GOP reaction to Obama's immigration policy proves they are morons...

No it does not give him the authority to change the law. obama has already stated that he does not have the authority to do what he has done.

No matter how many times you liars claim that he changed the law, it won't make it true.

He was elected to enforce the laws in the manner he best sees fit given the resources at his disposal. Don't like it? Tough shit. There is absolutely nothing you or anybody else can do about it.

You some kinda **** tony? Wouldnt it be a good idea to know the nationality of those in favor of the take over of our country?
I mean if you're a beaner I think it's only fair that we know that going in.
No it does not give him the authority to change the law. obama has already stated that he does not have the authority to do what he has done.

No matter how many times you liars claim that he changed the law, it won't make it true.

He was elected to enforce the laws in the manner he best sees fit given the resources at his disposal. Don't like it? Tough shit. There is absolutely nothing you or anybody else can do about it.

Laugh my ass off.... in the MANNER HE best SEES FIT. You have to be a paid liberal bullshitting troll
NOBODY is that damn stupid
I'd bet they brought him over from the DailyKos. mediagarbagematters, stinkprogress
I look forward to the time a Republican President decides he was waited long enough for Congress to do something about say tax reform and decides through an executive order he will suspend part of the current system that he feels is unfair or is hurting the economy. Somehow I don't think the reaction from the left will be as supportive as it is for what Obama has done first because it would be a Republican doing it and second because paying less taxes is not something they generally support. In the interest of fairness and honesty yes the Republicans who oppose Obama over his executive order would find ways to spin and justify this when on branch of the government keeps expanding it's power eventually they have all of it.

Bush jr did that on virtually every single bill that the Democrats sent to him. He issued orders not to implement the aspects of the bills he didn't like. That is how it works in DC.
I look forward to the time a Republican President decides he was waited long enough for Congress to do something about say tax reform and decides through an executive order he will suspend part of the current system that he feels is unfair or is hurting the economy. Somehow I don't think the reaction from the left will be as supportive as it is for what Obama has done first because it would be a Republican doing it and second because paying less taxes is not something they generally support. In the interest of fairness and honesty yes the Republicans who oppose Obama over his executive order would find ways to spin and justify this when on branch of the government keeps expanding it's power eventually they have all of it.

Bush jr did that on virtually every single bill that the Democrats sent to him. He issued orders not to implement the aspects of the bills he didn't like. That is how it works in DC.
Yes using executive orders on the implementation of a bill is a legal part of the Presidents power however Obama did not use it on that he used it to suspend part of a law that was already implemented. Amending or changing a law already on the books has to be done by Congress not the President.
Your acceptance makes you a traitor.
Reconquista Mexico - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Keep that in mind when you wonder why people want you dead.

The reaction of people like you prove you to be crazed morons who care more about opposing the President than reality.

I hope you whackos get angrier and angrier and actually try to remove Obama from office for doing this. If so, this would prove to be one of the greatest political maneuvers ever.
Now you know why republicans are considering what to do very carefully. oboma is trying to get bad enough to make republicans try to remove him. It's not an easy position. He has to be bad enough to challenge republicans but not so bad that democrats remove him themselves.

The wisest move might be to let him get crazier and crazier until the democrats are unelectable. It worked to remove democrats from office in 2014.

The obamamnesty isn't really amnesty. He can't do that. What he has done is defer deportations. Another president can undo that deferment the same way it was made.
I look forward to the time a Republican President decides he was waited long enough for Congress to do something about say tax reform and decides through an executive order he will suspend part of the current system that he feels is unfair or is hurting the economy. Somehow I don't think the reaction from the left will be as supportive as it is for what Obama has done first because it would be a Republican doing it and second because paying less taxes is not something they generally support. In the interest of fairness and honesty yes the Republicans who oppose Obama over his executive order would find ways to spin and justify this when on branch of the government keeps expanding it's power eventually they have all of it.

Bush jr did that on virtually every single bill that the Democrats sent to him. He issued orders not to implement the aspects of the bills he didn't like. That is how it works in DC.
I look forward to the time a Republican President decides he was waited long enough for Congress to do something about say tax reform and decides through an executive order he will suspend part of the current system that he feels is unfair or is hurting the economy. Somehow I don't think the reaction from the left will be as supportive as it is for what Obama has done first because it would be a Republican doing it and second because paying less taxes is not something they generally support. In the interest of fairness and honesty yes the Republicans who oppose Obama over his executive order would find ways to spin and justify this when on branch of the government keeps expanding it's power eventually they have all of it.

Bush jr did that on virtually every single bill that the Democrats sent to him. He issued orders not to implement the aspects of the bills he didn't like. That is how it works in DC.
Yes using executive orders on the implementation of a bill is a legal part of the Presidents power however Obama did not use it on that he used it to suspend part of a law that was already implemented. Amending or changing a law already on the books has to be done by Congress not the President.

Please provide a link proving that Obama suspended "part of a law that was already implemented". Deportations are still happening and will continue to happen. Nothing has been "suspended" and the onus is on you to prove that it has.
[Laugh my ass off.... in the MANNER HE best SEES FIT. You have to be a paid liberal bullshitting troll
NOBODY is that damn stupid

the whole reason a chief executive exists is that he is the one make decisions on how to execute the law. especially in cases like this where priorities must be put somewhere given limited resources.
[Laugh my ass off.... in the MANNER HE best SEES FIT. You have to be a paid liberal bullshitting troll
NOBODY is that damn stupid

the whole reason a chief executive exists is that he is the one make decisions on how to execute the law. especially in cases like this where priorities must be put somewhere given limited resources.
No he insures the laws are enforced.
...or just extremely dishonest.

Him using his power as the head of the executive branch to decide how best to execute laws is not unconstitutional, it is him doing his job.

Furthermore, the resources available only allow him to deport so many people. He was already using his executive discretion to prioritize deporting criminals. He wasn't going to deport the millions of people he's promised to protect anyway.

Obama played it perfectly by announcing it like he did. Not only is it a logical and moral policy (that he was already pretty much doing), he's also baited the racist whackos in the GOP to come out strongly against it. If they had any brains at all they would have just ignored him.

Hopefully, they will continue to make a big deal out this and try everything they can to stop it. Should really help their image to go after millions of poor minorities that the President is protecting. And they will look weak and foolish because they don't actually have the power to stop him from doing this. Any challenges with the courts will be tossed out as he actually does have the legitimate power to do it. Even if they somehow pass a bill invalidating it, Obama can just veto it. They could try to remove him from office. I would love to see that but I can't imagine that even they are that stupid.

The next president can change the policy, obviously. I hope whichever clown gets the GOP nomination promises to do just that.

LOL! You can't hide an idiot.
The OP is a plant.

Notice he registers, then his very first post is filled with insults, and his handful thereafter are the same.

Instead of joining and coming in and telling everyone "hello, nice to be here" etc etc, he comes on and immediately starts a thread and attacks anyone who disagrees right off the bat.
The OP is a plant.

Notice he registers, then his very first post is filled with insults, and his handful thereafter are the same.

Instead of joining and coming in and telling everyone "hello, nice to be here" etc etc, he comes on and immediately starts a thread and attacks anyone who disagrees right off the bat.

The Leftist Sock is as natural as a Leftist Lie. Can't have one without the other.

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