GOP’s Obsession With Guns Stands To Drive Women Vote In The 2014 Election: Poll


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

Women who don’t usually vote in midterm elections — the same women who generally drive Democratic victories — will turn out in 2014 over the issue of guns, according to a recent poll.

The survey released by Women Donors Network, a self-described progressive “community of women philanthropists,” found that a subset of women voters who usually don’t vote in midterm elections are more likely to vote in 2014 on the issue of gun violence.

That echoes what former Rep. Steve LaTourette (OH), now a militant moderate leader in the Republican Party, said on Tuesday when he cautioned his party against sticking too close to the National Rifle Association in the post-Newtown legislative push to reduce gun violence. If the GOP is seen as being in the pocket of the NRA, he said, it could cost the party big with women in future elections.

The survey, which was conducted by Democratic pollster Diane Feldman and Republican pollster Bob Carpenter using live phone calls to 1,500 women, found that “women who may not ordinarily vote in a non-presidential year are among those most engaged with issues of gun violence.” The group also posted a PDF slide deck presenting the poll’s findings.

Feldman explained in an interview with TPM on Wednesday the results mean guns could be good politics for Democrats.

“As we approach the 2014 congressional elections, the question will be to what degree do single women, lower income women, persons of color participate since that’s the Democratic edge,” she said. “And this is an issue that can encourage them to participate.”

Strong support for universal background checks on firearms purchases and a focus on mental health and reducing violence in schools could rally these women to the polls in unexpected numbers in 2014, Feldman said. They also happen to be part of President Obama’s proposals following the Newtown, Conn., school massacre. Feldman called the potential increase in minority and lower income women voters “significant.” And that could change the dynamics of the election (thought it would also have an impact dependent upon the demographics of given congressional districts.)

More: Gun Issue May Drive Women To 2014 Polls | TPMDC

And so the political upside this time, according to the WDN poll anyway, favors taking on the NRA rather than standing with it. Republicans in tight races likely won’t have a pool of unexpected NRA-supporting voters to rely on. Based on the polling, gun owners are generally older white men, a group that votes pretty reliably in every cycle. That means the chance to increase the electorate with a gun fight likely goes to the side pushing for new regulations, Feldman said.

“You’re not talking older white men being the electorate who drops off in off-years,” She said. “We have far more capacity to motivate our base to participate in an unusual way than they do. Both in terms of where they are on the issues and in terms of who does and doesn’t participate in off-year elections.”

From the OP link.
The only people obsessed with guns are the moonbat gun grabbers and their lamestream media boot lickers, like the douchebags at TPM.

But were I Obiedoodle, I'd be doing anything at all to divert attention from the totally sucky economy and how Obolshevikcare is totally fucking up people's insurance.
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Women who don’t usually vote in midterm elections — the same women who generally drive Democratic victories — will turn out in 2014 over the issue of guns, according to a recent poll.

The survey released by Women Donors Network, a self-described progressive “community of women philanthropists,” found that a subset of women voters who usually don’t vote in midterm elections are more likely to vote in 2014 on the issue of gun violence.

That echoes what former Rep. Steve LaTourette (OH), now a militant moderate leader in the Republican Party, said on Tuesday when he cautioned his party against sticking too close to the National Rifle Association in the post-Newtown legislative push to reduce gun violence. If the GOP is seen as being in the pocket of the NRA, he said, it could cost the party big with women in future elections.

The survey, which was conducted by Democratic pollster Diane Feldman and Republican pollster Bob Carpenter using live phone calls to 1,500 women, found that “women who may not ordinarily vote in a non-presidential year are among those most engaged with issues of gun violence.” The group also posted a PDF slide deck presenting the poll’s findings.

Feldman explained in an interview with TPM on Wednesday the results mean guns could be good politics for Democrats.

“As we approach the 2014 congressional elections, the question will be to what degree do single women, lower income women, persons of color participate since that’s the Democratic edge,” she said. “And this is an issue that can encourage them to participate.”

Strong support for universal background checks on firearms purchases and a focus on mental health and reducing violence in schools could rally these women to the polls in unexpected numbers in 2014, Feldman said. They also happen to be part of President Obama’s proposals following the Newtown, Conn., school massacre. Feldman called the potential increase in minority and lower income women voters “significant.” And that could change the dynamics of the election (thought it would also have an impact dependent upon the demographics of given congressional districts.)

More: Gun Issue May Drive Women To 2014 Polls | TPMDC


The women who would vote based on this issue already vote democratic.

Every time Democrats try to go the gun control route, they lose elections.

Bring it.
Believe it or not and this will be difficult for liberals to believe but there are women in fact lots of them who like to shoot guns to.
The article is talking about "women who don't usually vote in midterm elections"...

It's the first sentence in the OP.
Believe it or not and this will be difficult for liberals to believe but there are women in fact lots of them who like to shoot guns to.

Yes, but many of them believe in commonsense gun control. Why don't you do a poll like the OP did and share your results?
The article is talking about "women who don't usually vote in midterm elections"...

It's the first sentence in the OP.
You Bozos really think you can keep this scaremongering freakery up for a year and a half and it'll be effective?

Really? :lmao:
Believe it or not and this will be difficult for liberals to believe but there are women in fact lots of them who like to shoot guns to.

Yes, but many of them believe in commonsense gun control. Why don't you do a poll like the OP did and share your results?

There will be far more who see you trying to keep thier one equalizer away from them. Women of all people understand the most how a gun evens the playing field.
When the dem senate refuses to bring up the bills, this will be a non-issue. Prince Harry has no stomach for this one.
Believe it or not and this will be difficult for liberals to believe but there are women in fact lots of them who like to shoot guns to.

Yes, but many of them believe in commonsense gun control. Why don't you do a poll like the OP did and share your results?

There will be far more who see you trying to keep thier one equalizer away from them. Women of all people understand the most how a gun evens the playing field.

I don't think most intelligent women will succumb to the dishonest fearmongering that democrats are trying to take all guns away.
Believe it or not and this will be difficult for liberals to believe but there are women in fact lots of them who like to shoot guns to.

Yes, but many of them believe in commonsense gun control. Why don't you do a poll like the OP did and share your results?

There will be far more who see you trying to keep thier one equalizer away from them. Women of all people understand the most how a gun evens the playing field.

You sound like someone is trying to take guns away from women. Who is trying to do that?
Did you read your own link? I love this part:

The survey released by Women Donors Network, a self-described progressive “community of women philanthropists,”

The people who conducted and released the survey are unapologetic progressives. If the Koch brothers release a survey stating that democrats are evil would you believe it? Of course not. So why do you expect anyone who doesn't agree with your narrow world view to believe this?
Sandy Hook has solid repub women asking why assault weapons are needed. The GOP will be the deciding vote to allow the weapons to remain in society. They will each collect their checks from the NRA. Maybe Boner will hand them out again.

Then it is likely there will be another mass shooting before 2016. Just another nail in the the GOP coffin.
Did you read your own link? I love this part:

The survey released by Women Donors Network, a self-described progressive “community of women philanthropists,”

The people who conducted and released the survey are unapologetic progressives. If the Koch brothers release a survey stating that democrats are evil would you believe it? Of course not. So why do you expect anyone who doesn't agree with your narrow world view to believe this?

Yeah, I read my own link... Did you...?

The survey, which was conducted by Democratic pollster Diane Feldman and Republican pollster Bob Carpenter using live phone calls to 1,500 women, found that “women who may not ordinarily vote in a non-presidential year are among those most engaged with issues of gun violence.”
The article is talking about "women who don't usually vote in midterm elections"...

It's the first sentence in the OP.
Funny how so many of you lib males think women are too stupid and feeble to think for themselves, protect themselves, and only follow along like blind lil' sheep......Much the same way that most libs view minorities.
Yes, but many of them believe in commonsense gun control. Why don't you do a poll like the OP did and share your results?

There will be far more who see you trying to keep thier one equalizer away from them. Women of all people understand the most how a gun evens the playing field.

You sound like someone is trying to take guns away from women. Who is trying to do that?

You guys, eventually.

Women who don’t usually vote in midterm elections — the same women who generally drive Democratic victories — will turn out in 2014 over the issue of guns, according to a recent poll.

The survey released by Women Donors Network, a self-described progressive “community of women philanthropists,” found that a subset of women voters who usually don’t vote in midterm elections are more likely to vote in 2014 on the issue of gun violence.

That echoes what former Rep. Steve LaTourette (OH), now a militant moderate leader in the Republican Party, said on Tuesday when he cautioned his party against sticking too close to the National Rifle Association in the post-Newtown legislative push to reduce gun violence. If the GOP is seen as being in the pocket of the NRA, he said, it could cost the party big with women in future elections.

The survey, which was conducted by Democratic pollster Diane Feldman and Republican pollster Bob Carpenter using live phone calls to 1,500 women, found that “women who may not ordinarily vote in a non-presidential year are among those most engaged with issues of gun violence.” The group also posted a PDF slide deck presenting the poll’s findings.

Feldman explained in an interview with TPM on Wednesday the results mean guns could be good politics for Democrats.

“As we approach the 2014 congressional elections, the question will be to what degree do single women, lower income women, persons of color participate since that’s the Democratic edge,” she said. “And this is an issue that can encourage them to participate.”

Strong support for universal background checks on firearms purchases and a focus on mental health and reducing violence in schools could rally these women to the polls in unexpected numbers in 2014, Feldman said. They also happen to be part of President Obama’s proposals following the Newtown, Conn., school massacre. Feldman called the potential increase in minority and lower income women voters “significant.” And that could change the dynamics of the election (thought it would also have an impact dependent upon the demographics of given congressional districts.)

More: Gun Issue May Drive Women To 2014 Polls | TPMDC

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