GOP’s Obsession With Guns Stands To Drive Women Vote In The 2014 Election: Poll

Hey bozo, you really think that in a year and one half, that there won't be numerous examples of stupid gun nuts that don't keep their gun safe and secure and some crazy gets a gun and starts killing kids. You think something like that won't happen again?

And that people won't recall those acts prior to the elections?
Hey dickweed, you really think that people are so stupid and won't tire of your and the lamestream media's antics in trying to shove your fascistic agenda down America's throat?...That they'll swing over to your side the more and more that you bathe yourselves in the blood of innocent victims?


Once again you stupid fuk. The current outrage over the killing will die down. Then there will be another killing to bring it back to the forefront of the public concious. And it won't have anything to do with liberals or rethugs. It will have everything to do with more innocent people getting killed. Is that really more than you can understand?

you should start a daily head count on the daily "killing" of people in this country and post it on here
baseball bats
etc etc
remember when a dad and a gun selller handed a 10 year old a semi and he shot himself with it within secinds of being handed the gun?

the nutters think they know how t handle guns but they are nuts so who can trust them?[/QUOTE]

Exactly right TM. They can't figure out what an assault weapon is. (they are all the time asking on here; is this an assault weapon is that an assault weapon.) And then there are always people getting shot at gun shows. Where I presume all the particapants are registered gun nutters. WTF happens to them at gun shows? All of a sudden they can't check to see if a weapon is loaded. Good God.
remember when a dad and a gun selller handed a 10 year old a semi and he shot himself with it within secinds of being handed the gun?

the nutters think they know how t handle guns but they are nuts so who can trust them?

I guess there's something to be about social Darwinism, huh?
remember when a dad and a gun selller handed a 10 year old a semi and he shot himself with it within secinds of being handed the gun?

the nutters think they know how t handle guns but they are nuts so who can trust them?[/QUOTE]

Exactly right TM. They can't figure out what an assault weapon is. (they are all the time asking on here; is this an assault weapon is that an assault weapon.) And then there are always people getting shot at gun shows. Where I presume all the particapants are registered gun nutters. WTF happens to them at gun shows? All of a sudden they can't check to see if a weapon is loaded. Good God.

You don't know the difference between an "assault weapon" and any other semiautomatic rifle.

BTW there is no difference
Big Reb... you shouldn't try to play the race card, you kind of suck at it.

Fact is, a gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household, and the FBI recorded that there were only 201 cases of "justifiable homicide" committed with guns in 2010.

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 15

The notion you need a gun to protect yourself is laughable. But the gun industry knows a sucker when they see one.

Like I said, let the INNOCENT victims of gun violence collect damages from the gun industry and their big investors, then we'll see how keen they are on "the second Amendment".... bet they'll be for "well-regulated militias" really quickly.

Dumb ass you have no facts, why do you keep repeating the same myth?
And yes stupid the first gun control laws were used against blacks.

Here's a disarmed black man was visited by the klan

No, that's a man murdered by the Klan. they'd have still murdered him even if had a gun.

Probably would have triggered worse reprisals if he had shot one or two of them.

But please address my point. If guns are so crucial for self defense, how come only 201 of the 11,000 gun muders we have every year actually involves a citizen shooting a criminal in self-defense? This is what the FBI says, not what I say, and their data has been pretty consistant on this.

out of 300,000,000 guns, only 201 were used by "good guys" to kill "bad guys".
Big Reb... you shouldn't try to play the race card, you kind of suck at it.

Fact is, a gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household, and the FBI recorded that there were only 201 cases of "justifiable homicide" committed with guns in 2010.

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 15

The notion you need a gun to protect yourself is laughable. But the gun industry knows a sucker when they see one.

Like I said, let the INNOCENT victims of gun violence collect damages from the gun industry and their big investors, then we'll see how keen they are on "the second Amendment".... bet they'll be for "well-regulated militias" really quickly.

Dumb ass you have no facts, why do you keep repeating the same myth?
And yes stupid the first gun control laws were used against blacks.

Here's a disarmed black man was visited by the klan

No, that's a man murdered by the Klan. they'd have still murdered him even if had a gun.

Probably would have triggered worse reprisals if he had shot one or two of them.

But please address my point. If guns are so crucial for self defense, how come only 201 of the 11,000 gun muders we have every year actually involves a citizen shooting a criminal in self-defense? This is what the FBI says, not what I say, and their data has been pretty consistant on this.

out of 300,000,000 guns, only 201 were used by "good guys" to kill "bad guys".

No, that's a man murdered by the Klan. they'd have still murdered him even if had a gun.

blacks were the first people disarmed just as he was, so you're full of shit.
No, that's a man murdered by the Klan. they'd have still murdered him even if had a gun.

blacks were the first people disarmed just as he was, so you're full of shit.

Guy, you really suck at playing the race card...

I mean, I know you think that's how Obama won and stuff, and you think you can play it too, because, why not.

Fact is, most Americans don't need guns in this day and age. Period. They cause more harm than good.

If more guns made us safer, why do we have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world>?

You never answer that question. Oh, that's right, you are going to go on about lynching, becuase you think that's a winner for you.
Hey dickweed, you really think that people are so stupid and won't tire of your and the lamestream media's antics in trying to shove your fascistic agenda down America's throat?...That they'll swing over to your side the more and more that you bathe yourselves in the blood of innocent victims?


Once again you stupid fuk. The current outrage over the killing will die down. Then there will be another killing to bring it back to the forefront of the public concious. And it won't have anything to do with liberals or rethugs. It will have everything to do with more innocent people getting killed. Is that really more than you can understand?

you should start a daily head count on the daily "killing" of people in this country and post it on here
baseball bats
etc etc

Why? But I will if you will show me where 20 kids and 6 adults were killed in their classroom by a man driving a car, that has overdosed on drugs right before he got in a fight with a baseball bat.

You do that and I will try to post all the gun killings that go on every single day.

I know you are trying to make a point. But it is a stupid point. And invalid. Maybe you want to list the deaths from cancer, heart disease, infections, hospital mistakes, old age what ever. You will just contend that dead is dead. Right? How you got there makes no difference to a gun nutter.

Gun deaths are just a cost of doing gun business. Right?
No, that's a man murdered by the Klan. they'd have still murdered him even if had a gun.

blacks were the first people disarmed just as he was, so you're full of shit.

Guy, you really suck at playing the race card...

I mean, I know you think that's how Obama won and stuff, and you think you can play it too, because, why not.

Fact is, most Americans don't need guns in this day and age. Period. They cause more harm than good.

If more guns made us safer, why do we have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world>?

You never answer that question. Oh, that's right, you are going to go on about lynching, becuase you think that's a winner for you.

So now getting rid f guns will end crime?

You really are naive. We can only hope your naivete kills only you and no one else.
blacks were the first people disarmed just as he was, so you're full of shit.

Guy, you really suck at playing the race card...

I mean, I know you think that's how Obama won and stuff, and you think you can play it too, because, why not.

Fact is, most Americans don't need guns in this day and age. Period. They cause more harm than good.

If more guns made us safer, why do we have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world>?

You never answer that question. Oh, that's right, you are going to go on about lynching, becuase you think that's a winner for you.

So now getting rid f guns will end crime?

You really are naive. We can only hope your naivete kills only you and no one else.

End Crime? No.

Reduce it? Well, the UK, Australia, Germany, Japan, France, Italy have all proven it does.
Dude, there is no shortage of laws. There is a serious shortage among gun owners of common sense.

What we need in more common sense among gun owners. You don't like laws? OK. Then how do you get the gun nutters to practice common sense gun safety.

And of course you want an example of what I am speaking to. Here it is; Adam Lanza's mother was a legal gun owner who purchased high power weapons with plenty of ammo and made them available to a son with mental societal issues. Not even a gun safe. Or trigger locks. No common sense in controlling her own guns.

No common sense by gun owners will equal more gun laws by other gun and non gun owners. Trying to save lives by law because common gun sense ain't working.

Government laws can't change the "mind" and determination of someone that's got it set in their mind to kill a group of kids, a senator, a cheating or abusive spouse, etc. Do you want to address video game violence, or Hollywood's OWN profit from violent and further "realistic" dismemberment gore that's meant to shock and awe its audience? We live in a society that pushes to desensitize people (and kids) with the sheer amount of violence overwhelming our youth...... violence that's also glorified. Where is the common sense effort towards addressing these issues? A gun is only a tool to the individual that is brought up in a constant barrage and exposure to the "glorifying" of it's use.

It's a shame that you obessed gun nutters on here can't even engage in a real discussion.

The idea I presented is that a great number of crazy gun nutters have no idea of safe and secure gun storage. And that is a big problem. More so than any of the other issues you wanted to bring up.

Why didn't you want to discuss common sense gun safety and how it is not practiced as much as it should be? Could it be because it makes you nutters look bad? Nah. No way.

You nutters have been ordained by the gun Gods to protect guns. Common sense be damned.

It's interesting how you don't have the guts to tackle the real tough issues of WHY we have increasing violence in schools, seeking to address the real issues involved. Simply put a ban on gun usage, it's the same "close minded" approach that has failed to prevent gun violence in the past. It fails in that it ignores to tackle the bigger issue involved - behavior. As long as that becomes a taboo subject for the sake of those (such as Hollywood) who continue to profit from it, there will always be gun violence in schools.
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No, that's a man murdered by the Klan. they'd have still murdered him even if had a gun.

blacks were the first people disarmed just as he was, so you're full of shit.

Guy, you really suck at playing the race card...

I mean, I know you think that's how Obama won and stuff, and you think you can play it too, because, why not.

Fact is, most Americans don't need guns in this day and age. Period. They cause more harm than good.

If more guns made us safer, why do we have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world>?

You never answer that question. Oh, that's right, you are going to go on about lynching, becuase you think that's a winner for you.

Asshole you're an idiot, the first gun control laws were used against blacks, and you say I'm playing the race card? No I'm playing the truth card.
Guy, you really suck at playing the race card...

I mean, I know you think that's how Obama won and stuff, and you think you can play it too, because, why not.

Fact is, most Americans don't need guns in this day and age. Period. They cause more harm than good.

If more guns made us safer, why do we have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world>?

You never answer that question. Oh, that's right, you are going to go on about lynching, becuase you think that's a winner for you.

So now getting rid f guns will end crime?

You really are naive. We can only hope your naivete kills only you and no one else.

End Crime? No.

Reduce it? Well, the UK, Australia, Germany, Japan, France, Italy have all proven it does.

UK is violent crime capital of Europe - Telegraph

Analysis of figures from the European Commission showed a 77 per cent increase in murders, robberies, assaults and sexual offences in the UK since Labour came to power.

The total number of violent offences recorded compared to population is higher than any other country in Europe, as well as America, Canada, Australia and South Africa.
Guy, you really suck at playing the race card...

I mean, I know you think that's how Obama won and stuff, and you think you can play it too, because, why not.

Fact is, most Americans don't need guns in this day and age. Period. They cause more harm than good.

If more guns made us safer, why do we have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world>?

You never answer that question. Oh, that's right, you are going to go on about lynching, becuase you think that's a winner for you.

So now getting rid f guns will end crime?

You really are naive. We can only hope your naivete kills only you and no one else.

End Crime? No.

Reduce it? Well, the UK, Australia, Germany, Japan, France, Italy have all proven it does.

One form of crime went down but others went up when you disarmed the people.
You have more of a chance being a victim those country's than you do in the United States.
Libeals will use every disaster as an excuse to diminish your rights, while ignoring the real problems. They're liars and traitors of liberty.
Once again you stupid fuk. The current outrage over the killing will die down. Then there will be another killing to bring it back to the forefront of the public concious. And it won't have anything to do with liberals or rethugs. It will have everything to do with more innocent people getting killed. Is that really more than you can understand?

you should start a daily head count on the daily "killing" of people in this country and post it on here
baseball bats
etc etc

Why? But I will if you will show me where 20 kids and 6 adults were killed in their classroom by a man driving a car, that has overdosed on drugs right before he got in a fight with a baseball bat.

You do that and I will try to post all the gun killings that go on every single day.

I know you are trying to make a point. But it is a stupid point. And invalid. Maybe you want to list the deaths from cancer, heart disease, infections, hospital mistakes, old age what ever. You will just contend that dead is dead. Right? How you got there makes no difference to a gun nutter.

Gun deaths are just a cost of doing gun business. Right?

oh boy, you better ban vans then, Oklahoma city bombing
and airplanes after that, 9/11
and just shut down every aspect of the people lives in this country because you don't like guns
Asshole you're an idiot, the first gun control laws were used against blacks, and you say I'm playing the race card? No I'm playing the truth card.

No reputable historian would endorse that interpretation...

Reality- for most of AMerican history, few people owned guns, few people needed them. Guns didn't become a problem until industrialization and mass production, and a gun industry ready to sell to any crazy person who could bring up a bunch of crumpled $100.00 bills.

So when the rest of the world got rid of private guns and found they were far better off, we Americans doubled down on stupid.

Terrorists killed 3000 people on 9/11, we went to war. We changed the way we live.

Guns have killed 270,000 people since 9/11, and we've made the guns laws weaker.

Absolutely insane.
So now getting rid f guns will end crime?

You really are naive. We can only hope your naivete kills only you and no one else.

End Crime? No.

Reduce it? Well, the UK, Australia, Germany, Japan, France, Italy have all proven it does.

One form of crime went down but others went up when you disarmed the people.
You have more of a chance being a victim those country's than you do in the United States.

No, you don't. Their crime rates are vastly lower than ours in all of them.

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