GOP reaction to Obama's immigration policy proves they are morons...

The OP is a plant.

Notice he registers, then his very first post is filled with insults, and his handful thereafter are the same.

Instead of joining and coming in and telling everyone "hello, nice to be here" etc etc, he comes on and immediately starts a thread and attacks anyone who disagrees right off the bat.

Smelled it right off.

By giving amnesty to criminals

Repeating your canards doesn't alter the fact that they are just baseless lies.

You haven't provided anything because you can't.

Yet another epic failure on your part.

repeating your opinion is just that an opinion and worthless nor is it correct.

Onus is on you to prove your own lies first.
I look forward to the time a Republican President decides he was waited long enough for Congress to do something about say tax reform and decides through an executive order he will suspend part of the current system that he feels is unfair or is hurting the economy. Somehow I don't think the reaction from the left will be as supportive as it is for what Obama has done first because it would be a Republican doing it and second because paying less taxes is not something they generally support. In the interest of fairness and honesty yes the Republicans who oppose Obama over his executive order would find ways to spin and justify this when on branch of the government keeps expanding it's power eventually they have all of it.

Bush jr did that on virtually every single bill that the Democrats sent to him. He issued orders not to implement the aspects of the bills he didn't like. That is how it works in DC.
I look forward to the time a Republican President decides he was waited long enough for Congress to do something about say tax reform and decides through an executive order he will suspend part of the current system that he feels is unfair or is hurting the economy. Somehow I don't think the reaction from the left will be as supportive as it is for what Obama has done first because it would be a Republican doing it and second because paying less taxes is not something they generally support. In the interest of fairness and honesty yes the Republicans who oppose Obama over his executive order would find ways to spin and justify this when on branch of the government keeps expanding it's power eventually they have all of it.

Bush jr did that on virtually every single bill that the Democrats sent to him. He issued orders not to implement the aspects of the bills he didn't like. That is how it works in DC.
Yes using executive orders on the implementation of a bill is a legal part of the Presidents power however Obama did not use it on that he used it to suspend part of a law that was already implemented. Amending or changing a law already on the books has to be done by Congress not the President.

Please provide a link proving that Obama suspended "part of a law that was already implemented". Deportations are still happening and will continue to happen. Nothing has been "suspended" and the onus is on you to prove that it has.
His executive order was to stop deportations of people who meet certain conditions and give them legal status those deportations were being done under current immigration law in other words a law that was already passed and on the books. If the immigration bill passed by the Senate had been voted on and passed by the House and those deportations were part of it then he could have used an executive order to legally suspend them.
[Laugh my ass off.... in the MANNER HE best SEES FIT. You have to be a paid liberal bullshitting troll
NOBODY is that damn stupid

the whole reason a chief executive exists is that he is the one make decisions on how to execute the law. especially in cases like this where priorities must be put somewhere given limited resources.

wrong, his duty is TO FOLLOW AND EXCUTE THE LAWS in line with the Constitution of the UNITED STATES. Please stop. You're making a fool out yourself
No he insures the laws are enforced.

The whole point in having an executive separate and coequal to the legislature is that he will have some discretion on how to execute the law, otherwise may as well have the legislature execute the laws (ie a parliament). If you want the do that, get the constitution changed.

You retards are acting like Obama is the first president to use executive discretion. The fact of the matter is that every single president has done it because that is what they are supposed to do.
No he insures the laws are enforced.

The whole point in having an executive separate and coequal to the legislature is that he will have some discretion on how to execute the law, otherwise may as well have the legislature execute the laws (ie a parliament). If you want the do that, get the constitution changed.

You retards are acting like Obama is the first president to use executive discretion. The fact of the matter is that every single president has done it because that is what they are supposed to do.

You are not only a retard, but a nasty ass human being. Go say three Heil Obama's and then off to the corner for dunces.
I look forward to the time a Republican President decides he was waited long enough for Congress to do something about say tax reform and decides through an executive order he will suspend part of the current system that he feels is unfair or is hurting the economy. Somehow I don't think the reaction from the left will be as supportive as it is for what Obama has done first because it would be a Republican doing it and second because paying less taxes is not something they generally support. In the interest of fairness and honesty yes the Republicans who oppose Obama over his executive order would find ways to spin and justify this when on branch of the government keeps expanding it's power eventually they have all of it.

Bush jr did that on virtually every single bill that the Democrats sent to him. He issued orders not to implement the aspects of the bills he didn't like. That is how it works in DC.
I look forward to the time a Republican President decides he was waited long enough for Congress to do something about say tax reform and decides through an executive order he will suspend part of the current system that he feels is unfair or is hurting the economy. Somehow I don't think the reaction from the left will be as supportive as it is for what Obama has done first because it would be a Republican doing it and second because paying less taxes is not something they generally support. In the interest of fairness and honesty yes the Republicans who oppose Obama over his executive order would find ways to spin and justify this when on branch of the government keeps expanding it's power eventually they have all of it.

Bush jr did that on virtually every single bill that the Democrats sent to him. He issued orders not to implement the aspects of the bills he didn't like. That is how it works in DC.
Yes using executive orders on the implementation of a bill is a legal part of the Presidents power however Obama did not use it on that he used it to suspend part of a law that was already implemented. Amending or changing a law already on the books has to be done by Congress not the President.

Please provide a link proving that Obama suspended "part of a law that was already implemented". Deportations are still happening and will continue to happen. Nothing has been "suspended" and the onus is on you to prove that it has.
His executive order was to stop deportations of people who meet certain conditions and give them legal status those deportations were being done under current immigration law in other words a law that was already passed and on the books. If the immigration bill passed by the Senate had been voted on and passed by the House and those deportations were part of it then he could have used an executive order to legally suspend them.

Everything that Obama has done is within the framework of the existing immigration law. As the executive he has prosecutorial discretion to not pursue some deportations while focusing instead on others. That is legal and well within the law. Furthermore the existing immigration law allows those who deportations are suspended to apply for work permits providing they submit to a background check and pay a fee. That is how the law is currently written and Obama is acting within the law.

The onus still remains on you to prove that he "suspended part of the law".
His executive order was to stop deportations of people who meet certain conditions and give them legal status those deportations were being done under current immigration law in other words a law that was already passed and on the books. If the immigration bill passed by the Senate had been voted on and passed by the House and those deportations were part of it then he could have used an executive order to legally suspend them.

he didn't give them legal status, he just said that he won't deport them. the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of these people wouldn't have been deported anyway, no matter who was president because of lack of resources. he is using his executive discretion to use what resources do exist to focus on deporting criminals. and apparently now the right wing wackos are against the president kicking criminals out of the country. amazing.
His executive order was to stop deportations of people who meet certain conditions and give them legal status those deportations were being done under current immigration law in other words a law that was already passed and on the books. If the immigration bill passed by the Senate had been voted on and passed by the House and those deportations were part of it then he could have used an executive order to legally suspend them.

he didn't give them legal status, he just said that he won't deport them. the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of these people wouldn't have been deported anyway, no matter who was president because of lack of resources. he is using his executive discretion to use what resources do exist to focus on deporting criminals. and apparently now the right wing wackos are against the president kicking criminals out of the country. amazing.

Try again ya fucken newb.
New DHS immigration rules Drunk drivers sex abusers drug dealers gun offenders not top deportation priorities
wrong, his duty is TO FOLLOW AND EXCUTE THE LAWS in line with the Constitution of the UNITED STATES. Please stop. You're making a fool out yourself

Obviously he is supposed to do it in a legal manner (though that didn't stop Bush from illegally ordering torture). But he still had discretion on how to do that within the bounds of the law.
Everyone should put the little twerp on ignore he can't act like a civil human being while meeting new people in their house
lol "can't refute his arguments with facts and logic so just put him on ignore"

stay mad
Everyone should put the little twerp on ignore he can't act like a civil human being

Done. Nothing worse than some dumbass newb spewing stupidity.

I'm heading there myself. I don't tolerate little punk assed children

Done and did...

Same here. come on folks. the newbie was warned now he needs a spanking
let the little punk end up talking to himself or he can gather around in a Liberal circle jerk. Clay will take him into his hateful arms. two of a kind
Same here. come on folks. the newbie was warned now he needs a spanking
let the little punk end up talking to himself or he can gather around in a Liberal circle jerk. Clay will take him into his hateful arms. two of a kind

right wing whackjob accusing others of hatred while your entire party is based on hatred of others in general and the president specifically. can't make this shit up.

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