GOP’s Obsession With Guns Stands To Drive Women Vote In The 2014 Election: Poll

Image of a deserted parking lot at an office building. In walks a petite woman in business attire. Suit jacket and skirt, high heels. Its late and she is aware that she is alone. Moving quickly toward her car, she hears a sound. With keys in hand, and the other hand in her purse, she moves to unlock her car door.

Out jumps a huge man, poorly dressed with a knife in his hand. He startles her and she gasps. Then she pulls out a .380 semi-auto and aims it at the man. His eyes go wide and he flees down the aisle of the parking lot...........Fade to another woman, superimposed over the fleeing man...

She has scars on her face and a broken expression in her eyes. Deadpan she says, "Had I a gun, it is possible that I would not have been raped, and the scars on my face, along with the mental scars, would not exist......

Fade to black........................

So ends your women will vote against the GOP over gun rights.
The article is talking about "women who don't usually vote in midterm elections"...

It's the first sentence in the OP.
You Bozos really think you can keep this scaremongering freakery up for a year and a half and it'll be effective?

Really? :lmao:

I don't know how supposedly intelligent people continue to miss the fact that many Americans are growing tired of the Wild West mentality. Times are changing and Big Brother is not coming to get you as much as so many of you paranoid schizophrenics believe.
Image of a deserted parking lot at an office building. In walks a petite woman in business attire. Suit jacket and skirt, high heels. Its late and she is aware that she is alone. Moving quickly toward her car, she hears a sound. With keys in hand, and the other hand in her purse, she moves to unlock her car door.

Out jumps a huge man, poorly dressed with a knife in his hand. He startles her and she gasps. Then she pulls out a .380 semi-auto and aims it at the man. His eyes go wide and he flees down the aisle of the parking lot...........Fade to another woman, superimposed over the fleeing man...

She has scars on her face and a broken expression in her eyes. Deadpan she says, "Had I a gun, it is possible that I would not have been raped, and the scars on my face, along with the mental scars, would not exist......

Fade to black........................

So ends your women will vote against the GOP over gun rights.

If a woman can pass a background check to legally own a firearm - who says she can't have one...or pepper spray...or mace...or tasers...or stun guns...etc...?
Got any credible proof? So, when Democrats push for cleaner air and water - are they trying to take away air and water?

No Im asking you, do you want to stop at a universal background check, or do you want to go further. How far do YOU want to take gun control.

Oh, so now you're asking me? Okay...

1. I'm strongly for universal background checks. STRONGLY.

2. I'm for limiting high-capacity magazines to 10-rounds max.

3. I'm for MAXIMUM penalties for misusing firearms and/or not properly securing them.

4. I'm mildly against banning semi-automatic rifles, because that would inherently mean also banning semi-automatic pistols. However, I prefer revolvers and bolt/lever-action rifles.

5. I'm indifferent on banning so-called assault weapons. I don't see their need, but I remain indifferent.

OK, let me ask this, how do you verifiably get universal background checks? Also when you talk about limiting magazine size, is that just for rifles?
My point is made. The clip thing is idiotic, so called assault weapons are actually the SAME as asemi automatic rifles, and while misusing firearms CRIMINALLY is fine to punish, I have a feeling to you proper storing is locked up and unloaded, which is a no go.

Listening to you on gun control is like listening to PETA about calories in fast food burgers. We all know they dont care about the calorie content, what they want to do is ban burgers.

Idiotic? One of the mass shooters guns jammed and he couldn't use it anymore. If it was a 7-10 rd instead of a 30 rd mag it makes a big difference

Victim: Aurora theater shooting gun jam saved my life | ? Denver News, Weather & Sports from FOX 31 News in Denver, Colorado

Your right, smaller magazines are less likely to jam and anyone that's proficient with them can change them in the blink of an eye.
No Im asking you, do you want to stop at a universal background check, or do you want to go further. How far do YOU want to take gun control.

Oh, so now you're asking me? Okay...

1. I'm strongly for universal background checks. STRONGLY.

2. I'm for limiting high-capacity magazines to 10-rounds max.

3. I'm for MAXIMUM penalties for misusing firearms and/or not properly securing them.

4. I'm mildly against banning semi-automatic rifles, because that would inherently mean also banning semi-automatic pistols. However, I prefer revolvers and bolt/lever-action rifles.

5. I'm indifferent on banning so-called assault weapons. I don't see their need, but I remain indifferent.

OK, let me ask this, how do you verifiably get universal background checks? Also when you talk about limiting magazine size, is that just for rifles?

How do background checks currently work? Now add the word "universal" to close the "loophole"...

'Universal background check:' What does it mean? -

Limit magazines on BOTH rifles and pistols to 10-rounds max (maybe not tube-fed .22's).
The article is talking about "women who don't usually vote in midterm elections"...

It's the first sentence in the OP.
You Bozos really think you can keep this scaremongering freakery up for a year and a half and it'll be effective?

Really? :lmao:

I don't know how supposedly intelligent people continue to miss the fact that many Americans are growing tired of the Wild West mentality. Times are changing and Big Brother is not coming to get you as much as so many of you paranoid schizophrenics believe.

The only place there is a wild west mentality is in the major urban areas where gang violence is rampant, yet you folks don't seem to want to address that issue. WHY?

Women who don’t usually vote in midterm elections — the same women who generally drive Democratic victories — will turn out in 2014 over the issue of guns, according to a recent poll.

The survey released by Women Donors Network, a self-described progressive “community of women philanthropists,” found that a subset of women voters who usually don’t vote in midterm elections are more likely to vote in 2014 on the issue of gun violence.

That echoes what former Rep. Steve LaTourette (OH), now a militant moderate leader in the Republican Party, said on Tuesday when he cautioned his party against sticking too close to the National Rifle Association in the post-Newtown legislative push to reduce gun violence. If the GOP is seen as being in the pocket of the NRA, he said, it could cost the party big with women in future elections.

The survey, which was conducted by Democratic pollster Diane Feldman and Republican pollster Bob Carpenter using live phone calls to 1,500 women, found that “women who may not ordinarily vote in a non-presidential year are among those most engaged with issues of gun violence.” The group also posted a PDF slide deck presenting the poll’s findings.

Feldman explained in an interview with TPM on Wednesday the results mean guns could be good politics for Democrats.

“As we approach the 2014 congressional elections, the question will be to what degree do single women, lower income women, persons of color participate since that’s the Democratic edge,” she said. “And this is an issue that can encourage them to participate.”

Strong support for universal background checks on firearms purchases and a focus on mental health and reducing violence in schools could rally these women to the polls in unexpected numbers in 2014, Feldman said. They also happen to be part of President Obama’s proposals following the Newtown, Conn., school massacre. Feldman called the potential increase in minority and lower income women voters “significant.” And that could change the dynamics of the election (thought it would also have an impact dependent upon the demographics of given congressional districts.)

More: Gun Issue May Drive Women To 2014 Polls | TPMDC

Women Against Gun Control
“ Women do NOT Support Gun Control!”

“Women Do NOT Want to be Victims!”

Women Against Gun Control
Women Against Gun Control
I think the OP is fucked.
[ame=]Rapists love gun control - YouTube[/ame]
Oh, so now you're asking me? Okay...

1. I'm strongly for universal background checks. STRONGLY.

2. I'm for limiting high-capacity magazines to 10-rounds max.

3. I'm for MAXIMUM penalties for misusing firearms and/or not properly securing them.

4. I'm mildly against banning semi-automatic rifles, because that would inherently mean also banning semi-automatic pistols. However, I prefer revolvers and bolt/lever-action rifles.

5. I'm indifferent on banning so-called assault weapons. I don't see their need, but I remain indifferent.

OK, let me ask this, how do you verifiably get universal background checks? Also when you talk about limiting magazine size, is that just for rifles?

How do background checks currently work? Now add the word "universal" to close the "loophole"...

'Universal background check:' What does it mean? -

Limit magazines on BOTH rifles and pistols to 10-rounds max (maybe not tube-fed .22's).

Your definition doesn't say how the universal background checks could be verified. Notice I asked verifiable checks. How do you insure compliance? I own two pistols that have 14 round magazines, will I become a criminal or are you going to buy me new ones that are designed for smaller magazines.
Duh, gun control does not mean banning guns. That scare tactic won't hunt - except with the very dim bulbs.
The only people obsessed with guns are the moonbat gun grabbers and their lamestream media boot lickers, like the douchebags at TPM.

But were I Obiedoodle, I'd be doing anything at all to divert attention from the totally sucky economy and how Obolshevikcare is totally fucking up people's insurance.

That's exactly why he is pushing gun-control. He doesn't want the conversation to shift to the economy and the enormous tax increase which they call Obamacare. I'm looking forward to the day it gets repealed.
OK, let me ask this, how do you verifiably get universal background checks? Also when you talk about limiting magazine size, is that just for rifles?

How do background checks currently work? Now add the word "universal" to close the "loophole"...

'Universal background check:' What does it mean? -

Limit magazines on BOTH rifles and pistols to 10-rounds max (maybe not tube-fed .22's).

Your definition doesn't say how the universal background checks could be verified. Notice I asked verifiable checks. How do you insure compliance? I own two pistols that have 14 round magazines, will I become a criminal or are you going to buy me new ones that are designed for smaller magazines.

Hmmm...maybe with folks like you, gun "registration" would be more appropriate. Unless - you're a law-abiding gun owner. I would suggest you only put 10 rounds in your magazines until further notice...

BTW, do you always obey the speed limits?
How do background checks currently work? Now add the word "universal" to close the "loophole"...

'Universal background check:' What does it mean? -

Limit magazines on BOTH rifles and pistols to 10-rounds max (maybe not tube-fed .22's).

Your definition doesn't say how the universal background checks could be verified. Notice I asked verifiable checks. How do you insure compliance? I own two pistols that have 14 round magazines, will I become a criminal or are you going to buy me new ones that are designed for smaller magazines.

Hmmm...maybe with folks like you, gun "registration" would be more appropriate. Unless - you're a law-abiding gun owner. I would suggest you only put 10 rounds in your magazines until further notice...

BTW, do you always obey the speed limits?

Actually I haven't had a speeding ticket since the early 70's and it was dismissed. And I'll keep my 14+1 when I carry, there is no law against it. You did't answer how you would verify checks, come on give us the details.
Duh, gun control does not mean banning guns. That scare tactic won't hunt - except with the very dim bulbs.

It means restricting

Restricting what? Criminals and mental defectives?

con·trol [kuhn-trohl] Show IPA verb, con·trolled, con·trol·ling, noun
verb (used with object)
to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate; command.
to hold in check; curb: to control a horse; to control one's emotions.
to test or verify (a scientific experiment) by a parallel experiment or other standard of comparison.
to eliminate or prevent the flourishing or spread of: to control a forest fire.
Obsolete . to check or regulate (transactions), originally by means of a duplicate register.
the act or power of controlling; regulation; domination or command: Who's in control here?
the situation of being under the regulation, domination, or command of another: The car is out of control.
check or restraint: Her anger is under control.
a legal or official means of regulation or restraint: to institute wage and price controls.
Statistics. control variable ( def 1 ) .
Your definition doesn't say how the universal background checks could be verified. Notice I asked verifiable checks. How do you insure compliance? I own two pistols that have 14 round magazines, will I become a criminal or are you going to buy me new ones that are designed for smaller magazines.

Hmmm...maybe with folks like you, gun "registration" would be more appropriate. Unless - you're a law-abiding gun owner. I would suggest you only put 10 rounds in your magazines until further notice...

BTW, do you always obey the speed limits?

Actually I haven't had a speeding ticket since the early 70's and it was dismissed. And I'll keep my 14+1 when I carry, there is no law against it. You did't answer how you would verify checks, come on give us the details.

How are checks currently verified? How does E-Verify work?

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