GOP’s Obsession With Guns Stands To Drive Women Vote In The 2014 Election: Poll


JoeB likes cherry-picking, it's the only way he can 'level the playing field'.

Of those 'good guys killed with a gun', he leaves out the fact that +/- 20K are suicides, and +/- 80% of the rest are criminals killed by criminals.

Well, I dispute the 80% are criminals. You guys will claim that someone was a crimnal if they had a juvenile shoplifting beef.

Nor are suicides no big deal. In fact, that's the problem. A gun in the house makes suicide a lot easier.

If you dispute it please provide some info that disproves it, or STFU.

If someone wants to kill themselves they'll find a way to do it with or without a gun.

1. Hanging - Let's ban ropes and belts

2. Carbon Monoxide - Let's ban enclosed garages and automobiles

3. Poisoning - Let's ban ALL drugs and household cleaners

4. Suicide by cop - Let's ban police
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JoeB likes cherry-picking, it's the only way he can 'level the playing field'.

Of those 'good guys killed with a gun', he leaves out the fact that +/- 20K are suicides, and +/- 80% of the rest are criminals killed by criminals.

Well, I dispute the 80% are criminals. You guys will claim that someone was a crimnal if they had a juvenile shoplifting beef.

Nor are suicides no big deal. In fact, that's the problem. A gun in the house makes suicide a lot easier.

If someone wants to kill themselves they'll find a way to do it with or without a gun.

1. Hanging - Let's ban ropes and belts

2. Carbon Monoxide - Let's ban enclosed garages and automobiles

3. Poisoning - Let's ban ALL drugs and household cleaners

4. Suicide by cop - Let's ban police

Except all those methods are harder than just shooting yourself.

Again- Ban guns- less deaths. Simple enough.
Well, I dispute the 80% are criminals. You guys will claim that someone was a crimnal if they had a juvenile shoplifting beef.

Nor are suicides no big deal. In fact, that's the problem. A gun in the house makes suicide a lot easier.

If someone wants to kill themselves they'll find a way to do it with or without a gun.

1. Hanging - Let's ban ropes and belts

2. Carbon Monoxide - Let's ban enclosed garages and automobiles

3. Poisoning - Let's ban ALL drugs and household cleaners

4. Suicide by cop - Let's ban police

Except all those methods are harder than just shooting yourself.

Again- Ban guns- less deaths. Simple enough.

Joe, a person who wants to kill themselves will do it with or without a gun.

According to NIMH, about 50% of suicides use guns, which means that 50% use other methods.

Banning guns won't stop someone from killing themselves, Joe.
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If someone wants to kill themselves they'll find a way to do it with or without a gun.

1. Hanging - Let's ban ropes and belts

2. Carbon Monoxide - Let's ban enclosed garages and automobiles

3. Poisoning - Let's ban ALL drugs and household cleaners

4. Suicide by cop - Let's ban police

Except all those methods are harder than just shooting yourself.

Again- Ban guns- less deaths. Simple enough.

Joe, a person who wants to kill themselves will do it with or without a gun.

According to NIMH, about 50% of suicides use guns, which means that 50% use other methods.

Banning guns won't stop someone from killing themselves, Joe.

NIMH · Suicide in the U.S.: Statistics and Prevention

Keep telling yourself that, the Gun industry thanks you for your irresponsible support.

20,000 gun deaths by suicide a year are too many.
Why do you want women to be unarmed against potential attackers?

A woman is three times more likely to be murdered if there is a gun in the home if there isn't.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

According to the FBI, only 201 felons were killed in self defense with guns while committing a felony.

Next up, let's protect our kids with rabid pitbulls and rattlesnakes!

A woman is three times more likely to be murdered if there is a gun in the home if there isn't.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

According to the FBI, only 201 felons were killed in self defense with guns while committing a felony.

Next up, let's protect our kids with rabid pitbulls and rattlesnakes!

Only 201 felons killed but what you fail to mention is how many times a firearm prevented a crime without being fired or without killing anyone. The goal of self defense is not to kill an attacker but rather just to stop the attack.

You like to cherry pick your stats so why don't you present the whole picture?

Oh wait I know why, that would mean you have to be honest and you can't do that now can you?

I don't present that number because it probably doesn't exist. I also don't present the number of times that a domestic abuser threatens his family with a gun, although that probably happens a lot more often than a bad guy being frightened off.

Dead bodies are a nice, solid number.

Number of Good guys killed with guns- 30,000.

Number of bad guys killed with guns - 201.

Hardly seems worth it.


Guns are used in self defense about 2.5 million times a year.

It's very worth it.
Why do you want women to be unarmed against potential attackers?

A woman is three times more likely to be murdered if there is a gun in the home if there isn't.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

According to the FBI, only 201 felons were killed in self defense with guns while committing a felony.

Next up, let's protect our kids with rabid pitbulls and rattlesnakes!


I've linked all these things in other posts... look them up.

Guns are used in self defense about 2.5 million times a year.

It's very worth it.

Never happens.

If it did, we'd all know dozens of people who did this.

Example. We know that guns kill about 30,000 people a year. Therefore, we'd all statistically at least know of someone killed with a gun. I know of two- both suicides.

If this happened 2.5 MILLION times a year. We'd all know of someone who chased off a bad guy with a gun.

It doesn't happen.

Guns are used in self defense about 2.5 million times a year.

It's very worth it.

Never happens.

If it did, we'd all know dozens of people who did this.

Example. We know that guns kill about 30,000 people a year. Therefore, we'd all statistically at least know of someone killed with a gun. I know of two- both suicides.

If this happened 2.5 MILLION times a year. We'd all know of someone who chased off a bad guy with a gun.

It doesn't happen.

With 330 million Americans that makes the true odds of your conjecture less than 1 in 100.
A woman is three times more likely to be murdered if there is a gun in the home if there isn't.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

According to the FBI, only 201 felons were killed in self defense with guns while committing a felony.

Next up, let's protect our kids with rabid pitbulls and rattlesnakes!

Only 201 felons killed but what you fail to mention is how many times a firearm prevented a crime without being fired or without killing anyone. The goal of self defense is not to kill an attacker but rather just to stop the attack.

You like to cherry pick your stats so why don't you present the whole picture?

Oh wait I know why, that would mean you have to be honest and you can't do that now can you?

I don't present that number because it probably doesn't exist. I also don't present the number of times that a domestic abuser threatens his family with a gun, although that probably happens a lot more often than a bad guy being frightened off.

Dead bodies are a nice, solid number.

Number of Good guys killed with guns- 30,000.

Number of bad guys killed with guns - 201.

Hardly seems worth it.
If you saved your own life you might think it was,worth it.

Guns are used in self defense about 2.5 million times a year.

It's very worth it.

Never happens.

If it did, we'd all know dozens of people who did this.

Example. We know that guns kill about 30,000 people a year. Therefore, we'd all statistically at least know of someone killed with a gun. I know of two- both suicides.

If this happened 2.5 MILLION times a year. We'd all know of someone who chased off a bad guy with a gun.

It doesn't happen.

With 330 million Americans that makes the true odds of your conjecture less than 1 in 100.

Exactly my point. It would mean that one out of 10 Americans would have fended off a bad guy in the last decade...

I don't know anyone who has done that- EVER.
Well, I dispute the 80% are criminals. You guys will claim that someone was a crimnal if they had a juvenile shoplifting beef.

Nor are suicides no big deal. In fact, that's the problem. A gun in the house makes suicide a lot easier.

If someone wants to kill themselves they'll find a way to do it with or without a gun.

1. Hanging - Let's ban ropes and belts

2. Carbon Monoxide - Let's ban enclosed garages and automobiles

3. Poisoning - Let's ban ALL drugs and household cleaners

4. Suicide by cop - Let's ban police

Except all those methods are harder than just shooting yourself.

Again- Ban guns- less deaths. Simple enough.
You are a typical simple minded libtard. Banning guns does not result in less deaths, typical stupid thing to say from a stupid libtard.
You are a typical simple minded libtard. Banning guns does not result in less deaths, typical stupid thing to say from a stupid libtard.

Then explain why we have 11,000 gun murders and Japan only had 11, the UK only had 47.

Why do you keep asking the same question over and over, when you have already been answered? Are you somehow expecting a different answer?

Guns are used in self defense about 2.5 million times a year.

It's very worth it.

Never happens.

If it did, we'd all know dozens of people who did this.

Example. We know that guns kill about 30,000 people a year. Therefore, we'd all statistically at least know of someone killed with a gun. I know of two- both suicides.

If this happened 2.5 MILLION times a year. We'd all know of someone who chased off a bad guy with a gun.

It doesn't happen.

Who wouldn't shoot themselves if they knew you?
I wonder how the tax exempt Soros propaganda network will characterize the defense of the 1st Amendment? "Obsession with radios"?
You are a typical simple minded libtard. Banning guns does not result in less deaths, typical stupid thing to say from a stupid libtard.

Then explain why we have 11,000 gun murders and Japan only had 11, the UK only had 47.

Why do you keep asking the same question over and over, when you have already been answered? Are you somehow expecting a different answer?

No, I never really expect you gun fetishist to do anything other than project your racism or find some other excuse for how the guns aren't to blame for gun deaths.
"Then explain why we have 11,000 gun murders and Japan only had 11, the UK only had 47."

simple... different culture, different mindset, add to that our population size. Why do assume it has to do with the number of guns?
Six gun companies have announced plans to stop selling any of their products to any government agency in states that severely limit the rights of private gun ownership.

Disappointed with New York State lawmakers and other jurisdictions around the country who have passed strict gun control legislation, the companies—composed of firearm manufacturers, gunsmiths, and sporting goods retailers—have announced these policies in the past week.

Their various statements emphasize that such laws create a class of government employees with rights and and a class of citizens without rights. Thus, they refuse to aid the enforcement of such inequality.

Gun Companies Refuse Sales to State Governments with Strict Gun Laws

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