obamacare regulations need not be enforced. What about freedom from illegal search and seizure? If the FBI decides to wire-tap your phone without a court order. The IRS decides to take your property just because they can. What if the next president decides to dissolve the EPA or the Department of Education. Getting rid of both of them. He's just enforcing the laws he likes. When it comes to this invisible separation of church and state, why not just throw that out. Who needs it. Let's just establish a theocracy because we don't like that nonexistent law. We can say that all religions for the next 3 years cannot practice them in public places except Christianity. Put the Ten Commandments back in every government building because we choose not to enforce these separations.

Does anyone see what this can lead to?
...or just extremely dishonest.

Him using his power as the head of the executive branch to decide how best to execute laws is not unconstitutional, it is him doing his job.

Furthermore, the resources available only allow him to deport so many people. He was already using his executive discretion to prioritize deporting criminals. He wasn't going to deport the millions of people he's promised to protect anyway.

Obama played it perfectly by announcing it like he did. Not only is it a logical and moral policy (that he was already pretty much doing), he's also baited the racist whackos in the GOP to come out strongly against it. If they had any brains at all they would have just ignored him.

Hopefully, they will continue to make a big deal out this and try everything they can to stop it. Should really help their image to go after millions of poor minorities that the President is protecting. And they will look weak and foolish because they don't actually have the power to stop him from doing this. Any challenges with the courts will be tossed out as he actually does have the legitimate power to do it. Even if they somehow pass a bill invalidating it, Obama can just veto it. They could try to remove him from office. I would love to see that but I can't imagine that even they are that stupid.

The next president can change the policy, obviously. I hope whichever clown gets the GOP nomination promises to do just that.

I'll let Barack Obama's own words on this subject argue the point, Tony...

“Well, first of all, temporary protective status historically has been used for special circumstances where you have immigrants to this country who are fleeing persecution in their countries, or there is some emergency situation in their native land that required them to come to the United States. So it would not be appropriate to use that just for a particular group that came here primarily, for example, because they were looking for economic opportunity.

With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that’s just not the case, because there are laws on the books that Congress has passed — and I know that everybody here at Bell is studying hard so you know that we’ve got three branches of government. Congress passes the law. The executive branch’s job is to enforce and implement those laws. And then the judiciary has to interpret the laws.

There are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system that for me to simply through executive order ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as President.
Funny how he understood the whole "three branches of government" thing back then...but doesn't care about it now...
Fact is Obama had several reasons to do this now.

  1. He had to do it now because Obamacare needs to replace all of the people that refused to pay high premiums and were subsequently dropped from the program.
  2. He had to do it now because the Republican Congress doesn't convene till next year and they won't be able to do anything until then.
  3. He needed to do something to stop the bleeding. It was positive act for his disheartened followers but merely a cheap trick meant to rally support.
  4. He was hoping to draw the Republicans into impeaching him, but they will never be stupid enough to fall for it, especially since this act although illegal doesn't rise to the level of a felony.

The GOP has decided their best bet is to give Democrats nothing to be against. No big policy announcements, nothing. All Democrats are any good at is making stuff up and making fun of their opposition. They can't do anything right, so the best thing the GOP can do is just let their ineptitude be on full display.

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