GOP’s Obsession With Guns Stands To Drive Women Vote In The 2014 Election: Poll

That man is such a piece of shit!

Will he EVER let someone answer a question, or will he continue his adversarial tirades until the next commercial break?

I'm guessing commercial break, myself...
That man is such a piece of shit!

Will he EVER let someone answer a question, or will he continue his adversarial tirades until the next commercial break?

I'm guessing commercial break, myself...

He always does it when he knows he's losing his ass, and he really showed how much of a man he was by throwing paper like a child at that woman.
You made no point. You asked for my opinion - and I gave it.

Just how many gun laws and gun regulations has the government already passed? Can you provide for me an actual count of these gun laws already in effect? Yet has ANY of these laws been effective in stopping the recovery of an illegal firearm, or kept those who have no right ever owning one..... from carrying a gun? Let's be honest here.

Dude, there is no shortage of laws. There is a serious shortage among gun owners of common sense.

What we need in more common sense among gun owners. You don't like laws? OK. Then how do you get the gun nutters to practice common sense gun safety.

And of course you want an example of what I am speaking to. Here it is; Adam Lanza's mother was a legal gun owner who purchased high power weapons with plenty of ammo and made them available to a son with mental societal issues. Not even a gun safe. Or trigger locks. No common sense in controlling her own guns.

No common sense by gun owners will equal more gun laws by other gun and non gun owners. Trying to save lives by law because common gun sense ain't working.

None of the new BS laws can remedy that. She screwed up and paid the ultimate price for it. But what you gun grabbers seem to lose sight of is these instances are such a small percentage of overall gun violence yet that's you concentrate on. There's a Newtown equivalent happening on the south side of Chicago every few weeks, where's the outrage?
Big Reb... you shouldn't try to play the race card, you kind of suck at it.

Fact is, a gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household, and the FBI recorded that there were only 201 cases of "justifiable homicide" committed with guns in 2010.

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 15

The notion you need a gun to protect yourself is laughable. But the gun industry knows a sucker when they see one.

Like I said, let the INNOCENT victims of gun violence collect damages from the gun industry and their big investors, then we'll see how keen they are on "the second Amendment".... bet they'll be for "well-regulated militias" really quickly.

Another fine example of numbers lying and liars using numbers. Your numbers include suicides which would more than likely occur whether a gun was available or not. Japan has a higher suicide rate than the US with few guns available. Suicides account for about 85% of the ratio you site. The fact that only 201 justifiable homicides were committed in 2010 out of close to 2.5 million citizen gun uses for self defense, demonstrates how safe and responsible citizens are in the use of firearms.
Dude, there is no shortage of laws. There is a serious shortage among gun owners of common sense.

What we need in more common sense among gun owners. You don't like laws? OK. Then how do you get the gun nutters to practice common sense gun safety.

And of course you want an example of what I am speaking to. Here it is; Adam Lanza's mother was a legal gun owner who purchased high power weapons with plenty of ammo and made them available to a son with mental societal issues. Not even a gun safe. Or trigger locks. No common sense in controlling her own guns.

No common sense by gun owners will equal more gun laws by other gun and non gun owners. Trying to save lives by law because common gun sense ain't working.

Government laws can't change the "mind" and determination of someone that's got it set in their mind to kill a group of kids, a senator, a cheating or abusive spouse, etc. Do you want to address video game violence, or Hollywood's OWN profit from violent and further "realistic" dismemberment gore that's meant to shock and awe its audience? We live in a society that pushes to desensitize people (and kids) with the sheer amount of violence overwhelming our youth...... violence that's also glorified. Where is the common sense effort towards addressing these issues? A gun is only a tool to the individual that is brought up in a constant barrage and exposure to the "glorifying" of it's use.

It's a shame that you obessed gun nutters on here can't even engage in a real discussion.

The idea I presented is that a great number of crazy gun nutters have no idea of safe and secure gun storage. And that is a big problem. More so than any of the other issues you wanted to bring up.

Why didn't you want to discuss common sense gun safety and how it is not practiced as much as it should be? Could it be because it makes you nutters look bad? Nah. No way.

You nutters have been ordained by the gun Gods to protect guns. Common sense be damned.

It's up to the individual to access their own security needs, just like it's an individuals responsibility to use birth control. Do you really want to force your way into people homes and start making judgements on how they conduct themselves? I thought you lefties were against that.
Government laws can't change the "mind" and determination of someone that's got it set in their mind to kill a group of kids, a senator, a cheating or abusive spouse, etc. Do you want to address video game violence, or Hollywood's OWN profit from violent and further "realistic" dismemberment gore that's meant to shock and awe its audience? We live in a society that pushes to desensitize people (and kids) with the sheer amount of violence overwhelming our youth...... violence that's also glorified. Where is the common sense effort towards addressing these issues? A gun is only a tool to the individual that is brought up in a constant barrage and exposure to the "glorifying" of it's use.

It's a shame that you obessed gun nutters on here can't even engage in a real discussion.

The idea I presented is that a great number of crazy gun nutters have no idea of safe and secure gun storage. And that is a big problem. More so than any of the other issues you wanted to bring up.

Why didn't you want to discuss common sense gun safety and how it is not practiced as much as it should be? Could it be because it makes you nutters look bad? Nah. No way.

You nutters have been ordained by the gun Gods to protect guns. Common sense be damned.

It's up to the individual to access their own security needs, just like it's an individuals responsibility to use birth control. Do you really want to force your way into people homes and start making judgements on how they conduct themselves? I thought you lefties were against that.

oh they are, but only with the things they like. Deep down they are little fascist
I will have to agree with the title of the thread.
GOP’s Obsession With Guns Stands To Drive Women Vote In The 2014 Election

But the outcome will not turn out the way the OP hopes that it will.
More and more women now see the need for a firearm than they did back a few years ago.
I will have to agree with the title of the thread.
GOP’s Obsession With Guns Stands To Drive Women Vote In The 2014 Election

But the outcome will not turn out the way the OP hopes that it will.
More and more women now see the need for a firearm than they did back a few years ago.

What amazes me is how the left can't atricualte exactly what they want. Slogans and bumper sticker bs is all you get. No one can get specific on what exactly they want and how to go about it. It's time to nail them down on specifics or not bother with their trolling.
I bet it will drive the minority vote higher too.

there attempts to keep black people standing in lines so long they have to leave and not vote will drive it too.

Why would you think that when in fact see below


I think your full of crap and so it the ad.

it will not convince any black people to vote for more guns in their neighborhoods

LOL... the typical mindless Lib reaction. Supporting the second ammendment, and the right to own fire arms is voting for more guns in your neighborhood.

LOL... again. the typical mindless Lib... can't stay with the debate.. "so you thing eveyone should own a tank", "so you think all women shoiuld be armed with AR15's" holy crap.. he is the at the top of the mindless, and he knew he was going to lose the debate as soon as he put words in her mouth.
The democratic elite in backrooms hate their base
Women and Minority's
One form of crime went down but others went up when you disarmed the people.
You have more of a chance being a victim those country's than you do in the United States.

No, you don't. Their crime rates are vastly lower than ours in all of them.

Sorry but I just proved you wrong

No, you really didn't. But tell yourself you did. Conservatism can only sleep at night by pretending the rest of the industrialized world doesn't exist.

Obama would be a conservative in Europe.
No, you don't. Their crime rates are vastly lower than ours in all of them.

Sorry but I just proved you wrong

No, you really didn't. But tell yourself you did. Conservatism can only sleep at night by pretending the rest of the industrialized world doesn't exist.

Obama would be a conservative in Europe.

You said the UK had a lower violent crime rate than we and you were wrong.

They simply have people who are forced to be victims because they are denied the right to arm themselves.

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