GOP’s Obsession With Guns Stands To Drive Women Vote In The 2014 Election: Poll

Nope, he doesn't these people cannot think outside of the box that has been constructed for them by their leaders.

Pro legal immigration=racist
Pro Life=Nazi


I think the anti-gun ownership rights agenda will hurt the progressive democrats.

A lot of gun owners are democraps who will vote a candidate down based on this one issue.

You believe that because that's the way you choose to frame the issue and look at it. Some of those changes in gun laws are supported by a majority of people in the NRA, so the "Do Nothing" group will cause harm to politicians who support them.

You do realize that not all and dare I say most gun owners do not belong to the NRA don't you?
You believe that because that's the way you choose to frame the issue and look at it. Some of those changes in gun laws are supported by a majority of people in the NRA, so the "Do Nothing" group will cause harm to politicians who support them.

You do realize that not all and dare I say most gun owners do not belong to the NRA don't you?

No shit, and I pointed out that the NRA position on some things isn't even supported by the majority of their own membership. Very few people in America want gun laws left unchanged, whether they are NRA members or not.

We have plenty of gun laws on the books. Tell me what's the sense of new ones if we're not going to enforce those either?
Believe it or not and this will be difficult for liberals to believe but there are women in fact lots of them who like to shoot guns to.

Yes, but many of them believe in commonsense gun control. Why don't you do a poll like the OP did and share your results?

There will be far more who see you trying to keep thier one equalizer away from them. Women of all people understand the most how a gun evens the playing field.

No they don't and I'd say a majority of women don't even want a gun in the house.
You do realize that not all and dare I say most gun owners do not belong to the NRA don't you?

No shit, and I pointed out that the NRA position on some things isn't even supported by the majority of their own membership. Very few people in America want gun laws left unchanged, whether they are NRA members or not.

We have plenty of gun laws on the books. Tell me what's the sense of new ones if we're not going to enforce those either?

I'll tell you your opinion isn't worth shit and enforcing existing laws has nothing to do with the issue. Many laws have no enforcing requirements.
No shit, and I pointed out that the NRA position on some things isn't even supported by the majority of their own membership. Very few people in America want gun laws left unchanged, whether they are NRA members or not.

We have plenty of gun laws on the books. Tell me what's the sense of new ones if we're not going to enforce those either?

I'll tell you your opinion isn't worth shit and enforcing existing laws has nothing to do with the issue. Many laws have no enforcing requirements.

So why not enforce the laws we have and see if that works first?

It seems to me that is just common sense. Isn't that what you're selling here, common sense?

Or are you just bent on your control fetishes?
I have some questions about polling "a subset of women voters."

But more across-the-board type polls confirm that gun control is yet another issue that has driven a big chunk of women away from the GOP. 66% of women favor tougher gun laws.

But I'm not convinced that this issue is a real driver for most women. Maybe a case of "one more reason to vote Democratic" but probably not THE reason to vote Democratic.
Only a matter of time, man. Kiss your guns tonight and rub them gently, because eventually they are going buy-bye.

Actually no ... that's why we have the United States Supreme Court, you know separation of powers? Then there's the fact that the right to bear arms is an Amendment, as the Founders outlined specific procedures when it comes to making changes to an Amendment. So before you start spouting I won and I want what I want little tantrum, you might want to consider taking the time to actually "reading" the Constitution.

Fuck the Constitution.

There are sooooo many ways we can fuck with gun owners and gun makers... we don't need to worry about that.

Here's one. Repeal the law that grants immunity to gun makers for death.

Let all the people who lost kids at Sandy Hook sue the shit out of Freedomworks and Cerberus group.

You will be amazed how fast Wall Street loses interest in the Second Amendment when it starts costing them real money.

I don't favor this approach.

But I do favor holding a gun owner who is grossly neglegent in securing their weapon liable when their gun is used in a crime.
I have some questions about polling "a subset of women voters."

But more across-the-board type polls confirm that gun control is yet another issue that has driven a big chunk of women away from the GOP. 66% of women favor tougher gun laws.

But I'm not convinced that this issue is a real driver for most women. Maybe a case of "one more reason to vote Democratic" but probably not THE reason to vote Democratic.

Consider drought as an analogy. Just because there is a drought doesn't mean hugh wildfires are going to be more common, but it does mean conditions are ripe for that to be the case. I think it's that way with gun violence and incidences like Aurora and Sandy Hook have produced copycat incidences in the past. I think the conditions are ripe in America for mass shootings and we aren't over with the trend. That could very easily influence women before the mid-term elections to make gun violence a major issue.
I have some questions about polling "a subset of women voters."

But more across-the-board type polls confirm that gun control is yet another issue that has driven a big chunk of women away from the GOP. 66% of women favor tougher gun laws.

But I'm not convinced that this issue is a real driver for most women. Maybe a case of "one more reason to vote Democratic" but probably not THE reason to vote Democratic.

Consider drought as an analogy. Just because there is a drought doesn't mean hugh wildfires are going to be more common, but it does mean conditions are ripe for that to be the case. I think it's that way with gun violence and incidences like Aurora and Sandy Hook have produced copycat incidences in the past. I think the conditions are ripe in America for mass shootings and we aren't over with the trend. That could very easily influence women before the mid-term elections to make gun violence a major issue.

You may be right. But what I've seen seems to indicate that the interest dies quickly after a relatively short respite. I'm not saying that is right - I'm just saying it's what I've observed.
You are banking on them being too stupid to understand that new laws won't stop those with criminal tendencies set on doing the violence.

I have some questions about polling "a subset of women voters."

But more across-the-board type polls confirm that gun control is yet another issue that has driven a big chunk of women away from the GOP. 66% of women favor tougher gun laws.

But I'm not convinced that this issue is a real driver for most women. Maybe a case of "one more reason to vote Democratic" but probably not THE reason to vote Democratic.

Consider drought as an analogy. Just because there is a drought doesn't mean hugh wildfires are going to be more common, but it does mean conditions are ripe for that to be the case. I think it's that way with gun violence and incidences like Aurora and Sandy Hook have produced copycat incidences in the past. I think the conditions are ripe in America for mass shootings and we aren't over with the trend. That could very easily influence women before the mid-term elections to make gun violence a major issue.
We have plenty of gun laws on the books. Tell me what's the sense of new ones if we're not going to enforce those either?

I'll tell you your opinion isn't worth shit and enforcing existing laws has nothing to do with the issue. Many laws have no enforcing requirements.

So why not enforce the laws we have and see if that works first?

It seems to me that is just common sense. Isn't that what you're selling here, common sense?

Or are you just bent on your control fetishes?

Who cares how you Ted Nugent shitty pants, NRA gun nutter "Do Nothing" types take it, because the American people aren't going to listen to your suggestions? You have already been told that changes in some laws are required that don't involve enforcement issues, so the people who want things done will change the laws and not listen to you people who don't want anything done. It shouldn't be hard to figure out that the American people don't care what you think or want, when they don't have the same opinion that you have.
So why not enforce the laws we have and see if that works first? It seems to me that is just common sense. Isn't that what you're selling here, common sense?

Because the existing laws have been gutted or rendered unenforceable by NRA-written legislation.

repealing all that hand-cuffing legislation IS a start. I don't think it will end there, but I do think that should happen.
I have some questions about polling "a subset of women voters."

But more across-the-board type polls confirm that gun control is yet another issue that has driven a big chunk of women away from the GOP. 66% of women favor tougher gun laws.

But I'm not convinced that this issue is a real driver for most women. Maybe a case of "one more reason to vote Democratic" but probably not THE reason to vote Democratic.

Consider drought as an analogy. Just because there is a drought doesn't mean hugh wildfires are going to be more common, but it does mean conditions are ripe for that to be the case. I think it's that way with gun violence and incidences like Aurora and Sandy Hook have produced copycat incidences in the past. I think the conditions are ripe in America for mass shootings and we aren't over with the trend. That could very easily influence women before the mid-term elections to make gun violence a major issue.

You may be right. But what I've seen seems to indicate that the interest dies quickly after a relatively short respite. I'm not saying that is right - I'm just saying it's what I've observed.

Often issues will die, but I don't think this issue will go away with some feel good legislation. Without major changes in gun laws, we have the potential for another disaster, like the Aurora types, which will constantly remind the public. I think the potential for another Sandy Hook are less probable, but one copycat could change that. The real test for major gun violence will be this summer, because that's when people are more stressed. We could very well be living in times when these major incidences of gun violence will become much more common.
You are banking on them being too stupid to understand that new laws won't stop those with criminal tendencies set on doing the violence.

I have some questions about polling "a subset of women voters."

But more across-the-board type polls confirm that gun control is yet another issue that has driven a big chunk of women away from the GOP. 66% of women favor tougher gun laws.

But I'm not convinced that this issue is a real driver for most women. Maybe a case of "one more reason to vote Democratic" but probably not THE reason to vote Democratic.

Consider drought as an analogy. Just because there is a drought doesn't mean hugh wildfires are going to be more common, but it does mean conditions are ripe for that to be the case. I think it's that way with gun violence and incidences like Aurora and Sandy Hook have produced copycat incidences in the past. I think the conditions are ripe in America for mass shootings and we aren't over with the trend. That could very easily influence women before the mid-term elections to make gun violence a major issue.

I don't have to bank on anything, because I can see the American people wanting the laws changed.
We can do anything we want.

We won.

Deal with it.

Every time one of you nutters slaughters a schoolroom, the closer we get to private gun bans.

Only a matter of time, man. Kiss your guns tonight and rub them gently, because eventually they are going buy-bye.

Handful of Senate Democrats*could block assault weapons ban - NY Daily News

Keep telling yourself that... keep telling yourself that you can keep bullying the rest of us...

I know it's the only way you can sleep at night, hugging your gun and your bible.

lol, you need a chill pill?
You are banking on them being too stupid to understand that new laws won't stop those with criminal tendencies set on doing the violence.

Consider drought as an analogy. Just because there is a drought doesn't mean hugh wildfires are going to be more common, but it does mean conditions are ripe for that to be the case. I think it's that way with gun violence and incidences like Aurora and Sandy Hook have produced copycat incidences in the past. I think the conditions are ripe in America for mass shootings and we aren't over with the trend. That could very easily influence women before the mid-term elections to make gun violence a major issue.

I don't have to bank on anything, because I can see the American people wanting the laws changed.

wrong, that is you pantie waste fascist who want that...A lot of people want abortion laws changed and see how that has went..
tsk tsk
I'll tell you your opinion isn't worth shit and enforcing existing laws has nothing to do with the issue. Many laws have no enforcing requirements.

So why not enforce the laws we have and see if that works first?

It seems to me that is just common sense. Isn't that what you're selling here, common sense?

Or are you just bent on your control fetishes?

Who cares how you Ted Nugent shitty pants, NRA gun nutter "Do Nothing" types take it, because the American people aren't going to listen to your suggestions? You have already been told that changes in some laws are required that don't involve enforcement issues, so the people who want things done will change the laws and not listen to you people who don't want anything done. It shouldn't be hard to figure out that the American people don't care what you think or want, when they don't have the same opinion that you have.

Your pigeonholing is lost on me little sheep.

I don't belong to the NRA. Never did.

I don't even own one Ted Nugent song.

And what the fuck is the sense of enacting a law with no enforcement provisions?

And the problem is that you will not prevent any crime by making it harder to legally buy weapons.,

Criminals don't obey laws in case you haven't figured that out yet.

And quite frankly I don't give a shit what the American people want. You don't speak for me and neither do they. We are a country built on individual rights not societal rights.

The fact is that if I buy one gun or one hundred I am no more a threat to anyone than I have been my entire life.

It's you fucking control freaks that are the problem.
The GOP just cannot give up those big checks from the NRA!

when Democrats give up those big checks from Unions, Planned Parenthood, George Soros, etc...then maybe we can discuss giving up checks, eh?
You are banking on them being too stupid to understand that new laws won't stop those with criminal tendencies set on doing the violence.

Consider drought as an analogy. Just because there is a drought doesn't mean hugh wildfires are going to be more common, but it does mean conditions are ripe for that to be the case. I think it's that way with gun violence and incidences like Aurora and Sandy Hook have produced copycat incidences in the past. I think the conditions are ripe in America for mass shootings and we aren't over with the trend. That could very easily influence women before the mid-term elections to make gun violence a major issue.

I don't have to bank on anything, because I can see the American people wanting the laws changed.

Wow you know what ALL Americans want now?

Time to get back on the meds.

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