GOP’s Obsession With Guns Stands To Drive Women Vote In The 2014 Election: Poll

On the contrary, this is about "preventing more senseless tragedies from taking place", I believe is how the President put it. It's about getting the government involved and preventing the loss of more innocent lives. I'm quite certain that same speech can be said about automobile fatalities.

People are just as irresponsible behind the wheel of a car as they are with guns, to use your argument. This is about preventing further deaths from occurring, is it not? I'd say, given the increasing amount of automobile fatalities that occurs each and every year, I'd say that makes it completely relevant. Now don't be so heartless as to suggest you don't even CARE about those innocent children who happen to be struck by a car. How heartless of you Lakhota, to put your needs over the needs of those who lost a loved one. Having the government step in and push regulations that decide what "type" of vehicle you are allowed to own, I'm sure IS the correct response to reducing the number of senseless fatalities. Just look at how many hit and run incidents occurred in Lancaster from a buggy last year, isn't the saving of innocent people what this us really all about? That's why you push all these threads isn't it? We got to protect the lives of the innocent...... don't get all cold-hearted on me now and lose your conscience Lakhota. The Federal Government has got to step in and do this!
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That's a specious argument and you know it.

You can't punish a person because he might maybe one day in the near or distant future possibly commit a crime.

I know this is a shock to you but you my little sheep are not prescient.

So if you want to eliminate the innocent until proven guilty philosophy then go ahead and try.

If you want to be subject to random SWAT team searches of your home and property because you might be breaking the law that's fine with me.

Sign a waiver at the fucking police department.

After all it's only a matter of time until you go bat shit crazy and we have to protect "society" from you.

We can do anything we want.

We won.

Deal with it.

Every time one of you nutters slaughters a schoolroom, the closer we get to private gun bans.

Only a matter of time, man. Kiss your guns tonight and rub them gently, because eventually they are going buy-bye.

Leave it to the gun grabbers to twist a simple point. People driving cars kill 4 to 5 times the number of people each year than people using guns. But the common denomintator is people. That's where the problems lies. Not with an object used by a person.
We can do anything we want.

We won.

Deal with it.

Every time one of you nutters slaughters a schoolroom, the closer we get to private gun bans.

Only a matter of time, man. Kiss your guns tonight and rub them gently, because eventually they are going buy-bye.

Handful of Senate Democrats*could block assault weapons ban - NY Daily News

Keep telling yourself that... keep telling yourself that you can keep bullying the rest of us...

I know it's the only way you can sleep at night, hugging your gun and your bible.

Women who don’t usually vote in midterm elections — the same women who generally drive Democratic victories — will turn out in 2014 over the issue of guns, according to a recent poll.

The survey released by Women Donors Network, a self-described progressive “community of women philanthropists,” found that a subset of women voters who usually don’t vote in midterm elections are more likely to vote in 2014 on the issue of gun violence.

That echoes what former Rep. Steve LaTourette (OH), now a militant moderate leader in the Republican Party, said on Tuesday when he cautioned his party against sticking too close to the National Rifle Association in the post-Newtown legislative push to reduce gun violence. If the GOP is seen as being in the pocket of the NRA, he said, it could cost the party big with women in future elections.

The survey, which was conducted by Democratic pollster Diane Feldman and Republican pollster Bob Carpenter using live phone calls to 1,500 women, found that “women who may not ordinarily vote in a non-presidential year are among those most engaged with issues of gun violence.” The group also posted a PDF slide deck presenting the poll’s findings.

Feldman explained in an interview with TPM on Wednesday the results mean guns could be good politics for Democrats.

“As we approach the 2014 congressional elections, the question will be to what degree do single women, lower income women, persons of color participate since that’s the Democratic edge,” she said. “And this is an issue that can encourage them to participate.”

Strong support for universal background checks on firearms purchases and a focus on mental health and reducing violence in schools could rally these women to the polls in unexpected numbers in 2014, Feldman said. They also happen to be part of President Obama’s proposals following the Newtown, Conn., school massacre. Feldman called the potential increase in minority and lower income women voters “significant.” And that could change the dynamics of the election (thought it would also have an impact dependent upon the demographics of given congressional districts.)

More: Gun Issue May Drive Women To 2014 Polls | TPMDC

More women are buying guns - Atlanta Women's Issues |
I don't have any enemies

The gun nutters have their enemies and it sure isn't the criminals.

I'm not a "nutter"
you control freaks are the nutty ones.

Tell me what pathology drives you to want to control others?

The naive believe that they will never be a victim, or in a position one day to defend themselves. So in their minds, they have no enemies. People who are aware of their surroundings know that anyone who may want to make them a victim, is their enemy. Those people are usually the ones prepared.
This article was a joke

who the hell has a obsession with guns?

Pure propaganda from the leftist

How about a article on the Democrats obsession WITH ABORTION?
That's a specious argument and you know it.

You can't punish a person because he might maybe one day in the near or distant future possibly commit a crime.

I know this is a shock to you but you my little sheep are not prescient.

So if you want to eliminate the innocent until proven guilty philosophy then go ahead and try.

If you want to be subject to random SWAT team searches of your home and property because you might be breaking the law that's fine with me.

Sign a waiver at the fucking police department.

After all it's only a matter of time until you go bat shit crazy and we have to protect "society" from you.

We can do anything we want.

We won.

Deal with it.

Every time one of you nutters slaughters a schoolroom, the closer we get to private gun bans.

Only a matter of time, man. Kiss your guns tonight and rub them gently, because eventually they are going buy-bye.

Actually no ... that's why we have the United States Supreme Court, you know separation of powers? Then there's the fact that the right to bear arms is an Amendment, as the Founders outlined specific procedures when it comes to making changes to an Amendment. So before you start spouting I won and I want what I want little tantrum, you might want to consider taking the time to actually "reading" the Constitution.
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That's a specious argument and you know it.

You can't punish a person because he might maybe one day in the near or distant future possibly commit a crime.

I know this is a shock to you but you my little sheep are not prescient.

So if you want to eliminate the innocent until proven guilty philosophy then go ahead and try.

If you want to be subject to random SWAT team searches of your home and property because you might be breaking the law that's fine with me.

Sign a waiver at the fucking police department.

After all it's only a matter of time until you go bat shit crazy and we have to protect "society" from you.

We can do anything we want.

We won.

Deal with it.

Every time one of you nutters slaughters a schoolroom, the closer we get to private gun bans.

Only a matter of time, man. Kiss your guns tonight and rub them gently, because eventually they are going buy-bye.

What a fucking megalomaniac you are.

And you have the audacity to call other people nuts.
Only a matter of time, man. Kiss your guns tonight and rub them gently, because eventually they are going buy-bye.

Actually no ... that's why we have the United States Supreme Court, you know separation of powers? Then there's the fact that the right to bear arms is an Amendment, as the Founders outlined specific procedures when it comes to making changes to an Amendment. So before you start spouting I won and I want what I want little tantrum, you might want to consider taking the time to actually "reading" the Constitution.

Fuck the Constitution.

There are sooooo many ways we can fuck with gun owners and gun makers... we don't need to worry about that.

Here's one. Repeal the law that grants immunity to gun makers for death.

Let all the people who lost kids at Sandy Hook sue the shit out of Freedomworks and Cerberus group.

You will be amazed how fast Wall Street loses interest in the Second Amendment when it starts costing them real money.
Gosh Joey, I'd like YOU to come take my guns by force....ummmk?

And you have yet to prove in any way shape or form how my owning a gun endangers "society".

I have owned a weapon since I was 6 years old and in the past 40 years have never once injured anyone with a weapon.

So until you can prove that I am a so called danger to "society" you have no case.

Um, actually, I don't have to wait until you've proven yourself crazy.

We should take away private guns as a matter of common sense.

You don't need a gun. ANd if your side won't clean up your act, I have no problem taking them by force.
Only a matter of time, man. Kiss your guns tonight and rub them gently, because eventually they are going buy-bye.

Actually no ... that's why we have the United States Supreme Court, you know separation of powers? Then there's the fact that the right to bear arms is an Amendment, as the Founders outlined specific procedures when it comes to making changes to an Amendment. So before you start spouting I won and I want what I want little tantrum, you might want to consider taking the time to actually "reading" the Constitution.

Fuck the Constitution.

There are sooooo many ways we can fuck with gun owners and gun makers... we don't need to worry about that.

Here's one. Repeal the law that grants immunity to gun makers for death.

Let all the people who lost kids at Sandy Hook sue the shit out of Freedomworks and Cerberus group.

You will be amazed how fast Wall Street loses interest in the Second Amendment when it starts costing them real money.

So basically ignore centuries of precedent over product liability just to satisfy your need to screw over your fellow citizen.

You are such a fascist, it is not even funny.

Negged for being a Nazi bastard.
The main obstacle to liberal gun grabbers is the crime that women with guns have confronted. Every time a woman has to defend herself or her children, liberals get another smack upside the head. When a woman shoots an attacker ten women run out and get a gun. Or more than that.

There are more, far more, attacks on women every day than random shootings.
I think the anti-gun ownership rights agenda will hurt the progressive democrats.

A lot of gun owners are democraps who will vote a candidate down based on this one issue.
I think the anti-gun ownership rights agenda will hurt the progressive democrats.

A lot of gun owners are democraps who will vote a candidate down based on this one issue.

You believe that because that's the way you choose to frame the issue and look at it. Some of those changes in gun laws are supported by a majority of people in the NRA, so the "Do Nothing" group will cause harm to politicians who support them.
I think the anti-gun ownership rights agenda will hurt the progressive democrats.

A lot of gun owners are democraps who will vote a candidate down based on this one issue.

You believe that because that's the way you choose to frame the issue and look at it. Some of those changes in gun laws are supported by a majority of people in the NRA, so the "Do Nothing" group will cause harm to politicians who support them.

You do realize that not all and dare I say most gun owners do not belong to the NRA don't you?
I think the anti-gun ownership rights agenda will hurt the progressive democrats.

A lot of gun owners are democraps who will vote a candidate down based on this one issue.

You believe that because that's the way you choose to frame the issue and look at it. Some of those changes in gun laws are supported by a majority of people in the NRA, so the "Do Nothing" group will cause harm to politicians who support them.

You do realize that not all and dare I say most gun owners do not belong to the NRA don't you?

No shit, and I pointed out that the NRA position on some things isn't even supported by the majority of their own membership. Very few people in America want gun laws left unchanged, whether they are NRA members or not.

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