GOP Rep. Larry Pittman Cracks Birther Joke Sending Liberals Into A Frenzy


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
How dare he talk about the messiah like that. That's what is happening this evening as liberals have found a video of North Carolina Rep. Larry Pittman cracking a funny birther joke about Obama at a town hall event this past Monday. The hyper-sensitive liberal news rags are not letting him get away with it as they are livid about the joke which I thought was pretty funny about the 'putative' president.

GOP Lawmaker Cracks Birther Joke

WATCH: North Carolina GOP State Rep. Makes Birther Joke About Obama | Mediaite

[ame=]Rep Pittman Makes Birther Joke - YouTube[/ame]
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LMAO...that was funny...The only ones who don't realize Oblahblah is a liar about where he was born are the ones kissing his ass and calling him messiah.
It wasn't even funny, it was stupid. But then, what do you expect from Rs, they think Dennis Miller and Victoria Jackson are funny too.
Pittman has a past of extreme rhetoric. He proposed an amendment to the North Carolina constitution allowing concealed carry of firearms, and mentioned the possibility that citizens could have to fight the federal government for "freedom."

"But if we do, if they're going to be coming at us with fully automatic weapons, we ought to at least have semiautomatic weapons to respond. I want you to have the ability to deter those who wold impose tyranny upon you," he said in February.

He called Planned Parenthood "murder for hire" in August 2012.

SHOCKING! He said we need guns for protecting ourselves...wait why did we need guns in 1776 for? Oh YEAH! To protect ourselves from government with guns! Damn...the hysterics of liberals is funny...I like this guy. Gonna go let him know that as well.
Pittman has a past of extreme rhetoric. He proposed an amendment to the North Carolina constitution allowing concealed carry of firearms, and mentioned the possibility that citizens could have to fight the federal government for "freedom."

"But if we do, if they're going to be coming at us with fully automatic weapons, we ought to at least have semiautomatic weapons to respond. I want you to have the ability to deter those who wold impose tyranny upon you," he said in February.

He called Planned Parenthood "murder for hire" in August 2012.

SHOCKING! He said we need guns for protecting ourselves...wait why did we need guns in 1776 for? Oh YEAH! To protect ourselves from government with guns! Damn...the hysterics of liberals is funny...I like this guy. Gonna go let him know that as well.

So of the things you claim he said....

Which one is wrong?
Most Republicans are more interested in responsible governance than the childish, naïve TPM fantasy.

Pittman does not have to worry about that because of the low voter mentality of many of his electorate.
Most Republicans are more interested in responsible governance than the childish, naïve TPM fantasy.

Pittman does not have to worry about that because of the low voter mentality of many of his electorate.

Excuse me? The name calling and invective people on the left spew is astounding. It does more to reflect the collective intelligence the Democratic party than the Tea Party.

Also, if you can't take a joke, kindly remove your tighty whities from your anal sphincter and lighten the fuck up.
Do you republicans have any evidence for Obama being born outside of this country????
How dare he talk about the messiah like that. That's what is happening this evening as liberals have found a video of North Carolina Rep. Larry Pittman cracking a funny birther joke about Obama at a town hall event this past Monday. The hyper-sensitive liberal news rags are not letting him get away with it as they are livid about the joke which I thought was pretty funny about the 'putative' president.

GOP Lawmaker Cracks Birther Joke

WATCH: North Carolina GOP State Rep. Makes Birther Joke About Obama | Mediaite

Rep Pittman Makes Birther Joke - YouTube

that's gotta be the stupidest thing I've seen all week...

dumb-fuck GOP deserves what's comin' to 'em in 2014...
Do you republicans have any evidence for Obama being born outside of this country????

How about a sworn affidavit from his grandmother who claims to have been present at his birth in Kenya. So far no one has come up with anyone who said they were at his birth in Hawaii.
Do you republicans have any evidence for Obama being born outside of this country????

The Maricopa County Sheriffs Office Cold Case Posse that initiated a 24 month long investigation into Obama's long form birth certificate and selective service registration has evidence that confirms he was most likely not born in Hawaii. That evidence has been turned over to Congressman Steve Stockman recently.
It wasn't even funny, it was stupid. But then, what do you expect from Rs, they think Dennis Miller and Victoria Jackson are funny too.

It was light hearted humor and not even worthy of a blog post. Funny how we never hear you people condemning all the vile spewed by people like Alan Grayson and Harry Reid about the Republicans.
Most Republicans are more interested in responsible governance than the childish, naïve TPM fantasy.

Pittman does not have to worry about that because of the low voter mentality of many of his electorate.

I thought you lived in Utah. :confused:
Do you republicans have any evidence for Obama being born outside of this country????

Answer has been given. But I just want to say. god himself (if he existed) could come down and tell the obamatards that he was born in Kenya and they wouldn't believe it.

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