GOP’s Obsession With Guns Stands To Drive Women Vote In The 2014 Election: Poll

I POSTED a poll the other day that said gun control was the least of the people's worries, jobs, the economy, trying to pay for $3.50 for a gallon of gas and trying to take care of their families was the TOP of the list, gun control at THE BOTTOM...but you conveniently IGNORED that one..

What you are saying is gun control isn't the number one concern of Americans, but that doesn't mean Americans aren't concerned and showing it.

Obama is using the gun control issue as a diversion.

He does not want anyone to think about unemployment, inflation, national debt, war casualties and his other failed policies

Is the Congress going to pass legislation to do anything about those problems? The President can't do Congress's job, so where is the diversion? Congress can handle more than one issue, if they try.

Obama has worked to end the wars Bush started, so why did you right-wingers get involved in attacking Iraq? Why is it your type blames the people who have to clean up your messes? You are the failures.

Since when is reducing national debt by increasing revenue been considered too complicated? The government was making surpluses before you clowns managed to get your hands on it, so again, what about your fucked up ways?
What you are saying is gun control isn't the number one concern of Americans, but that doesn't mean Americans aren't concerned and showing it.

Obama is using the gun control issue as a diversion.

He does not want anyone to think about unemployment, inflation, national debt, war casualties and his other failed policies

Is the Congress going to pass legislation to do anything about those problems? The President can't do Congress's job, so where is the diversion? Congress can handle more than one issue, if they try.

Obama has worked to end the wars Bush started, so why did you right-wingers get involved in attacking Iraq? Why is it your type blames the people who have to clean up your messes? You are the failures.

Since when is reducing national debt by increasing revenue been considered too complicated? The government was making surpluses before you clowns managed to get your hands on it, so again, what about your fucked up ways?
Fraud that is a lie.
No, guy, I'm going to send a trained professional from the ATF.

Like the ones who rid the world of Koresh and his whacks.

Gosh Joey, I'd like YOU to come take my guns by force....ummmk?

And you have yet to prove in any way shape or form how my owning a gun endangers "society".

I have owned a weapon since I was 6 years old and in the past 40 years have never once injured anyone with a weapon.

So until you can prove that I am a so called danger to "society" you have no case.

Um, actually, I don't have to wait until you've proven yourself crazy.

We should take away private guns as a matter of common sense.

You don't need a gun. ANd if your side won't clean up your act, I have no problem taking them by force.
So basically ignore centuries of precedent over product liability just to satisfy your need to screw over your fellow citizen.

You are such a fascist, it is not even funny.

Negged for being a Nazi bastard.

Actually, there are tons of precedents that back up the notion of holding the gunmakers responsible.

The Tobacco settlement. Or the fact that they are making false claims. (They claim a gun makes your family safer when the exact oppossite is true.)
Actually no ... that's why we have the United States Supreme Court, you know separation of powers? Then there's the fact that the right to bear arms is an Amendment, as the Founders outlined specific procedures when it comes to making changes to an Amendment. So before you start spouting I won and I want what I want little tantrum, you might want to consider taking the time to actually "reading" the Constitution.

Fuck the Constitution.

There are sooooo many ways we can fuck with gun owners and gun makers... we don't need to worry about that.

Here's one. Repeal the law that grants immunity to gun makers for death.

Let all the people who lost kids at Sandy Hook sue the shit out of Freedomworks and Cerberus group.

You will be amazed how fast Wall Street loses interest in the Second Amendment when it starts costing them real money.

I don't favor this approach.

But I do favor holding a gun owner who is grossly neglegent in securing their weapon liable when their gun is used in a crime.

Here's my problem. The Gun Makers are negligent when they push for selling their product to people who are patently irresponsible.

Nancy Lanza NEVER should have had guns. Kind of crazy herself with a crazy son. but someone at FreedomWorks decided she was the target market.
So basically ignore centuries of precedent over product liability just to satisfy your need to screw over your fellow citizen.

You are such a fascist, it is not even funny.

Negged for being a Nazi bastard.

Actually, there are tons of precedents that back up the notion of holding the gunmakers responsible.

The Tobacco settlement. Or the fact that they are making false claims. (They claim a gun makes your family safer when the exact oppossite is true.)

I agree, and it seems to me that the NRA could also be liable for making false claims.
So basically ignore centuries of precedent over product liability just to satisfy your need to screw over your fellow citizen.

You are such a fascist, it is not even funny.

Negged for being a Nazi bastard.

Actually, there are tons of precedents that back up the notion of holding the gunmakers responsible.

The Tobacco settlement. Or the fact that they are making false claims. (They claim a gun makes your family safer when the exact oppossite is true.)

Don't you mean precedence? Like Miller vs. U.S. being the precedence that assault weapons ban are unconstitutional?
I don't care how many guns someone has as long as they are registered and checked every year to make sure they still have them. I want the guns ballistics tested on a periodic basis and laws to prevent the barrel being changed without another ballistics test.

If you think that is control, who cares? If you don't like it, don't own a gun.

If you can't figure out some laws don't involve enforcement issues then get one of your buddies to explain it to you and that rules me out.

NRA types don't have to be NRA members; it's called English, so you should learn how to speak it, instead of telling Hispanics to learn it.
if you want to come in my home to count my property get a fucking warrant.

Or do you want to trash the 4th amendment too?

If the day comes to register weapons, no one has to go to your home. At some point the time to register all firearms will pass and after that anyone caught with unregistered weapons would lose their right to possess firearms. Maybe you can get by in life without a cop ever finding them, but how can they be passed on without that person running the same risks? It may be possible to use gunshop records to trace you down, so do whatever you want, it's called making your own bed. People like you think you can disobey a law just because you don't agree with it, so what makes you think society is going to tolerate your kind? If the cops want you and your guns, after mandatory registration, all they have to do is get your ass outside your little arsenal and it's fines and jail time for you and some gun dealer profiting off of reselling your guns.

Maybe you can make a living as a jailhouse lawyer.

It'll never happen.

The government has no business knowing what i own.

There is no cause to know.

You can't treat people like criminals if they have done nothing wrong.
So basically ignore centuries of precedent over product liability just to satisfy your need to screw over your fellow citizen.

You are such a fascist, it is not even funny.

Negged for being a Nazi bastard.

Actually, there are tons of precedents that back up the notion of holding the gunmakers responsible.

The Tobacco settlement. Or the fact that they are making false claims. (They claim a gun makes your family safer when the exact oppossite is true.)

Don't you mean precedence? Like Miller vs. U.S. being the precedence that assault weapons ban are unconstitutional?

NOpe. don't mean that at all.

Again, there are all sorts of way to fuck with the gun makers. Lawsuits, screwing with the investment groups. The Cerberus Groups is already trying to liquidate Freedom Works. They don't want to be known as "Maker of Baby Killers".
No, guy, I'm going to send a trained professional from the ATF.

Like the ones who rid the world of Koresh and his whacks.

Gosh Joey, I'd like YOU to come take my guns by force....ummmk?

Um, actually, I don't have to wait until you've proven yourself crazy.

We should take away private guns as a matter of common sense.

You don't need a gun. ANd if your side won't clean up your act, I have no problem taking them by force.

Yeah i bet a control freak like you got a major hard on when all those little kids were killed by the fucking government.
No, guy, I'm going to send a trained professional from the ATF.

Like the ones who rid the world of Koresh and his whacks.

Gosh Joey, I'd like YOU to come take my guns by force....ummmk?

Yeah i bet a control freak like you got a major hard on when all those little kids were killed by the fucking government.

They were going to grow up to be religous whacks, so no great loss.

Koresh had months to surrender. He didn't want to give up his little pedophile harem.

(Oh...pssst. The Davidians killed themselves. Sorry.)
Yeah gunning down kids is OK if the government does it.

Well, as I said, three investigations found that the Davidians committed mass suicide...

But don't let that stop you...

Yeah the fucking government always tells the truth

Well, no, because it seems more logical that a cult that believed in the Endtimes and had "suicide drills" would commit mass suicide than the government would kill them.

Incidently, I do think the government handled that thing badly. They should have arrested Koresh outside the compound when he made his daily ice-cream run. But once things went nuts, they should have just waited for him to run out of food.

Point is, the Republicans got what they wanted. They got John Danforth, a respected Republican Senator, to do an investigation of Waco... and found.. yup, Davidians killed themselves.
Well, as I said, three investigations found that the Davidians committed mass suicide...

But don't let that stop you...

Yeah the fucking government always tells the truth

Well, no, because it seems more logical that a cult that believed in the Endtimes and had "suicide drills" would commit mass suicide than the government would kill them.

Incidently, I do think the government handled that thing badly. They should have arrested Koresh outside the compound when he made his daily ice-cream run. But once things went nuts, they should have just waited for him to run out of food.

Point is, the Republicans got what they wanted. They got John Danforth, a respected Republican Senator, to do an investigation of Waco... and found.. yup, Davidians killed themselves.

There was no reason to storm the building and put all those innocents at risk all for arresting one guy.

The government fucked up as it always does.

There was no reason to storm the building and put all those innocents at risk all for arresting one guy.

The government fucked up as it always does.

Again, those innocents were at risk because they were in a suicide cult led by a pedophile...

But, yeah, the government should have waited them out.

But I can't get teary-eyed that they took themselves out of the gene pool. The world already has too many religious crazies and 76 less isn't even a good start.

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