GOP’s Obsession With Guns Stands To Drive Women Vote In The 2014 Election: Poll

Hmmm...maybe with folks like you, gun "registration" would be more appropriate. Unless - you're a law-abiding gun owner. I would suggest you only put 10 rounds in your magazines until further notice...

BTW, do you always obey the speed limits?

Actually I haven't had a speeding ticket since the early 70's and it was dismissed. And I'll keep my 14+1 when I carry, there is no law against it. You did't answer how you would verify checks, come on give us the details.

How are checks currently verified? How does E-Verify work?

Only FFL holder can access the NICS system, so if I want to make a private sale how would I get a background check on the buyer? And if I didn't how would anyone know? You see this hasn't been very well thought out on your side. Slogans are fine but at some point you have to address the details to implement them.
Actually I haven't had a speeding ticket since the early 70's and it was dismissed. And I'll keep my 14+1 when I carry, there is no law against it. You did't answer how you would verify checks, come on give us the details.

How are checks currently verified? How does E-Verify work?

Only FFL holder can access the NICS system, so if I want to make a private sale how would I get a background check on the buyer? And if I didn't how would anyone know? You see this hasn't been very well thought out on your side. Slogans are fine but at some point you have to address the details to implement them.

Well, maybe you'd have to have someone with a FFL to do it for you until the system is fully developed. I can assure you it has been thought out more than you may think - and many are working hard to improve the system. It won't become perfect overnight. Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?

Women who don’t usually vote in midterm elections — the same women who generally drive Democratic victories — will turn out in 2014 over the issue of guns, according to a recent poll.

The survey released by Women Donors Network, a self-described progressive “community of women philanthropists,” found that a subset of women voters who usually don’t vote in midterm elections are more likely to vote in 2014 on the issue of gun violence.

That echoes what former Rep. Steve LaTourette (OH), now a militant moderate leader in the Republican Party, said on Tuesday when he cautioned his party against sticking too close to the National Rifle Association in the post-Newtown legislative push to reduce gun violence. If the GOP is seen as being in the pocket of the NRA, he said, it could cost the party big with women in future elections.

The survey, which was conducted by Democratic pollster Diane Feldman and Republican pollster Bob Carpenter using live phone calls to 1,500 women, found that “women who may not ordinarily vote in a non-presidential year are among those most engaged with issues of gun violence.” The group also posted a PDF slide deck presenting the poll’s findings.

Feldman explained in an interview with TPM on Wednesday the results mean guns could be good politics for Democrats.

“As we approach the 2014 congressional elections, the question will be to what degree do single women, lower income women, persons of color participate since that’s the Democratic edge,” she said. “And this is an issue that can encourage them to participate.”

Strong support for universal background checks on firearms purchases and a focus on mental health and reducing violence in schools could rally these women to the polls in unexpected numbers in 2014, Feldman said. They also happen to be part of President Obama’s proposals following the Newtown, Conn., school massacre. Feldman called the potential increase in minority and lower income women voters “significant.” And that could change the dynamics of the election (thought it would also have an impact dependent upon the demographics of given congressional districts.)

More: Gun Issue May Drive Women To 2014 Polls | TPMDC


Make no mistake my obsession is with the Bill of Rights, not guns.
How are checks currently verified? How does E-Verify work?

Only FFL holder can access the NICS system, so if I want to make a private sale how would I get a background check on the buyer? And if I didn't how would anyone know? You see this hasn't been very well thought out on your side. Slogans are fine but at some point you have to address the details to implement them.

Well, maybe you'd have to have someone with a FFL to do it for you until the system is fully developed. I can assure you it has been thought out more than you may think - and many are working hard to improve the system. It won't become perfect overnight. Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?

Trust me until I get satisfactory details that I can live with I'll be a problem for those that just want to throw shit against the wall to see if any of it sticks. The problem is the folks that will never willingly cooperate with any of your schemes they're know as criminals. Do you think the ones committing all the gun crimes will actually abide by anything that is passed? Why aren't the efforts focused on them?
Only FFL holder can access the NICS system, so if I want to make a private sale how would I get a background check on the buyer? And if I didn't how would anyone know? You see this hasn't been very well thought out on your side. Slogans are fine but at some point you have to address the details to implement them.

Well, maybe you'd have to have someone with a FFL to do it for you until the system is fully developed. I can assure you it has been thought out more than you may think - and many are working hard to improve the system. It won't become perfect overnight. Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?

Trust me until I get satisfactory details that I can live with I'll be a problem for those that just want to throw shit against the wall to see if any of it sticks. The problem is the folks that will never willingly cooperate with any of your schemes they're know as criminals. Do you think the ones committing all the gun crimes will actually abide by anything that is passed? Why aren't the efforts focused on them?

I consider trying to dry up criminals' sources for weapons to be focusing on them - but the NRA gun nutters don't seem to want to help. Why is that?
Well, maybe you'd have to have someone with a FFL to do it for you until the system is fully developed. I can assure you it has been thought out more than you may think - and many are working hard to improve the system. It won't become perfect overnight. Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?

Trust me until I get satisfactory details that I can live with I'll be a problem for those that just want to throw shit against the wall to see if any of it sticks. The problem is the folks that will never willingly cooperate with any of your schemes they're know as criminals. Do you think the ones committing all the gun crimes will actually abide by anything that is passed? Why aren't the efforts focused on them?

I consider trying to dry up criminals' sources for weapons to be focusing on them - but the NRA gun nutters don't seem to want to help. Why is that?

How do back Ground checks dry up sources for Criminals? That Vast Majority of all guns sold to Criminals are not sold at Gun Shows, But on the street by other Criminals.
Well, maybe you'd have to have someone with a FFL to do it for you until the system is fully developed. I can assure you it has been thought out more than you may think - and many are working hard to improve the system. It won't become perfect overnight. Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?

Trust me until I get satisfactory details that I can live with I'll be a problem for those that just want to throw shit against the wall to see if any of it sticks. The problem is the folks that will never willingly cooperate with any of your schemes they're know as criminals. Do you think the ones committing all the gun crimes will actually abide by anything that is passed? Why aren't the efforts focused on them?

I consider trying to dry up criminals' sources for weapons to be focusing on them - but the NRA gun nutters don't seem to want to help. Why is that?

Right, you take away every gun from every law abiding citizen and illegal guns will poor over our borders just like drugs and aliens. So maybe you should concentrate on the borders also. You see there are many reasons to inconvenience many others before you start screwing with the folks that aren't the problem to begin with.
Trust me until I get satisfactory details that I can live with I'll be a problem for those that just want to throw shit against the wall to see if any of it sticks. The problem is the folks that will never willingly cooperate with any of your schemes they're know as criminals. Do you think the ones committing all the gun crimes will actually abide by anything that is passed? Why aren't the efforts focused on them?

I consider trying to dry up criminals' sources for weapons to be focusing on them - but the NRA gun nutters don't seem to want to help. Why is that?

How do back Ground checks dry up sources for Criminals? That Vast Majority of all guns sold to Criminals are not sold at Gun Shows, But on the street by other Criminals.

Well, by cracky, we need to also dry up their sources.
I consider trying to dry up criminals' sources for weapons to be focusing on them - but the NRA gun nutters don't seem to want to help. Why is that?

How do back Ground checks dry up sources for Criminals? That Vast Majority of all guns sold to Criminals are not sold at Gun Shows, But on the street by other Criminals.

Well, by cracky, we need to also dry up their sources.

Last post for the night. Lakhota I'd hate to see you trying to buy a car, you'd drive a salesman freaking crazy. You think you know what you want but you can't describe it in detail where anyone can understand you. The devil is in the details, you need to know specifically what you want and exactly what has to be done to accomplish it down to the smallest detail. If you can't do that there is no reason to even have the discussion, because there is no destination, just a meandering path to no where.
Sandy Hook has solid repub women asking why assault weapons are needed. The GOP will be the deciding vote to allow the weapons to remain in society. They will each collect their checks from the NRA. Maybe Boner will hand them out again.

Then it is likely there will be another mass shooting before 2016. Just another nail in the the GOP coffin.

your crystal ball tell you this?
That echoes what former Rep. Steve LaTourette (OH), now a militant moderate leader in the Republican Party, said on Tuesday when he cautioned his party against sticking too close to the National Rifle Association in the post-Newtown legislative push to reduce gun violence. If the GOP is seen as being in the pocket of the NRA, he said, it could cost the party big with women in future elections.

From the OP link.

He's either another idiot who doesn't know anything about the mythical 'gun show loop hole' or he wants to be re-elected and will say anything to get the votes in D-Ohio.

Former Rep. LaTourette to head lobbying firm - Local - Ohio

Oh wait, he's a lobbyist who has illegally started to lobby.
Glad he quit politics.
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Believe it or not and this will be difficult for liberals to believe but there are women in fact lots of them who like to shoot guns to.

That's like trying to play into the argument that women don't enjoy watching sports and really don't take an interest in football. Do the liberals really want to continue "stereotyping" people into these groups of where they OUGHT to find themselves? It's not to far from this big government ideology where someone ELSE determines how you should think, or what views you should possess. The fact that someone can have an open frame of mind and actually think for "themselves", rather than be dictated to, really dumbfounds the left.... it seems they have no concept of it. Rather they feel its the government's position or job to tell you how you should feel, what habits (behaviors) you should follow, or what positions you should take on an issue. Yet we are to be concerned with the "establishment" of religion by government. Any group, whether black, Hispanic, women, young or retired, should feel insulted when the left uses elections and the media to go down the path of "assumptions" and having no respect towards personal individual opinion, whenever it contradicts the direction the masses OUGHT to go SOLELY on the basis of their ideological thinking.
We see the Progressive propaganda fearmongering is in FULL SWING people

keep on your toes
On the contrary.. it's the left that has the obsession with guns. A gun is just a tool, like any other object, but dangerous if not handled properly. The mindless think that guns actually kill people.
There will be far more who see you trying to keep thier one equalizer away from them. Women of all people understand the most how a gun evens the playing field.

I don't think most intelligent women will succumb to the dishonest fearmongering that democrats are trying to take all guns away.

The left is fearmongering in the gun issue?????:confused:

What about the right wing's rants: "Tha criminals is gonna get ya, if dey takes me guns, only criminals will haves guns!!! And the GUBMINT!! Tha tyrannikal gubmint, deyz a comin fur ya I tell ya dey comin fur ya!!! Even the boogey man is coming fur ya!"

Can you site me an example where a criminal goes out of their way to obey the law when it comes to acquiring a firearm? Yet somehow, if we restrict ownership of guns all together - then the issue of what the cops recover in the streets from another shooting, will somehow by a miracle..... as the heavens open and the sound of heavenly angels resound .... resolve itself of finding any more illegal guns or ammo, and thereby keeping criminals honest.

...... by the way, how is that drug war working out? Have all these government "laws" and "restrictions" kept teens from acquiring a "joint" or crack cocaine when they crave one? Yes I'm sure the dealers obey the laws there, in fact don't we have a major issue of poor inner city teens dropping out of school in exchange for the profitability to be found in selling drugs? The more government goes out if the way to seek control, the more they exasperate the issue and make the problem worse .... in some cases, in ways they have never foreseen.
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