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GOP ReFocusing Attention On It Being U. S. Number One Problem--Not Obama Or Economy


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Week After Week, the headlines of a GOP in disarray--leading a dysfunctional Congress--are everywhere apparent.

This link is from June, 2012, reflecting on May, 2012.

Unpopular GOP helps President’s approval ratings | Addicting Info

--In the meantime, S&P directly and pointed faulted the Bush Tax Cuts in its downgrade of the U. S. The political process was pointedly faulted, creating attention on GOP in Congress. The current federal administration was not faulted.

--In the meantime, Europe and Asia have been created a climate of global apprehension over the U. S. political process ability, to function positively in the global economy. Greece is a miniscule problem, now, since national administrations and banks are commencing to function where legislatures have not.

--In the meantime, GOP leadership in the House has called attention to the GOP being unable to get its government refunded.

--In the meantime, GOP has come out against disaster assistance as being a usual househould emergency, credit increase requirement. "Let Them Die," is a three-word summary of the agenda of their 64 Fantasies that run the show. That is now alleged to reflect family values, especially in emergencies: To all peoples worlwide.

--The GOP frontrunners are still unable to even make a Florida, credible showing: Among even GOP likely Florida voters in the national U. S. headlines of the straw poll in Florida!

All summer long the strategy was supposed to be to turn attention to the Obama Administration as being the cause of any lack of solutions to problems highlighted in current events. Instead, attention has even turned to the 64 GOP Fantasies that run the GOP Federal Delegation. No other House Districts have any say in GOP-run U. S. A.

Democrat incumbents are not being shown to be the problem.

GOP-beloved commodity, Gold, has plummeted $300.00 in value in recent days. Anyone can spot the movement of cash getting ready to go back into equities. An equity run-up will tend to validate the Stimulus Success in staving off another Lehman-like debacle. An equity run-up will tend to validate QE2 and the other Fed measures to stave-off Great Depression Two.

The GOP instead of creating a plausible backdrop, wherein Administration measures are shown the problem: Has even revived the credible backdrop that Bush II, Terms I & II and the Conservatives are at fault for it all.

They couldn't even turn attention to Osama bin laden, after 9/11.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(Many take Socialist Credit-Market money and now great ready to keep up spending in the stores of shops: All opposed by GOP! Many may even rebuild post floods and fires on many lands in U.S.A.!)


but what would you expect from some site called, addicting info

You all just keep pretending the Historic November elections NEVER happened, and that the Gop took seats in very Democrat states, Massachusetts, New York, Wisconsin, etc etc.

2012 here they come..lol
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Thank God the disarray in the GOP has helped his poll numbers or he'd be somewhere around 20. He really should be thankful. :D
2012 is going to be a very interesting election. We have anti-science know nothing proudly ignorant Teabaggers running the GOP now. And we have a bunch of spineless Dems too afraid to call them out on the issues. Ah well, in a democracy, the people get the government they deserve.
Well, we're not a Democracy and no the people don't "get what they deserve", they get what the electoral college votes for. :)
Thank God the disarray in the GOP has helped his poll numbers or he'd be somewhere around 20. He really should be thankful. :D

No, they would be about where they are now. President Obama's numbers are a direct reflection of the economy. And it sucks.

The elections of 2012 will depend on who the voters, those that turn out, see as best able to get the economy going again.

Unless we have a total fruitcake running for the GOP that is intent on using the SS and Medicare funds for more tax cuts for the very wealthy. The it will be Obama in a landslide.
Well, we're not a Democracy and no the people don't "get what they deserve", they get what the electoral college votes for. :)

When you have only 40% to 60% of the registered voters turning out in the elections, the citizens get what they deserve.
2012 is going to be a very interesting election. We have anti-science know nothing proudly ignorant Teabaggers running the GOP now. And we have a bunch of spineless Dems too afraid to call them out on the issues. Ah well, in a democracy, the people get the government they deserve.

Get Hillary to run, then.
2012 is going to be a very interesting election. We have anti-science know nothing proudly ignorant Teabaggers running the GOP now. And we have a bunch of spineless Dems too afraid to call them out on the issues. Ah well, in a democracy, the people get the government they deserve.

what? Maxi Waters telling the Tea Party they can go to hell and she was going to see them get there wasn't enough SPINE for ya..:lol:

Face it the people ARE SICK of the Democrat party. I hope to see massive losses for them in 2012..
Thank God the disarray in the GOP has helped his poll numbers or he'd be somewhere around 20. He really should be thankful. :D

No, they would be about where they are now. President Obama's numbers are a direct reflection of the economy. And it sucks.

The elections of 2012 will depend on who the voters, those that turn out, see as best able to get the economy going again.

Unless we have a total fruitcake running for the GOP that is intent on using the SS and Medicare funds for more tax cuts for the very wealthy. The it will be Obama in a landslide.

Ummmm, you better look again. The title of your links says this is helping 0bama's poll numbers. Whoops!! :tongue:
Actually we TPers only wish that we are incharge, as it is we have to side with Dem just to kill a bill the Rep Establisment wants through ... We have to fight Dems and Pubs ... Don't worry though, we will win a lot of seats in about a year, maybe then we will be in charge
the TPs haved about run their historical gamit.

they are a liability to the right in elections now.

Please them too much and you cant win a general.

Dont please them enough and you cant win the primary.

The R party is going to have to boot them eventually
too bad teaparty representatives just can't convince the GOPers and Dems that their policies are the way to go....if the policies had merit, you would think that this would be possible....

our congress is broken if the only way to get things done is to have a majority and force the majority's policies down our throats....compromise and working WITH each other for the best of our nation is a time of the past.....sadly.
The thing is, with the TP, there is no party. There are those that want to fix and those that want to blame. As a TPer, I will vote for those that want to fix, those that are not afraid of action.

The Pubs will learn to hate us as soon as they get in power and try to do "business as usual" the midterms was not about getting Pubs elected, it was about getting the darn thing fixed.

Dems hate us because we voted against them, Pubs will hate us for the same reason. Enough of speaches and committees ... Get it fixed or be prepared to go home after the next election.
2012 is going to be a very interesting election. We have anti-science know nothing proudly ignorant Teabaggers running the GOP now. And we have a bunch of spineless Dems too afraid to call them out on the issues. Ah well, in a democracy, the people get the government they deserve.


The tea party has come together for fiscal responsibility. not your drama queen antics.
the TPs haved about run their historical gamit.

they are a liability to the right in elections now.

Please them too much and you cant win a general.

Dont please them enough and you cant win the primary.

The R party is going to have to boot them eventually

The Democrats are the ones who have "run their game." After Obama, they can't hide what they are truly about. The voters are awake now.
too bad teaparty representatives just can't convince the GOPers and Dems that their policies are the way to go....if the policies had merit, you would think that this would be possible....

our congress is broken if the only way to get things done is to have a majority and force the majority's policies down our throats....compromise and working WITH each other for the best of our nation is a time of the past.....sadly.

Democracy has always been a failure. It has never worked wherever it has been tried.
The alternative to Romeny has been Governor Bush/Perry for about a month, and so in the national employment data: They both won. Higher and higher unemployment is what they are for, making it look like Obama's fault! It's now on their permanent record!

Texas unemployment rises, hurting Perry's job creation argument - The Hill's Ballot Box

So if Bush Perry both have stopped the job market recovery in (robustly federally funded) Texas, then there is the drag on the U. S. economy: Bush-Perry Texas!

Texas is variously at or near the top in federal contracts, federal employment, and federal military spending. In response, the Texas Miracle is elsewhere, everyone, an increase of impoverishment.

There is what the 64 Fantasies that Run The GOP are shouting for! Democratic Party incumbents and challengers--also have their "Texas Miracle:" Which apparently can't read or write or do math!

Probably the Tea Party will claim that the Holy Father: Actually is what caused that new "Texas Miracle!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many come to lands of Many Nations to claim "miracle" against real House settings!)
Republicans can't see anything but black as long as Obama is president.

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