GOP’s Obsession With Guns Stands To Drive Women Vote In The 2014 Election: Poll

Home invasion, rape, etc don't count as violent crimes huh?


If you don't want a gun then don't own one. But you have no right whatsoever to tell anyone else what they should or should not do.

Walk around in your naivete leave your doors unlocked, I don't give a shit and when you are the victim of a crime I won't give a shit either because you did nothing to protect yourself.

Actually, we have EVERY right as a society to decide what will make us a safer society.

Since you gun whacks refuse to clean up your act, we're going to clean it up for you...

Home invasion, rape, etc don't count as violent crimes huh?


If you don't want a gun then don't own one. But you have no right whatsoever to tell anyone else what they should or should not do.

Walk around in your naivete leave your doors unlocked, I don't give a shit and when you are the victim of a crime I won't give a shit either because you did nothing to protect yourself.

Actually, we have EVERY right as a society to decide what will make us a safer society.

Since you gun whacks refuse to clean up your act, we're going to clean it up for you...

And you have yet to prove in any way shape or form how my owning a gun endangers "society".

I have owned a weapon since I was 6 years old and in the past 40 years have never once injured anyone with a weapon.

So until you can prove that I am a so called danger to "society" you have no case.
And you have yet to prove in any way shape or form how my owning a gun endangers "society".

I have owned a weapon since I was 6 years old and in the past 40 years have never once injured anyone with a weapon.

So until you can prove that I am a so called danger to "society" you have no case.

Um, actually, I don't have to wait until you've proven yourself crazy.

We should take away private guns as a matter of common sense.

You don't need a gun. ANd if your side won't clean up your act, I have no problem taking them by force.
And you have yet to prove in any way shape or form how my owning a gun endangers "society".

I have owned a weapon since I was 6 years old and in the past 40 years have never once injured anyone with a weapon.

So until you can prove that I am a so called danger to "society" you have no case.

Um, actually, I don't have to wait until you've proven yourself crazy.

We should take away private guns as a matter of common sense.

You don't need a gun. ANd if your side won't clean up your act, I have no problem taking them by force.

That's a specious argument and you know it.

You can't punish a person because he might maybe one day in the near or distant future possibly commit a crime.

I know this is a shock to you but you my little sheep are not prescient.

So if you want to eliminate the innocent until proven guilty philosophy then go ahead and try.

If you want to be subject to random SWAT team searches of your home and property because you might be breaking the law that's fine with me.

Sign a waiver at the fucking police department.

After all it's only a matter of time until you go bat shit crazy and we have to protect "society" from you.
Judging from the number of women now buying guns, yes they might be propelled to the polls to vote in 2014. More and more women are defending themselves today than ever before.
Home invasion, rape, etc don't count as violent crimes huh?


If you don't want a gun then don't own one. But you have no right whatsoever to tell anyone else what they should or should not do.

Walk around in your naivete leave your doors unlocked, I don't give a shit and when you are the victim of a crime I won't give a shit either because you did nothing to protect yourself.

Actually, we have EVERY right as a society to decide what will make us a safer society.

Since you gun whacks refuse to clean up your act, we're going to clean it up for you...


Yeah right... everything you leftwing moonbats touch turns to shit.


Piss off.
Judging from the number of women now buying guns, yes they might be propelled to the polls to vote in 2014. More and more women are defending themselves today than ever before.

Guys like Joe have a problem with that. cuts down on thier lovin.....
And you have yet to prove in any way shape or form how my owning a gun endangers "society".

I have owned a weapon since I was 6 years old and in the past 40 years have never once injured anyone with a weapon.

So until you can prove that I am a so called danger to "society" you have no case.

Um, actually, I don't have to wait until you've proven yourself crazy.

We should take away private guns as a matter of common sense.

You don't need a gun. ANd if your side won't clean up your act, I have no problem taking them by force.

That's your opinion.. however, the U.S. constitution says I can have a gun.. or two.. or six for that matter. You have no say in the matter.. now go back to sleep.
And you have yet to prove in any way shape or form how my owning a gun endangers "society".

I have owned a weapon since I was 6 years old and in the past 40 years have never once injured anyone with a weapon.

So until you can prove that I am a so called danger to "society" you have no case.

Um, actually, I don't have to wait until you've proven yourself crazy.

We should take away private guns as a matter of common sense.

You don't need a gun. ANd if your side won't clean up your act, I have no problem taking them by force.

That's a specious argument and you know it.

You can't punish a person because he might maybe one day in the near or distant future possibly commit a crime.

I know this is a shock to you but you my little sheep are not prescient.

So if you want to eliminate the innocent until proven guilty philosophy then go ahead and try.

If you want to be subject to random SWAT team searches of your home and property because you might be breaking the law that's fine with me.

Sign a waiver at the fucking police department.

After all it's only a matter of time until you go bat shit crazy and we have to protect "society" from you.

It's a short trip...
Um, actually, I don't have to wait until you've proven yourself crazy.

We should take away private guns as a matter of common sense.

You don't need a gun. ANd if your side won't clean up your act, I have no problem taking them by force.

That's a specious argument and you know it.

You can't punish a person because he might maybe one day in the near or distant future possibly commit a crime.

I know this is a shock to you but you my little sheep are not prescient.

So if you want to eliminate the innocent until proven guilty philosophy then go ahead and try.

If you want to be subject to random SWAT team searches of your home and property because you might be breaking the law that's fine with me.

Sign a waiver at the fucking police department.

After all it's only a matter of time until you go bat shit crazy and we have to protect "society" from you.

It's a short trip...

Joe the wacko control freak would love it if we just forced everyone to take anti psychotics at gun point every morning because the government knows whats best for all us potential criminals.
That's a specious argument and you know it.

You can't punish a person because he might maybe one day in the near or distant future possibly commit a crime.

I know this is a shock to you but you my little sheep are not prescient.

So if you want to eliminate the innocent until proven guilty philosophy then go ahead and try.

If you want to be subject to random SWAT team searches of your home and property because you might be breaking the law that's fine with me.

Sign a waiver at the fucking police department.

After all it's only a matter of time until you go bat shit crazy and we have to protect "society" from you.

It's a short trip...

Joe the wacko control freak would love it if we just forced everyone to take anti psychotics at gun point every morning because the government knows whats best for all us potential criminals.

Now you want to piss off the women. Don't you people have enough enemies?
I have to laugh at all of this hear the Left tell it...all we have to do to win elections is be more like them.

Too funny.
The only ones that count in the context of this discussion.

That car thefts (sorry, it's only property, man) are up, big whoop.
A victim is a victim,
How about rape victims that were not killed?

HOw about that?

We have more rapes than most countries do... We just underreport them..

Rape statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Koss, Gidycz & Wi published a study in 1987 where they interviewed approximately 6,000 college students on 32 college campuses nationwide. They asked several questions covering a wide range of behaviors. From this study 15% of college women answered “yes” to questions about whether they experienced something that met the definition of rape. 12% of women answered “yes” to questions about whether they experienced something that met the definition of attempted rape[7]
In 1995 the CDC replicated part of this study. They examined rape only, and did not look at attempted rape. They found that 20% of approximately 5,000 women on 138 college campuses experienced rape during the course of their lifetime.[8]
In 2000, the National Institute of Justice and the Bureau of Justice statistics published a study called The Sexual Victimization of College Women based on a 1996 - 1997 survey. [6] At page 11, it can be seen that 3.1% of undergraduate women reported surviving rape or attempted rape during a 6-7 month academic year. Exhibit 7, page 18 of the report suggests that 10.1% of college women reported experiencing rape prior to entering college. 10.9% reported attempted rape prior to college.[9]

Sorry, man. All those guns ain't stopping no rapes.
better rethink your opinion
Rape victims statistics - countries compared - NationMaster
"People with guns can kill a lot more efficiently than people without guns. Most industrialized countries limit gun ownership and they have far less murder than we do."

What make you think it's the number of guns, and not the life style, laws and culture in those countries ? Gun laws have proven to be in affective here... look at D.C. and Chicago.The more you limit 2nd ammnedment rights, the more the bad guys wills have guns, and the less the good guys will. Why not concentrate on keeping them out of the hands of the bad guys, instead of throwing a PC smoke screen, like all the gun grabbers do as soon as a tragedy happens, as in Sandy Hook?
But please address my point. If guns are so crucial for self defense, how come only 201 of the 11,000 gun muders we have every year actually involves a citizen shooting a criminal in self-defense? This is what the FBI says, not what I say, and their data has been pretty consistant on this.

out of 300,000,000 guns, only 201 were used by "good guys" to kill "bad guys".

Let's see ....... could it just possibly have anything to do with the fact, that killing someone is still considered to be against the law in this country? Are you now going to try and make the case for vigilante justice in your next post? Are you actually condoning a Dirty Harry Approach to handling crimes? Simply shoot first ask questions later. Is that your view of gun owners in this country? This is precisely why those individuals, with that kind of mindset view towards gun owners, and who most likely never owned a gun in their lifetime, should be the very last individuals to make laws on how to be responsible with them.

The vast majority of gun owners are not the trigger happy individual, glaring down at their front door at night, dressed in their military cammo with their night vision goggles, salivating at the chance to kill SOMEBODY that tries to enter their home ..... as you would love to portray them to be. All you've proven in your statistic, is that the vast majority of killings found in your data were individuals who had the thought out "planned" intention of actually going out and commuting a crime. I think you have been watching a little to many Die Hard movies, perhaps you should seriously consider sitting this next one out ....... Its Hollywood.... trust me things like that just don't often happen in real life as you gun grabbers would hope.

Perhaps you need to include, in your list of facts, how many of those killings involved someone obtaining a gun "legally". Can you provide THAT bit of fact among your FBI statistic?
It is so funny, looking these threads were the mindless still blame an object for a problem and not the person using it.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) 32,885 people died in traffic crashes in 2010 in the United States (going by latest figures available).

Perhaps we should ban the use and availability of automobiles, apparently people don't know how to use them properly. We could even support this statistic by looking into how many died among the Amish in horse and buggy incidents. Lets have the government regulate how fast your vehicle can go, make everyone go back to the days when horses were the major form of transportation in this country. After all, look at all the lives we would save as a result of the Federal Government getting involved. We aren't taking away your transportation, just how fast we are allowing you to drive to get to work.
Home invasion, rape, etc don't count as violent crimes huh?


If you don't want a gun then don't own one. But you have no right whatsoever to tell anyone else what they should or should not do.

Walk around in your naivete leave your doors unlocked, I don't give a shit and when you are the victim of a crime I won't give a shit either because you did nothing to protect yourself.

Actually, we have EVERY right as a society to decide what will make us a safer society.

Since you gun whacks refuse to clean up your act, we're going to clean it up for you...
We should take away private guns as a matter of common sense.

You don't need a gun. ANd if your side won't clean up your act, I have no problem taking them by force.

Again, if that was actually the case and it was all about society making us safer, this would be the next issue and it's end result:


Just another common sense approach of the government "cleaning up our act" and if you can't be responsible there's "no problem taking it by force". Is that your approach to solving the problem and making us all safer?
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