GOP say Obama hate isn't about race. Obviously it is personal. So what is it?

he is an ignorant, arrogant pseudo-intellectual moron. Thats enough to hate his guts for fucking up our country, isn't it?
For Obama, it's been outright hate from day one even before he was sworn in. You know you can't compare the two. The fact that you do says a lot about your honesty. Or lack thereof.

:lol:........"Honesty or lack thereof"......:lol:.....dont worry least your little Groupie Lakunta thinks your a great guy....:lol:.
You know that Bush had the highest approval ratings of any president in history. Why is it you guys just lie? All the time? You sit in front of the Internet. You think you can lie and no one will find out? We call that "delusion".

and no one has ever denied that ......its what the dipshit did afterwards that is the you pay attention to the posts in this forum Dean? ......or do you just post shit randomly? wait dont answer will just spout more bullshit....
Why anyone bothers to repond to this type of drivel is beyond me. Nothing anyone says will convince rdean or any of his like minded cronies that those who disagree with Obama and his policies do so for any reason other than racist hatred. Never will they believe that it is not hate, if you have the audacity to speak out against our President, his administration,or his policies, it can be only because you are a racist...

So you got nothin. Well, thanks for playin. :eusa_whistle:
Oh, you mean rdean. He's a great American patriot. Whereas,... you apparently can't even afford Viagra...Bob...


dumbass a does it feel being the left nut in Deans ballsack? you and Douger clunk heads often?......

Bob, your obsession with rdean's privates seems a little strange... Are you jealous?

of you sucking his Dick?......hey if that's what you like,go for it.....not that there's anything wrong with that.......if your good he may even let you rub his feet.....:eusa_angel:
dumbass a does it feel being the left nut in Deans ballsack? you and Douger clunk heads often?......

Bob, your obsession with rdean's privates seems a little strange... Are you jealous?

of you sucking his Dick?......hey if that's what you like,go for it.....not that there's anything wrong with that.......if your good he may even let you rub his feet.....:eusa_angel:

Hey, Bob, you're the one who seems addicted to "stiffy" dope...
Bob, your obsession with rdean's privates seems a little strange... Are you jealous?

of you sucking his Dick?......hey if that's what you like,go for it.....not that there's anything wrong with that.......if your good he may even let you rub his feet.....:eusa_angel:

Hey, Bob, you're the one who seems addicted to "stiffy" dope...

sorry dude every time i look down there i see the back of your head.....what am i supposed to think?...........:eusa_eh:
Hate Obama? You may not be a racist. But you will be white

The president's critics are not all prejudiced but the crowd is mutating to the extremes. And we have a bad history on this topic.

By Michael Tomasky, The Guardian, Sunday 15 November 2009

I was just recalling how, about a year ago, my country was swept up in a spasm of self-congratulation. Not only had Barack Obama broken a seemingly insuperable historical barrier in winning the presidency, the media told us, but "we" had as well. We had overcome centuries of gruesome history and proved to the world that America could live up to its promise.

The US press in those days duly reported but tended to downplay events that told the opposite story. The footnote, for instance, that the white supremacist website temporarily went dead on 5 November, the day after the election, because it was so inundated with requests for membership. And the tale about the Maine convenience store that started an "Osama Obama Shotgun Pool" inviting customers to bet on the date Obama would be shot, and saying: "Let's hope we have a winner".

These were treated as isolated events, and maybe they were. The important thing was the people had spoken, and they'd given proof that America wasn't that kind of country any more.

A year later, we've seen an epidemic of hatred against the president that I think is safe to call unprecedented. Bill Clinton and George W Bush were hated – but not quite like this. When we have a pastor, a real-live Baptist minister in Arizona, devoting a sermon to explaining why the president should "melt like a snail" (and he was explicit – he meant Obama should be killed), we've reached a new point. Obama, it was reported over the summer, receives 30 death threats a day, three or four times the number issued against Bush. And I think it can't be just a coincidence that you will almost never see him give a speech out of doors, the middle of a heavily guarded military base (Fort Hood) providing a recent and rare exception.

More: Hate Obama? You may not be a racist. But you will be white | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | The Guardian
I've never seen anything like this intense hatred for Obama by wingnuts.

I guess you missed the GOP under Clinton. Or the Democrats under Bush.

Nope, I didn't miss it.

Clinton: You're right about that. Republicans were rabid in their quest to burn the Clintons at the stake. I had a senior moment...

Bush: Left rage against Bush for lying us into an illegal and needless war in Iraq is and was understandable - but Democrats basically remained the loyal opposition. Nancy Pelosi prevented impeachment proceedings against Bush.

Does the bullshit literally come out your ears when you are as full of it as that post suggests?
of you sucking his Dick?......hey if that's what you like,go for it.....not that there's anything wrong with that.......if your good he may even let you rub his feet.....:eusa_angel:

Hey, Bob, you're the one who seems addicted to "stiffy" dope...

sorry dude every time i look down there i see the back of your head.....what am i supposed to think?...........:eusa_eh:

Bob, wouldn't you be more at home on a gay message board? Unless you're a girl...?
If it isn't race, then what is it?

You look at the Republican Party. 90% white and mostly based in the south. The southern conservatives give it a very strong "confederate background". But the right wingers say this intense hatred of this man isn't about race.

And make no mistake about it. This is very intense and deeply personal hatred from the gut. There is no mild dislike or disagreement. This is deep hated. The kind where you want the object of your hate to suffer. The hate is so great, they are willing to see terrible damage done to the country.


A quote from Paul Whitefield:

On the foreign-policy front, the administration has had a string of successes: Osama bin Laden killed; major Al Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen killed; and this week, of course, Moammar Kadafi killed.
And on Friday, the president announced that all U.S. troops will be out of Iraq by year’s end.
An unpopular war will be officially over for us soon. Terrorists and terrorist groups that threaten us are dead or on the run. Libya’s longtime strongman has been overthrown, thanks in part to Obama’s policy that had the U.S. and NATO working together.


You see, without Republican obstructionism, Obama is pretty successful.

The vast majority of American want the jobs bill, they want taxes increased on billionaires, they want investment in American infrastructure, they want teachers and police and firefighters. They even want Americans to have health care.

But when Obama suggests any of these things, the right is against them. Look at Libya. First they screamed that he should be involved. Then when he was, they screamed he shouldn't be.

The hatred is so great, the right is on auto pilot. They go against anything Obama.

They can't even give him credit for taking out Bin Laden. Nothing.

The stories about him are incredible. The hate is so great, they make up anything they can think up. Even things like, "He's the anti Christ". Something at least a quarter of Republicans believe. Even now, you will have right wingers endlessly repeating debunked stories. They just have to believe he's this wicked. Otherwise, the hatred seems based on race.

So what is it? Why do Republicans hate this man so much? They will say, "It's because he's done so much bad". Bush did so much worse and no one hates him they way the right hates Obama. And they can't even name the bad. It's all weird nebulous things like, "He's a communist" or "He lies" or "He's bad for the country". Just sound bytes. Little talking points. Even when he made an agreement for BP to pay 20 billion to clean up their mess, the right's hatred is so great, they were on the side of BP. 11 men died. The gulf was flooded with oil. But it was Obama's fault. Their hatred doesn't even make sense.

And when you point that out, they scream you are a partisan hack for defending the president. Why all this hate? Deep and personal?

No, it doesn't make sense! I've never seen anything like this intense hatred for Obama by wingnuts. Their hatred supercedes country and patriotism. Under the circumstances, Obama had done a remarkable job so far.

Is the current hatred towards Obama any more intense than the hatred towards Bush from 02-08? Ha, what a short term memory you have.
Ironically, has anyone noticed how pissed off and full of hate the OWS is? That they hate the "system" and how unfair things are? They do know the current "system" is headed by a black president right? And the OWS is about 90% WHITE LIBERALS.

Why do white liberals of OWS hate the black guy heading up the current system so much?
Ironically, has anyone noticed how pissed off and full of hate the OWS is? That they hate the "system" and how unfair things are? They do know the current "system" is headed by a black president right? And the OWS is about 90% WHITE LIBERALS.

Why do white liberals of OWS hate the black guy heading up the current system so much?
Who could possibly argue with such deep thoughts and penetrating insights?
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If it isn't race, then what is it?

You look at the Republican Party. 90% white and mostly based in the south. The southern conservatives give it a very strong "confederate background". But the right wingers say this intense hatred of this man isn't about race.

And make no mistake about it. This is very intense and deeply personal hatred from the gut. There is no mild dislike or disagreement. This is deep hated. The kind where you want the object of your hate to suffer. The hate is so great, they are willing to see terrible damage done to the country.


A quote from Paul Whitefield:

On the foreign-policy front, the administration has had a string of successes: Osama bin Laden killed; major Al Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen killed; and this week, of course, Moammar Kadafi killed.
And on Friday, the president announced that all U.S. troops will be out of Iraq by year’s end.
An unpopular war will be officially over for us soon. Terrorists and terrorist groups that threaten us are dead or on the run. Libya’s longtime strongman has been overthrown, thanks in part to Obama’s policy that had the U.S. and NATO working together.


You see, without Republican obstructionism, Obama is pretty successful.

The vast majority of American want the jobs bill, they want taxes increased on billionaires, they want investment in American infrastructure, they want teachers and police and firefighters. They even want Americans to have health care.

But when Obama suggests any of these things, the right is against them. Look at Libya. First they screamed that he should be involved. Then when he was, they screamed he shouldn't be.

The hatred is so great, the right is on auto pilot. They go against anything Obama.

They can't even give him credit for taking out Bin Laden. Nothing.

The stories about him are incredible. The hate is so great, they make up anything they can think up. Even things like, "He's the anti Christ". Something at least a quarter of Republicans believe. Even now, you will have right wingers endlessly repeating debunked stories. They just have to believe he's this wicked. Otherwise, the hatred seems based on race.

So what is it? Why do Republicans hate this man so much? They will say, "It's because he's done so much bad". Bush did so much worse and no one hates him they way the right hates Obama. And they can't even name the bad. It's all weird nebulous things like, "He's a communist" or "He lies" or "He's bad for the country". Just sound bytes. Little talking points. Even when he made an agreement for BP to pay 20 billion to clean up their mess, the right's hatred is so great, they were on the side of BP. 11 men died. The gulf was flooded with oil. But it was Obama's fault. Their hatred doesn't even make sense.

And when you point that out, they scream you are a partisan hack for defending the president. Why all this hate? Deep and personal?

No, it doesn't make sense! I've never seen anything like this intense hatred for Obama by wingnuts. Their hatred supercedes country and patriotism. Under the circumstances, Obama had done a remarkable job so far.

Is the current hatred towards Obama any more intense than the hatred towards Bush from 02-08? Ha, what a short term memory you have.

Funny. You appear to have none at all...
Can't you guys ever stop lying and give an honest answer? Ever?

Who exactly is lying? Why do you think any of us are giving dishonest answers? Because you dont like them?

The fact is Obama's policies have seriously screwed up this nation. But rather than have an honest debate on the merits of his policies, you want to play games.

Is it really so difficult to concieve that people dont like your ideas that they would oppose them on the merits that you have to convince yourself it's racism that is the real cause of people opposing you?

This isnt about Obama at all. This is about your pride. You can't handle the truth. That your viewpoint sucks.
The movie, Blazing Saddles, pretty much sums up trying to communicate with wingnuts. Here's a small sample...

[ame=]Authentic Frontier Gibberish - YouTube[/ame]

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