GOP’s Obsession With Guns Stands To Drive Women Vote In The 2014 Election: Poll


There was no reason to storm the building and put all those innocents at risk all for arresting one guy.

The government fucked up as it always does.

Again, those innocents were at risk because they were in a suicide cult led by a pedophile...

Yeah so we just kill them all to get to one guy.

Totally worth it. Collateral damage and all that.

What makes you think the Wackos didn't start the fires?
if you want to come in my home to count my property get a fucking warrant.

Or do you want to trash the 4th amendment too?

If the day comes to register weapons, no one has to go to your home. At some point the time to register all firearms will pass and after that anyone caught with unregistered weapons would lose their right to possess firearms. Maybe you can get by in life without a cop ever finding them, but how can they be passed on without that person running the same risks? It may be possible to use gunshop records to trace you down, so do whatever you want, it's called making your own bed. People like you think you can disobey a law just because you don't agree with it, so what makes you think society is going to tolerate your kind? If the cops want you and your guns, after mandatory registration, all they have to do is get your ass outside your little arsenal and it's fines and jail time for you and some gun dealer profiting off of reselling your guns.

Maybe you can make a living as a jailhouse lawyer.

It'll never happen.

The government has no business knowing what i own.

There is no cause to know.

You can't treat people like criminals if they have done nothing wrong.

It's already happening on a state level. We need it on a national level.
If the day comes to register weapons, no one has to go to your home. At some point the time to register all firearms will pass and after that anyone caught with unregistered weapons would lose their right to possess firearms. Maybe you can get by in life without a cop ever finding them, but how can they be passed on without that person running the same risks? It may be possible to use gunshop records to trace you down, so do whatever you want, it's called making your own bed. People like you think you can disobey a law just because you don't agree with it, so what makes you think society is going to tolerate your kind? If the cops want you and your guns, after mandatory registration, all they have to do is get your ass outside your little arsenal and it's fines and jail time for you and some gun dealer profiting off of reselling your guns.

Maybe you can make a living as a jailhouse lawyer.

It'll never happen.

The government has no business knowing what i own.

There is no cause to know.

You can't treat people like criminals if they have done nothing wrong.

It's already happening on a state level. We need it on a national level.

Where is there a mandatory registration of guns
What you are saying is gun control isn't the number one concern of Americans, but that doesn't mean Americans aren't concerned and showing it.

Obama is using the gun control issue as a diversion.

He does not want anyone to think about unemployment, inflation, national debt, war casualties and his other failed policies

Is the Congress going to pass legislation to do anything about those problems? The President can't do Congress's job, so where is the diversion? Congress can handle more than one issue, if they try.

Obama has worked to end the wars Bush started, so why did you right-wingers get involved in attacking Iraq? Why is it your type blames the people who have to clean up your messes? You are the failures.

Since when is reducing national debt by increasing revenue been considered too complicated? The government was making surpluses before you clowns managed to get your hands on it, so again, what about your fucked up ways?

Dumbass, cut spending back to those nid-90's levels and we'd have surpluses AGAIN!!
It'll never happen.

The government has no business knowing what i own.

There is no cause to know.

You can't treat people like criminals if they have done nothing wrong.

It's already happening on a state level. We need it on a national level.

Where is there a mandatory registration of guns

Mandatory registration of handguns, long guns, or both can be found in D.C., Hawaii, Mass., New York, and New Jersey.

Moreover, mandatory registration has been upheld as Constitutional:

We have found no post-McDonald court case that has considered registration requirements. But post-Heller courts have upheld such requirements. For example, a federal appeals court in Chicago ruled that mandatory firearm registration is constitutional (Justice v. Cicero, 577 F.3d 768 (7th Cir. 2009). According to the court, even if Heller applied to the states and local governments, the town's mandatory registration requirement would still be constitutional because, unlike the law struck down in Heller, the Cicero ordinance merely regulates, but does not prohibit, gun possession. And in 2010 a federal district court upheld the District's registration requirements, concluding that “there is at least a substantial nexus between the registration requirements and the important governmental interest underlying those requirements (Heller v. District of Columbia, 698 F. Supp. 2d 179, 193 (D.D.C. 2010)).

Why do you want women to be unarmed against potential attackers?
It's already happening on a state level. We need it on a national level.

Where is there a mandatory registration of guns

Mandatory registration of handguns, long guns, or both can be found in D.C., Hawaii, Mass., New York, and New Jersey.

Moreover, mandatory registration has been upheld as Constitutional:

We have found no post-McDonald court case that has considered registration requirements. But post-Heller courts have upheld such requirements. For example, a federal appeals court in Chicago ruled that mandatory firearm registration is constitutional (Justice v. Cicero, 577 F.3d 768 (7th Cir. 2009). According to the court, even if Heller applied to the states and local governments, the town's mandatory registration requirement would still be constitutional because, unlike the law struck down in Heller, the Cicero ordinance merely regulates, but does not prohibit, gun possession. And in 2010 a federal district court upheld the District's registration requirements, concluding that “there is at least a substantial nexus between the registration requirements and the important governmental interest underlying those requirements (Heller v. District of Columbia, 698 F. Supp. 2d 179, 193 (D.D.C. 2010)).


Funny I lived in MA and never had to register a weapon.

So more useless legislation huh?
Where is there a mandatory registration of guns

Mandatory registration of handguns, long guns, or both can be found in D.C., Hawaii, Mass., New York, and New Jersey.

Moreover, mandatory registration has been upheld as Constitutional:

We have found no post-McDonald court case that has considered registration requirements. But post-Heller courts have upheld such requirements. For example, a federal appeals court in Chicago ruled that mandatory firearm registration is constitutional (Justice v. Cicero, 577 F.3d 768 (7th Cir. 2009). According to the court, even if Heller applied to the states and local governments, the town's mandatory registration requirement would still be constitutional because, unlike the law struck down in Heller, the Cicero ordinance merely regulates, but does not prohibit, gun possession. And in 2010 a federal district court upheld the District's registration requirements, concluding that “there is at least a substantial nexus between the registration requirements and the important governmental interest underlying those requirements (Heller v. District of Columbia, 698 F. Supp. 2d 179, 193 (D.D.C. 2010)).


Funny I lived in MA and never had to register a weapon.

So more useless legislation huh?

You guys claim you can analyze, but what was "Fast and Furious" about and which right-wing think tank coined that term? If the opportunity to illegally buy powerful weapons didn't exist in America, they wouldn't have been here buying weapons. Just how many no brainers does a right-winger have to fight off every day to remain stupid?

Fast and furious was just a continuation of police action using the method to allow shipments of illegal substances to go through and gathering intelligence to fight a larger battle, while observing the players involved. It's done often to catch the big fish criminals, so what is your problem with that SOP and why is everything always on the President's desk?
Why do you want women to be unarmed against potential attackers?

A woman is three times more likely to be murdered if there is a gun in the home if there isn't.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

According to the FBI, only 201 felons were killed in self defense with guns while committing a felony.

Next up, let's protect our kids with rabid pitbulls and rattlesnakes!
Why do you want women to be unarmed against potential attackers?

A woman is three times more likely to be murdered if there is a gun in the home if there isn't.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

According to the FBI, only 201 felons were killed in self defense with guns while committing a felony.

Next up, let's protect our kids with rabid pitbulls and rattlesnakes!

Again with the bullshit 43 times number from one study in one county in Oregon.

Those two sisters who fought off an attacker recently were 100% more likey to be harmed if they didnt have a firearm.

The real issue is one skells know women are disarmed, they know they have a greater chance of getting away with an assault.
Why do you want women to be unarmed against potential attackers?

A woman is three times more likely to be murdered if there is a gun in the home if there isn't.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

According to the FBI, only 201 felons were killed in self defense with guns while committing a felony.

Next up, let's protect our kids with rabid pitbulls and rattlesnakes!

Again with the bullshit 43 times number from one study in one county in Oregon.

Those two sisters who fought off an attacker recently were 100% more likey to be harmed if they didnt have a firearm.

The real issue is one skells know women are disarmed, they know they have a greater chance of getting away with an assault.

Ahhhh.... "Skells".... Why don't you just use the N-word? You'll feel so much better.

Incidently, the Kellerman Study was in Washington, not Oregon, and it was repeated in other cities.

In 1993, Kellermann responded to the criticism of his 1986 paper with a case-control study[12] of the rates of all homicides in the victim's home in Cleveland, Ohio, Memphis, Tennessee, and Seattle over five years, in homes where a gun was kept versus homes where a gun was not...These results were interpreted by Kellermann as confirming the 1986 finding that, on net, a firearm in the home represents a greater risk overall than the protection it may offer against intruders, either indirectly or by discouraging potential assaults. Kellermann noted that the study demonstrates the pervasiveness of domestic assault, as compared to better publicized crimes such as home invasion, but continued to stress the role of handguns in increasing the lethality of such assaults.

Arthur Kellermann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why do you want women to be unarmed against potential attackers?

A woman is three times more likely to be murdered if there is a gun in the home if there isn't.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

According to the FBI, only 201 felons were killed in self defense with guns while committing a felony.

Next up, let's protect our kids with rabid pitbulls and rattlesnakes!

Only 201 felons killed but what you fail to mention is how many times a firearm prevented a crime without being fired or without killing anyone. The goal of self defense is not to kill an attacker but rather just to stop the attack.

You like to cherry pick your stats so why don't you present the whole picture?

Oh wait I know why, that would mean you have to be honest and you can't do that now can you?
Why do you want women to be unarmed against potential attackers?

A woman is three times more likely to be murdered if there is a gun in the home if there isn't.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

According to the FBI, only 201 felons were killed in self defense with guns while committing a felony.

Next up, let's protect our kids with rabid pitbulls and rattlesnakes!

Only 201 felons killed but what you fail to mention is how many times a firearm prevented a crime without being fired or without killing anyone. The goal of self defense is not to kill an attacker but rather just to stop the attack.

You like to cherry pick your stats so why don't you present the whole picture?

Oh wait I know why, that would mean you have to be honest and you can't do that now can you?

I don't present that number because it probably doesn't exist. I also don't present the number of times that a domestic abuser threatens his family with a gun, although that probably happens a lot more often than a bad guy being frightened off.

Dead bodies are a nice, solid number.

Number of Good guys killed with guns- 30,000.

Number of bad guys killed with guns - 201.

Hardly seems worth it.
You guys claim you can analyze, but what was "Fast and Furious" about and which right-wing think tank coined that term?
F & F was about arming cartels with high-powered weaponry. It couldn't have been about stopping the arms because the ATF did NOTHING to even TRY.

ATF came up with the term all by themselves, no 'right-wing think tank' required.

If the opportunity to illegally buy powerful weapons didn't exist in America, they wouldn't have been here buying weapons. Just how many no brainers does a right-winger have to fight off every day to remain stupid?
Funny thing about that, the gun store owners realized that these were straw purchases, contacted the 'proper authorities', and were ORDERED to let the guns go.

Fast and furious was just a continuation of police action using the method to allow shipments of illegal substances to go through and gathering intelligence to fight a larger battle, while observing the players involved. It's done often to catch the big fish criminals, so what is your problem with that SOP and why is everything always on the President's desk?
The problem with THAT premise is that there was NO intelligence gathered, NO 'larger battle', NO attempt to track the weapons across the border, and NO realization by Holder & Co. that this method had already been tried and FAILED by the previous administration.

I can't believe you don't already know all this, are you stupid, retarded, or both?
A woman is three times more likely to be murdered if there is a gun in the home if there isn't.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

According to the FBI, only 201 felons were killed in self defense with guns while committing a felony.

Next up, let's protect our kids with rabid pitbulls and rattlesnakes!

Only 201 felons killed but what you fail to mention is how many times a firearm prevented a crime without being fired or without killing anyone. The goal of self defense is not to kill an attacker but rather just to stop the attack.

You like to cherry pick your stats so why don't you present the whole picture?

Oh wait I know why, that would mean you have to be honest and you can't do that now can you?

I don't present that number because it probably doesn't exist. I also don't present the number of times that a domestic abuser threatens his family with a gun, although that probably happens a lot more often than a bad guy being frightened off.

Dead bodies are a nice, solid number.

Number of Good guys killed with guns- 30,000.

Number of bad guys killed with guns - 201.

Hardly seems worth it.

number of car deaths each year-30,000
hardly seems worth it..we should ban them too
Only 201 felons killed but what you fail to mention is how many times a firearm prevented a crime without being fired or without killing anyone. The goal of self defense is not to kill an attacker but rather just to stop the attack.

You like to cherry pick your stats so why don't you present the whole picture?

Oh wait I know why, that would mean you have to be honest and you can't do that now can you?

I don't present that number because it probably doesn't exist. I also don't present the number of times that a domestic abuser threatens his family with a gun, although that probably happens a lot more often than a bad guy being frightened off.

Dead bodies are a nice, solid number.

Number of Good guys killed with guns- 30,000.

Number of bad guys killed with guns - 201.

Hardly seems worth it.

number of car deaths each year-30,000
hardly seems worth it..we should ban them too

JoeB likes cherry-picking, it's the only way he can 'level the playing field'.

Of those 'good guys killed with a gun', he leaves out the fact that +/- 20K are suicides, and +/- 80% of the rest are criminals killed by criminals.

number of car deaths each year-30,000
hardly seems worth it..we should ban them too

Cars aren't designed to kill people... guns are.

When a gun kills someone, it is doing EXACTLY what it was designed to do.

JoeB likes cherry-picking, it's the only way he can 'level the playing field'.

Of those 'good guys killed with a gun', he leaves out the fact that +/- 20K are suicides, and +/- 80% of the rest are criminals killed by criminals.

Well, I dispute the 80% are criminals. You guys will claim that someone was a crimnal if they had a juvenile shoplifting beef.

Nor are suicides no big deal. In fact, that's the problem. A gun in the house makes suicide a lot easier.

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