GOP Representative supports 12 year olds getting married but opposes gender affirming treatments.

Seems a 12 year old is old enough to agree to get married but not old enough to agree to gender treatments

When pressed by state Rep. Peter Meredith (D) about a different bill Moon voted against in the past, which would make it illegal for adults to marry children, the GOP lawmaker doubled down on his support for underage marriage.
“Do you know any kids who have been married at age 12? I do. And guess what? They’re still married,” Moon responded
Is it enough to simply disagree with Moon on this, or do conservatives like myself have to give up all our beliefs and support lib grooming of children?
Almost universally, young children are not having surgeries but are getting puberty blockers and hormone therapy
Ah. That makes it all okay, then. I stand corrected. We should simply mess with a little kid's chemical make up and "F" up their minds. There's no way that could ever lead to suicidal tendencies under THOSE conditions.

How about we just let kids be kids and play with kites and skateboards and plastic army men? Ever think of that?
Ah. That makes it all okay, then. I stand corrected. We should simply mess with a little kid's chemical make up and "F" up their minds. There's no way that they could ever lead to suicidal tendencies under THOSE conditions.

That is why we leave the decision up to the family, the child, medical and psychological professionals rather than hateful, ignorant Republicans
That is why we leave the decision up to the family, the child, medical and psychological professionals rather than hateful, ignorant Republicans
Yeah ... great idea:


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Are you trying to equate the loss of virginity with having healthy genitals surgically removed?

Most Transexuals keep their genitals. Surgery on minors is extremely rare and they are primarily receiving puberty blockers and hormone therapy
Most Transexuals keep their genitals. Surgery on minors is extremely rare and they are primarily receiving puberty blockers and hormone therapy
Mutilation should be more than "extremely rare." It should be extremely never. And instead of trying to fix the mind by messing with the body. How about they simply go straight to fixing the mind. Eliminate the two-step process and make it a one-step process. I like that idea a lot more.
Probably the most well known transgender is Jazz Jennings who began transitioning at 9. Hormone therapy and puberty blockers started at 11. That boy's story should be the text book on why child gender affirming should never ever happen.
Most Transexuals keep their genitals. Surgery on minors is extremely rare and they are primarily receiving puberty blockers and hormone therapy

And you think that doesn't have long term effects?

I worked with a guy who married a 14 year old girl years ago. They had a happy and successful marriage until the day he died. He was a hard working man, went to Vietnam to fight, and retired from the military after serving 20 years.
Seems a 12 year old is old enough to agree to get married but not old enough to agree to gender treatments

When pressed by state Rep. Peter Meredith (D) about a different bill Moon voted against in the past, which would make it illegal for adults to marry children, the GOP lawmaker doubled down on his support for underage marriage.
“Do you know any kids who have been married at age 12? I do. And guess what? They’re still married,” Moon responded
Roy Moore got elected again?
And on the other hand, a transexual having undergone puberty will have a much less successful transition

That is why these decisions need to be made by the parents, the child, medical and psychological professionals

NOT GOP Lawmakers who despise Transexuals
Incorrect. People who go on puberty blockers will have a harder time with reassignment surgery as the growth of their genitals is stunted.
Incorrect. People who go on puberty blockers will have a harder time with reassignment surgery as the growth of their genitals is stunted.

Once they have gone through puberty, the damage is done and it is harder to reverse later on
Has a lot to do with the ability of young teens to make decisions about their body.
Young teens aren't considered mature enough to drink a beer....Now sick sub-moronic moonbat jackasses like you think that they can make irreversible choices about mutilating themselves?

Fuck my life!
"More than 150 Catholic priests and others associated with the Archdiocese of Baltimore sexually abused over 600 children and often escaped accountability, according to a long-awaited state report released Wednesday that revealed the scope of abuse spanning 80 years and accused church leaders of decades of coverups."

Its not drag queens that are fucking y'all's kids.
"More than 150 Catholic priests and others associated with the Archdiocese of Baltimore sexually abused over 600 children and often escaped accountability, according to a long-awaited state report released Wednesday that revealed the scope of abuse spanning 80 years and accused church leaders of decades of coverups."

Its not drag queens that are fucking y'all's kids.
Yeah, it's queers hiding under religious clothing. You know, wolves in sheep's clothing that Jesus warned about. The devil's best hiding place is in church.

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